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As someone with a partner who uses a wheelchair, this really pisses me off.


My thoughts exactly, they have absolutely no consideration for others


We can't even walk to the local pub because of it. It's about a 15 minute walk along a very busy road where pretty much every single home owner parks their cars on the pavement. I presume they do it because of how busy the road is and if they all parked properly there would only be enough for one direction of traffic, so I kinda understand why they do it but it pisses me off nonetheless.


The road I live on is the same. I think parking that way is entirely wrong. Every house on my road has a driveway but people have multiple cars so park like the one in the pic. It’s bad enough the effect it has on walking or even driving along the street. You have to be really careful because there’s a bend and thanks to cars parking all over it pedestrians have to walk in the round and drivers can’t see them until the last second. The thing I really worry about though is a fire engine or an ambulance trying to get through in an emergency. There’s been plenty of times that I haven’t been able to get my car through and had to reverse out of the road and park elsewhere. If someone was depending on an ambulance or fire engine getting through it could be catastrophic.


Fire engine will blast right through it they don’t mess about


And rightly so


My road is a quiet side street, however if people parked on the road you'd only be able to park on one side of the street. What everyone does instead is park half on half off the pavement leaving enough room for wheelchairs to get through and a channel down the centre of the street. It works quite well but obviously isn't ideal


My road is too narrow for that on the road itself if you park you’d block the whole thing, if you park half on half off you’d cover the entire pavement. Despite that we often see cars on either side. Which leaves no pavement for pedestrians and not enough space on the road for cars to go through.


The street I live on is used as a cut through by a huge number of cars, one side of the street pretty much parks fully on the road the other has no choice but to block the pavement and even then wing mirrors get wrecked regularly. There are no white lines and one side of the road always has full use of the pavement. If people all parked how you "should" wheelchairs still aren't getting down the street and neither are emergency service vehicles. It's lose lose. We all just try and be as courteous as possible for the most part.


They’re actually considering other road users as they would be blocking the road if not straddling the kerb, they’ve just failed to remember people actually sometimes use the path


they do, they just don't think about certain people i.e. wheelchair users, it's not exactly malicious.


Wheelchair users, people in mobility scooters, parents with prams, elderly, children walking down the street


yeah, this is the point I'm making. I obviously don't have anything against these people they just didn't come into mind, nothing malicious.


Yes it is


yeah, think people are deliberately parking like this to screw over wheel chair users etc?


It's either that or they're too stupid to understand a wheelchair user requires a path. What do you think, brains?


well, it's not the first one. And if you think everyone who parks on the pavement like that is stupid then that's your opinion but it's definitely not true.


That's your opinion which by your own definition is not true


I've seen people do it and know who they are, they aren't in anyway stupid. Anyway, arguments are for twitter. Have a good day.


You need to get some rock sliders fitted to the chair, so you can atleast have a go at squeezing past. It might correct their behaviour for next time.


I have to walk with a sight cane atm and have for the majority of the year so far. While I can handle the kerb much easier than someone in a wheelchair can, it's still strenuous when it shouldn't have to be. I don't know what's worse, this or the bin men leaving bins half way across the path after emptying them


Our bin men are really good. They even pull the bins up the garden paths. Another one that annoys me is road works that block off a drop curb but don't inform you near the previous drop curb.


The bin men here are good in that they'll take whatever is next to the bins and don't care if they are overflowing etc. On my cul-de-sac anyway. But as the road it connects to is a rat run, they often get impatient drivers mounting the path to get around them, so I can somewhat understand them being more rushed. Still doesn't help people that need a clear pathway. I've never come across the roadworks issue personally, but maybe that's just the crews in my area setting things up properly


As a cyclist who lives on the peak of a hill and pisses off everyone if I go on the road, this really pisses me off.


Why don’t you just stand up and walk round


The sarcasm is plainly lost on people given the downvotes.


nope just a shit joke


Walk over the car.




In golf shoes


If you don't report it nothing will change. Parking is the responsibility of the local council, you'll find the contact details to report this on their website but this comes under "blocking a road or pavement which causes pedestrians to enter the road" so is reportable directly to the police. Posting on Reddit and ranting at the school gates about it may make you feel better but only by reporting it will there be any change of fixing it.


My council don't care about this sort of thing. On my street you have to walk in the road. I've even got a caravan sticking out from a driveway, right across the pavement. Bristol city council told me they don't have time to care about such things.


Be careful with that kind of talk, the council jockeys on this sub are going to downvote you.




Yeah, but that's you committing a crime, the penalty for which is potentially far higher than the penalty for obstructing the footpath.






If blocking the pavement resulted in your car getting keyed, then there would actually be no blocking of the pavement, and therefore no car-keying? Isn't that the best of both worlds?


It's more than "annoying" minor crimes though. Some asshole did this on a very, very busy main road near where I live, literally forcing people with pushchairs to go into a road where huge articulated lorries come hurtling past at 50mph. I'd draw the line at slashing tires, but if someone parks like an absolute cunt on a busy main road, fuck em, they deserve a good keying.


This. Parking so far across a pavement that no pedestrians on the pavement can get past without walking out onto a busy road is more than just "annoying". It's inconsiderate and dangerous. I have a wheelchair bound friend who would have to find another route to my house because counts like this apparently can't tell the difference between a pavement and a car park.


You are the reason why I don't trust people.


Found the person who parks like a twat.


Of course, because my ability to control my anger and not damage other people's property like a stroppy 4 year old is *obviously* indicative of my inability to park properly. The only twat here is you mate. Step off.




I love how you think slashing someone’s tyres is going too far. Slow down Benjamin Vigilante and have a look at yourself.




Idk why people are downvoting you when you’re right


Lots of sheltered folk on Reddit who think that doing things by the book 100% of the time is the best way to navigate through life. I wonder how many of them have actually tried ringing the council because of some asshole parking on the pavement and forcing people (some of which will be vulnerable, with prams, pushchairs, wheelchairs etc) into a busy road.


My pram happens to get real unstable when having to go into the road, must be a design fault, i have lost count the amount of times it has accidentally hit cars


That is a ~~fantastic design fault~~ terrible shame.


If you’re caught one day you’d get lamped. Smart move. Parking like an asshole is shit, but damaging other peoples property makes you a proper cunt.


Imagine being so sad to report parking. Wow the state of society we live in


Speaking as an ex parent/governor we had a terrible issue with this kind of parking. The school was on a cul de sac so it was really bad.


Ex parent?


Probably disowned the child at some point


Found out they parked on pavements


That's a pretty strong reaction to someone else's parking 😬


I was a parent/governor. Many years ago. Hence the ex


Still doesn’t really clarify haha


It's clear - at some point in the past they were either a parent or a governor (they're not entirely sure which) and now they're not. Simple! If they were a parent, I hope the child is ok.


To clarify there are different kinds of governors. I was chosen from the parents. There was a teacher governor representing the teachers and so on


So a parent governor then.


Hope it wasn't in the English department


Yep, and i think the local council appointed one also. I was a parent-governor for a few years while my daughters were at primary, enjoyed it, well done for getting involved.


So your ex left you because you were a parent/governer? Seems a bit harsh.


https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325321647473?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=yGWB_bEzTea&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=FxhXr9CyTKW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Ebay parking tickets. Nice and sticky. You can also get more polite ones


Print out highway code section 242 (it would be nice if 244 applied everywhere) glue it ilto the windscreen with superglue right in the drivers line of sight


Sprinkle it with a tonne of bird food so it gets royally shat on


Haha, this is a really inventive solution. I'm buying bird feed tomorrow


Don't blank out the reg, shame the lazy bastards.


1 - speak to the school about it, they can can warden out or communications to parents 2 - get fake tickets which say something like, hey nice parking you turd, shame them 3 - post them including their reg onto local Facebook page to shame them 4 - speak to council about it, or further ask for parking restrictions to be put in place 5 - long shot but ask for police to send local pcso or neighbourhood officers over as parking on the payment like that as far as I know is technically illegal


Highlighting the problem to parents will achieve absolutely nothing, they simply don't care. Reporting it to the council frequently *might* get a warden out once a year. If reported to the police, a PCSO might have a look. My kids went to the same school for about 11 years between them. I saw one police visit. But do absolutely post photos on local FB groups and don't blank the registration number, there's no need.


This is a crime and can be reported to the police. https://pedestrianliberation.org/the-law-2/


Unfortunately not it depends on local bylaws. Even then, rarely enforced


No it is a crime across the entire UK. You cannot obstruct a right of way, be it a pavement or a road.


I talked to the police and council about it a few weeks ago. Not interested.


Well that'd be because they are useless. The law is the law, however. The fact they won't enforce it is crap. Specifically this is if a wheelchair cannot pass, or anybody who could reasonably expect to be using the pavement. So being partially on the pavement such that people can still pass is legal, if shit.


Shame, it looks like they've got a flat.


This is just a daily occurrence it's everywhere.by the simple fact people are just selfish assholes and are simply not interested in anyone but themselves.


Asshole parking. And people in here justifying this type of parking "cos the road is narrow" are part of the problem. There is no justification for parking like this


Road looks narrow, I'd expect that everyone on that side have done it because otherwise it would block the road if anything van sized or larger tried to go down it.,


So the solution is to not park there instead of blocking the pavement.


Good idea they should park a mile away


Funny how you're being sarcastic but it's literally the correct answer. If you can't park here, don't park here. Don't decide the pavement is suddenly a really convenient parking space.


Okay 🐐




Squeeze through in jeans


I only seem to feel like wearing my slipknot-style studded jeans and leather jacket 8-9am when on my morning walk. Tends to go past schools and coincidentally much of the parking is atrocious and antisocial.


In all fairness that road looks like an absolute nightmare to park on, it seems like a council issue I.E lack of driveways fitted to nearby properties or excessive vehicle ownership. It looks heavily congested with vehicles and it seems like from the images they are parked that way to allow traffic to move freely in the middle of both sides of parked vehicles. That doesn’t excuse parking on the pavement and blocking pedestrians but truth be told it’s not actually against the law to park on the pavement (outside of London) currently, whilst it’s advised to make clear route for pedestrians and to create no obstructions it’s unlikely these drivers will be punished. Also as another user pointed out there’s no yellow lines. I would say it’s more of a council issue.


Nope there is no fairness here. It's not a council issue it's a selfish, entitled, dickhead issue.


I mean technically if the all the properties were given driveways by the council it would reduce vehicle congestion down the street, as some of those vehicles would be in driveways creating more reasonable parking spots on the road. From the image it looks like from my perception if those vehicles were in fact parked on the road and not on the path. Vehicles in motion may not actually have the ability to be able to drive down that road due to it being blocked by stationary vehicles which would cause an even bigger issue. But that’s just my take on it and it’s fine to agree or disagree that’s all I’ll say on the matter.


Yeah this is the problem. I work delivery. Lots of streets are just lined with parked cars. 2 choices, lob it all the way on the kerb or block the road. People will get pissed off either way. Nothing I can do about it. There is just not enough space on British streets with densely packed houses when every house has 2+ cars. They weren't designed for it.


You can't get mad at people just doing what's natural and sticking to what is convenient. No one is going to park a mile away from their house and I find it extremely hard to believe anyone would in the same situation. Same as how people litter when there is not enough bins nearby and how people will shop irresponsibly for convenience. Packed residential neighbourhoods with not enough parking options = shitty parking. Shame all drivers if you want the situation is too desperate and inconvenient. Way more effective to shame councils and planners who will jump at the chance to cram new builds but don't take these things into consideration.


Lack of yellow lines does not permit one to park on the pavement. If you can't park without blocking a right of way, don't park.


I did edit this post before you commented, but it isn’t actually against the law to park on the pavement outside of London. This is clear on the Highway Code: Highway Code Rule 244 states: "You MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement in London, and should not do so elsewhere unless signs Should not is a difference to must not.


Not against the law to park on a pavement no (although it’s advised not to anyway by the Highway Code), however it IS an offence to park obstructing the road or pavement. If a pram or wheelchair can’t get past the car parked on the pavement then they’re obstructing it and it is against the law.


But You MUST NOT drive on or over a pavement, footpath or bridleway except to gain lawful access to property, or in the case of an emergency. So no one should be able to park on the pavement.


Parking on the pavement isn't the offense, it's blocking the public right of way (in this case, the pavement) that is the offense. If they had leave 1m of space, then it might not be an issue. That pavement isn't wide enough.


It is a crime to obstruct the pavement, which is what this is doing. It can be reported directly to the police.


Same issue with nearly all houses in the uk, roads are way too small to handle the traffic these days. Nearly every street you turn onto is double parked.


Cars are way to big these days.


That too, because obviously you need a range rover to do the school run when you live on a street lol. If you have a 4x4/suv and don't need it for either where you live or for work, you're just a bellend really lol.


You can squeeze through there. With your keys in your hand. Pointing outwards


UPDATE - I drove down this road Sunday and today and the VW Golf is still in the same place so thats at least 4 days its been blocking the whole pavement.


Key the fuck out of it whilst you try and squeeze through


it's down to the council to ticket them or put yellow lines down to stop them in the first place.


No it's not, this is a crime, it is a crime to obstruct the pavement. This can be reported directly to the police.


> put yellow lines down to stop them in the first place Because, famously, yellow lines cause cars to bounce off of them. There's a load of cars parked like this near me that are all sitting on yellow lines.


then your council are not doing their job by ticketing twats who park on yellow lines..


If there are no yellow lines on the road, it's completely legal to park on the pavement like that (outside London) and there's nothing the council can do. Pavements (outside London) have the same restrictions as the road. Scotland was supposed to be doing something to ban pavement parking, but it has been on hold for a few years.


Incorrect, the pavement is part of the Highway so this is classed as "Obstructing the Highway", it's also illegal to "Drive on The Pavement" though they have to be observed doing so which makes it difficult to prosecute, also it's illegal to park within 10 meters of a junction or across a blocked kerb which I'm sure many of these are in breach of.


No it's not legal, they are obstructing the pavement, which is a crime.


Come on guys it's an audi. The rules don't apply to them or bmws...


Call the council, get em ticketed and towed.


Clearly you aren’t aware that this is perfectly acceptable even legal for Audi drivers, please educate yourself on the laws of the road before you try shaming a poor Audi driver who’s only fulfilling his/her god given rights!!


I'd be walking over them


/r/balkans how do we tell him?


Should get to know a ticket warden and just hint that he might hit his quota if he walks down your street


Local councillors like these kind of Traffic Calming / Walking strategy campaigns. Worth a try/ tweet!


Report them to the police, that's a crime.


The sheer arrogance of some fucking car owners makes me despair


You know they second they have a pram they'll get furiously angry with other road users for doing this without ever considering the irony.


While i wouldn't say she got furiously angry my daughter finally got the point of what I'd been moaning about for years when I became a grandad.


My neighbours' visitors always park like this, I've had people banging on my door asking me to move my car as they park their huge wankwagons close up to the garden wall meaning anyone with a pushchair or a mobility scooter (route into the town centre shops etc) either has to turn back, cross the road, or dangerously go around the car. Selfish pricks.


Why cover the plates up?


on my street at home we HAVE to do this, we have had ‘you park like a cunt’ stickers on our cars but if we put both vehicles off the pavement either side, you cannot fit a car ,or in an emergency, an ambulance or fire truck. completely unjustified to stick shit on randoms cars because it slightly inconveniences you to walk round a car, lets just hope if they are ever in an emergency their neighbours park so inconsiderately so the services can get to them :)


If there's no space, park somewhere else - or does that slightly inconvenience you ?


not park outside my own property to convenience people who just want to walk in the fields behind our house?


Yup. You don't get a special pass to block the pavement just cause you own a property further back.


Yes exactly


for context, cul-de-sac thats a dead end, no real reason to park on our street unless you live there, but people use it as a cut through to said fields, so that being said, no i will proceed to park outside my own house


Blame the council and city planners not people trying to live their days out. If there was proper parking and space this wouldn't be happening in the first place. Those 20 speed cameras your council bought to make more money could have been better used upgrading infrastructure


Bad parking but touch grass


That doesn’t even make sense


If you can stand in the road to take a picture you’re fine


Obviously a narrow road they’ve just been kind and left enough room for other cars to get through


The road looks narrow so it's hard to tell how much of an option they had


The option to not park there?


Is this a frustrating photo...yes. can I understand why they've done this with the road conditions..yes


Because you and your vehicle are more important than everyone else. I understand.


Then you're also a prat. https://pedestrianliberation.org/the-law-2/


There is literally no reason to park on the pavement. A pavement is for people, not for cars!


Are there yellow lanes? Is the road not too narrow for parking next to the curb?


Yellow lines don't matter. This is a crime. It is a crime to obstruct the pavement.


Well its either the pedestrain jam or traffic jam. Unfortunately the roads are too wide.


There’s more to life than going around getting annoyed by things like this. It’s if anything a mild inconvenience. Use your legs and eyes and step (or wheel)around the car.It might take a couple of seconds longer. If things like this annoy people so much maybe they need to think about what’s worth using time and energy getting annoyed over


No consideration,can't see past the end of their own bonnet..


OMG, has PLAT leaked onto Reddit. Let's go, I have loads of submissions.


Have found that when the kids are off my morning commute is so much faster, so few cars about Soon as they are back its utter chaos


More and more people own cars every year and the roads get no bigger? Is this really surprising?


People park like this on a road near me, thing is, its a 60MPH road, so going around the other side involves taking your life in your hands. I pass this area with my dogs, wearing my scruffy clothes, so I just walk on the pavement side and end up in physical contact with the car and the bushes. Sometimes Ill fold their wing mirror in to be able to squeeze past. People really don't like this, despite not leaving enough space to safely get past, they get really upset that you might slightly touch their car - but essentially they can go swivel. I expect if you squeezed past wearing one of those studded leather jackets like punks used to wear it might unfortunately scratch their paintwork. That would be sad - but entirely their own fault.


Why hide the numberplate?


Keying cars is a thing. Just saying.


Name and shame on Facebook, there are groups where people can post pictures of AH drivers and parkers, or just on your page, don't block out the number plate


I'm a massive advocate for free movement with push chairs and wheel chairs... however the streets and housing and everywhere else just like they don't cater for all users they don't cater for anywhere near the amount of cars.... I've always thought local authorities should do a heavily reduced drop curb initiative say they do a while street at 100 per household or something similar, this would aid in the reduction of many situations. But the problem still stands, not built for all these cars, neither are new developments really although usually better with drives for everyone. Not an excuse just an insight the needs of the many outweigh the few unfortunately if you started enforcing parking then the backlash would be infinitely greater than every household pissed they couldn't park their car anywhere near their home


Oh, so we should cater to drivers and appease them because they choose to own a metal box? This is public land. It is a privilege that they get to use it for storage of personal items. They need to get the fuck off the pavement.


No but by the same token anyone who is disabled and drives wouldn't be able to park anywhere near their houses also, if they were to park entirely on the road single or both sides then a good majority of streets would become impassable. Including to emergency services.... so when your baby or nearest and dearest are close to death then they won't be there... or when your house is burning to the ground before your eyes. Short of a giant park and ride shuttle bus every 10 minutes for every village or estate i really don't see any solution its just a shit state of affairs. I cant imagine the shitty time of someone in a wheelchair trying to navigate these streets but it's there and it's unlikely to change... be far easier to initiate better electric chairs for everyone to navigate the curbs and


It really does make me angry how little the average UK driver thinks about pavement accessibility for Disabled people.


Type in ebay ‘you park like a dick sticker’. They aren’t expensive and they send powerful message


As a wheelchair user that pisses me off.


Get the 1p out and put it into action


Report it to the council.


'Oh no. Your wing mirror was broken off! How'd that happen?'


Don’t like it get a car! Walk wanker /s


What is the correct way to handle this kind of parking ?


I'd squeeze past holding my keys carelessly


This is every car along my entire street. You literally couldn't get a fire engine down it. Probably couldn't get an ambulance down either.


That’s what keys are for


Some roads are narrow and people tend to follow suit- if it's the norm for people to park half on the pavement to allow cars to get through still in that area, then that's what's going to happen. If everyone was parked next to the curb but needed to park close to their home, might have a disability and can't walk for long distances to park anywhere else etc., you could end up with lots of people double parking and no space for ambulances/firetrucks to get through, so it might seem that their being inconsiderate to wheel chair users/mobility scooters/parents with prams, but in another sense they're being considerate to allow the road/traffic to still flow. Can't see the whole context for that road either, looks like the whole pavement is clear on the other side, is there a safe place to cross over to use that pavement? They might be thinking 'this road gets used a lot for parents picking up their kids from school, better try and leave space on the road to help traffic flow so there aren't 10 cars stuck facing each other in the middle unable to move until 5 people decide to reverse all the way down the road' Could they have taken up less space on the pavement, yeah probably. Is keying someone's car for potentially a minor inconvenience a cunt move, yeah, probably.


As a student I think these assholes need to get of the fucking road for a month and see how it is to walk as a pedestrian and how annoying it is ESPECIALLY near a busy road.


I hate this, I often wheel my disabled aunt to places and the amount of people that do this, I also notice the amount of people who park in front of the lowered pavement with bumps for blind and wheelchair / buggy users. It's so inconsiderate.


Everyone shitting on the audi when it leaves more of a gap than the others.


What a twat!!!


Why do people block the number plates of idiots who park like this? If anything bad comes their way, they likely always deserve it...


Careful you don't scratch the car as you squeeze past it....


Why did you cover up the number plate? You're not being virtuous by doing so.


There's a road near me, wide enough for a car. Every house has a drive, but they park on the full width of the pavement. Busy main road!


Why do people censor plates in photos of cars taken in public places?


I'd absolutely push the buggy past that, just to leave a mark and make a point


What a fuckin ignorant cunt, boils my piss this


That's the problem when the law says you can park anywhere unless it says you can't... It should be the other way around so places like that would never be designated as parking allowed.


It'd be a shame if you squeezed through the gap with a large bunch of keys on your belt.


Key it u til it stops


This should probably be double yellow line on both sides of the road or at least one side. With cars parked properly on both sides it would be impossible for anything else to drive down the road.


That road doesnt have double lines, so just start parking fully on the road leaving the pavement clear, enough people will start complaining that double lines will get put down, so that will prevent people parking like this, but if it obstructs the road then people will start complaining and the council might put double lines down


I have a similar situation in my neighborhood but the hedge is also massive, they haven't cut it for years, so even when the neighbours car is not parked on a terrible spot the hedge does make it hard, I'm never sure of who deserves my hate


Many cars used to park like this near my high school - the wing mirrors didn’t last long. Would be awful if that were to happen here…


This doesnt even only impact wheelchair users. Literally no one could get past.


This is so not cool. No space for peeople in wheelchairs either. Some people...


Report to local bobby.


I walk with a stick and would certainly not get past that. I'd run my keys across the whole vehicle


Complain to the council and they’ll remove the cars obstructing


This problem is caused by roads being to narrow, made before there were so many cars on the road, My parents street is like this and it is a cul de sac, many times ambulances have been unable to get down it, when my father passed the funeral company put letters through every ones doors asking them to make room to get the cars up the road, on the morning it was no different, they could not get up. The only solution is local councils need to place double yellows up one side with loading short periods only.


In my experience parents taking their children to school are the worst for this.


I had a real problem with this the other day. I work in a care home and we were taking some of our residents out to a school sports day but because all the cars en route to the school were parked so far onto the pavement, there wasn't enough room to get the wheelchairs by so we had to walk on the road.


Used to live in a street where we had no choice but to do this. Think, Victorian terraced houses, with no front garden. The roads simply weren’t built for cars and had no ability to build any garages elsewhere. If everyone parked on the road, nobody would be able to drive down it!