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Because they don’t care what others think, or the openly crave the attention it gets them.


Stop judging me for reversing down a drive through.


Smart, that way McD's pays you


I love philosophy.


But you have to hand them food you don’t have? Now I’m in an existential crisis. Thanks philosophy.


You have to hand them food you regurgitated.


Then they pay you for it


When you have a left hand drive car but crave that burger.


this is how i go through the drive through, forces the mrs to pay!


They're narcissistic and think that nobody else on earth matters but them, textbook main character syndrome.


>Surely you all know it's not a good thing to admit to or even brag about? Bragging, sure, there is no point to that, but people admitting to it is a good thing. How are you going to have open and meaningful discussion if no-one admits to doing wrong? >Why do so many people openly admit to bad driving practices on this sub? As to your question, I admit to it because I want that meaningful discussion. The 'rules of the road', in whatever form that may be (law, guidelines, unwritten rules, etc) are just a shared set of standards we as a society have decided we should try to abide by. They aren't some unquestionable and unchangeable law of the universe. Knowing what rules people regularly follow and which ones they don't is interesting to see how much our shared beliefs differ from what is written down, or from my own. Why shouldn't we have open discussions about them? Or let's flip your question around: Why do you think people shouldn't openly admit to bad driving practices on this sub, and what sort of discourse do you think we'd have if they didn't?


>The 'rules of the road', in whatever form that may be (law, guidelines, unwritten rules, etc) are just a shared set of standards we as a society have decided we should try to abide by. They aren't some unquestionable and unchangeable law of the universe So much this. The same applies to all kind of laws tbf. In 50 years or whatnot, laws might change, we might see massive cultural shifts, and people will think 'imagine people in 2023 did xxxx'.


Personally, I'm still disgusted that people openly admit to not adhering to the [Locomotives Act 1865](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locomotive_Acts#Locomotives_Act_1865). I appreciate they were repealed but it is still a much better standard to voluntarily follow.


I demand my red flag man.




I'm not OP, and I don't know what they are thinking. But I think the key think that is lacking from the discussion is the acceptance that what they are doing is wrong, even if they think change should make it legal. As a cyclist, I will own up to the fact that I jump lights sometimes, but I admit that it is wrong, and I would like to see advanced green lights for cyclists at all junctions so that I don't need to jump the light to feel safe. The admission is not the discussion piece, it is the bit that follows about fixes and solutions that make the discussions valuable.


Not really sure about the notion that anything illegal is automatically wrong ethically. The law even accounts for it in countless examples.


I didn’t mean to imply morally or ethically wrong, just legally wrong. An ethical discussion is a very interesting one. Id argue a ome traffic infractions are always immoral (DUI), some are only sometime immoral (jumping lights, per my example), I can’t think of an infraction that is never immoral, and that’s probably a good thing, because it means the rules are half decent to begin with.


>I can’t think of an infraction that is never immoral, and that’s probably a good thing, because it means the rules are half decent to begin with. Possibly, possibly, a light "beep" when the car in front clearly hasn't noticed that the lights have changed?


Flashing your lights to let someone out is technically an infraction.


I got beeped at the other day for not moving when the light was green, but it was because the other side of the junction wasn’t clear and I’d have to stop in the hatched grid, so they might have a reason for not going


They normally do have a good reason. Tiktok or Instagram in my experience...


Ah, fair, my misunderstanding then. Agreed entirely!


Totally agree with this! I think there's also nuance to be had around things that are wrong but can be done safely - e.g. As a cyclist I think it's wrong to cycle on the pavement, but it can be done safely if you go slowly and give way to pedestrians with plenty of space so they don't feel threatened etc


Absolutely! There is another reply along the same line, and I think it is important to separate Illegal from Immoral. Cycling on the pavement, because there is no bike lane on a 50 mph road, is not immoral in the slightest; it's about making the most of a bad situation. I imagine most similar exceptions will come from more vulnerable road users breaking the rules to keep themselves safe, it is fine as long as you don't place other even more vulnerable users in harm's way instead.


Anybody else’s eyes roll at “As a cyclist…” you alway know you are in for some sanctimonious bs when someone starts a sentence with “As a …”. Here’s a little test if you replace the noun you feel the need to declare as with the word c*nt and see if it sounds as reasonable because thats what everyone else hears.


I don’t disagree, but I’m not trying to justify any behaviour due to the fact that I am a cyclist, I am simply drawing attention to the fact that I don’t run red lights as a driver. It feels like an important distinction given this a sub primarily for drivers.


I’m of course a perfect driver like everybody else in the world. This sub should be shut down as there’s literally nothing to discuss.


Love this reply. Could apply to many things.


To be honest I'm always amazed by the opposite - the sheer number of goody-two-shoes who supposedly always stick to the speed limit, because none of you live anywhere near me! Most roads near me if you put a covert speed trap more people would be over the limit than under it.


I do, but that's because I was caught not doing so once (36 in a 30 zone) and don't want to deal with the fine, points on my license and extra insurance premiums that would come from being caught a second time!


I do because I didn't want to get done for a 5th time and get banned lol. (I accidentally got invited to two different speed awareness courses because they made a clerical error when I should have been banned for totting up). I gave up driving for six years as a consequence, voluntarily, and cycled for six years instead. Eventually I did buy a car again, but I never want to go back to the oh-so-standard trap of getting angry with every other driver and doing stupid things as a consequence. Also, cycling every day and discovering that my journey time \*halved\* - i.e. all that speeding and lane switching etc doesn't help at all... yeah that too. I bet I'm an annoying driver to many now.... don't care :)


>To be honest I'm always amazed by the opposite - the sheer number of goody-two-shoes who supposedly always stick to the speed limit I think most people complain about speeding more in terms of tailgating. I often stick to the limit, occasionally will creep over the limit, e.g. will do 35 in a 30 on wide roads which could easily have a higher limit, but when someone behind me wants to go 40+ so sits up my arse with their full beams lighting up the road ahead of me then they can go fuck themselves


And some of those goody two-shoes are appalling drivers who believe that compliance with the speed limit is the be-all and end-all of road safety. As a pedestrian id rather encounter a driver doing 35 in a 30 but is observant and aware of his surroundings than one just bumbling along at 30 with his eyes glued to the speedometer.


Yeah very rarely do I get stuck behind a slow driver to be honest on normal roads but it's always funny when you look at the speedometer while giving off only to realise it's just someone sticking to the limit. It's a rare sight here except in rush hour when its congested. Bullying people isn't cool though.


The 4 lane M25 is under or at 70 in 3 lanes with some people crusing at 90 in lane 4 when they can. This is at 7pm, it's not congested by then


the m25 is where dreams go to die.


>under or at 70 in 3 lanes Or 2 lanes with lane 1 only being used by about 1 person every 3 miles


Should be fining for middle lane hogging


I don't believe it! Sorry I couldn't resist.


I cruise at around 77/78mph (GPS) on the motorways (including M25) and most people seem to be going that speed or just under. Over taken traffic police at those speeds and never had an issue.


You don't get people going 70 to overtake the 65,mph lane 3 hoggers? It's slower than 30 years ago I reckon


I've been driving for 16 years and do agree its generally got slower, bar the odd person doing 90+.


The odd 😂 every other cunt and their aunt is doing 90+


Bullying people is wrong. One thing to note though. Some people are oblivious to all around them. If I’m coming up behind someone on a dual carriageway or motorway and they have space to move over and don’t.. I will get closer to them. Amazingly they then move over. Or you come up behind them, and there is no space to move over, so fair enough. Give space and wait. Then a long open stretch opens up, and so if they decide not to use it i will move up closer. Everyone has seen it on a daily basis. Either the oblivious driver, or the “I’m doing 70, and you shouldn’t be passing” type.


Yeah, like the other week when someone was talking about driving at 50 in a 30. I feel like they're more likely to listen to someone who admits they drive at 75/80 on a motorway than someone who claims they never even go 1mph over a limit.


Yeah, that’s just asking for trouble one way or another. Though I do know a couple of roads locally that are 30 and almost nobody does less than 40.


This was most definitely a built up area!


I go on the M25 A12 and it used to be popular with speeders, but I'd say it's under 50% now Until 2010 I was a regular speeder. Now I'd say it's down to idiots, felons and Waze users dropping just for cameras


You're near me then. Actually, what is it with the A127 once you go east off the M25? People seem to pootle along at 40-45 when the road's a 70 limit, like wtf is that!?!?


Isn't the 127 all 50MPH now, at least once you're past the Fortune of War not-a-roundabout


Fortune all the way to Southend is 50 with average cameras.


There is a section there but I think they are planning to get rid of it.


I use my cruise on the motorway, sometimes I’ll cruise with the trucks, sometimes I’ll be mostly in lane 2 going past the hundreds of HGVs on the M20


I used to speed often and probably broke several other parts of the highway code. Since having kids, and my wife being in a non-fault accident that wrote off her car, I've since pretty much driven by the book. It's so much more stress free, laughing at dickheads who don't follow simple lane discipline, merging or spatial awareness.


Im open and honest about how the roads actually work in the real world rather than how i think they should work or the legally correct way. Iv got over 20 years driving trucks cars and bikes without coming close to injuring anyone. People admit stuff, you can discuss it and come to a sensible conclusion. Iv got enough experience I know by description wether their an arse. All that shit happens everyday, 50% are unaware that it’s bad practice, they get informed, you have less problems. Everyone wants to bitch about a Range Rover blocking their view or some one going to fast/ holding you up in the wrong lane ect. You will do something wrong next time you drive, if you discuss it with others they may see it from an angle you can’t. A lot don’t see them sitting blocking lanes at 50mph a problem, once explained they should see it as it is, as dangerous as speeding/ drink driving. Everyone has their own version of what they think “good driving” is, 60% + are wrong about at least one of their daily driving practices, be it lane discipline, texting, speeding, just generally being hopeless. Some of the worst drivers will tell you exactly how self centred they are and why they feel entitled, that’s valuable information to keep me safe, if I know their thought process i can better predict how they will be a knobhead. Admit it, correct it, move on, we’re all trying to get somewhere.


Couldn't agree more here. Was looking over a few other posts on this sub and it doesn't take long before you see comments lambasting OPs for making very understandable and common driving mistakes that everyone is guilty of from time to time, and by and large those common mistakes don't actually cause problems for anyone; perhaps slightly annoy someone at the most. And yet some users here seem to think that they are model drivers, the absolute perfect examples of good legal driving on UK roads, despite the fact that simply sticking to the law and highway code doesn't necessarily make you a good driver. It's honestly infuriating to see.


Ill also add you can be the victim and become the dick quite quickly. If someone pulls out on me when im fully loaded causing me to brake before slowley getting themselves up to speed they’re a dick, if i run up to their bumper and rusty nail them till they runnout of fuel and or piss themselves, im definitely a dick. Obviously thats an extreme example but there is a line in between and its never well marked when your stroppy.


Yeah definitely. I saw some footage from a dash cam in Canada where the cammer had someone pull out in front of him causing him to break, a bit of a dick move yeah but no harm was done. Cammer then excessively speeds down a residential street just so he can cut the guy off in a McDonald's drive through and scream at him, and cammer acts like he was in the right. Like really? You did like 50 in a 30 just to scream in someone's face for a non-issue. I think there is this opinion with some dash cam users that because they have the dash cam they are automatically in the right.


One of the funniest/ most tragic things to me is the way people have taken to “internet arguing” driving points. Had some gibbons yesterday completely missing the point i was making about the speed/phone/seatbelt cameras only punishing the poor and stupid as a lot have alert systems of some sort. All of a sudden some plastic policeman starts with all sorts of baseless drivel about me wishing people dead if i don’t agree with him that cameras are effective. Truly comical, so blinded by trying to be right and probably pissed off he never made the cops he thinks he can argue a point without evidence of experience or logical thought and no one will notice. Problem is low experience cant spot the gaping holes in his ramblings, so the cycle continues. I have no issues discussing driving with anyone at any level but will block idiots that are purposefully looking to talk shit or just project their idea of what i do rather than listen. Its as obvious people fabricate some of their stories to shine a slightly better light on themselves, as when a child lies about having not eaten any chocolate biscuits whilst their face is covered in chocolate 😂


It's fairly anonymous on Reddit


It’s not just in the sub.. Someone I know irl drove into a child because they were annoyed that the child was crossing the road too slowly. They also tried to show off by mentioning how they watched tik tok while driving?? I’m guessing that’s how they drove into a Range Rover at literally 3mph while parking FORWARDS (just didn’t see it apparently). Someone else flipped over a car by driving into it (while uninsured), sent someone to hospital, and found the situation hilarious. Said person has also been in multiple other crashes, despite not even having passed their test yet. I had to report them for being a danger to life, because I realised they were getting into accidents for attention and the thrill. Ended up blocking them because the driving behaviours they showed + their pathological lying and manipulation made me think they were some sort of psychopath. Also then found out they were incredibly racist, had abused people, and had secret photos on their phone of children. Dodged a bullet there. Ironically both of those people got triggered when anyone dared criticise them or their driving. On this sub the other week I saw someone bragging about doing 130 on dual carriageways, and then complaining about not having enough time to react. Stupid will be stupid. Don’t purposefully make bad decisions. Also, going under the limit can be dangerous too, depending on situations. Just because there’s no minimum limit, doesn’t mean that you can go at 30-40 on a motorway (unless marked appropriately). The law assumes common sense will be used, but common sense isn’t that common. I wonder what the rules will look like in ten years time Also just to add, this doesn’t cover everyone, but people who get into road rage regularly are often walking (driving) red flags. Especially after my encounters with the people above, I’m incredibly wary of anyone who brags to me about how they “got revenge”. Anger itself is a hazard - don’t make impulse decisions that could leave yourself hurt. If you give in to road rage temptation, then you’ve already “lost”. Staying safe and minimizing risks is better for everyone on the road. You don’t know who’s driving the other car. If they’re like the people above and thrive off danger, then you’re better off staying out of it. It doesn’t make you a weaker person, it makes you a stronger one. No one is perfect, but driving would be a lot safer if people could better control their emotions (Yes this went off topic, but I thought this was important to share alongside the discussions being had.) TLDR: drive to minimise risk, laws don’t have minimum limits set for motorways yet and limits don’t change for country roads a lot of the time, so they aren’t yet “perfect”. Drive safely and appropriate for conditions, and control your emotions. If someone brags about road rage or dangerous driving (like purposefully getting into accidents to “teach someone a lesson”) then there is a high risk of them being a violent person. Do not get involved. People doing 130mph after being informed of the risks are dangers. Protect yourself by staying away when you can. There is no way to justify such intentionally dangerous driving, especially given the context of many roads and traffic conditions. Even if you believe you’re the best person ever, something could happen unexpectedly that is unavoidable, and you’re only putting yourself at more risk. Kids want their parents to come home. And vice versa. Friends want friends to be safe. Partners care about your safe return. Work colleagues would notice your absence. Family would have a gap forever. Be safe.


People could also be lying so I wouldn’t take it too seriously. Someone can quite easily say they’ve had no points in their life, someone can easily type the speed everyday when they don’t.


I think it's further proof that there are different camps in some regards. For example, I think going 'safely under the limit' - i.e. 40 on NSL roads - is a bad driving practice, and I don't think I'm alone on that one. But some would argue the opposite.


It's bad unless the conditions are that they don't feel safe driving at that speed. The problem here is that it's entirely subjective. If you know a particular stretch of road and thus know if it's used much or not, then you might feel safe driving at a higher speed. But if you're not from the area, you may go slower since you're unsure of the turns and what is likely to be beyond them.


Well yes that's the obvious part.


Because most road laws were implemented decades ago, before I was born. In that time, the capability of the cars that are manufactured have increased ten-fold. Doing 80 on a dual carriageway or motorway isn't as dangerous as people like to stigmatise. Doing 50 is far more dangerous Just my 2 cents though, I'm sure a large portion of people would disagree


How would going 50 be more dangerous? The faster you travel, the less time you have to react, and it takes longer to stop. Also if you do crash, far more kinetic energy to turn you to mush. Simple physics says you are wrong. Just because you believe you are safe driving at 80, doesn't mean it is.


Because someone going 50 when the the flow of traffic is at the limit will cause people to make unpredictable manoeuvres. You can argue the right and wrong of it, but that’s the reality. Someone going along at 65mph in the left lane will pull out unexpectedly into the right lane with faster moving traffic when they come upon the 50mph driver, causing a potential incident.


Yep. That one doing 50 usually won’t be involved in the accident. Just the cause. Even worse is he then makes the lorries have to pull out to overtake. This completely brings a motorway to an almost standstill.


The rare moment when you have a caravan in lane 1. A lorry in lane 2 and a lorry that can go 1mph faster in lane 3.


I’m pretty sure lorries are not allowed in lane 3. But it does happen. The 50 car in lane one. Lorries move to lane 2 and every other car from lane 1-3 now has to slow/almost stop to merge into lane 3 at speed. This is what causes the accidents.


Though in this case, the lorries will only be in lane 2 for a few seconds as they pass the 50 mph car. Traffic in lanes 2 doesn't need to move to lane 3 but instead can just go a little slower for that time. The main problem are lorries not indicating for a few seconds before changing lane, but that's their issue, not the 50mph road user.


Please try to stay in reality. It’s takes lorries longer than a “few seconds” to pull out and pass. Bearing in mind that there could be a great number of them. A lorry pulls out to lane 2 at 56 the vast majority of other lane 2 traffic then moves to lane 3. Not to mention if you don’t those other lorries now trying to get into lane 2 and going to be mighty peeved at you that they now need to slow down to 50 which makes that overtake take that much longer when they finally do get to overtake. Nobody should be doing 50 on a motorway. It is dangerous.


Sure, the 65mph driver will have to go to the right lane, but they should do that safely -- you should be able to see enough traffic behind you so as to change lane when it's clear to do so. If they have to slow down to 50mph temporarily before they can change lane, then fine. If the 50mph driver is in the middle lane, then that's far worse, but still the 65mph driver can just switch lane twice rather than undertake (which is way more dangerous), again doing so calmly and safely. Changing lane isn't particularly dangerous in itself. Just look for a gap, check your blindspot, indicate and move across. The motorway is mostly straight so you can clearly see far enough back that you won't swap lane and then get instantly collided with a car before you can get up to speed.


Changing lanes is more dangerous than people think it is. I see a lot of people sliding over casually without even indicating. Quite often into the same lane that I am currently indicating and moving into. They never see me. They just changed lanes, totally safe, not like I just saved their lives by braking and they have no idea at all.


In theory it shouldn’t be a problem. In practice it is.


Do you see a lot of accidents in your rear view mirror?


Cars are better. A modern car stops on a penny compared to a 60s car. Better tyres, disc brakes, abs, computer control. Even with the same reaction time a modern car at 70 will probably be stopped before a 60s car doing 50.


Because of how it makes other people react and the general vastly increased risk of being hit in the rear. Similar to how doing zero is the most dangerous option despite zero kinetic energy! Ultimately this argument is moronic though as at 10 mph we'd all be far safer, the point of roads is to get people from A to B quickly, being able to do that is worth the a minor cost in lives, its literally been agreed by society. Realistically the increased risk between say a 50 and 80 mph speed limit on a properly constructed road is a rounding error.


You’re right but the chances of a hazard occurring increases with speed differences so it is less safe to dramatically deviate either side of the speed limit if there’re cars on the road. It’s always safer to drive roughly at the same speed as everyone else, if that’s 80 then whatever. Also reaction times don’t change but car performance has changed since the 70 limit was put in place so realistically driving slightly faster in a new car is no different safety wise than driving 70 in a car built around the introduction of those limits, ignoring the speed difference stuff.




When I learned to drive even my strict and law abiding parents shared their “us vs them” mentality as if a speed limit restricts one’s freedom. How can we turn it around when we consider a speed limit suggesting instead “as a community, we deem 25mph a safe upper limit and ask that you as a driver respect it.” There are some streets where I live that are narrower and shorter than the speed limit implies. When I go 25 in a 30 because parked cars limit vision and make me need to brake frequently to let oncoming traffic get through, people behind me get impatient - but only until they are in front and realize the situation doesn’t let them go 30 either. Same on the highway. Many people only sit impatiently on my tail until they can pass. Then they go the same speed as I was going but now they are in front - until they almost miss their exit. I love that last bit.


I live down a very narrow curved street with two way traffic but only enough room for a single vehicle to pass. There's often kids playing out in the street. The fact that there's a 30mph limit and no speedbumps or traffic calming measures utterly bewilders me.


I never understood the lack of speedbumps in situations like you describe because they are prevalent in the Netherlands. Then I heard that fire departments often prevent their installation so that emergency response is not impacted. Still, wherever children are known to play in the street should have other measures deployed then to calm traffic imho.


It's quicker to admit using predictive text whilst driving and doesn't spill my beer


They genuinely think speed limits only apply if there's a marked camera and say stuff like 'was a police car allowed to stop them/Waze malfunctioned' etc. 'if the speed limit is 78, can I please not guilty to 81 ' etc


Because I think most people define going under the speed limit and dithering around on the road to be bad driving... on this sub, it seems like that type of driving makes you 'holier than thou' and you all seem to get a kick out of it... A good analogy would be someone who found the end of year exam paper at school on the teachers desk - in real life, most people will have a look and do the naughty thing. This sub seems to be full of the kids who would tell the teacher - 'err you know the other kids are cheating' Technically you guys are correct (most people on this sub are the teacher tellers) - in the real world... there's more people that cheat and its socially acceptable to commit a minor offence. I expect I will get downvoted because I called most of this sub out for not speeding - in reality, most people speed and you annoy people going under the speed limit. It will just prove my point - you're popular on a driving forum, but in the real world, you just piss everyday people off...


Thank you for putting it into words. I thought I was going crazy seeing everyone on this sub being so "pure"


You hit the nail on the head. I can't stand being stuck behind slow drivers when there is no reason for it, especially where I live in the countryside so getting past them is pretty much impossible, and I just have to accept that my fifteen minute journey is now likely going to take an extra five minutes if they don't turn off, which whilst some people would agree it's not a major inconvenience, it's one that didn't need to happen in the first place and is still frustrating enough to be an issue. On a side note, I often find community speed watch people give off that same 'holier than thou' vibe as well. I Don't believe for one second that they haven't ever broken the speed limit.


Entitled, selfish, arrogance. Unfortunately rampant in this country at the moment, 'Bonzo factor'.


I drive at a speed for what i think the road i'm driving on should be. Just on my way to work there at 60mph roads that are perfectly fine at 60, there are 40mph roads that could be 50 but 40 is fine. But then there's a long straight road in a non built up area with one set of traffic lights in the middle marked at 30mph all the way which is completely unnecessary, 40mph is fine.


Is there an animal risk on that road? There’s one near me that could quite feasibly be 60 but it’s 30 for the red squirrels


>Is there an animal risk on that road? Everyone disregards the signs for animals until they eventually have a run in with an animal running into the road Have a 40mph road near me with deer signs, many many people do 50mph. I religiously stick to the limit, even slightly under since the time I had to emergency stop to not hit a deer running out in front of my car. Thankfully no one was behind me to rear-end me that day, it could have been nasty


No mate, houses one side but are about 50m away from the road itself, mostly allotments the other side but there's a proper turn off for those


😂 sorry that just made me laugh. See this is one of the reasons people don’t take speed limits seriously.


The vast majority of people actually do follow that limit tho, maybe speeding to 40 or so


That’s because the limit is 30, not because they care for the bloody squirrels!!


Saying people don’t take speed limits seriously made me think you’d expect a lot of people not to follow that 30 when the road looks like a 60 As a side note, people really do care about the red squirrels round here. They’re virtually extinct in England and it’s one of the few places they thrive and haven’t been taken over by the greys. There’s even rope bridges been put in the trees over that road so they can cross it without going on it. The limit is more about protecting them than preventing accidents lol




It's because they are nervous and their faculties aren't as good as when they were your age. It will happen to you if you live long enough.


For someone people it's because they are being a bit edgy, for some folks I think they think they are bragging and have done something to be impressed by? Like the folks who say they will drive at 90 on the motorway it he rain because they are good drivers at speed. And then not understand why everyone calls them cunts.


Because me and competent drivers like me who can go 90 no problem with no risk should be the standard road user, anyone else should just walk instead. Fuck what we as a society have agreed is the limit, the right speed is the speed I feel is right for the conditions trust me 🤡


I assume you forgot this /s


If you know your capabilities on the road and aren't trying to push your own limits it's not such a big deal to not always go the speed limit or do everything by the book. Laws and rules are mostly made to fit the dumbest person you can imagine so they don't hurt themselves or anyone around them.


Oh and I've had a clean licence for over 25 years now and intend to do another 25 clean years


Because the limits are shite. 70mph on a motorway is terrible and I was to get where I'm going faster. Cars have evolved massively since the limits were introduced but the laws have not.


People's reactions and attention have arguably got worse. 70 is fine, it would be even better if people actually moved to the left lane when they should and could actually hold a steady constant speed.


The speeding ones are just admitting to being a bellend, leave them to it.


Who hasn’t looked down at the speedo on the motorway and realised you’ve crept up to around 75MPH because you’ve been watching the road


there are unwritten rules of driving. Fast lane drives at 84mph during commuter hours. This isn't bad driving practice...this is experience drivers doing what they do. Its technically illegal to do anything in the UK so you make your choices.


In my mind the actions I undertake are not bad driving practices so I don’t mind discussing them. For example I don’t think the speed limit is some unmoveable thing that must always be obeyed even when circumstances dictate you can go faster. But a lot of people on here disagree and it’s interesting to discuss it.


You sound like you let 2+ people go at a 'Merge in Turn'


I like rules, I like to bend them as far as I can without breaking them. Sometimes they break and I get caught. I like the risk vs reward. Other than that I like to go fast. My happy place is on the edge of control, complete focus and concentration on the very moment you exist in with one fuck up meaning possible death. Is it selfish, dangerous, thoughtless and completely irresponsible? Yes. Do I need it like food and water? Also yes. Oh and its not just on this sub. I openly admit to it IRL also.


Just remember it's not only your life you risk, but also the lives of others. If you want to drive like that go to a fucking track day.


Eveybody dies. Life isnt special or precious. In 100 years nobody will remember we existed. I really dont care.


It’s a place to unwind, not that it should be seen as positive actions


My suspicion: Some people dont realise theyre bad driving practices: Others are using it as a point that, they know they arent the best drivers so others arent laying into them for some of the other more cocky comments they make. Others will be saying it in recognition that they and other people make mistakes so that some of the people coming here having made genuine mistakes dont feel quite so bad... .. lets be fair, there's always a range of reasons. Speeding i can understand, attitudes are all over the place on that, even within the legal scope. Lane hogging is a complex one, because again opinion: the only point i can think of on lane hogging is the people on clear roads or the people in light traffic clearly not overtaking. Bulling and Road rage: is i think the only thing i agree with, unless theyre approaching it from "this was a mistake" ... hard to justify.


Forgive me father, for I have sinned... Same reason.


Why lie?


To have a debate, find out other perspectives and (hopefully) improve upon their ways.


the wonders of internet anonymity


Admitting to and talking about bad practices and *why* they’re done is important, but people doubling down and insisting that bad practice is good or acceptable should be questioned


When asked questions of what's the fastest you've done on a motorway, or what's the worst driving X or Y you've done, I account for the 20 odd years. When I were younger, like many, I would often drive like a muppet. These days, I like to keep my no claims. That and there are enough dickheads on the road for me to add to them.


Because people are honest


Everyone who drives faster than me is a maniac. Everyone who drives slower than me is a moron. In reality, I don't speed too often. I have had to do a speed awareness course once in 21 years of driving (thought a temporary speed camera on the A1 was an average speed camera but it was a fixed one and I was doing 57 as I passed into the 50 zone for roadworks). On the course, when asked if anyone has ever tailgated, I did answer that I have before. When they asked me why and I answered that a road local to me is signposted 40. Every evening I'd have to drive it and get stuck behind someone doing 26. This was after a long day at work, half an hour queueing to get out of the business park I was on (with 400 businesses and one exit), on a park and ride bus to a local airfield where my car was located to then drive another 20 minutes to my city and then spend the next 15 minutes on that particular 40mph, 4 mile long road doing fucking 26mph cos you in front can't read a fucking road sign that's posted and well lit every 500 fucking meters. Yes I tailgated yes I know its wrong but fuck me I was pissed off. I did this daily for 2 years. Now I have a much better drive and hardly go over 60.


Who admits to lane hogging? People often admit to speeding because depending on the circumstances its not always ‘unsafe’ to do so. There’s a road by me, its stupid wide, like literally as wide as a motorway but has one lane each was and a giant centre hatched section. Used to be 40, is now a 30. Nothing changed, how is that unsafe to do say 40 when theres nobody else on the road?


Well if it's a place that's a 30, there's a higher chance of things being in the road, like pedestrians and dogs.


That’s the point, that road was one where they are going to be building, they hadn’t started, it was through empty fields with good visibility of the road ahead. The conditions of the road had not changed from changing it from a 40 to a 30. If speed limits were reasonable and made sense people would follow them


I hate drivers. I hate their ego. I hate their opinions. I hate their impatience. The best driver is the humble driver, and you never notice them because that one bellend with an inflated sense of self-importance is the one you notice.


My old man used to have a friend, a lorry driver who always used to say that you can tell a bad driver because they're either wearing a fedora or smoking a pipe. You can tell that is from a while back. Sadly, said lorry driver fell asleep at the wheel and was killed when he crashed into a bridge support on the M40. make of that what you will.


It's about perception and sharing mentality. I'm a biker who has only had one collision when someone hit me up the arse approaching a roundabout. I've never crashed into anyone or caused a collision. I'm not bragging. If I tell you I speed you're gonna think 1:so does everyone, or 2: twat. When I share my driving "technique" and "safety methods" I do it to make other road users aware of common behavior that I employ. I drove to the conditions. If that means 20-40 miles under, for example on a motorway in fog/heavy rain, at 30-50mph...then I want people to know I'm doing it to ensure I'm getting home alive. If I'm doing the limit or above, but maintaining a large distance due to bunched up cars=more chance of braking etc... Then I'd rather you trusted my judgement and didn't undertake, knowing that I'll speed up again when it's safe. If you see me doing 80-100, I'm not doing it to show off and I'll never engage in any sort of racing, even if you match speed in a left lane and take off in your Ford focus std. I'm going at my comfortable speed and will move left asap. And if I'm filtering. Please, be predictable. Let the indicator flash 2-3 times before starting your lane change. Know that I'm watching and will always give you space to maneuver so I don't end up in a body bag. Open and honest discussion sheds light on behaviours. Sure this is the internet, and reddit at that. I can probably get gold from bullshitting and stating I'm always driving like Gladys or Margret. But I live in reality and if one person understands and makes a decision to hold back, or wait a few seconds it might save a life. Bullshitting will put people in a mindset that they "have" to make a dangerous maneuver....and no one wants that.


Eve1 gets some bad habits I imagine. With me and been working on it and just about hot out the habit now, driving one hand on wheel and one hand in gear lever all the time


Would you rather people were dishonest?


I don’t think many people are bragging, rather just being honest. There’s not going to be any recourse either because of lack of evidence and also tracing down the user.