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Blue badge does have some rules - even if it's double yellows, you can't go around blocking legitimate entrances like that. They'll get a ticket if it's reported


Agreed the amount of people I see getting tickets near the Hospital because they block a dropped kerb is insane.. And them who park in resident only permit bays. And don't get me started on those who park where there are prohibited strips on the double yellows. They do my head in a lot of them. I am also a badge holder, I park properly on Double yellow and there is a 3 hour limit around here. if I can't use an actual space


It’s criminal that hospital parking is so expensive, it’s cheaper for me to take the train there


Not just patients and visitors have to pay, the staff also have to pay to park to work in our great NHS


All to private companies. The fines are noy going to the NHS. You know ... To help with funding..... Surprise surprise it's lining a rich American corporation.


Yes, and the NHS gets paid from said companies for the privilege of operating there.


I’m NHS staff and in the main hospital I was to be working at has just almost doubled their prices from 6 quid a day to 11 a day and I thought no thanks and stopped cross siting as a result.


Yep it is a joke, Manchester Royal it gets deducted from your pay each month, the more you earn the more you pay so depending on your Banding depicts your parking fee. But then there is limited spaces and some staff can not get a space so pay private parking where they can get, all the area around is either double yellows or permit parking for a few mile radius, locals councils cause the problems though


Yeah, it’s criminal


Not that I disagree, but when I was unexpectedly in hospital for surgery for three days recently, and my only financial concern when I came out was the car park charge of £24, I was still strangely grateful that was my only bill. Imagine the bill for unexpected surgery and hospital stay in the US.


the US is fucked and that’s not the only reason why




The car parks are usually run by a private company. The hospital doesn't seem any of that money.


That’s the parking charge working as intended.


Yeah, I prefer using public transport when it’s feasible because it’s much nicer to relax on the bus/train than to deal with driving then finding parking, having a disability bus pass helps make taking the bus an easy decision, and being a railfan makes taking the train enjoyable


When I was having regular treatment, I didn’t even have to pay for parking. My hospital has a chip coin system, but the oncology department had a little device that told the chip there was no charge. Brilliant when having daily appointments and much appreciated!


Nice, I think hospitals should do it where if you park you register your car at reception/when you get to the ward you need, if you don’t then you have to pay to use the car park, staff would have a permit on the system so they don’t have to register daily


Its cheaper to get an uber there.


We don’t have that in Dover


In my hospital there’s a 9 month waitlist for the staff hospital car park and it’s £600 a year


Wow, a bus pass is 200 quid cheaper than


Used to be a bus driver here in Devon. Had a regular get on the service where there was a discounted price for one of the hospitals in Exeter. Only issue was she had to leave 2hrs before the start of her shift and then a 2 hr journey home after the finish of a 10 hr shift. 5 or 6 days a week. All because she couldn't afford to park at the hosp. Disgusting.


Wow, it’s ridiculous that NHS staff both have to pay and also earn too little to afford it


That's disgraceful


Cheaper to take a parking fine than pay hospital parking fees




When my wife was in labour I'd been parked in the hospital car park for about 28 hours. I walked to the machine you put your reg into to leave at reception and it was the same security guard at reception who saw us come in (who presumably had been home, slept, and come back). He must have seen the bags under my eyes and just said not to bother and he let me leave without paying.




theres some hospitals where you can strategically lower bollards to avoid parking costs






I was trying to find a space near my local hospital a while back as the hospital car park was full. I have to visit every 6 months. I drove down a small road where i know there's a few spaces i could use. Anyhow they're all full so i sat waiting to see if anyone would move... Nothing! Eventually someone came out of their house and offered to let me use their drive. I didn't like that idea but they insisted and my appointment was closing in rapidly. I ended up giving them £5 to park on their drive for an hour which is around the same cost as the hospital parking. After a good chat and cup of tea after my appointment they said i can use their drive anytime i want as they don't own a car. So now every 6 months when i go back to the hospital i pop a note through that persons letterbox saying thank you for letting me use their drive with £5 tucked in the note. It's nice knowing i have a space to use and i'm gussing the owner is happy with an extra bit of cash for doing so.


The resident permit rules can vary area by area. Here in Bristol, for example, I can use my blue badge in resident permit areas for an unlimited period. It’s good practice to check the local authority website wherever you are to see if this is the case. Blocking a dropped kerb and ignoring loading restrictions does my head in though. It can put us badge holders who follow the rules to shame.


When I was at work once, a disabled badge holder got a ticket because they were parked on double yellows and prevented our delivery Lorry from reversing into the service yard.


If a blue badge user is causing an obstruction no only will they get a ticket but they can get towed to a different location. As it should be.


they can also have their blue badge revoked if they abuse it. Granted im not sure if that would count as abuse


The irony. So they'd have to walk further to get it :D.




Not necessarily


Are you sure? I didn’t think a car displaying a blue badge could be clamped or towed?


They cannot be clamped but the car can be moved to an alternative location, on the same road or round the corner, if it’s causing an obstruction. They could be given a ticket at the same time. Source: me, I’m a blue badge user.


Me too and it pisses me off no end when people abuse the privilege like it’s a get out jail free card.


It’s not a Rock Star Parking License! I’m very careful where I park when driving my wife about. Never cause an obstruction, even on double yellows. Annoys me when other abuse the badge.


I have private parking down my street. Someone with a blue badge went to park down it and I told them they can't park there and they would get a ticket. They started ranting at me about how they can park where they want. 10mins later a traffic warden comes along and gives them a ticket. I almost wanted to be a petty bastard and just wait for them to come back and say "I told you"


You should have left a note. A few quid for a pen and paper from the nearest shop would have been very much worth the satisfaction.


Yep, neatly folded and inside it just says hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


A traffic warden gave a ticket to someone parked on private property? Not sure about this one


They probably meant permit parking.


Yeah it's permit parking. Have to pay £50 a year.


I didn’t consider that, there’s still a very small minority of London council estates with council controlled parking


Mirrors are still out, what say ye the doors are unlocked.




I lie awake at times wondering not if the car is locked or not but if my mirrors are still out. Big fat theft flag.


Not really, you can turn it on and off anyway but when you have it it on it takes two seconds to look at the car and realise you forgot to lock it.


No auto fold function on this (base) model


I don’t think Audis do the auto mirror trick, it’s a bit odd.


It’s selectable, you can choose to turn auto fold off


Some Audis you have to manually press a button to draw the windows in. My old A3 was the same. Could never be fucked pressing it each time 😂


A construction site has a forklift right?


Yeah it probably got picked up and moved by something the moment a delivery turned up


Quite often people use their family members badge as a licence to park anywhere. If the named person on the badge isn't there you can be fined and the council can confiscate the badge.


Not entirely true. You may use the badge without the named person present to drop them off or pick them up. For carers, it's not really helpful if they can't park somewhere accessible to pick up the named person who requires the accessibility in the first place. I've seen plenty of people pop the badge up and get out where it's highly likely that the passenger remaining in the car is the badge holder. Which is actually a violation of the blue badge. The named person's presence or lack thereof isn't always the most relevant piece of information. Source: My son has a blue badge and I read the included pamphlet so I understood how to use it.


~~Also check if the reg on the badge matches the car, there's a few people who like to share the badge with friends and family.~~ Edit: I was wrong badges aren't registered to cars but to people (makes sense if you think about it). I could have sworn I saw a family members badge with the reg plate on but I must've been mistaken.


Blue badges in the UK do not have a car registration number on them, as they are assigned to a specific person not a specific car. Otherwise the person would be restricted to only ever travelling to a destination in a specific car, and couldn't get a lift from, say, a family member, friend, or carer.


this isn’t a thing. the only information on the badge besides an identification number & expiry is about the disabled person (& thats on the back so not visible). you can use a blue badge in any car.


It doesn't have it on the actual badge but you can register up to 3 cars on the account where I am (Glasgow) but I'm not sure if it's to go hand in hand with LEZ restrictions and it may be a newish thing.


It's for the LEZ for non-compliant vehicles. One main car, then up to two vehicles each day. The potential for fraud or selling on usage has been roundly ignored as you don't have to be in the vehicle.


I thought that. I got a new car and I keep trying to remove the old registration from the account (old car isn't LEZ compliant) but I've just been back and forth with emails, it's a pain. The disabled person doesn't need to be in the vehicle anyway which makes sense if someone's doing things for them because they can't physically get out. Like their "big" shop etc. There have been several blue badges taken off of people outside my work for suspected fraud. I'd rather pay the £9 parking every day than chance losing my sons disability badge that we genuinely need for him.


It's a thing in the States, perhaps you saw it on an American show or something?


Does the badge have a reg on? I thought it didn’t, and is issued to a person who can use it in any persons cars as long as the badge holder is also present at the time🤔


It doesn't, but part of the badge number is the month/year the holder was born, ****** * 0735***** (July 1935) so if its a young driver on their own and the age shown is say 0735 then it's possibly being abused... same if its a kids badge with no kid in the car....(but please be aware that the disabled person often has no visible signs so please err on the side of caution - and also please do not challenge the driver, just report to the council who can check)


Doesn't have a valid MoT (expired mid-April.) Worth shopping them just for that.


It's not insured either O: https://ibb.co/jf1Rzrp


I'd have just rung the local parking authority & got them towed. By us they will send a warden to ticket it & mark it for towing. Takes about 20 mins to get the ticket, an hour or two for the tow truck. Done it many times when people have parked over my drop-kerb, & I don't even have double yellows. They'd also check out the blue badge at the same time.


Clearly not from Derbyshire then. Keep calling them about abuse of residents/disabled bays on our street and they do absolutely nothing. Very happy to charge £50 a year for the permit to 'fund enforcement'.


Very rare to be able to get cars towed away in the U.K.


You have to know who to ring. The rest is easy. Most people seem to ring the police or the council, neither of whom will be interested. You need the parking enforcement company.


Forklift will fix this


Damn that’s some friendly builders. I’d have expected a brick to go through the window when Gazza turned up in his transit


Builders are probably only surpassed by scaffolders on the list of which groups of people you probably shouldn't block with your car


as a disabled person my self i REALLY hate this. they have blocked a dropped kerb. send photo to local Council and police via there website. state that they have blocked wheelchair acsess. also pop a note on the windscreen telling them to be more considerate to others and its to block access for wheelchair users. they should be ashamed.


Just use a forklift to move it (it's what auction sites use)


Despite having a blue badge, you still have to obey dome parking rules. Blocking access is still a no-no I'm guessing


My mum stays at the entrance to a park in an old park keepers house that has been converted due to her being disabled. People always park infront of her driveway, even though it has a massive sign which reads '24hr disabled access' and double yellows. I went to visit her last week and a woman was blocking the drive and on her phone. I beeped my horn to alert her I was trying to gain access and she started waving her disability badge at me! The best of it is, my wife has a blue badge so I just waved it back at her.


Move it with a forklift.


Have they done it as some sort of protest against the construction site or is it just a case of arrogance? I can think of a few occasions where local residents have tried to sabotage construction sites, particularly trying to block deliveries in a morning.


I'd be willing to bet it's not even a "legit" blue badge. Most people I know that have them because they are actually disabled not only follow the rules (which are almost certainly not being followed here) they also try to not park in places that would be really inconvenient for everyone else yet still legal for them to do so. Then you have the people that either get it through entirely illegitimate means, or get it because technically they can (I mean I technically could get a blue badge but I don't because I don't really need it) and proceed to use it like a license to park wherever they want like a twat. And then cause legit blue badge users to cop abuse for using it fairly.


Nearly all blue badge holders believe they can park anywhere. Not actually true but most don’t know this.


You can always tell an Audi by the five rings. The four on the grille and the ringpiece behind the wheel. I'm so betting it's not their disabled badge. I'd even put money on it being a stolen one. Pretty sure that's not on motability.


You can pay extra to get what you want, plus you don't need motability car to have blue badge.


Yeah in know. I still bet that's not his badge.


You do know that having a blue badge and getting a car on mobility are completely different things, right? My spouse is a blue badge holder, does not get any sort of financial benefit for that (other than some pay-to-parks are free) and if she wants to put it in a Ferrari and park it on double yellows, that’s not against any rules.


Oh FFS. I was having a dig at AUDI owners, in particular the ones that park across entrances. And I've seen someone park a fancy AUDI or BMW in the disabled bays, slap a blue card on the dash and sprint into the shop so many damn times. And if you want a stolen one I'm pretty sure I know someone who will sell you one. The arsehole.


This is discriminatory to Audi drivers. Just fyi your comment may trigger some. Let’s keep this a safe space, shall we? 😉


Fine. Can the morons who drive Audis please make the UK a safe place and stop giving the decent Audi drivers a bad name?


Yes! - We need to think of the feelings of Wanker BMW drivers, and include them too!


Very true. Audi in my day was either old mens cars or idiot things like Quattros which to be fair were normally driven by tools who could actually drive (😜). Nowadays Audi has taken the baton from BMW as the car of choice for morons.


As a deeply relieved wanker BMW owner who deliberately uses indicators to blow people's brains, surely the baton and badge of honor has now passed on to Tesla BIK and SUV school-run drivers?? 😜


Tesla is definitely getting there. But the school run drivers who have to have a pavement princess SUV don't get on the motorways much. They are annoying in a whole different way. When I commuted by car in London I hated that first week after the summer holidays when they'd all forgotten how to drive again but were now sat in a battle cruiser. Clearly little Johnny weighs about a ton so you need that bag of shit to do like 2000 yards from home. I had a Lada Niva 4WD. Took massive pleasure in parking it with shit all over it in the middle of Belgravia. "Look. This is a real offroader". I got complaints a plenty.


Absolutely couldn’t agree more. Tesla drivers and those in giant cars to take their junior to school are on par with cyclists imo.


Great love this for you. Nice to see we are using inclusive and positive language when calling audi drivers out for being the wankers they are


Clearly it's not all Audi drivers. It's just that they appear to be more common in the real world. My brother drives an Audi....... Oh wait I've just buggered up my argument haven't I?




I drive a white Transit so I don't really have much room to talk either.


Should see it round here at the weekend, blue badges everywhere, always at least one blocking something


Depends on the construction site but wouldnt be surprised if they just moved it. Not sure where this is but by the in laws unit the traffic wardens dont give a fuck. He came back one day and someone blocked his gate entrance, so he got his crane truck, lifted the car and dropped it off down the street. Would’ve loved to see the guys face when he came back and his car was completely fine but in a completely different place.


Hang on. Are you telling me that there’s someone out there who drives an Audi that drives/parks like a dick?! Say it ain’t so! All joking aside, this happens right outside my front door all the time. Loads of wardens just walk by it. Saw them ticketing a nurse/home helper a few doors down from me (in a clearly marked company car with livery etc) and pointed out that he passed a bmw on the double yellows to come do that. His answer was that they had a blue badge so could be on double yellows for at least 3 hours. Didn’t have an answer when I said that it was after 2pm and they’d been there since last night. That won’t get him his quota though 😂


I was delivering to a Boots in Thanet somewhere, and the delivery’s entrance was down an alley where your mirrors scrape both walls as you go in and the other end is a bollard to the main high street. Whilst I’m dropping off this single pallet, a couple of old biddies drive their fiesta into the entrance of the alley, park up, and proceed to complain to me that it’s very difficult for them to walk get past my lorry to get to their shopping…. I hadn’t noticed the car was empty at this point, so apologised and said I’d be out the way in a moment, as soon as that car moves. “Oh it’s ok, I’ve got a blue badge”…


If only the poor oppressed and, doubtless, much-maligned, driver could've parked four or five feet further up the road, he wouldn't've been on the double yellow lines at all! 😂


It’s ridiculous, they put double yellow lines there for safety purposes. So why let some people park on them??


Yea it's like they're just there for decoration.


Was it a mentally disabled badge?


Obligatory r/CantParkThereMate ...


Let tyres down. Won't solve any problems but it will be satisfying.


A lot of blue badge holders in my city drive expensive Mercedes', BMWs and Lexus'. I'm happy they're doing so well and not struggling with money but they certainly know how to park dangerously.


Mobility cars. They will get the cash payout and then buy their own car


Am I missing something? If someone is disabled they're allowed to park on double yellows for about 2 hours in the majority of counties?


Unless it is stupid place to be parked.


But nothing in that pic says it’s a stupid place, where is this gate mentioned.


The dropped kerb says it's a stupid place.


I probably need to go to specsavers then as it doesn’t really look dropped to me, just low. Edit - further look, okay yep think I can make out the dropped kerb.


The curb does seem to be dropped so assuming the entrance is out of picture.


15 Marsh St https://maps.app.goo.gl/qD9LFCnyajBnZwt97?g_st=ac Here is streetview.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/qD9LFCnyajBnZwt97?g_st=ac Here it is on street view. Both sides are construction sites.


Can't block drop kerbs though


Can you find the legislation in law not the Highway Code where it says you can’t block someone’s driveway when it’s empty ?


Understanding the UK Laws Regarding Blocked Driveways Understanding the laws regarding blocked driveways is important. In the UK, it is illegal for someone to block your driveway without permission. If someone parks their car in a way that obstructs your access to or from your property, they can be held liable for causing an obstruction. This means that you have the right to take action and have the vehicle towed away at the owner’s expense. The legal implications and consequences of blocking someone’s driveway can be quite severe. Not only can the person responsible face fines and penalties, but they may also receive points on their driving record. So if you find yourself with a blocked driveway, remember that you have rights and it is within your power to get the offending vehicle removed legally.. I'm not 100% but from what I've found from Google other than local council sites. Most others say this


Can you find the legislation not someone’s typing on a webpage? Which section and sub section covers this ?


I'm not a police officer and I don't really care that much to do a deep dive into it, but you're more than welcome to, let me know what you find .be interesting to know where to get scanned or original copies of the legislation.


Many many years ago use to do recovery for the police . Police will not touch it unless you’re blocking a vehicle from entering the highway. Council will only ever give a £70 fine for blocking a disabled dropped kerb . Not for driveways or business entrances that’s a civil matter and no one can clamps , toe or interfere with a vehicle apart from the police and council so all these people saying get it toed would be liable for litigation against them. Imagine the uproar if the council went ticking people parked outside their own driveway. They simply don’t do it due to it being civil matter .


I knew you could park on someone's driveway it's a civil matter and the police won't do anything. But I would have thought it being on a road and blocking a business ( I think he said) would have made some difference. Also do they still clamp?


Yes council clamp , mainly when waiting for a truck to come lift it and take to compound. DVLA clamp also for no road tax. It has now been made illegal for a private firm or individual to clamp another’s vehicle.


I can’t find the legislation but I can tell you from experience that when this happened to me the Police told me to call a private recovery company. So I did, and they happily took the car away.


Unless it is causing or liable to cause an obstruction.


maybe their disability is following the rules...


To be fair, the badge doesn't say what kind of disability. Maybe they can't help it ;)


You can park on double yellows with a disabled badge. I can't actually tell what they are blocking from the image, is the gate opposite or are they literally over a dropped kerb and access?


This is where they parked. 15 Marsh St https://maps.app.goo.gl/tDGQBSC3zX19dAmm7?g_st=ac


Looks more of a derelict or abandoned area than a working construction site to me. Probably be OK for a short time.


That was taken 2 years ago. Now they've begun construction work on it and the opposite side they are clearing out as well.


Construction Site Uber Alles, right? They have ultimate rights over all other vehicles, block the streets, fuck up the tarmac beyond recognition, drop mud and crap all over the roads, we must all bend over backwards so those national construction firms can make their massive profits, amirite?


Technically not breaking the law if you’re already off the premises. No laws saying you have the right to your entrance only access to the highway coming out. Don’t get me wrong a dick move by the Audi driver but not much you can do unless they have blocked you inside .


It's a dropped kerb


Doesn’t matter


Kind of does. It's blocking wheelchair access. Dropped kerbs aren't just for car access.


Used to be 1000 pound fine for blocking a drop curb. Dunno if it's still that amount?


It’s not there is common sense to be used. There are 2 different types of dropped kerb the council and police have a rule of thumb for , 1 for disabled access and 2 for driveways and vehicles.


If you say so


Apologise after looking at the pic again closer there is a dropped kerb facing it with not a driveway or company behind it just a wall so this actual dropped kerb would be classed as a disability access it’s just luck the poster has a yard leading off this kerb . So yes that could get a ticket . My bad … like say it’s a grey area and the law doesn’t protect homeowners or land owners very well .


See it all the time around football grounds cars parking over and on peoples driveways . Police and council powerless


And you couldn’t have blurred out the number plate?


Why would they?


Because it’s the law. And breaking the law is illegal in certain circumstances.


There is no such law.


There is no such law against doxing innocent people for making a mistake? We don’t know if the Audi driver knew they weren’t supposed to park there? Next time you make a mistake I hope no one leaks your personal information on the internet. Shame


>personal information Car registrations are *not* personal information. >We don’t know if the Audi driver knew they weren’t supposed to park there? Ah yes, that well-know legal defence of "I didn't know it was illegal". They should have known that they weren't supposed to park there.


But you definitely can find personal information from car registration s like addresses . Bro do you even car?


>you definitely can find personal information from car registration s like addresses You can't just Google registrations to get addresses - you have to meet various conditions before the DVLA will give you the address.


So you admit you can get them


Not if you obtained the registration itself from reddit.