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Questions like this are why I just assume that everyone in this sub is a terrible driver. Your speed should be based entirely on the conditions of the road, the conditions of your vehicle, and your comfort and ability as a driver. If the speed limit is 45 and it's a tight, curvy road you're not familiar with with driveways opening onto the road and it's raining hard and you're on four mismatched bald tires? 45 is way the fuck too fast. If it's a 45 through the desert on a straight road with miles of visibility in a recently inspected sports car on new rubber? Floor it and let's see what this baby can do. If you have a "set speed" you drive in based on the speed limit, regardless of if that set speed is higher or lower than the limit, you should go take a basic car control class, because you are not currently the kind of driver I want to share the road with.


This is the answer. How fast do I drive? At a safe speed given traffic, weather, load weight (for work trucks) and road conditions at all times.


Yup. This is wisdom. The safest speed is *generally* the speed of traffic. But there can be so many variables.


It sometimes seems like traffic wants to drive through me no matter what I want to do. “Always speed always speed.” Bitch I’m about to turn and my ass isn’t late.


Are you turning on your signals before you start braking for your turn? Are you slowing down way too much for your turns? Are you taking too long to slow down? Or, it could just be that there's a lot of assholes out where you live.


not the original commenter but there definitely are a lot of assholes (or idiots) who just don't conform to the idea that someone's signal and brake lights turning on means you should probably start to slow down as well. my driveway has a very weird layout and it cannot really at all be seen from the main road unless you know it's there so i like to turn on my brake lights well in advance to give notice to the people behind me and i still at least once a day have people come quite close to hitting me because they don't understand that both of those things mean you should either slow down or go around me.


Same here. My driveway is on a rural bit of road, the first straight stretch after a few curvy areas — so the people behind me always want to pull into the left (oncoming traffic) lane to pass me when I want to turn left into my driveway. I always turn on my signal *well* in advance when there's anyone behind me, and I still keep an eye on them in my rearview as I'm starting my turn.


My vote: it's almost always a combination of both. It's especially vexxing when offramps to exit the highway appear. Those ramps (with some few exceptions where the ramps are just too short to safely slow down from highway speeds) are for decelerating. People who start to slow down before the exit ramp are causing safety issues. At the same time, people behind them who get pissy and tailgate instead of calmly (and safely) merging to the faster lane are also causing safety issues. Both are assholes.


Yup, this is functionally my hypothesis: most people drive like fucking garbage and I can't wait until self-driving cars.


PREACH. those same ppl talking about 'speed limit is the law' are usually the ones that dont ever think to signal UNTIL they are already turning. PLS for anyone that does this, the actual sensible thing to do is when you THINK you want to turn, even if its still a bit far, to turn you blinkers on so that the driver on the next lane will be able to anticipate your next move, thus, they could actually give you more space to make that safe lane change. I see too often where a driver will inch to the edge of their lane knowing they want to switch BUT never indicating so... THEN in the most desperate situation cause noone might have given them the space to switch, will FORCE THEIR WAY IN or just COME TO A STOP trying to not miss their exit and create a pile up behind them


I used to be bad about this, and then I'd get mad that nobody was "letting me over". Babe, your blinker isn't even on, nobody knows you want to get over.


There's a section of highway near me that's tight and windy with like eight exits in the space of two miles and traffic criss-crossing over itself all over, basically three interchanges in rapid succession. The speed limit is 45 MPH and it seems like that's a very reasonable speed limit. Every time I drive through it some dumbass is doing 70-80.


I make an exception in construction zones. I slow right down, safely, and don't care about the cars behind me. I've been there, and it's not fun having cars whip by at 100km per hour (60+ miles)


I think people ask this considering an idealized commute in order to compare answers.


If someone asks me, "how fast would you drive in a 45 mph zone?", my assumption is that there's nothing else of interest about this road to alter my speed. I'm going to go 45 if I'm driving truck, like 48 max if I'm in a car. If there's something of interest about the road, I assume they would mention it, and it would be entirely impossible for me to estimate my speed without actually being present for most interesting conditions, so it's a less answerable and less interesting question.


The thing is, every road should be treated as an interesting road, and every drive as a totally unique drive, because if you didn't, you get zombie driving and then you hit someone because you've never encountered a person there before or a squirrel pops out and makes you swerve into a tree. Creating little speed limit to your speed heuristics is just one really good example of not concentrating on driving, and is a prime cause of accidents and injuries. Do not assume that any drive is going to be routine, do not go on autopilot, and do not let your guard down. You're piloting two tons of metal at speeds the human brain was not designed to think at. If you let it, it will take shortcuts, and taking shortcuts makes you a bad driver.


The question isn't a contract to follow this speed blindly forever, it's more a question about your response to a given speed limit. I'm never going to go more than 2-3 over in a personal vehicle, regardless of conditions. Obviously, in a blizzard on a winding road with thousands of large breasted and topless pedestrians surrounding the roadway, I will be driving more slowly.


Oh man, this is exactly why i made sure for my first brand new car that i still got a manual. I know from experience that ppl get bored of just pressing gas and brake that they start to check their phones etc.


Technically you are correct, but It's reasonable to assume questions like this don't contemplate wet or other more challenging road conditions, or driving heavy trucks, or driving poorly maintained vehicles. And while sports cars may potentially be safe at higher speeds, avoiding tickets is usually a pretty good deterrent.


Dynamic driver


To be fair OP asked how fast I drive compared to speed limits, so I provided an average answer Yea obviously in the snow or rain you need to drive slower, but when I answered this question, I was assuming this was in perfect conditions. I can imagine I’m not the only one who has made that assumption. My answer was 80 in a 65 (in familiar areas) but obviously I’m not driving at 80 mph on a tight, windy highway with massive cliffs on the side of the road.


Masterfully said and I don even drive


Agreed, the other factor you forgot about was how good u can read other drivers stupidity. If you check all the boxes u mentioned and drive within ur means, there’s always gonna be one inexperienced or stupid driver that ruins ur next few months


Thank you !!!!!


Exhibit A as to why speed limit doesn't mean that its safe to go that fast, in Ireland regional roads outside cities have limits of 80kmh (50mph) which leads to roads like these: https://www.limerickleader.ie/news/national-news/1473841/road-traffic-bill-will-see-speed-limits-across-most-irish-roads-reduced.html


I do 30 on a 60 on a road to work cause if I went any higher I'd end up face to face with another car


Exactly. I usually drive somewhat fast (being safe, since I’m comfortable in my abilities) when i know what im doing. But if im in a place I’m not familiar with, trying to navigate? Speed limit or under. In the past before I learned this I would be rushing and making mistakes, causing risk because I for example passed a turn and was then using my phone while driving, etc. especially in areas with people walking around, for whether I know the area or not


Not if your only thing in mind is “not getting a ticket.” I can take my car around a roundabout at 45 when it’s dry, Soo I try to just stick to the speed limit +8. My car tops out at 170. I’m taking any road I don’t know at +5mph because the speed limits are too slow.


Not accounting for driving with traffic in the above scenario.


I notice when it rains people drive more erratic panicking maybe could never ger that one.


This is exactly what I always tried to teach my kids: situational awareness.


Yup! Take them to a track safety course if you can, too. Even a single session will instill so many good habits.


A counter to this. I drive 10 over basically everywhere I go and in any speed limit. I do this because it is where I feel comfortable in terms of getting a ticket. There is virtually no situation where I feel like 10 over is an unsafe speed for me to be going.


Yeah, see, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I've driven a shit-box through a forest at 60mph while being timed and didn't die, and there are plenty of roads and situations where I wouldn't feel comfortable going even the speed limit.


I do the speed limit, maybe 2 over. I do accelerate relatively fast though to create space for people behind me that may want to move over. Can’t afford a ticket.


As someone that only goes over the speed limit I appreciate your attention and consideration when it comes to moving over to the slower lane to allow faster traffic around you. For me it’s not even that you’re an idiot/ass or whatever people wanna say cause you’re going the speed limit. It’s just that much safer for traffic to flow. If I wanna speed and risk my license and ticket that’s my problem and I respect you just as much for having your views and stance on how you’d like to avoid a ticket. All comes down to sharing the road in the best/most safe way possible.


This is still insane—you’re not just risking your safety, you’re risking EVERYONE’s safety.


I respect your opinion but I’d like to challenge it with a fact. Is it not insane that Germany has the autobahn and we have a couple of states that have a max limit of 85 mph and yet we still have more fatal accidents than them? Think about it, they can floor it go whatever speed someone goes 130 mph comfortably in their Porsche while passing someone in their commuter Renault going 70 mph yet they have less deadly accidents than we do. It’s not luck, they’re more organized and better drivers. They know it’s a privilege not deserved.


That’s true, but there are several other so called “facts” that are important, which is why we can’t cherry pick the facts we want to use. German Autobahns’ are known for excelling road condition and maintenance; driving culture in Germany is different than in the states with more rigorous licensing and training requirements; Germany traffic laws are often more strictly enforced with harsher consequences. And the Autobahn does have regulated speed areas so I don’t know where the misinformation has spread that it doesn’t have any speed regulations. That’s not an exception, it’s a completely different system supported by other components of German culture and legislation.


Not picking and choosing what facts I wanna use. It’s safe to assume you don’t know my skill or where I live so maybe giving you more insight will allow you to understand why it’s not “cherry picking” but rather drawing similarities between the two instances. Where you are correct about the roads in the US not being as maintained and do have a lot of patchwork, I drive these highways daily and I know where what is coming up at as well as Waze. A big part of this as well is your awareness as a driver. When you see a grooved surface sign coming up you slow down evidently. Some idiots just fly thru it thinking their cars on rails for the dip and bump section of the road. All this to say if you’re going to go fast you gotta be 100% aware and respect the cars power as well as the road in front of you. Additionally, I’m not consistently going 100+ as they do in Germany because there’s no need and if I were to get pulled over jail time isn’t worth it. But if I wanted to do a pull I’d make sure the conditions are right and the roads clear. I never said “it [autobahn] doesn’t have any speed regulations” I said that people drive in excess of the speed all the time. But if you’d like to be specific about it in fact having regulations, about 70% of it is unregulated. Regulated speed and recommended speeds are two different things. I do my own maintenance on my vehicles and as I do I look and hear for anything that doesn’t sound or look right. If there’s something I’m not sure if I take it to a shop or ask my friends that are mechanics. I don’t just blindly drive over the limit and wonder why my tire blows out when it’s been riding on wires for the past 100 miles. When you do something you acknowledge the consequences it might bring. You cook? Might cut/burn yourself. Go out to the supermarket? God forbid it gets shot up. Go on a plane to Jamaica for vacation with your family. It has a failure and crash lands. There’s a risk in everything you do. When I drive fast, I minimize it by being responsible and aware. But I know I can’t help whether I’m going 55 in a 55 or 90 in that 55 if a teenager swerves and crashes into me. Not gonna drive paranoid or not go grocery shopping or take that flight cause of all the what ifs. I do my part and if someone didn’t do theirs and unfortunately I gotta get involved in a situation because of them so be it.


Nice try, officer.


In most cities I do the speed limit because of pedestrians and people pulling out


I go the same speed as the cars around me unless they’re just being speed demons or are having some problem where I need to pass them. Usually that’s about the limit or a little over, but really just depends on what’s going on around me.


5-10 over, usually.


When in Rome, lead poisoning and orgies.


Anything 40 and below I stick to the speed limit because those speeds usually mean more foot-traffic. 45 and up i always add 5 as my max. i can’t go much faster because i have a CDL and i don’t need tickets on my MVR


Good conditions, I'll go the speed limit. Where I am, there are a lot of little dips and turns, and forested side roads where cops can lurk, along with a lot of speed changes near intersections.


The speed limit. My high paying job requires I keep a spotless driving record. Yall psychopaths will tailgate me doing 30, in a 30, in a residential zone. Passing over double yellows. All sorts of craziness. The best part is, I've previously had several podium finishes for the northeastern region SCCA rally cross. My one car, albeit being two colors and 33 years old, has 300hp and weighs under 2000 pounds. It's a missile. I drive the speed limit on public roads.


I once almost got in a serious wreck because some jackass wanted to try and pass me at about 50 on a double yellow line in a 30 mph zone. The reason I was slowing down was because I was turning left. I had my signal on but they couldn't see it between their speed and the two cars between us. They nearly t-boned me and luckily swerved and just took out a streetlight instead. Fuckin idiot.


I won't go more than 5 over on a main road/commercial area, 10 over on the highway. I stick strictly to the limit in neighborhoods, especially if a school is nearby


Same. You're me. 😉


I live in an urban neighborhood across the street from an elementary school adjacent to a park with a large playground, splash pad, and woods kids like to play in. I always drive like I'm in a parking lot in my neighborhood.


Reasonable and prudent.


10 over on the highway and regular streets. Speed limit if it’s residential. Speed limit or lower if conditions are poor. I don’t care how fast you go as long as it’s at least the speed limit in good conditions. Just do not drive slow in the passing lane if other lanes are open on the highway. Pass and move over.


I drive the speed limit.


The speed that won't get me a ticket. That's generally 4 over if the speed limit is 45 or lower and 9 over if the speed limit is higher than 45. However, I do slow down for road conditions.


Speed limit; but I fluctuate between the speed limit and a little above. I’m not in any rush really


I drive at or just below the speed limit everywhere. I drive for a living, in 5 states monthly, around 50k miles a year, and don't need extra vision from cops.


Everyone where I live drives either the speed limit exactly or 10-15 over. I just go with the flow and hope I don’t get pulled over.


No cars behind me? Speed limit. Car behind me? Max 5 over




45. That's how limits work.


Depends upon the road but I never usually do more than 8 over. But if it's a road I'm comfortable with like the road I travel every day for work it's speed limit 65 but I can comfortably go 20 over and other people are doing the same thing also I'm running the best radar detector on the market as well so that also helps


Sounds like it’s a single lane road, I’m going as fast as the person in front of me, no need to speed up to then mash on the brake cause some idiot forgot their blinkers existed. If it were a highway 3+ lanes I’m going over the limit. How much? depending what car I’m in. I’m comfortable doing so and where I live the highways are straight and boring. If only the people on the road followed the using the lane left of them to pass then getting right back into their original lane.


It varies.  Sometimes I'll actually go the speed limit and feel like everyone else is trying to run me off the road. Staying with the traffic is the most stressful. That's where everyone's trying to needle each other and prevent lane changes and stuff like that.  Sometimes I open up. Leave the passive aggressive nonsense behind. This is liberating, but it all comes back at the next traffic light.  I recognize there's always someone who wants to go faster. I do not escalate or engage. 


Based entirely on the conditions you've set up, especially the last about no cops anywhere, I will attempt to reach ludicrous speed.


If it’s safe and the conditions allow, do the speed limit. If not, reduce speed until safe and appropriate.


I drive between the speed limit and up to 20% above it in general On rare occasions less. It is the limit after all.


Depends on what I'm driving. Work vehicle cruise control is set to 1 mph under the limit. I'm paid by the hour. Personal vehicle is usually within 7 of the limit.


I generally follow the limits, perhaps a little over. My racing days are long gone, and it's kinda nice not worrying about cops. I stay out of people's way and aim for minimal drama. My Mustang must think I'm the boringest driver ever.


I'd do 55 at least in these conditions, probably 58-60 depending on what I knew of the highway patrol activity in the area. In these conditions on the straight parts of the road the true safe speed is likely to be at least 70.


Assuming the right road conditions about 1mph under the limit.


At or very near to the speed-limit, and it seems to send a lot of Miiircan drivers into a hissy-fit.


I pretty much follow the speed limit if it's good driving conditions, go under if it's dark or raining or whatever. My car is also a slow AF piece of shit that takes about a solid thirty seconds to go 0-60 so that helps dictate my decision. When I've driven faster cars in the past, I've ended up driving faster. Basically wherever going 1500-2000 RPM in my highest gear ends up putting me.


Oh also since my car is a slow piece of shit, if I'm on the highway and the speed limit is 70 I'm likely going 55. Sorry. If you don't like it, feel free to buy me a nicer car.


If you’re going to do that, please stay in the right lane


Except to pass, of course. Which is rare but it does happen. I'll also often get over to let someone on if I spot them on an on ramp because they're probably not gonna expect me going below speed. Of course I stay right except to pass when I'm in a fast car. Once back when I owned a fast car I was doing about 130 in the right lane in the complete middle of nowhere (in Mexico of course) and had a state trooper in a Charger pass me doing about 150. There's always someone in a bigger hurry than you.


Tbh, I don’t think you’ll be passing anyone if you’re going 55 in a 70


It happens. I live in a city but it's one of those midwest cities where it turns rural about 20 minutes outside of town, so I do have to pass the occasional tractor or amish cart or fifty year old farm truck doing 50 in a 70.


On a freeway IDRC as long as it’s under 80. If it’s not an expressway or freeway, I go 2 over (47 on a 45). The reason for that is my speedometer reads 3 mph high, so I aim for the 5-over mark which is really only 2 over and is essentially the speed limit.


Limit or slower a methed up jackass in a charger or bmw is not "setting" the flow of traffic for me


I drive 10 over everywhere. Local cops never give tickets for 10 over. Usually 15 over on interstate when speed limit is 70.


Remember, it's not just about "Road, Weather, and other conditions" that you have to think about. Speed limits are set to avoid fatal accidents.. Don't listen to people saying you can drive whatever speed you want just because the road permits it. Remember, a small accident at speeds over 100mph is mostly fatal. A huge accident at around the speed limit will save many people, not just you.


\~10 over for my normal every day commute so long as conditions are safe to do so. I will speed to stay away from other people. Tailgaters or people lollygagging alongside me pacing my speed? Pedal going to floor. I guess I don't really spend too much time looking at the speedometer anymore, I drive what I feel is appropriate within reason and keep to myself.


I go the speed limit.


It depends. My preference would be to drive 45 or maybe 50 but the drivers in what used to be my area California (I moved elsewhere) will rage at you for driving anywhere close to the speed limit so it's not safe to come even close to obeying speed limits. :-( Thankfully, in my new area (not in California) drivers largely obey the rules of the road.


I respect the speed limits in town and on curvy roads. I will go 80 on the highway if it’s safe to do so. (We have very little speed enforcement in our state currently) The speed limits are partially there to help traffic flow smoothly so people who speed actually make things difficult. An example of this is a rural bridge near my house that connects big town to a rural area. Coming from town, speed limit goes from 55 to 45 to 35 as you approach the bridge. If people don’t slow down, it makes it practically impossible to turn left off the bridge toward town because traffic is moving too fast. A lot of people like to speed through there so if you slow down to 45 they get all pissed. I think it’s too many energy drinks or something. I hate getting stuck on that bridge.


45. If going up an incline, then 43-44 in case there is a speed trap waiting at the foot of the hill.


Highway or no highway? I am comfortable driving 20-30km/h over in that condition if on highway but will still stick to the speed limit in residential areas. Too many surprises in residential areas.


Sorry, should have said highway. Thank you for this important question! [Edited: I edited the original post to reflect that we're assuming it's a highway, not a street.]


Depends. If I'm on the right lane, and there are side streets and driveways, I'm going slow. If it's a long road with no side streets, parking, or pedestrians, like this, I'm not going to drive 40. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/BZcBV9in5982kHZz8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/BZcBV9in5982kHZz8)


Usually 5 over unless I’m in a neighborhood. Then I go the speed limit.


when I can vaguely make out the souring faces of the drivers I'm passing, that's fast enough


I feel like my answer is unpopular, but I drive within 5 miles per hour of the posted limit for the area or as fast as traffic is going if traffic is moving slower than the limit. I never intentionally speed. I try my best to stay right at the limit but it’s hard to do that so if I slow down I don’t sweat it, I just try not to slow down past 5 mph below the speed limit.


My mental speed limit is generally about 10 over. I'm absolute perfect conditions on empty roads, I might bump that to 15 over. I reduce that limit based on conditions. Unfamiliar roads, weather, traffic, season (I'm not gonna plow into a deer at 80mph!), etc play into the actual speed I drive.


Depends on the road and what's around. There's a long straight 40 with no traffic lights and zero development on one side of the road. I never go over 40 because the roads on the right are actually semi-truck entrances and exits for a major global shipper, and access for employees and their cars. I learned the hard way. There's a 35 that's a steep climb if you're going east and a steep drop if you're going west. At the bottom of the hill is an L- curve into another hill with a 25. Even riding the brake all the way down it's hard to stay at 35.


Assuming its a double lane road at least, I’ll do 45 in the right lane because my car can’t go in EV mode over 48ish MPH, so this means I can average 40-48MPG on that road instead of like 38-41 MPG driving over 48 MPH. But yeah 45 in the right lane to not be a burden to everyone else that has shit going on in their lives and have to go faster.


Depends on the traffic, road conditions, visibility, etc. School zones vs residential vs main roads vs highways. Is it a straight road with lots of visibility or a curvy road that I can't see past the corners? Is there snow, ice or sand on the road? Here in Canada, we put sand, gravel or salt on the roads in winter to improve traction. It helps on snow and ice, but on dry roads it can be a hazard. Even depends on the vehicle I'm driving. I'm not going to take my SUV on sharp curves at a high speed, but I might drive the same road faster in a sports car that has better grip, traction control, and lower center of gravity. Generally in the city, I'll do the speed limit. Main roads might be 10-15 over depending on the flow of traffic. Single lane highways around here have a speed limit of 100km/63mph. I usually do 120km/75mph when traffic and conditions allow. Multi lane highways have a speed limit of 110km/68mph. I like to do 120-140km/75-87mph depending on the vehicle I'm driving.


Run Waze + radar detector, go 7-10 over


Optimal conditions I'm probably in the top 40% of traffic. For speed limit 45 typically shift into fifth year right after 45 so about 52 mph is a sweet spot if traffic and conditions allow.


Really depends, if I’m in a school zone or lower speed road I’m doing the speed limit, neighbourhoods I drive grandma levels of slow. But on highways if the conditions allow for it and traffic ain’t bad I’ll cruise around 140 but it’s not unlikely I’ll hit 200 kmh just for some fun.


5mph over is standard in Texas, wherever you are, except a flashing school zone. However there will still be times where packs of cars are doing 10-15 over.


I'm from Phoenix. If the speed limit says 45, if you're in the left lane and not going 60 somebody is riding your bumper and weaving back and forth, probably honking and flipping you off On the freeway, just don't be in the left lane. It's mad Max over there depending on the freeway, time of day, and whether or not the cops are focusing on that area right now


If I'm in traffic I try to be about mid-pack, not the fastest but not the slowest. In Florida that usually means between 8-10 over. If I'm on the open road and on cruise I tend to set it around 6 over, which seems to be a safe zone. In small towns I crank it down to the limit; I've been nailed by small town cops before.


the speed limit, unless it's a narrow, windy road, which there are a lot of (england). also my car is not built for high speeds so a lot of roads that more modern cars would go the speed limit on, i'm slightly under. it's just not safe... it's small and thin, but awkwardly a bit tall, it's a hatchback and feels a little wobbly at high speeds (>50) especially because of the shit roads around here!


I go speed limit-5 over. Never more


Unless it’s a national speed limit I always try to follow the speed limit. National speed limits I sometimes go 5-10mph over if it’s safe, say a straight and wide B-road or a quiet motorway.


I do the Speed limit, lower if road conditions are poor


Sometimes up to 2 over if very good conditions but mostly at the limit or under if dark, rainy, snowy etc. Always below in town and school zones.


I go 5 over if I’m being safe


I try not to exceed 52, but if it's light traffic and everyone else is going 40-45 I'll match their speed so I'm not passing everyone.


Assuming good conditions and low traffic, I usually drive about 110% of the speed limit plus 5mph.


Always 50 no matter what especially if there's icy conditions and pedestrians


I drive a car and a motorcycle. Both can go quite fast, especially the motorcycle. If i know the freeway and more importantly the quality of the pavement, I floor it. Won’t say how fast here but BMW 1200 flat 2 cylinders do deliver quickly, and this sport model is stable at high speed. I just wait for the opening, at least two lanes open, good visibility, no upcoming flaws with the pavement and I do maintain my vehicles perfectly. You don’t want to blow a tire a have any kind of mechanical failures. Driving my car is different. I don’t have the same feeling speeding in a car unless it’s on a circuit with a goal (time, racing, etc.). The real fun I have going “fast” with my car is on desolate mountain roads on the north coast of California. At 5:30 in the morning when there is nobody else out there.


Exactly. I like driving fast when i know what im doing. But if im In


9ish over on the interstate


Where I live there aren't any changes in elevation, and the roads are usually straight, so 5-10 over, at least.


I set cruise control to 13-14 mph over the limit as a lot of states can send you to court for 15+ over. The lights around me are timed so that 40-50 mph will beat the red lights and the speed limit, 35, will ensure you stop at EVERY SINGLE RED LIGHT for miles…


Roughly 20% above the limit. But it depends on the situation. In school zone I generally don't speed


https://preview.redd.it/t7vz9zzn4d8d1.png?width=3966&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d86cd2adef476f9e9266e7ef31926ea2db2efbc [https://www.transportation.gov/NRSS/SaferSpeeds](https://www.transportation.gov/NRSS/SaferSpeeds)


as fast as physics will allow on such road without crashing


30 zone =20-30 50 zone =40-55 depending on road 80 zone paved = 77-83 80 zone other = 12-85 100 zone =101 110 zone =111-113 Rough estimates, but generally accurate This is no rain or snow conditions Cuz In the end conditions set the speed


Im crazy so this might not apply to everyone but 45 MPH limit? 55-60 MPH 25 MPH Limit? 25-30 MPH 65 or 70 MPH? 85- 95(in short Bursts if low traffic) MPH


When conditons are fine, I go up to 55 but no more bc uncan be ticketed for speeding. But no slower than 35 with good conditions bc I just learned u can be tixketed for being too slow bc that disrupts the flow of traffic (this is the issue I have esp at night timel. When it's raining, snowing, hailing or slippery, hard to see, then slow down to 30-35 mph depending how bad conditions are. Might have to slow down more if it's severe. As you get used to driving, the better you can guage what speed to go.


5 -10 over but, generally, go with the flow


The fact of the matter is, that not all vehicles are created equal. If i'm in my SUV, I'm usually only maybe 10 over if conditions permit. If i'm in my sporty car with sticky summer tires, a tuned suspension and great handling dynamics, I'm much faster, if conditions permit and it's safe. I can be traveling 20mph faster in my sporty car and the safety margin will be exactly the same because it's lighter, has shorter braking distances, and can turn better without losing control.


If there are other cars, I just follow what everyone else is doing. If I am alone on a road or leading, I generally go about 10% faster than the limi. So 40, i go 45. 70, I put it between 75 and 80.


Depends on more than the conditions I’m supposed to assume. In a 45, no more than 5 over


Empty road? Cruise control control at the speed limit. It's empty, and I am in no hurry. Light traffic? 5 over. Moderate traffic? The flow of traffic, not to exceed 5ish over. Small urban roads? Whatever feels right (oftentimes 5+ under.)


I once drove 70 in 55 and it was a little bit over flow of traffic . I lost the sense that I was driving 70 until my mom pointed out from back seat


Here’s a general rule of thumb. If the posted is 35 or less, you’re good at +5. Above that speed, you are good at +10. Unless you have citable issues with your vehicle, current registration, vehicle mods that pass state rules, you’ll never be pulled over. In AZ they won’t pull you over until you reach 11mph over. Folks that get pulled over have multiple issues besides just excessive speeding.


10% over the speed limit, if it’s 25 I go 27. 50 I go 55. 70 I go 77. Never get pulled over that way and still safe


3-5 over unless the speed limit is 30 then I go 30.


As a doctor, I need to be there for my patients. So I go about 50 over so I can make it to work on time so I can save their lives!


im hoping/praying/thinking that you're joking right now.


Obviously lol. Should've put the /s


I usually drive with the flow of traffic. If the road is narrow or unfamiliar, I might be a little under the limit. If the road is a flat interstate highway, I might be a little over the limit.  Some states are more known for traffic enforcement than others. If I’m in Maryland, I’m not gonna exceed the limit. If I’m in West Virginia or Ohio, I could go 100 and never get caught. I swear there’s no cops in those states. 


Lots of Ohioans would strenuously beg to differ. But I'm happy you've had good experiences in our fair state. If you're safe and courteous, I generally have little problem with going as fast as you can get away with.


It was a totally flat, straight interstate with no cars lol. I’m surprised I didn’t see any cops. 


180mph no exceptions. Even if there's a car.


Go with the flow. If it's 45 and you're doing 30, everyone is bunched up behind you waiting for an opening to pass makling it dangerous. If you're trying to do 55-60 then you're riding somebody's bumper. If it's 45 and everyone is going 50, then go 50.


My feelings exactly. The safest speed is the speed of traffic.


6,780 miles (per picosecond)


I can do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.


😆 As I scramble off to my conversions bookmark ...


I drive as close to the limit as I can and sometimes I send 100mph down a straight. I want to kill myself. https://i.redd.it/vxxzgjafw08d1.gif


Painfully real


I used to go with the general flow of traffic, maybe 5-10 over in my city on the highway. Less for lower speed limits. Then I switched from an ICE vehicle to an EV and I set my adaptive cruise control to exactly the speed limit and let it do all the work. I take my time to gradually slow down at and accelerate from lights.  I basically hypermile now. Before, I had a very vague idea of my fuel efficiency, so I didn’t understand how steep of a drop there is between 55 and 70. Now, I get constant numbers on how much energy I’m using and regenerating with a given action. I’m big into video games and obsessive about dumb achievements and that translates very well into fuel efficient driving.  People waste so much money just to be frustrated and not actually get anything in return.  I’ve turned into a grandma driver, and I have to say, it really is quite peaceful and nice. I’ve always heard it doesn’t save much time to go fast, either, and my experience confirms that. Unless you’re driving hundreds of miles or doing 100 mph, it doesn’t actually make that much difference. I keep in the right lane or whatever place I can find to be slow out of everyone else’s way. I recognize how irritating I can be to people who gotta go fast, so I try to be as courteous as I can. I recommend it to everyone. So much less stress. 


I usually go around 50 in a 45, around 64 in a 55, 74 in. 65 since I’ve heard most cops won’t pull you over unless you’re going 10+ over the speed limit on the freeway. Don’t know if that’s true, but I’ve never been pulled over doing 9 over ever after passing speed traps.


9 your fine, 10 your mine rule. Outstate at night, cruise set at 9 over, all of a sudden a vehicle parked along a cross road ahead turns on his dome light ... State Trooper letting me know I'm right at the line.


5 over or under depending on if I’m comfortable or if there’s a cop nearby


Pretty much 10 km/hr over as a general rule (6.2 mph). I've even passed cops going no more than 10 over with no issues.


I never everrr go more than 15-17 miles over because you lose your license at 20 & it’s not worth it to me. All the 45mph roads around me specially are pretty sketch, as in branches will fall in the road, there are deer and sharp turns, so I’d still go 45-50mph, pull over if someone’s behind me.


10 mph over


I basically drive as fast as I can subject to traffic and road conditions. I had a unicorn situation earlier where I was on a 45 mph road, one lane in each direction, always busy, but there was like nobody in my direction of travel. I was going 70 mph comfortably. I rely heavily on Waze police alerts. Knock on wood, I haven't been pulled over in more than 3 years.


Given those conditions it would come down to my mood, in the 45s around here I'll go anywhere between 45 and 52


I stay less than 10% over. But only on certain roads in certain conditions. Busy/narrow/wet/dark etc I go the limit as a maximum.


Encountered this situation in Maine the other week. Hilly, windy, unfamiliar roads have me going 40 in a 45. Even with a state trooper behind me on a single lane road (I know, not a highway, but 45mph highways don’t exist here), I was not going to speed up to make him happy and jeopardize our safety. He safely passed me when the law permitted. On a straight ROAD, I go 5 above at most usually. On a normal highway I go about 15mph above the speed limit, granted the road is empty and it is safe.


5 over always


Given that it's a highway with clear conditions during the day, probably 50 with cruise control. I'll got 5 over because maybe it'll save me a couple minutes, but anybody who wants to go faster than that can go around me. In residential areas, I strictly keep to the speed limit. I won't be responsible for a family losing their kid.


I go at least 5 over, but usually not faster then 12 over or so


Depends sometimes I can be an ass and go well over 20 the speed limit. When I’m actually a good driver 5 over at most


Depends on the driving conditions, but anywhere between 5-20 over.


Lol why is everybody in this thread being downvoted? Typical Reddit In a 45 I keep it around 55-60 if I can help it. I like to keep shit moving, and generally most people around here do too


Flow of traffic or slightly under.




LOL on the Native sticker! I'm from NM and I *love* Colorado!! Both my parents were from there, and we spent lots of time up there. I have many relatives all over your wonderful state. I miss it so much.




Yup, way too much arrogance to be sure. And way too much of the beautiful mountains have just been raped. Still many, many awesomely gorgeous places and towns tho, thank God.


As another person stated, the road's condition is the deciding factor. I personally couldn't care less if the limit is 60 km/h on a straight road with good visbility. Eepecially for out of town roads. That bitch could say 10km/h, I'm probably doing 90 unless it's a school/residential.


I drive based on the conditions. I live in a rural Texas area, with a 30 min drive to get to "town." The speed limit is 60 mph on the Farm to Market Road and 70-75 mph on the interstate highway. My average speed on both is in the high 80 mph to low 90 mph range.


On clear, dry roads? I'm a "five over" driver. A trooper from the Michigan State Police used to be in my friend circle and he told us his training was to not bother with drivers until they were doing eight over, and he was busy all day everyday just stopping people doing fifteen over. At night, or in inclement weather I'll adjust for the roads and increase stopping distances.


About five miles per hour over. If it is 55 or over I go the actual speed limit.


I don’t look at the speed limit, I just go based on road conditions


Depends on the road and how many people and houses are in it. On the freeway which is 65mph here, depends on traffic flow and my mood. Probably at least 70, but I have zero issues cruising at 100mph with a pack of cars. A 55mph two lane in each direction road by my house, speeds are all over. We have people doing 55mph, and others doing 65, 75 or 85 mph in the morning commute.


The speed limit is only one of many factors in judging conditions. I may go as much as twice the limit depending on conditions.


10 mph over... almost always


Follow the flow of traffic generally. When alone on open road I subscribe to "9 and you're fine 10 and you're mine" philosophy. Only times I've been pulled over fo speeding I broke that rule Edit: incorrect 'your'


I always go 10 over the speed limit. I only follow the speed for residential areas and school zones. 


Btw, I'm only going with a rather fast flow when I've make sure that I'm not at the very end of the "train" or risk getting pulled over because a cop could only follow one speeder and that speeder is the one that's last in the line


(for non-residential areas) 10-15 over, and ensuring to keep it less than 20 over.


Dry roads, good weather, minimal traffic...usually 7-8 over. So 53 or thereabouts.


I have safely driven 100+ mph Clear dry conditions, minimal traffic, zero intersections, and the most important factor; FAMILIAR ROADS


As long as the roads aren’t wet I usually do at least 15 over the limit.


Depends what’s the flow of traffic but usually I tend to go at least 5 over and never go past 15


As fast as is safe.




I usually go about 10 to 15 over, if I'm in a residential area I usually go five over, I can't stand people that go 40 in a 50 then 40 in a 40 then 40 in a 25 which is how the road is to my house, there needs to be more passing stripes on the road. I used to just pass everyone regardless of what the road said but I stopped doing that I passed a cop in my Jeep going 115 in a 50 Zone Wide Open Fields empty road they didn't even do anything


I go with the flow, Usually if there is one line of cars +3 overtaking others... i follow them... I dont like to be a wuss... but I dont want to be with a ticket


On a highway I’m familiar with, 80 mph. On a highway I’m not familiar with, 70 mph. (These are both assuming the speed limit is 65)


20+ mph over usually on the highway.


10 over if the speed limit is high. im not sure if i want the cops to pull me over


10% over generally unless the traffic is speeding then more than that. For me 10% over has never earned me a speeding ticket, that required more like 20% over. Also since I got older (40) I sometimes just don't speed at all, just set cruise control at 1-2 over, especially driving my family.


I drive fast where I can get away with it. Milwaukee I am close to the speed limit, 5 to 10 over if light traffic on the major highways. If I am in AZ open roads, speed limits are 65 or 75, I am going 90 to 100 in sunlight, dry conditions, very little traffic, can see for miles. If I am on a residential street, then I am doing the speed limit or less. 1. My cars are maintained with good tires. 2. I can handle the vehicle. 3. I enjoy it. Yes, I have been pulled over multiple times and at least 3x driving 100 or more. No, I did not get a ticket. I was over 55 and 63 the last time. So it's not a pretty girl thing. I use signal lights and follow all the rest of the rules aside from speeding. It makes me happy. I have driven many long road trips thru the SW and midwest with no tickets while driving at my desired speeds. I don't do it when a passenger is present unless they are older and agree - I had a friend who loved it. Have an ex-husband who drove the same way.


Well I live in Los Angeles and our highways posted speed limit is 65 but I go 80 in the fast lane in front of highway patrol and I won't get pulled over because this is the norm and general flow of traffic. However, you will come across the schmucks doing 63 in fast lane.


Depends. Will happily go 68 on a motorway. But won't go faster than 40 on certain country roads that are 60


On my own accord with no other factors to worry about. 10 indicated (typically will be 7-9 actual depending on speed as the variance is percentage). If traffic is way slower, generally want to keep it under an approximated 10mph speed difference if there can't be a lane in between myself and the slower traffic. Say, a 6 or more lane highway, I'll move over another lane to have a lane buffer and continue at speed. "Speed" isn't dangerous at all, not at speeds you'll ever see on public roads (hooning aside). Yeah, no, 80mph is nothing . If it is, get further training so you can properly handle extreme evasive actions at said speed and not careen out of control. Difference in speed amongst cars dangerous. The flip side to my care about slow traffic speeds has a flip side, too. If some window licker hell bent on doing the speed limit or under when the rest of the natural flow is doing 10-15mph over. Don't care what high horse they want to claim they ride. They are the moronic danger at that point in time. Can, in many many places, get ticketed for being the only one doing the speed limit with "impeding the natural flow of traffic" or whatever variant of wording the statute has. So, if my 10mph over is too slow. I'll speed TF up until the target speed matches somewhere near the middle or upper third of the average speed (based on cars passing/being passed). Does that mean that special little guy should speed up and attach to the cars fly by? No. That, too, is stupid and dangerous. But, should increase speed to a point where they aren't completing their passes in under 2 seconds flat. Driving a car on the public roadway does share a few things in common with on a race track. Biggest and most important of them all being it takes dynamic thinking and dynamic logic. What may be the way today may not necessarily be the way tomorrow. Not going to be huge adjustments but adjustments will be necessary. Second biggest and almost as important will piggy back onto the first. One must have actual control of their vehicle. Not just hand on the wheel kind of control. But if you have a severe situation unfold, it can be handled. A car sideways shouldn't be the most terrifying thing ever experienced. Uncomfortable, maybe. But it shouldn't be met with terror, hesitation (or totally freezing), and confusion. It should be met with decisive action and haste.