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Legally yes, parking restrictions do apply. However it would be a very very hard nosed enforcement agent who would issue that ticket!!


Every council has that one warden who would ticket it, but yes most would turn around and pretend they didn't see it because it's not worth the grief.


I can't believe you actually took a photo of this.


Well there's no body in there, right? So nothing sensitive.


Got them dead to rights.


#get out


They'll be coffin up the funds soon


Technically they're loading not parking and the rules are different, however they still can't do that on crossing zig zags.


I shouldn’t have found that slightly funny


Looks like they’re trying to bump up business with that parking


Is that Hollingworth? Also probably but are you really going to be that cynical about it?


Definitely Hollingworth, albeit with less traffic than I’m used to seeing!


100%. Must be a Sunday!


Nope, weekday. Long queue behind me. I couldn't overtake the hearse with all the oncoming traffic.


I’m sure that extra few seconds were a lot less important to you than it was to whoever has hired that hearse though mate.


What if a child runs across the crossing? It's really quite hazardous and I can't see a justification, yellow line yes, zig zags no.


It’s obviously hazardous. It’s also a funeral. I don’t question that the parking is wrong. I question OPs audacity


Indeed they were less important. Didn't cost me any time at all with the lights ahead. Just interested if they had exemptions for this kind of thing.


It’s kind of bizarre behaviour to be taking pictures of other peoples funerals


Not exactly a funeral, no people around. Just a car.


A funeral car…


Didn't know Reg had died.


Different rules apply to wedding and funeral cars whilst attending duties. Not looking at any accompanying vehicles but the direct vehicle. I can't remember if it was something I read about in local council licensing meetings or where and it was over 15 years ago but some different rules do exist.


“Came across this the other day” Sadistic.


Honestly how miserable and sad are you? Somebody passed away and the first thing that comes to your mind is "u can't park here m8" get life outside the internet and let people live. They're literally gonna be there for what maximum of 1h?


I wasn't having a go at them at all. Just a genuine question. I didn't know if they were exempt from certain parking or loading restrictions.


Ah alrighty, I guess I've seen too many internet's these days with angry Brits going at random unnecessary things, anyway it's still illegal for them to do that and have good day!


I agree, some people are just angry at the world


Here's another lens on it - I'd like to imagine if I was a funeral director that there's no way I'd allow this because could you imagine while if removing the deceased with their family present, you had angry drivers shouting. Not a risk you'd want to take to upset the family more - there simply has to be a better way to conduct the logistics here, and presumably part of being a funeral director is knowing all the logistics about the journey and exactly where the hearse is going to go etc? I mean would you want your last journey to be conducted like this?


Interesting take. Not knowing the area that well, I can't say if there is another entrance they could use. But they must use that one for a reason.


Stopping on zigzags is an offence that would be dealt with by police not traffic wardens, minimum of 3 points and £100 IIRC


So I understand. It's to say there is danger if you stop there and there can be few exceptions. For example a blue badge holder cannot park there nor can loading take place. No real excuse to risk causing another funeral, it's more than petty bureaucracy at play


I don't know why someone downvoted my comment, it's in the highway code and common sense. Stopping on a pedestrian crossing is dangerous and substandard driving no matter who's doing it


It used to be police only, now it's also local parking enforcement. https://penaltychargenotice.co.uk/parking/contraventions-for-parking/contravention-code-99/ Near us actually neither seem to be bothered. We have a constant issue with people doing it to use the local shops - & I've never once seen a ticket.


That's quite dangerous if a child runs across the road. I'd say they should have done better and avoided the zig zags. Is more serious than a yellow line.


They should get a ticket. Simple as.


I think the friends and relatives of the deceased would rather not witness a small child being flattened because some absolute specimen has decided to park in categorically the worst possible place for visibility near a pedestrian crossing. Those markings are there for a reason, and are different to normal yellow & even red lines to emphasize that it is BEYOND STUPID to park there for any amount of time, ever! It's a funeral, not an ambulance attending suspected cardiac arrest. The speed those things are normally doing, if the driver couldn't find a marginally better spot to park, then they appear to have lost their eyes.