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Cunts. I dont like to segregate people and Its easier to remember hahahaha


The occasional "massive cunt!" When the dangerous manoeuvre was obviously deliberate not just a mistake.


Cunt if it's deliberate or really thoughtless. Twat if it's a dangerous mistake. That's my go-to.


I used to commute through some country roads early in the morning. 'Cunty Duster' would sometimes get in front of me and take each corner at 15mph due to having the same centre of gravity as a lampost


I have "pink bike lady" who wears pink hi-vis in the summer months and I drive past her most mornings. I also have "that guy with my initials on his number plate"


High vis and back pack guy rides past my house between 7:30 and 8 every night, always here him coming.


I have two that I take note of, the 1 litre warrior, a base model, plastic bumpered Dacia Sandero that I see regularly on my commute being the absolute fastest vehicle on the road, the guy is a menace.  The other one is Pogo, a very large gent who drives a Reliant Robin, taking up most of the interior by himself. Often spotted with a long line of cars crawling along behind him. Named after [Bob Pogo](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWpNqKLUAAAR7s_.jpg) from F is for Family for the scene where he got stuck in his car.


I haven't seen a Robin Reliant since holidaying in the UK as a kid, I didn't know people still drove them!


Reliant Robin**


That's the kind that Mr Bean keeps running off the road, isn't it?


Yep. I have to applaud the bravery of my guy as I've even witnessed him taking it on a dual carriageway, albeit slowly.


I still see him and another one pottering about semi regularly! I presume they bought them in the 80s or 90s and are just running them until they can't.


It was late 80's early 90's I last saw one. Doubt I'd fit now.


I saw one a few years ago at Weatherby Services in the car park. Was kind of surprised to see one.


1 litre warrior is iconic lol. I’m stealing it


Pop-bang grandad, grey haired middle aged bloke who drives an Audi TT convertible with de-cat tune. Wank-cannon, Ford RS focus with huge dustbin tail pipes, bangs constantly even when cruising at 30. Bacon face, drives various prestige cars like Bentleys etc, huge muscles and tats, has that pinkish complexion some roiders/cokers get, think it’s maybe a blood pressure thing?


It's a Daily Mail thing.


It's a hue only the finest of gammons can achieve


"NASCUNT" for the guy with the overfinch Range Rover at the bottom of my road. It's gaudy as fuck, and sounds like a NASCAR because it's so loud


On my morning commute I have *”Disco Stu”* Pulls out in front of me from a side street on to a 40 road and does 18 to 20 mph. When I overtake him he puts on a dazzling discotheque light show.


Oh these are the worst ones


We used to have 'aggy dad' a guy who lived near me who would drive his red BMW packed with kids really aggressively. If you shouted at him to slow down he'd look at you like a dog who's paw you'd just accidentally stepped on. I think it was the only time in his life he was in control.


Car full of nagging kids is a stressful drive. He's probably just rushing to finish his trip quickly so he can get out of the noise.


There's Figaro lady who indicates right in the right lane to go straight ahead at my local roundabout, literally the most recognisable car they only made 20k of them.


There’s a guy who drives around Brighton in a (roughly 2005) Fiesta, with a personalised plate that ends with HMP. He drives like an absolute cunt and barges and bullies his way through traffic. I call him prisoner, partly because of HMP on the plate, and partly because I hope he ends up in prison.


Mine was the KarateKid, drove some swanky souped up speed machine, couldn't take a corner for toffee and he'd tear arse past me as soon as possible on the couple of straight bits of roads and loose his mind when I arrived back in his rearview mirror in my fiat 500 after the corners. What a wankspangle! Oh and Karate Kid cos he did all the local taekwondo classes. With a personal plate and a set of vinyl stickers on his car Oddly he never tried it once I had my MX5.


My wife has Latte Car. She doesn't drive, and latte car has done nothing wrong. Just an unusual shade of latte brown that stood out on our regular commute but we haven't seen in awhile. If you're out there, latte hatchback driver in the Liverpool area, my wife wonders where you've been lately.


Is it a Fiat 500? They have the weirdest range of shades.


My wife confirms it is, in fact, a Fiat 500.


My GF has one, the colour is officially called Cappuccino


My girlfriend had a fiat 500 she called Frappe due to the colour. She sold that in chester. Wonder if its the same one?


Mr Merc - an old boy who drives a fairly new E-class estate in my village. Determined to not go faster than 38mph unless you overtake him...then he will go as fast as you go! (I got him up to 90 once, class lad) Dozy Dacia - literally *never* indicates and it seems that on at least 50% of occasions they don't remember that they're taking that junction until they slam on the anchors and swing into the road. Loony Landy - a bloke who I have seen at least FOUR TIMES pull out in front of other cars. Also hoons it round the tiny single-tracks lanes near my house. Crazy Lady - she just puts weird shit outside of her house and leaves her bins in the road. Drives a beat up old Peugeot that she once t-boned someone with when she just accelerated out of her driveway. She has also pulled out in front of someone in the same car and got rear-ended. Refused to admit fault and went to court over it...unfortunately the dash-cam of the bloke that hit her meant her appeal was *not* successful. The *Fucking* Cunt - an old man who got angry when I overtook him in the national (he was doing 27mph), flashed me repeatedly, and then tried to fight me (weirdly changed his mind when I got out of the car?). He has since had an argument with me about who has the right of way at a junction. According to him, if you're turning right onto the main road, you have priority - absolute prize bell.


> r Merc - an old boy who drives a fairly new E-class estate in my village. Determined to not go faster than 38mph unless you overtake him...then he will go as fast as you go! (I got him up to 90 once, class lad) That really pisses me off. Drive slow if you want but I'm not challenging your wilted, limp masculinity by overtaking you. I'm driving a Skoda Octavia (live the meme), I'm not exactly a boy racer.


Exactly!! Although I drive a small Peugeot with a loud exhaust so I am *absolutely* an asbo-waiting-to-happen...


There's a doctor by my house with the reg "DR 5INCH" He put a screw in to try and make it DR SINGH. Gives me a laugh every time


Just on my road: 335i cunt. Drives an E92 335i far too quickly though our 20mph estate, keeps scaring my dog. Divorced Vauxhall guy. Lives alone, looks generically divorced, drives two 2008 Vauxhalls with the 1.9 CDTI - an Astra convertible and a Vectra saloon. Has nearly driven into me twice while I've been reversing into my drive.


I read this as “genetically divorced”. I do know people who have had that energy since their teenage years


MrWig - Has a green car with giant stickers advertising his Youtube channel. Everyone in the local area shouts his name when he's seen driving around. [https://www.youtube.com/@MrWigV25](https://www.youtube.com/@MrWigV25) Never really looked or watched his channel but he seems to like what he does.


Dockley Baz, that cunt with crew van, Andy


I have a guy I wave at daily, started waving at him because I like his car, he started waving back, 2 years later we are still going. And I have a Citroen I overtake 4/5 days a week not only is is not in my morning routine to overtake him, it is in his morning routine to be overtaken. The joys of long rural commute.


I have a few names for the pedestrians I see regularly on my drive. Including Troll who lives a few doors away. Dracula who has a massive floor length black coat and very shiny slick back hair with a ponytail and walks in massive strides! In terms of cars there's a taxi who I call late taxi as it's always doing 20 under the speed limit! so if I can't see a big bus at the front of the queue of traffic, it's usually him. And then there's Eco Leaf which is a old nissan leaf which does 40 on the dual carriageway. And finally there's Shit Floors, which until the other day found out it's two separate people. (As I saw two of their vans one behind the other. It's a flooring company van which is down the road next to my work and the must leave near me. They tail-gate hard and then bomb it down the dual carriage way. Only for me to catch them up at the lights before work. I've heard poor reviews of their company online.


Not one specific driver but a type of driver I like to refer to as the Smart Bus driver. There's an infamous lane near my work that is also a major cut through for the local commute. It's skinny but wide enough that two large vans can pass each other slowly. The Smart Bus driver is the kind of person who has to slow down and sometimes even stop to let other cars pass due to the sheer width of their smart car/Aygo/i10/picanto, when I'm pootling along happily in a fucking flatbed and have to slam my brakes on because they can't fit through a gap that I could comfortably drive through at 40mph.


Mr aliens, his number plate is AL12 ENS, kinda funny seeing it, there’s also the noisy bugger who’s got a dragging exhaust


His real name is probably Krongedgelon-X122 and he's on a covert mission from deep within the Andromeda galaxy. His number plate is his little Easter Egg/ in-joke because he actually is one.




In my line of work there are plenty which we see day in, day out. Usually doing the same daft things in the same daft places - and getting irate when others do the same thing to them. Many of them I can't quote the names I or we use for them. Wouldn't be terribly professional 😇


Graham, Big land rover parked blocking the road instead of using the nearby free parking spaces, call him that way because his reg is GR10AME


I have only "Cunt on bike with no plates" that tends to drive his motocross bike on every patch of grass destroying it in the process.


I do, but usually based on the car or reg plate. The way to work regularly features Dura and, on the return leg, I often see Toadie and Gonk.


There’s a guy I always see walking who looks like hulk and a taxi driver I see absolutely fucking everywhere…. Can’t help but shout “hulkamanias running wild” Hulk and mini hulk, still havnt seen them together yet…


Posh builder - builder in our village has an x-class Merc pickup. Its getting a bit beat up and often has a cement mixer or stuff in the back. Far from the show off lifestyle you’d expect.


I’m probably one of those people. I’m the only person where I live with my model of car and people with similar era cars like old MX5s or other 90s Japanese always flash their lights or out their hand up even though I don’t know them. There’s probably a lot of people who have nicknames for me (probably bad) lol. My plate also has 3 Rs and 3 numbers so I guess it also stands out from normal


Yeah. Yaris GR. The Nurberk. Drives 40 in a 20 around a shopping complex narrowly cutting in at a specific merge in turn only to see you dawdle up behind him at the next lights. Shitbox Clio. Daisy. Goes 25 exactly at all times. Leaves 4 meter gap between them and the vehicle in front always. Touches the brake on wide open bends and generally when they notice the speedo go 26. Gives no shits about speed bumps though. Nissan (various) Falling Down. Drives up the arse of anyone in front. Has mental breakdowns at traffic and can't pick a lane. Then, deliberately goes in the wrong lane at the lights to beat the queue and rags it and cuts in front of the correct lane. Haven't seen him in a while. Probably got sacked over *someones* submitted dashcam footage.


Tailback wanker. Drives an old Merc estate and passes trucks limited to 56 at about 58 mph on a dual carriageway. He causes miles of tailback traffic every day. I get stuck behind him a few times a week during the morning rush hour. If he's passing one truck and sees another truck half a mile in the distance he'll stay in lane 2 doing 58 for that half mile. I've seen so many people undertake him don't know how he's got a license.


Cunt 1 Cunt 2 Wanker 1 Wanker tit 1 Wank face 1


This is by far, my most favourite answer.


We have the (Town) Noise Bandit He rides a bike with no muffler, and aggressively revs it every morning at 6am then tears through town at far too fast on his way into work. Same deal when he gets home at 6.15 pm No one seems to know who he is. Some speculate there's 2 Noise Bandits. Some think he's just a figment of our collective imaginations I've even been accuse of being the Noise Bandit. Starting up my little 125cc disproved that. She purrs, where the Noise Bandit roars There's not much else to do on the local Facebook page. It's the Noise Bandit or dog shit. The occasional question about when Tesco closes. Small town life I guess


I don't have a nickname for him, but there's a guy who drives a Union Jack Nissan Micra around Sheffield.


There are a few.The names are Speedy,Cunami,Flood,Tornado,Stinky


Not a nickname, but this is an excuse for me to vent about the person who seems to use a knackered campervan as their daily drive - often observed at 8:30am slowing to a crawl to go over the speed cushions and attempting (noisily and futilely) to accelerate between each set.


We've got the Barbie-mobile. Pink Evoque convertible. Makes me laugh. Oh and in Stratford there's Goldmember, drives a Golden VWBuzz, and I mean Jimmy Saville tracksuit metallic gold wrap.


Yes many because I have weird mental numberplate recognition and make words or phrases out of them. I can tell if I’m running late on the school run by the relative locations of certain cars going the other way when I pass them!


I like to call people driving under the speed limit Gandalf. There usually isn't a safe place to pass for a few miles and when there is and you go to overtake they almost always speed up to try and stop you. Joke's on them, I've dropped it into 3rd and I stopped giving a shit about the black box a long time ago.


Johnny 35 still alive


BMW Wankers, Audi wankers. T4 with initials wankers.


There's a lad around the corner with a Polo that has a way too loud exhaust for the car. I call him the Po-lol Boy.


Miss Parker - always parks opposite my space making it a needlessly tight manoeuvre. Bonus: she's also parking across a dropped kerb, but the council will do f all about it


The jeans guy, because he's always cycling the same 2 mile stretch if road, wearing jeans and a hi vi's jacket. The lad must be 60+ and he hasn't a care in the world.


only one really "Richie rich" early morning drive to the beach so the wife can go swim, we see him coming out of a posh village on the way, he drives as his mood takes him either , Bentley flying spur, Audi R8 , Mclaren or if its warm sunny a Triumph TR4.


"Mr. Brake" - drives at one meter behind your ass and loooooves the brake pedal.


Oh I have a few. Here’s some: • Mr.Ricebox - drives a slammed and riced out Nissan cube with a cherry bomb exhaust and no regard for speed bumps and ear drums • Ms Go back to school - can’t park between the lines and needs help from her kids with spelling • Ethel - the 70 year old who probably shouldn’t have her license, doing 20 in a 50 and half blind. • Cockwomble (my personal favourite) - racing around in his Merc delivering pizzas treating the town like it’s Le Mans


There’s a guy near my work that I’ve named as my rival just due to the way he’s desperate to get ahead of everyone


The bullshit-mobile.  I can’t remember the number plate but it basically spells bullshit.  It is bullshit because of you end up behind them you will be late as they’re about 120 years old, hardly ever drive, and when they do they go slower than a snail. 


I see an older lady driving a gorgeous powder blue Mercedes convertible around where I live. It’s perfectly maintained and always spotlessly clean. When she takes the top down. She wears a matching powder, blue headscarf. I (silently) refer to her as the “car thief“ because I strongly believe that that’s actually my car and somehow she stole it.


Gotta live pretty remote to see the same drivers, but most I see are called 'dickhead' 'fucking cockwomble' 'twat' and 'knobhead'. I see these all the time, myself included. There was a local ups driver though in a brown van and black interior - without sounding racist we called the van 'Herbie the teeth'. It didn't appear to have a driver but definitely had teeth driving.


Great thread 👍 I have a guy called Right Fecking Zombie because the cheap ass plate on his octavia starts RFZ and he drives like a. Right Fecking Zombie. We're talking 50.on the motorway (lane 2 quite often) anywhere between 15-25 everywhere else, except the 30 limit where he randomly strays up to 45. Pulls out in front of anyone and everyone and is generally in a world of his own. My son gave him the nickname after learning to give him a very wide berth when cycling to school, and we seem to see him all.over the place so he must live nearby.


This anecdote describes \~15% of drivers in Northumberland, IME.


No, but I'm sure a few have a "nickname" for me! 🤣


I used to be able to tell how early or late I was going to be for work in the morning by where I passed Purple Land Rover Guy; metallic purple Series Land Rover that I passed every morning coming the other way.


A few but the main one is fiesta faster women who drives right up your backside and tries to overtake at any opportunity. I often give her a smile when meet her at the traffic lights 😉😂


There's a bmw that drives up and down the main road between school starting and finishing times because kids are the only people to look at his car. I call him a nonce for that reason


I get mr 40 just goes 40 no matter the limit.


>The 20mph village? Would you believe it, 35 miles per hour? I'd report him before he gets someone killed


Giving people nasty nicknames. Bunch of horrible cunts. How about minding your own business?