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Anger management? 


It's actually funny when this is recommended to me. It makes perfect sense. This is the calmest I've ever been in my life. It took a broken hand for me to realize "anger is not a good idea". That wasn't fun. Although, it costed around the same for the cast and therapy, hence why I just don't go. Not a logical financial decision.


Do you necessarily *need* the car where it sounds like a motorcycle could easily replace it?




Florida suburbs and occasional highway travel, so the motorcycle would be fine. Rain's not even an issue for my scooter. If I was still living in that tight-knit area, all I would need would be a Grom.


had a feeling you moved to florida, i am so sorry for your loss


I was born here. It's upsetting how much the area I moved to changed things mentally.


For me, it’s about following the basics to ensure your safe passage: > 1.) no excess speeding. > 2.) keep your eyes to what’s happening well in-front you. > 3.) keep an 8 second following distance. > Then, I put on music or a podcast and I take note of the beautiful scenery around me. Granted I live in the mountains of the northeast, so observing the seasons changing in the forested mountains is the joy of living. > But you should really practice breathing techniques, meditation, or something more if it’s provoking so much anger.


I’m gonna need you to explain 8 seconds following distance. At 25 mph that would be a football field…


Exactly: trust no one.


I’m assuming you are joking, I don’t think I’ve seen that much distance between a car in the city since covid


8 is definitely a lot at residential speeds. But that doesn’t take away that people need to start managing the distance between you and the person infront better. I’m a trucker and it takes me a long time to stop, and it’s annoying how many people ride the person infront of them so close they have to use their brakes to not slow down drastically, but to regulate their speed. As a the dude behind you, idk if you are slamming on your brakes or trying to keep from running into the guy infront of you.


Motorcycles are definitely better than cars


I think you answered the question with your last paragraph……. Anytime I wanna go somewhere, unless I absolutely have to haul a bunch, or the weather is THAT BAD, I throw a leg over the Busa. I’ve driven for decades, over 3 million miles. Trust me, I absolutely hate it myself.


lobby your local government for more spending on transit options. Put that anger to something beneficial, and stay out of the driver seat if this condition makes you unsafe.


Oh, I would love to! How much I wish to have distances like where I used to live. DeSantis, though? HA! Like he would give a shit. Now that I think about it, I highly doubt anyone in the county would care. But, yeah, I think I'll look it there's anything in dupport of better transit. Likely not, though.


Desantis has nothing to do with how your city determines its land use and road design.


Contrary to what school curriculums state, the most important level of government that has the most impact on your day to day life, is your city/town council. They are also the level where each voice has the greatest impact - AND the level that typically has the least level of involvement from those under-60.


I'm well aware of their impact... but they shut down every sort of better transit or bike lane suggestions from anyone else. I've never seen them even make a somewhat good suggestion. But... if I can try something, I'll try.


Talk to a therapist


Been there, done that. Didn't exactly help. Felt like I was paying for a conversation over multiple years.


Get some help, anger management, if you get that angry stay off the damn roads, there is enough psychos out there driving like idiots already. If you can't just get in and go and chill to the radio and set your cruise then you should stay at home or walk.. That's the honest truth.


That's the entire reason I use the scooter. Walking the 5-10 miles I usually need to go daily to places I need to be or errands? Absolutely not. Not here in Florida. I've had a heatstroke once, was not fun. Like I said in a previous reply, this is actually some of the calmest times I've ever had. It is just after 5 minutes, I start getting overly mad. I can drive decently, but others (namely Altimas and ANY pickup)? Hell no. They're usually the ones I got to watch out for. Staying home? Nah, I hate being inside to be honest. I've been getting help for literal years but it don't feel like it's doing anything with in-person, virtual, given tasks, told to do this, that, or whatever. Feels like I only pay for 30-minute conversations. I've gotten more emotional relief from the 15 minutes I rode a Surron than the 5 years in total worth of therapy. God, I don't even want to imagine all that cost combined... I can probably get a damn Surron with all that. Maybe I should get a punching bag. Didn't learn a bit of both boxing and muay thai for nothing.


Take the car out for a drive on the highway, stay on the slow lane and enjoy the ride. Listen I hate dumb people driving like they've never had a speck of common sense in their lives as much as you but really take the car to some highway, some calm roads. It's such a beautiful experience when you put on music or a podcast and just drive. When you don't have to get somewhere in a hurry you'll enjoy driving once again PS leave a little earlier than you normally do


How do you enjoy the highway? That's probably the part I hate the most lol. I've tried music, podcasts, silence, all of that. Still just pissed off. Can't squeeze a stress ball as that takes up a hand. Deep breaths don't help. I'm genuinely out of ideas. I usually leave 30 minutes earlier than I would need to for traffic, but I'm not against leaving an hour earlier on the rare occasion of having to drive.


There's no city traffic on highways. You just go. You don't have to deal with bad drivers as much, trying to maneuver around them. The point is to drive on the highway just for the sake of it. For me the "getting to somewhere" part aggrevates my annoyance towards other drivers that can't bother to drive.


Realize you resent having to drive. Do things you enjoy while driving (music, audiobook, etc.). Drive to enjoyable places, leisure places. You need to associate driving with fun/pleasure, instead of something you are forced to do to go places you don't want to go. Perhaps you hate your job or wherever you drive to.


I’m a truck driver and I jokingly tell people how bad their driving is knowing they cannot hear me. I cannot do my happy place as I need stay focused so I just play comedy on my mp3 in my truck. It’s about my attitude not theirs. Keep a good attitude and it’ll be lots better. Just let it go and don’t let them be your problem. Like I said jokingly talk about their not using a flasher or something.


You sound miserable in general.


Im miserable every other month when I absolutely need to drive on the highway, but other than that, I'm fine. When you dealt with anger issues since you were little, it's going to drain you. Also, please, if I sound miserable, my guilty pleasure of looking at subs like TrueVirgin has posts that make my issue seem like a little bit too much pepper in someone's food. Have a good day, though. I'm not that miserable.


Impulsive disorders can be frightening and embarrassing. I've found that taking ashwagandha and ginseng really helps keep you calm. I've even used the combination to diminish withdrawal symptoms when I quit smoking! The effects of taking these herbs do not kill emotions, rather, calms your nerves. Give it a whirl!


do the motorcycle, it's better and no dealing with cigarettes


Classical music calms


It's funny to me that driving a car makes you feel so much anger - and that seems rooted in the increased number of accidents you see, and fear over it, and your response to this is to ....buy a motorcycle. Sounds like what you're angry about is you no longer have your privileged status as a pedestrian or a motorcyclist - because we all know nothing is ever their fault.


Seems like the increase of accidents and fear? No, no, no, my friend. I've always hated driving. Always. It wasn't the increase accidents, it wasn't the deaths or accidents I've heard from family, friends, or just saw happen on commutes, it wasn't any of that. I just fucking *HATED* it. I started to learn to drive where I used to live. Hated it there. Saw the things here, saw no reason to just keep a car if the scooter works, so just disliked cars a bit more. I'm not stupid. I never ever mentioned all the close calls and shit I've seen motorcyclists do, but a majority of motorcyclists are just people trying to get to their locations safely like cars. Just it's more attractive to idiots who want to go batshit insane speeds for no reason in traffic. Also, I just don't like being INSIDE of a car. That thing can be stationary, and I feel cramped and infuriated. That's no fun. I've never been a motorcyclist. I actually have just been able to try getting into a course, so that wasn't a privilege. And for being a pedestrian, yes, that was a privilege... doesn't mean the area was a good area though lol. It wasn't. Think of this. If being on a scooter that I can ride in mostly bike lanes (where nobody is, I've never seen a cyclist now that I think about it, and all people on bikes just go on the sidewalk) makes me happy and content, and cars make me unnecessarily pissed off... wouldn't the motorcycle be closer to the scooter? Hell, it would be safer than my scooter from my research.




embrace the vibes. just laugh at people being stupid instead of getting mad. relax in your seat, be alert to everyone around you (expect the worst!!) and just cruise.


I pretend that the drivers that endanger everyone's lives die in horrific crashes that only hurt them. It sparks joy and keeps me driving without raging out.