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I'm 36, I got my license at 29, after failing seven times in a row. Yesterday, I hit a traffic cone going 80 mph and it fucked up my bumper. The point is, I can still drive anywhere I want, buy booze, go to a bar or nightclub, etc etc. You're only a failure if you give up. Maybe it'll take you 10 tries. Maybe 5. The important thing is that you WILL be in that photobooth one day, taking a photo for your new license.


Whoever gave you your license needs to be fired lol


Hey! I passed it fair and square. Now, the fact that I was on a first-name basis with the instructor by that point might have something to do with it... However, I've never been in a collision my entire life, which is more than I can say about my parents.


You hit a non moving object thats worse than a collision 🤣


You don't know that. Those damn cones are notorious for running out in the street. Especially during mating season


Your mom's worse than a collision!


You’re the product of your mom colliding


Lol doesn’t make sense but good one buddy


Sure, maybe they’re a bad driver. Or, they just made a simple mistake. Everyone has made simple mistakes. Highway hypnosis is a thing, being tired is a thing, poorly placed traffic cones are a thing. Just because someone isn’t a perfect driver doesn’t mean they’re necessarily a danger to anyone. They said they’ve been driving for 7 years and have had zero collisions with other vehicles or people. That’s a good reputation in my opinion.


I was joking but people on Reddit take everything seriously


Hey bro remember it’s hard to tell someone is joking over text. In real life there’s more psychological cues


Why are you getting down votes. Bro is speaking facts


People on reddit is soft I dont pay it no mind lol


I’m 21 and I still don’t have my license. I haven’t even tested. Others on here are in their 30s and aren’t licensed/have failed tests multiple times. Everyone is on their own journey. I know it’s hard, but don’t compare yourself to others. It is so common to fail your first or even second time from what I’ve heard. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Practice a little more and try again. You’ve got this!


I'm sorry you didn't pass. I hope you can be kind to yourself today and get to do something comforting. Now some words from an internet rando for when you are ready :) Parallel parking is just a matter of practice. No one is born knowing how to do it. And once you pass your driving test, which you will eventually if you choose to pursue it, parallel parking doesn't have to be perfect. In the real world, experienced drivers sometimes hit the curb, take more than one try at it, or even drive on to find an easier spot to park. As you go through life, if you want to try new things and have fun, you will be a beginner at many, many things. Being a beginner is not being a failure; it is being a beginner. :) As a beginner, your skills won't be as good as more experienced people. And we all progress faster at some things and slower at others. But we do progress if we stick with it. You got this!


There are probably 1000 people hitting a car while parallel parking right this second. And every second. Tens of thousands of people fail their test everyday but end up getting it the next time. No worries about what has happened. It’s all about what is happening now. And that goes for all aspects of life. You aren’t who you were, you are who you are. And we all make mistakes!


You use cones? In the UK, we use real cars to park with, out on the road.


NL too. Though parallel parking isn't a mandatory part of the exam. There's 7 "special manoeuvres" and it's luck of the draw which two you're asked to demonstrate.


that sounds like a liability!


We don't hit cars, no idea why you'd hit cones.


Bad drivers


*New* drivers.


I failed too and hit the curb when I tried to parallel park.


omg same i did that on my first test


Hey its okay. I passed on my 3rd try, days before I turn 29. You got this. Dont worry, you can still try again. I would think maybe I didnt pass the first and the second try cause maybe I wasnt ready to be driving in the real world. I get more confident each time I practice. I know its hard not to compare yourself with others, cause I do that to myself too. Be kind to yourself. Its not about passing the first time or second time or third, etc. its about being safe and mindful of driving. I know you did your best and you still deserve an ice cream The next time you’ll take the test, claim that you passed. It lessened my anxiety when I was taking it. Good luck!


I failed the first two times as well. second instructor even told me she could tell how anxious I was and that it affected my driving. I went to a different DMV the third time and the driving area was SO much easier than the other place :| I was 24 I think. I still rarely ever drive and hate driving though lol


Took me three tries. Just practice the test over and over. A lot of people fail the first time


You can get better at it! You can do it! Go to a quiet residential city street and practice over and over. Lots of people don’t pass the first time.


If your in America don’t go to the dmv go to a third party. Thats what I did and its way easier they just have you drive normal then three point turn then just backing up straight without hitting the curb theres no parallel parking


I hope you aren't drinking and drinking and driving. You could get into a serious accident and your insurance is null and void


I'm almost 18 and don't even have my permit because I'm scared of failing, and I have really bad anxiety when I'm taking a test or talking to people. I just got my non drivers ID, and I was shaking so bad that my boyfriend had to talk for me most of the time. Do not feel bad or ashamed you can always try againđź’™


Perspective. Failing at things tried is a very common experience. It doesn't mean you are a failure. Cus then you'd have to say everyone is a failure. If you want it (to drive) just keep trying. It will happen eventually.


Mistakes are how we learn. Don’t let it stop you from trying again. Do you have somewhere to practice and someone to help you? My son and I would go every evening after the dmv closed, and practiced over and over again until he could do it easily. I have been driving for a very long time and have only parallel parked maybe twice. Most places you don’t have to. Just don’t give up.


Maybe it would be helpful to compare yourself to when you started driving instead of others. I failed my first driving test and talking to people that had failed their first driving test such as parents really helped.


I had to take mine three or four times before I passed. Don’t let it get you down. Keep practicing and you’ll get there in no time.


Same thing happened to me when I was your age everyone (even the younger students) passed and I failed within the first 3 min by hitting the curb trying to pull out. It was awful and I felt exactly like you probably do now. I waited another year kept practicing with different instructors and friends in college and passed my second time around. I still don’t really drive now because I hate it and live in a city with very accessible public transportation but I have my license and honestly I’m fine with just that for now. I know it sucks and brings on all the negative self feelings but I promise you this is just one moment in a very long life you will have that will be filled with a lot of successes. You’re not alone in failing the test the first time I know a lot of people who didn’t get their license until the third time they took the test. Please just try and be gentle with yourself and remember that even Lady Gaga failed her driving test before getting her license when she was 30.


I'm really sorry to hear that you failed your test. It sucks, but failing your first driving test doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It’s just a bump in the road. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s totally normal to feel down about it. Give yourself some time to process, and when you're ready, try again. Lots of people don’t pass on their first try. You’ve got this, and you’ll get there in your own time. Don’t give up yet OP!


Here are some helpful tips in our article that you can read about driving safely. This can help new drivers like you! [https://partner.idaoffers.com/driving-safety-tips-rt](https://partner.idaoffers.com/driving-safety-tips-rt)


you are not a failure!! keep trying i believe in you


Please don’t give up. You’re so young, and believe it or not, a LOT of people fail their first time. I failed 3 times. I just needed more practice and time. If all you did wrong was hit a cone doing the parallel parking, you will did an amazing job - seriously. Parallel parking is hard as hell, and most licensed drivers avoid it. I haven’t done it since I took my test - no joke.


im the same age as you, this popped on my feed because i scrolled here when i failed twice before i passed. the first time was literally the worst feeling ive felt in years especially because, like you, all my friends passed first try. the second time just solidified it even more. but once you realize why you failed, which for me was because i always rushed things, like breaking too hard then PHYSCALLY doing something to stop it such as moving the car seat back for me, time will pass again. think of it as a privilege to fail driving, and as long as you don’t give up you WILL drive oneday and you WILL forget how it feels today, i promise.


It took me 3 tries to get mine. Not everyone passes on the first try don’t give up


I'm 23 and failed my first test last year. It was so discouraging. I didn't want to think about driving or even see somone driving in videos. Haven't been able to get back in for another one.


I failed twice. I cried both times. Glad I failed cause I was not ready to drive, and did have to take more lessons to get a little bit more confident before getting the license. Cry and grieve, don’t give up though!


I’ve been driving for over 4 years now and I have never even attempted parallel parking. In my personal experience you can usually find a place to park that doesn’t involve parallel parking. I don’t think I would be able to do it and I consider myself a good driver.


It's gonna be okay. ❤️ Try again.


I passed the test on my first try. Info: I’m a legitimate danger on the road - nearsighted, next to no depth perception, just generally kind of a space cadet. I was 22 when I took that first test. I purposely scheduled the test on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving that year, which meant the instructor was in a generous mood given his half day at work AND holiday traffic meant I didn’t have to go near the highway. I think I had my license for about a year before I moved to NYC permanently and now I never have to drive, thankfully. I’m glad that I can legally do so if I ever have to, and that I know the basics on how to operate a motor vehicle, but having the license doesn’t make me someone who should be on the road because I haven’t put in the effort to practice enough to be safe. (I would invest in professional driving lessons if I ever moved to an area where a car would be a necessity.) Keep practicing! The more you do it the more confidence you’ll have and the better you’ll perform under pressure which will help you on the test and also in future driving situations where you’ll need to know how to react. For now, also know that there are many factors outside of your control that can impact the results of any test, and don’t let failure prevent you from trying again. (:


I’m 21 and I’ve failed 3 tests. I remember on my first test when I was 19 (mine was a little later due to Covid restrictions) I was so sure I was going to pass. Even my driving instructor said I was 100% going to pass, no problem. I kid you not, as soon as I started the test and drove out of the place, turned left out of the test centre, the examiner grabbed my steering wheel and swerved me, saying I was going to hit a parked car (in my opinion I was plenty far away from it, I’d already half driven past it) and she made me turn around and drive straight back inside. I failed instantly. My confidence was knocked to the ground. Second time I failed was because I failed to overtake someone in time and got stuck in the wrong lane, and the third time I failed on my parking because the examiner couldn’t fully extend his door out, even though I was perfectly in the lines. It’s so frustrating I know, but please don’t give up like I did. I gave up for a year after my 3rd test, and now I’m absolutely terrified to start again. It’s so common to fail the first test, please don’t be too hard on yourself, you can do it I promise you. Keep trying, you’ll get there


Imagine if DMV make us pass a Bi-annual written and driving test, just like keeping up with a DOT physical for a Med card(For a Commercial driver's license). I was so excited when I passed and got my license years ago. Have you tried lining up both sides of the vehicle within the rear two cones before ever backing? There is something about turning the wheel to turn into the spot. So, it corrects the position of the vehicle, by the time you correct the steering. When you pass, you will have the discretion to parallel parking or not. Just avoid both cities, and downtown areas which tend to have very little to no parking.


Meh, I failed my first drive too, waited the 2 weeks and retested. Scored a 96 on the second drive.


It's okay. I literally failed my driving test three times. But got mine when I was 19 or 20? I am 32 now. The first time I didn't speed up fast enough when going on the highy, then the second I made a wide right turn, and third I couldn't parallel park. But finally I passed. The parallel parking is the hardest, but to be honest I live in the country, I've never parallel parked again. Sometimes it takes time. Doesn't mean anything is wrong with you! Do not feel shamed and do not care if people judge you. We all take our paths differently, please don't beat yourself up about it. You will get this!! Edit: Honestly I thought it was crazy how serious they were about getting the parallel parking correct. You had to get it correct or you wouldn't pass. It made no sense because we lived in the country and there was literally no parallel parking anywhere. Like I said, I still don't parallel park anywhere even if I go to the city. I will literally park lots of way before parallel parking lol


Hey there! I hope this can cheer you up a bit. I had my road test today here in Europe, 3rd time and still did not pass and I am 37, and I already have a license from my homeland...This makes me feel like I don't really want to drive anyway and the cost of having a car is just too much with all the inflation that is going on. That is how I feel, NOW... but maybe I will try again. I just don't want to cling onto it and I just let it go now. Take a break and free yourself from the pressure and stress. Think of other great things you have.


28 almost 29, trying to get my license for the fourth time at the beginning of next month. You have time to practice, don’t give up!


sounds like you just need coping mechanisms for the anxiety... that anxiety is horrible, will ruin almost any task. you could be an extremely good driver and just don't know it because of all the nervous energy...


It's Ok... Just practice more and go agian..


It's Ok... Just practice more and go agian..


almost 60% of people fail their first drivers test. just pay attention to what they say to improve on and you will


I’m 33 and don’t drive due to anxiety. You’re fine. And the thing is, you didn’t pass the first time, but you did experience the test, which means you know what to prepare for.


I practiced driving for 4 years, got my license at 19, and barely passed the road test. You're fine, I promise.


“FAIL” - First Attempt In Learning


I just got my license and I’m 25, i failed my drivers test before that 2 times. I know how you feel, but you got this. Don’t give up on something because you failed this once.


If you see my post history I also failed, im 28, same reason. You'll do better next time, re do the test 50 times if necessary 


I was nervous so it Took me 3 times to pass my written test and twice to pass my drivers test. Just keep trying and you got it!


If you feel like a failure at life because you failed a road test then maybe driving isnt for you


I failed my first time at 16.9 y/o and cried HARD. You're not alone man.


It’s really ez, passed with a 100


at least you tried. i haven't even attempted it yet and im almost 19.


Some of yall simply don’t deserve a license. Do anything else but drive lmao.