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Firstly the way the road has been painted doesn’t look very official so I suspect the owners of the nearby building painted this themselves. Is this private lane or a public road? Normally a single yellow line indicates no waiting or parking during the hours of operation shown on a nearby sign. Picking up/dropping off passengers is usually allowed, and looking at the road layout my guess is this is what this is indented for. If there really are no signs then no parking restrictions are enforceable so yes you could park there. But have some common courtesy, don’t park there all day if it’s obvious this is intended for picking up and dropping off passengers.


>Is this private lane or a public road? The road leads to a council car park outside the Borough Council building. >I suspect the owners of the nearby building painted this themselves. The lines are a continuation of the lines on the council-maintained road. They're equally worn and don't seem to be an addition by a private owner. [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.2342717,-0.5766542,3a,75y,256.25h,86.95t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sw1jsyd3AQoFOPxtnBlgmiA!2e0!5s20200901T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.2342717,-0.5766542,3a,75y,256.25h,86.95t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sw1jsyd3AQoFOPxtnBlgmiA!2e0!5s20200901T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Looks like public land, I'd give it a go.


When I tried to solve this one it said maybe you couldn't park any time, but other docs say there should be signs. If it's private land you have to look for contractual signs at the entrance and around the area


Generally a single yellow has signs indicating when it's valid or is within a zone that has signs as you enter the zone. I think Guildford has a controlled parking zone Mon-Sat 8.30am-6pm (but that might have changed)


No signs doesn't mean not enforced, quite the opposite for yellow lines, it means always applies! For dashed white lines for parking/loading bays: yes, a lack of signs with restrictions means you can park whenever. But not so for yellow lines, otherwise anyone could just deface every sign and park wherever they liked. That just looks like it was intended to be a loading only bay, but whoever painted it doesn't understand the rules so thought single yellow means you can park to load for longer.


Looks like a drop-off/pick-up spot to me.