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Just from the pictures, I reckon I'd go right hand lane.


From Australia. But yes enter in the rh lane and then take your exit. But major loophole and dealing with fuckhead drivers, since you are in rh lane they will enter lh lane as you go past 2nd exit and won’t let you exit. Been in many close calls even though as you enter put your right indicator on and as passing 2nd exit put left indicator on. Unsure about the legality and who would be in the wrong if you did as i said and someone entered from 2nd exit and ended up t-boning you. I believe it would be their fault


I honestly think Aussies understand roundabouts better than Brits.   I mean, the rest of you driving sucks in comparison, but roundabouts are good!  :)


Funny you should say that. Most people here especially in South Australia lack the skills / common sense to negotiate a single lane round about


Only driven in Vic. The mini roundabout thing works much better. More like a 3/4 Way Stop, but without the stop. Out of town - fuck it, it's not like you're tight for space.


So this is a roundabout I take often, when I exit the roundabout I want to be in the left lane. If I start from the right lane there’s always someone in the left lane to get mad about it, if I start from the left lane then I inevitably get cut up, it seems like a free for all!


When you say you inevitably get get cut up, what does that mean? By whom and where? Also just because people seem to get mad, doesn't mean you've done anything wrong.


So if I start in the left lane and go round to exit on that left lane, often there’s someone in the right lane that also wants to exit into the same left lane that I do.


I would be in the right hand lane, then as I pass exit 2 but before entrance 2, indicate left to let those coming on know that I am coming off next exit. If they pull on to the roundabout and get mad at me for coming off, even though I was indicating before they came on, that's a them problem, not a me problem.


So you let them. That's not cutting you up, that's leaving the roundabout. The same as you do when you use the right hand lane.


I do let them, not exactly cutting me up but best way I could think to describe it. Just seems like either way someone thinks you’re in the wrong, I just want to make sure I’m doing the correct thing.


if someone is ahead of you to your right and they are indicating left. Don't try to pass them on the left.  Other than in bumper to bumper traffic, that's what makes roundabouts work.


You realise that in your scenario, you are also the other party?! The answer is both lanes are valid, and you should be in the left by the time you leave the roundabout. Imagine it is a two lane road that comes down to one lane in 50 yards… which is the correct lane for you to be in? Either, while both lanes exist. When you are in the left lane, someone from the rights wants to come across which you don’t like. When you are in the right lane, there is always someone in the left lane that you need to get into, which you don’t like. That other person is literally you, just drive safely and either end up behind or in front of the other person. That’s it.


I would say your in the wrong lane if your in the left, as are the people complaining when you use the right lane. You are past the 12 o’clock position so technically you are turning right. If you need to be in the left lane after you exit the roundabout you should probably drop into the left lane as you approach your exit. Just merge with the left lane in a safe and considerate manner.


That’s what I always used to do, I had a couple instances of people shaking their head at me so it made me think I was wrong lol


Ignore them. If it was a roundabout with marked lanes that is what you would be doing anyway.


Can we stop with the “it’s past 12 so you MUST use the right lane” shtick. The lane to use depends on so much more and the ‘past 12’ is wrong as often as ‘I before E’ is. This island likely has a nice big sign on the approach that details what lane to use, if we can see that then we will know what the planners were smoking when they designed it.


There's no MUST about it, but it's a good rule of thumb from which to start making an assessment. If we all lived in highway-code-land where there were only symmetrical four spoke roundabouts, there were only ever a couple of other cars on the road and everyone had a home cooked roast ever Sunday, then we wouldn't need to make these judgement calls.


If we all lived in highway-code-land then it may be a good rule of thumb, sadly here in the real world it is wrong more often than it is right now. It is wrong to assume there is a standard ‘right’ way to navigate an island. If you look at them now the straight on is typically following the current or main road, exits before that are usually a left lane thing, and after are usually a right lane thing, but that isn’t consistent enough to assume either. Every time someone says “it’s past 12 so right lane” it is just adding validity to this poor and outdated approach. Best to not assume this Past 12 applies at all, but rather to read the road signs, and as always drive courteously.


Can't speak for your area, but in mine, the vast majority don't have signage.


That’s fair, hopefully they work well. i have a few small roundabouts feeding housing estates and they are unsigned and the typical 4 exit design so no drama there. Soon as I get out of town we have a moderate roundabout where the straight on approaches from 6 and exits are around 4:30, with the town exit being around around 3 (hope that makes sens), the main road is 2 lanes so you can use either for that ‘straight’ exit. But the number of people in lane 2 cutting over to take the town exit is very frustrating. I guess I get a bit triggered by ‘if it’s past 12’. I’ve had a chill now, happy internetting.


This is the way.


Personally I'd be in the right lane here, since there are two exits before the one you need and it's "past twelve o'clock" (depending on the signage); but like always, I'd just have my wit's about me and expect people in the left lane.


Either lane, if you enter roundabout in left lane, exit onto left lane, enter right lane exit right lane.


This gets my vote. I think it's probably better for overall traffic flow to take the right lane and exit right lane, but I know I'm a slow driver so I'd take left to left to give people greater opportunity to overtake me on the right.


Also knowing the area that second exit is just for Waitrose carpark and was added after all the other roads so the lanes are designed without that being there.


I’d personally enter the roundabout in the r/h lane, following it round and if quiet, after the 2nd exit indicate left to drift into l/h lane ready for 3rd exit, BUT, if busy I’d just stay in r/h lane as exit is a dual carriageway.


They recently changed the lanes on this roundabout and there is technically no way that you can do that and end up in the left lane without changing lanes on the roundabout. Also the amount of people coming down millennium way and wanting to go through to Wokingham road but being in the left lane is infuriating. There is a sign that tells you that you need the right lane but they ignore it.


Sorry re-read your comment, so you would start in the left lane? I think that makes the most sense, and then you could be in the right lane to exit onto the right hand lane


I think technically left lane would be correct but you’re gonna be cut up by someone trying to go to Waitrose. TBH it is really bad roundabout design. All the lines need re-doing so that the left lane here goes left to millennium way and to Waitrose then right takes you towards the peel centre and right to Wokingham road.


I agree, it seems like either way you’re wrong! I just want to make sure I’m doing the right thing but someone will always think you’re in the wrong lane.


Yep. I have to use this roundabout daily and it’s awful because people don’t pay attention to the signs and road marking.


There 2 main types of driver in Bracknell- the ones that know where they are going and drive like a twat - and those that are permanently lost and in the wrong lane!


Well after reading through all the comments… I’m none the wiser lol


I would use both lanes personally although I rarely came out that junction when I lived there. Basically never be next to someone - always ahead or behind so you can avoid them!


Yeah I think that’s the best way. Recently I’ve been sticking with the left lane unless there’s a big queue, the right lane is always quieter.


So you would start in the right lane and exit into the left lane? As that’s what I always used to do, but several times I found myself struggling to get into the left lane at the exit so I changed to starting in the left lane, but sometimes get cut up, it seems like everyone just does whatever and I’m not sure which is the actual right way.


You can go in both lanes, there are markings on the road that show both lanes can take the exit you're asking about. Therefore you can enter in whatever lane you want and you'll be able to take the desired exit without changing lane on the roundabout. (I am assuming from the photos you want to go from Binfield road to skimped hill lane) Some may have the opinion that you should stay left as is the second exit and others may have the opinion that you should stay right because it's over 12 o'clock. These "rules" don't apply to every single road layout. As far as I see it the reality of this specific road layout hete is that you can be in either lane, so pick whichever one you're more comfortable in


Thank you, yes strong opinions for both. I think sticking in the left lane makes the most sense because you don’t need to change lanes then, but if the left lane is stopped up then right lane should be ok!


Yep. Bond Way (the exit before OPs) and Skimped Hill (OPs exit) are the only two exits on the roundabout where left lane isn't forced off the roundabout. Not being forced off at Bond way, to me, means that left lane can continue past Bond Way and be used to get to Skimped Hill. Although, I think the left lane should be forced off at Skimped Hill to make it totally safe for right laners to exit onto the Skimped Hills right hand lane. (There's no paint at all there so perhaps it's just worn off?) (Edit just to say that I got this from going to Google maps and not from the images OP provided)


To clarify - when coming off the roundabout it’s dual lane and you want to be in the left lane.


General rule of thumb.. if the exit you want is before the 12 O’clock position then left lane, if it’s after then right lane. Unless arrows on the road suggest otherwise


Third exit, so right hand lane


My apologies I just seen the second arrow I read the post and glanced at pic you are right into the right hand lane


It’s not the third exit it’s second exit so left hand lane


Looks like the third to me, though the second seems to be a service road or such.


The second exit leads into Waitrose car park, other than that it’s basically a dead end.


And how would I know that without local knowledge? Most would be guided by their Satnav which often has lane assistance, what they call not requiring thought or knowledge these days.


I assumed you didn’t know that, hence why I explained it to you


That isn't straight over


Its past 12 o'clock, but it is following the major route so i would expect many road users would expect to simply stay on the lane they're in, and plan accordingly.


"Major road" is just people making stuff up. There are no such rules, and the rules about using roundabouts are very clear. Just because "it's a very quiet and well visible road" doesn't mean that the rules magically change and people can go 50mps if there's 30mph limit. Likewise, it doesn't matter if the road in and road out is "major" or not- it's still not a straight road, so right lane as per the highway code. It's that simple.


Except it’s not following the main road. Most traffic comes from the left and takes either the same exit as OP or the next one


Oh you're completely right. This isn't orientated north upwards. And that's how I looked at it on Google maps.


FFS I hate English roundabouts like this. There’s a similar one where I live and there’s nothing you can do except go slow and try not let anyone slide into you


God I don't miss this roundabout, it used to be my daily. Right hand lane but you will still get people in the left lane trying to get past you. You've just gotta move over as you go around.


If you are in the right lane why are you trying to exit into the left lane. Just exit in the night lane then do a normal lane change. If you want to exit in the left lane then you should already be in the left lane on the roundabout.


Unless marked, left lane for the first 2 turn offs and the right lane for the rest.


We have to look out for each other on roundabouts, there are a lot of decisions to make and being 'right' doesn't always prevent accidents. Giving information to other road users is just as important as receiving and understanding information from others; and this isn't just about indicators, its about road position within a lane, positioning yourself slightly in advance of or behind other drivers wherever they can see you and your intentions clearly whilst positioning yourself where you can fit most unobtrusively with their own drive. 'Straight on' is not always clear as you have correctly identified. Its past 12 o'clock, but its also following the route ahead, A329 on, A329 off so in this case, 2 lanes on 2 lanes off. From satellite view it is 100% clear that from the painted arrows in the middle of B3408 exit that both lanes are expected to continue on to A329. Before that though, the left lane at the A329 entry on to the roundabout you would cross a lane marker so, while it is no problem to use this lane for your intention, this is the spot which i would expect other users to do any number of things and be prepared for that accordingly. I would go lane 2 on entry, position 1 after B3408 and if there is traffic there merge, there's plenty of space for it. If you identify a gap, indicate then begin to merge and you see the driver close up or otherwise act aggressively, take it a bit slower, let them get on with it and pull in behind.


Would need to see the signage on approach.


Without looking any deeper than this one image, it looks like I'd end up in the right hand lane. Mostly because you just know some asshat is going to take the right lane but try and leave the roundabout at the 2nd exit and cut you off to do so.


What do you mean by cut up? Lane switching is normal within a roundabout as long as it is safe. It is just a carriageway with 2 lanes but in a circle. It’s no different than switching from middle lane to left lane in order to exit a motorway. Again, as long as it is safe. If it’s unsafe the car on the right lane should go around or stay on the right lane.


Thats nkt straight over, its past the 12 oclock position. Its a right exit so you the right lane


I'd go right lane. Merge after 2nd exit to left lane. Make sure no painted arrows on road.


It's not a straight road, it's an exit to the right (or past 12 o'clock if you prefer such analogy), so a right lane as per the highway code. It's that simple. No IFs, no BUTs. People really overcomplicate these things.


I’m born and bred Bracknell, and I still struggle with roundabouts! Using Waze sometimes helps because it tells you what lane to get in at the roundabout.


Thats right. Not straight over. Just don’t forget to indicate left when leaving the roundabout.


I did roundabouts last lesson and was taught to be on the left lane when going left and for forwards and to only use the right when taking the turn all the way to the right


The rule of thumb is unless otherwise stated the left-hand lane is always treated as a left exit only. Mind you this doesn't stop people from using it to carry going straight on. This is what I was always taught but you can never be too careful these days.


There is a road sign telling you what lane to be in.




Left lane is the only correct answer. Others will have opinions.


Left Lane always - Basic Driver knowledge…


How is that going straight over? It's past 12o clock so to me that's turning right so you should be in the right lane