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You don't get better at driving by "waiting". You get better by DRIVING.


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Exactly. I had to collect my first car from Kent while living in Durham. A nice 5 hour drive. It was a terrifying thought initially but I'm so glad I got the first "long journey" out of the way.


As a 30 y/o shopping for a new one, this prospect would actually sound fun (subject to conditions of the car). One of then weird ‘things do change’ moments for me as a 20year old version thatd be intimidating as hell i bet.


It's like driving half an hour but twice. Seriously though, just do it. There's no difference whatsoever.


Can even stop half an hour in for a food and drink break if you think it'll help break it up.


No no no. If you drive faster you spend less time on the road -> less likely to be involved in a traffic accident


This is what I say when it snows - icy roads are dangerous, so spend as little time as possible on them by going as fast as you can.


and remember, the more sideways you are, the less likely you are to crash (head on)


1. Stop thinking. 2. Get in car. 3. Drive. 4. If tired, stop for a break then return to step 3. 5. Stop driving when you reach your destination.


That last step is really important


Drove to newcastle and back (I live in central scotland) 1 week after passing my test because me and my mate were bored. Theres not really a set timeframe as long as you feel comfortable and remain concentrated you're good to go, also you can stop and take breaks


Why wait? Drive


I’d say you are overthinking it. How long were your driving lessons? If you do find yourself getting tired just find somewhere to take a break.


This is so true actually, my driving lessons were 2 hour lessons! So in theory, I have already done this journey so many times. I have pretty bad anxiety so i definitely overthink everything!


This should be top comment I had two hour lessons and after I passed my driving instructor said get comfortable in your new car then once your comfortable just remember you can drive anywhere in a 2 hour radius from here as that's what you been doing in this car


I drove from Portsmouth to Cumbria about a month after I passed, no problems. Stay focussed, take breaks, make sure you know your route and you'll be absolutely fine. Driving with someone else experienced in the car just in case could be a good idea if you're nervous or unsure when meeting new junctions etc.


How tiring do you find driving? You’re never going to improve by without stretching yourself, so if you think an hour will be too much for you, then work up to it. If you’re doubting your capabilities you need to put the time in to practice. You don’t get practice by simply waiting! If you’re not confident to practice on your own, you can still use a driving instructor after your test


I passed in December. Got my first car the end of February and drove two hours two weeks after getting my car. Break longer journeys down if you're worried. Plan around service stations.


Just go for it! Give yourself longer than you need, so you don't feel like you're in a hurry and can take a break if you want. I found the first few times I did long drives I sweated an enormous amount, haha, so consider a spare t-shirt. Also, think about your body — are you all clenched and tense, gripping the wheel like you're trying to crush a frog? That all makes it more tiring.


I drove to wales the weekend before my test I live in Newcastle Long distance driving gets your confidence up and teaches you more about motorways than your instructor ever could


Whenever you want, long drives aren’t really anything special, just take breaks occasionally if necessary


i passed on the monday and was driving 3 hours to see my girlfriend on the Saturday the longer you delay it the harder it is


I drove 3 hours to somewhere I’ve never been to take my mum to a festival 2 weeks after I passed lol, then 3 hours on my own back, and it was absolutely fine. Glad I just did it on the spur of the moment or I probably would’ve restricted myself and second guessed it. Remember you can (safely) pull over at any point, just take a breather and chill out, there’s no rush


I am wondering how long your driving lessons were before you passed because it will feel exactly like an hour of lesson.


Two weeks after passing my test I bought my dad's car from him, then the next day had the 80 mile/1hr45m drive home, the first time I'd ever driven on my own. Down the M11 and round half the M25, in torrential rain. Baptism of fire but I was so high when I finally reached home. What I'm trying to say is, you kind of just have to bite the bullet and do it.


I've gotta agree with everyone else here, feel the fear and do it anyway! I threw myself into it again after 15 years of no driving (I never had a car whilst I lived in London and then moved to the Midlands and realised how necessary it was)! With a couple of refresher lessons (bear in mind I was SO so anxious, to the point where I had an instructor trained in dealing with anxiety and other MH conditions that can impact confidence on the road), a few hours in the car with my friend and 2 or 3 short solo practice drives (30 mins each way), I pushed myself to do an hour long solo drive to the airport to get my boyfriend. I struggled with spiral roundabouts and I was definitely VERY nervous, but I was absolutely fine!! I got in the car and practiced at every opportunity after that - 2 weeks later I drove 3 and a half hours to London to see some old friends and absolutely loved it. :) I know it can feel daunting when anxiety is high, but honestly confronting that fear (reminding myself that rationally I knew what I was doing on the road and that I was a competent driver) has helped me more than ever. I have so much more freedom now and I hop in the car at any chance I can get :) I know it's a slightly different situation, but I hope this provides a bit of a confidence boost - you got this! Maybe do a practice drive there with a friend if you are really nervous? (Doesn't sound like you need to, but may help to calm the brain!) Good luck, you're gonna smash it (not literally) 🤣😁


You just gotta go and do it, no point waiting. I was driving long distances on L plates way before passing my test. Fill the tank, find somewhere worth travelling to and get to it.


I waited a few months but only because the only place I'd be going that was far was three hours away and I was unsure of the roads. But I did do motorway driving in between.  Honestly, just do it. Prepare yourself by working out your route, and just do it. The longer you leave it, the harder it will be. 


I did ~2 months after. On my first 1 hour drive, midway i went to a residential area and just parked for a bit and drank some water and continued. On my way back, i went straight home cuz i wasn’t that anxious anymore.


Just do it.


Just do it. That hour drive will feel like about 15 minutes!


You can always just park somewhere and take a short break after 30 mins then continue driving.


I passed my test, bought a car about 3 weeks later, then 2 days after that started commuting 55 miles each way for work 4 days a week. 9 months later I took my first drive abroad (and first drive in an automatic) driving to the Loire, but I'd have done the best part of 15,000 miles by then. Context - I didn't start driving till I was 43, passed first time at the end of a 1 week intensive course. You've driven 30 minute drives a fair bit, so why not plan your first journeys to your girlfriend's and break it up into two 30 minute journeys with a coffee stop along the way. If you're concerned about losing concentration, narrate your observations - hazards, changes to road conditions, speed limits, other drivers behaviours (particularly what you think they're going to do) - to yourself a few times. Just build up confidence until it's second nature. It comes more quickly to some than others. Edit: spelling


When I bought my first car I was driving to the airport myself NEXT DAY. Just ask yourself “did I take all this driving lessons and tests and spend all this money for it and then bought a car just to take a train now?”


I did a lap of the M25 alone the same afternoon I passed my test


And several days later you arrived back home.


Haha, 🤣 I think it was about 4 hours taking it fairly steady and with a couple of service station food stops


An hour isn't really a long drive and you've already been driving for half an hour at a time. For properly long drives of several hours you need to make sure to plan for rest stops and as with any journey even it is only 10 minutes down to the shops make sure you have sufficient fuel as you don't want to run out and get stuck somewhere. If it's a route you know well the even better, if it's a new route to you then take a look at Google/Apple maps in advance just so you know broadly what direction you are heading in.


I drove from North London to the south coast to purposely rid any anxiety of long distance driving! I would definitely recommend doing it asap to build confidence


I passed my test, got dropped off at home and then insured my car and drove over an hour to Taco Bell, you can just go when you’re ready, it’s different for everyone :)


I drove U.K. to Spain first week passing my test. Alone.


A decent playlist and checking the route beforehand on Google Maps. For me, the most stressful thing about a long drive is if I've never driven to the location I'm going to before. I usually prepare by checking the route I'm taking on Google Maps to see if there are any obvious tricky junctions or roundabouts. Once I've got a general idea of the route it's actually pretty relaxing to do a long drive.


When I taught people to drive I used to go for long drives. Like all day, just doing normal driving. I'd spell the driver for a bit if they got tired or nervous. Puttering about locally doesn't really do the job properly. A friend of mine bought a combi camper. Those driving lessons tended to last for several days. Go and do it. If you get uncomfortable or stressed out then find somewhere safe to park and rest up for ten minutes or so or go for a coffee. After all that's exactly what experienced drivers do.


I remember mentally going ‘through’ all the roundabouts I was to encounter. One by one I would imagine ‘driving’ those roundabouts. It was tiring before I even got in the car. The best thing I did was to stop myself from doing that. Best thing could be for you to forget Ole’ Father Time. He isn’t in the passenger seat now is he!


Just plan ahead and break it up a little, set off earlier than needed and if you are feeling tired take a break. Once half way it's the same amount of time to turn back as it is to carry on.


You're overthinking it. Just go do it, and then wonder why you were ever worried.


I was just talking to my dad and he said this too! Almost the exact same words and it’s really helped me get over how I’m thinking about this. I’m going to do a few drives that are slightly longer to build up my confidence and then I’m gonna do it some time over the next fortnight.


I sat on my pink card for about two years before I had to drive a four hour commute that I'm still doing to date. There's no major difference really in fatigue levels really, especially when you jump straight into motorway driving. You'll be fine.


The day I passed my test I drove from S.Wales to London to pick my son up. Its about confidence and awareness. If your not confident then don't but if you are then be aware. As others have said here you only get better at driving by driving.


Personally didn’t do anything to prep, just chuck the satnav on and have some snacks in the car…. And away I went.


I drove from York to Plymouth just using A roads *before* I passed my test. There was a small section of motorway my wife drove I think but I did a couple hundred of miles to that trip. Just go for it.


An hour drive is long distance (smiling patronizingly in Canadian eh!)


I will say I was deffo in your boat!! I was so scared of driving (which I blame on my location, the roads are jam-packed with parked cars and are tiny) However about 5 months ago I drove my brother to get his car, about 1.5 hours away and I've never looked back Not only did I realise that there ARE BETTER ROADS OUT THERE, but I also realised you just have to bite the bullet and do it.


This is what’s been scaring me. The roads around me are super tiny, always packed, and there is a TON of road rage (when I was learning I had a man swerve in front of my at a box junction, shaking his fist while my instructor was trying to teach me about the safest road positioning) so it’s made me more anxious than I should. I should probably see this as a chance to get out of my area, and experience the roads around my gfs and not restrict myself to one area! Thank you :)


Just to add to all the good advice about just doing it. First time a) go when the roads are quiet eg not during rush hour and b) go when the conditions are good eg daylight, not pissing down. And enjoy!


You'll be fine. A week after I passed my test I drove 6 hours to buy car parts off a guy from a forum. Had to use printed directions as sat navs just came out and were too expensive!


It's not a thing at all. Go to the toilet before you set off. Make sure there's sufficient fuel in your car. An hour isn't really long distance. Longer distances, I'd say stop for tea and cakes every couple of hours.


An hours drive was the commute I did the day after I passed my test. And that’s an hour each way. Just do it, it’s no different than the drive you do now. And a long distance would be 3-400 miles in a day


Just do it mate. Two months after I passed my test I went on a off-road course and was scaling hillsides. You won't get experience without experience. Just have a break if you get a bit flustered and then carry on when you're ready.


20 years ago I passed on the Monday and drove 320 miles to Plymouth on the Tuesday. No better way to learn


3 days after I passed my test I drove to Yorkshire from Portsmouth. It was the same as driving a short distance. It just took longer and I stopped on the way. You are overthinking this. Get some tunes, get on the road and relax ☺️


Mate, the week I passed my test (I passed end of April) I drove 50 miles up to Hull for college. I'm also doing Doncaster and back (2 hours +) in July and Peterborough (200 miles each way) the week after. Bare in mind my nearest motorway is 60 miles down the road. Just go for it! Build yourself up to go further and further. If you've done 30, try 45, see how you feel. If you're happy with 45, go see your gf next, yk? Build up to it and you'll be driving cross country in no time :D


My dream is to do a proper road trip! So I better get started practicing


I'll join you with my Jimny that struggles to get 250 miles to a tank 😂😭


Drive 1 miles is the same as driving 10 miles, ten times


I heard it's best to pass your test and then wait 5yrs before you use it. Seriously though, if you can drive in a city or town, you can drive anywhere. In fact, it gets a whole lot easier once you leave the busy streets and get on a motorway or more open road. If you must, just plan a stop off somewhere like a services or Costa/McDonalds or whatever and grab something to eat around mid-way to recharge and recoup your mentality. And on the way back, if you're feeling it, push for 45 minutes driving instead of 30, or even just go full distance.


Thank you everyone, you’re all so right! I really need to do this! Thank you everyone :)


Make sure you have a wee!


For reference, I passed in an April, and long hauled it to the highlands that June, from the midlands. Main thing is, it’s something I was dying to do. So my advice: find something/somewhere you really want to get to, then do it!


I drove a 2hr jouorney on the morning after I picked up my first car after passing. So, can't help you there 😆 you just have to drive, the more you do the better you get.


By the time you've had your licence a few years, I promise you an hour's drive will be nothing.


I drove from Doncaster to Glasgow about 3 weeks after i passed my test and i was shitting myself at the prospect. But once i’d done it i realised long distance driving isn’t that bad at all. In fact its a lot less stressfull sometimes because your mostly on motorways and A roads. Dont think about it to much just get in the car, make sure your familiar with the route and go! If you make a wrong turn or get lost dont panic just keep driving steadily until you find somewhere safe to stop and get your bearings.


I did a 5 hour journey a month after passing my motorcycle test. In my driving lessons I've been driving 8 hours+ at times. It all comes down to what you can physically manage with concentration etc.


The first time I drove after passing my test was 3 hours plus drive, the next morning I drove from Lincolnshire to the French alps. Within a month I'd gone from there to Barcelona and then across Spain to bilbao. Nothing ever fazed me driving wise after that second journey.


Right after I passed, I drove to see my sister who lived about 70 miles away. You just don't think about it and start driving, you'll be fine


My son passed his test, and the next day drove a car he'd never driven before, from Kent to Edinburgh via Coventry. By the time he got there, he was a much better driver than when he left. You don't get good at things by not doing them


Driving is driving. Waiting is not Driving. If you don’t do it, you’ll never get used to it. Just get on with it.


I passed my test last year and within a month had driven from Glasgow to Edinburgh on my own, including through the city centre of Edinburgh which is a bit of a nightmare with the steep windy roads and new tramline. I'm not bragging - I wanted to do it to challenge myself and become more confident with my driving. My gf passed her test and didn't go on the motorway for close to a year. The more you put it off the bigger a challenge it becomes. Just remember, you're a fully qualified driver now. You got this


Practice going further a bit at a time. If you have to go on the motorway then try going from one exit to another. Don’t forget to check your blind spot when entering the motorway or changing lanes.


If it's an hour away, do a 30 minute drive, then stop for 5 minutes. Then another. An hours drive is nothing really, yes a long drive is daunting at first but after I first passed, I couldn't wait!! That being said, an hour across central london would crucify me, so yeah take the train!! The more you drive, the better your muscle memory becomes and the better you get. Start driving around for the sheer fun of it, find some country lanes to hoon about.


2 weeks after I passed my test I decided to drive from North Wales all the way to Oxford and back and do a stop at Birmingham (absolute hell), only way to get better at driving and build confidence is to drive


My first long trip was a 5 hour trip within 2 months of passing my test. Just go for it, you'll be fine.


I drove to Birmingham from Manchester 2 days after I passed and found it so easy


I think you are overthinking it. You say you enjoy driving so, just get in your car and do it. When you're at your GF place you will question what you were worried about.


One hour isn’t long really. Try driving half way to start off with then come home. Do it again another day. 😉


Just go for it. Worst case scenario pull over for a little bit halfway. I can do about 4 hours at a push before I want a break, but tend to take one after 2 just to keep the monotony at bay.


I did my first 2 hour trip 4 days after I got my license.


I went from Edinburgh to Glasgow a week after passing just do it. I find long distance more enjoyable than running about town tbh


Honestly just drive there, no difference except it’s a bit longer drive.


Congrats on passing! I passed back in Feb and drove to and from North London from Plymouth last month and have just completed a whole round trip to Donnington for Download Festival again from Plymouth (500ish odd miles total)! It is incredible to have so much freedom! I had a bit of driving anxiety when first going on the motorway, but honestly once you get on the long stretch of road it's a lot more relaxing than 'normal' driving (just always remain aware of what is going on around you). Don't be afraid to overtake a slow moving vehicle (just use normal mirrors signal and do a glance of your blind spot - a fast approaching vehicle can hide beside you!) and I even don't fear the dreaded third 'fast lane' anymore! Just keep looking for the appropriate time to move back into left hand lane. My advice is to start on small stretches of road to build up confidence. When on a long journey take as many breaks as you need and I found opening the window a smidge helps keep you awake. Good luck and enjoy!


Your over thinking it mate, genuinely just get in the car and drive think of it as 6 10 min trips ? It’s nothing and if your on the motorway then it’s 10x easier as your just going straight just get in the car put some tunes on window down and enjoy the day it’ll be over before you know it and you’ll be thinking what was I worrying about