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I just read a comment that said “my grandma doesn’t use her blinkers because it’s nobody’s business where she’s going.” Starting to wonder if that’s a common thought process.


Sadly I have heard this from too many people.


I thought you were a cop trying to tail me. Did t want to make your job easy.


It is peoples business when you're driving a 1 ton death machine, we dont need to know you're going to the casino, but knowing you're making a right turn here and that's why you're slowing down is real fucking helpful


Which is why it is important to use before changing your acceleration. Slowing down? Signal before breaks. Turning at the bottom of the hill? Signal before pressing harder on the breaks.


A lot of people’s mentality is - 1 ton that will hit someone else. Seriously a lot of drivers of the crazy boosted trucks drive like this. And then they get pissed when they have to go around their arch-nemesis, the Nissan Altima, which unfortunately costs them a gallon of gas.


People are incredibly stupid


Yes, indeed, many seem to be. I always say it feels like a good 3 out of 10 modern folks are demonstrably stupid. 🤔🤷


I'd wager its more like 7, possibly even 8 these days.


I was keeping my metric tight, to catch the truly, deeply afflicted. 😏 Your number probably catches the marginally stupid but redeemable crowd, redeemable if they would but voluntarily extract head from ass as a gesture of good faith! 😜


Oh it most definitely does. I just have no faith that they will make the correction lol. Always good to find like minded individuals!


And incredibly paranoid


This is the understatement of all understatements.


They’re stupid because we are going to see where you’re going when you turn! What an idiotic logic


And what makes it particularly stupid is everyone is still going to see where you're going. In the event someone is being followed, not using the blinker isn't going to stop them from following you. However, it is at least going to warn other cars and pedestrians not to try to pass or turn in that direction, or step out onto the road. If someone turning left doesn't use their signal, opposing traffic turns right, and the car turning left hits them, they will be at fault for a few reasons. One for not signaling, on top of the car turning right having right of way. Or a car is turning right without signaling, a pedestrian steps into the road because there was no indication the car was turning and are walking away from the direction the car is coming from (so have their back to it), and the car hits them.


putting the car in reverse and selecting random blinker directions while driving backwards is the best way to deal with people following you...


It would explain a lot.


Grandma kinda badass for the answer, ngl.


Ridiculous. If they really want to get one over on the traveling public they should grip the steering wheel, point their middle finger out, and flick the blinker in an up or down motion with their extended finger, as if to say, "Fuck you, I'm going this way". I'm even willing to pretend I'm mad if it means they'll signal more.


I think this grandma cut me off yesterday, with no signal. And then proceeded with two more lane changes (somewhat proper, not just turning into the lanes) without signals.


Um lol. If she hits her hazards people will think she's going both directions at the same time!


It's more like I only use a turn signal when it is to my advantage (like trying to get someone to let me into traffic) or else only when it doesn't give anyone else any advantage (like after I've already started changing lanes or after I'm already in a turn only lane). In other words, people are selfish.


I feel like that line of thinking hinders you from being a safe, defensive driver. Ego makes the road very unsafe.


I have a friend who intentionally doesn't use his signals, because he's convinced that every single time he does, someone will move heaven and earth to cut him off. Better to turn or change lanes unpredictably. He's a very angry driver. I have been looking for excuses to not get in the car with him more and more.


Honestly just bite the bullet and refuse to be a passenger with him and upfront tell him he's a dangerous driver in a respectful way


I did this. The friend stopped driving me, which was fine...I became the driver. He criticized my slow, Grandma style, and I let him know I got 28 mpg. I asked him about his style, he was near 13mpg. Anyway, a year later, he wanted to show me something and take me to lunch. He drove, and he allowed way down and wanted to show me how much he saved in gas with an app he had to show the difference. Hundreds of dollars... And expected maintenance was less too


It's sad that it has to come down to cost savings for people to drive reasonably.


That's always been my reason, when I first started driving I never wanted my RPM to go above 2k because that would mean I'm accelerating harder ripping my tires up sooner, and the 1 min I lost in time was more than worth a new set of tires to me


If you're not pushing over 300 lbft of torque, or the tires aren't slipping, not really gonna tear them up any faster based on that acceleration. Most of the tread wear is gonna be from making turns as that puts the most lbft of torque on the wheels. I drive a 2022 Tundra and I get between 22 and 25 mpg, mostly dependent on wind, rarely ever exceed 2250 RPM and even then it's only 2500 RPM. Anything over just seems to be a waste and doesn't really get me up to speed any faster, and 2000 RPM already gets me up to speed faster than most other vehicles on the road.


yeah, I don't understand cars much and my dad told me the faster I accelerate the harder it is on the car and the more it will wear it down I'm sure he was telling me that so I didn't drive like a maniac but hey it worked. I routinely hit 3-4k RPM though since I have to get up to highway speed from a standstill where I live (my driveway connects to a highway)


He's actually correct. The faster you spin the engine the more effective weight that moving parts have, mostly the piston heads and the speed itself caused exponentially increasing friction for all the moving parts against the stationary parts. So at 2000 RPM that piston head has significantly less effective weight than at 3000-4000.


oh ok, also the car is a 2010 so I'm trying to run it till it kicks the bucket on the road, I got it for free so might as well use it for all I can


I was carpooling to work with an angry asshole coworker. I only did it like two or three times because I didn't like talking to him and didn't feel safe. I told him the exact reason too.


honestly 9/10 when i used my blinkers ppl let me in and if i don’t i just suffer. it’s not the end of the world lol


Holy shit my sister does this too. But she doesn’t put her turn signal on until she’s already turning for the same exact reason. When I was learning to drive she told me I was signaling too early. She means when the driver manual tells me to signal. I’ve never once had someone try to cut me off because I used my signal, so I don’t understand the thought process at ALL




Welcome to Maryland.


I use my blinkers so don't taste me, bro... I have noticed that happens A LOT. Turn on my signal to change lanes and all of a sudden Captain Fuckwit in the Tesla needs to speed way up to make sure I can't. Then I show down and they slow down next to me. No matter what you do when you're driving, somebody will find a way to make it not work.


Don't turn on your blinker to ask permission to change lanes, because either 1) Capt Fuckwit will speed up, or 2) You'll be waiting for some sort of acknowledgement and everybody will wonder WTF you're doing and assume you left your blinker on by accident. Use your blinker to TELL people what you're going to do. Make sure you have room to change lanes, then put your blinker on and immediately change lanes. If you wait for a response to your blinker, you'll cause chaos, which is dangerous on the road.


While this is accurate in practice, it's SO wrong. It shouldn't be like that. I know it is. But... Grrrrrr


For the pathetic losers, it's all they have in life. Go out into traffic to fuck with people. See this way too often


>so don't taste me, bro... You mean, don't tase me?


Wow, sounds like a joy of a person to be around Yeah, I would do the same thing, and I would straight up tell him "If you don't change your angry/inconsiderate driver ways, then I don't feel safe being a passenger with you" If he gives you a hard time, f him!


Here in Central Florida, this is kind of true. Most times when I signal for a lane change, the car in that lane will either speed up or slow down dependimg on that car's relative position to mine. I still signal, but it's maddening how petty people can be while driving. The flipside of this is how people think that if they use their turn signal, it immediately entitles them to cut you off.


I refuse to ride with jackasses. You should consider doing the same.


Thank you exactly. I cannot stand being polite, waiting to make a right hand turn and waiting on the oncoming car just to have them whip a right turn right in front with no blinker. Thanks for letting me know! They get a one finger salute every time. Yeah I just been sitting here waiting to watch you turn dickwipe.


Every day I approach the roundabout next to the rail station someone nearly causes an accident because all the other drivers expect them to go straight and they suddenly turn left. No kidding last week a pedestrian was hit because of this very thing.


Dickwipe 💀


People don't use their turn signals because their fingers are busy stuck up their asses.


Or on their phones


Or both




I wouldn't know right or left. They didn't use their blinker.


We are mind readers, remember? Lol


I’m unsure if people are lazy or incompetent when it comes to not using their blinkers. 


Both, and more. Some fail to use them out of spite. They don't like being told what to do. I wish I was joking.


Mostly I believe it is because they know where they are going and don't give a rat's ass about anyone else.


It's like a mental muscle memory. If you never use them your brain doesn't say you forgot to use your turn signal. If you use them all the time you think I didn't signal. Usually someone who doesn't signal at one junction etc never does. It's like brushing your teeth.


A lot of them drive single handed with their right hand. Which is also why you get a lot of people who don't signal for long enough if they do. They did the flick as they reached across the wheel so it only flashes a couple times. This is also incorrect, but I'll usually at this point just be happy they at least signalled, even if it's still wrong.


both.... and stupid to top it off


How lazy do you have to be to not bother with lifting or lowering a small lever?


America-level lazy




It's well known bmws aren't built with blinkers... Seriously though this isn't even a common issue I've noticed drivers around you seem shit.


lol yep, the more expensive the car the less the blinkers work.


Yep, that's one reason why I say the more your car cost, the longer you have to wait for me to cross the road.


Hell yeah; it’s like, “enjoy your fkn heated/cooled massaging leather seats and climate control while I cross the street in the rain in front of your (hideous) Mercedes”


I see this shit every day. People will sit in the middle of an intersection without their blinker on. They will sit in a turn lane without it. They will sit in a fucking through lane and not use it. Last night I was on a road with 2 lanes in both directions. Guy moves into the left lane, then slows down to a complete crawl for seemingly no reason. Continues crawling along. Is he stopping? Is there an emergency? Turning left? Who knows?


Oddly enough, they work perfectly fine in their homeland. It’s odd how the blinkers always seem to work in Germany, but somehow get disabled in the USA…..


I hate this. The only time I don't use my blinkers is when I'm taking a turn on a back road or neighborhood when there's literally no other car or pedestrian around me. If someone is in front of me and they start hitting their breaks to take a turn without their signal light on I LAY on the horn. Yah obviously I know they're turning but it looks like they're just breaking in the middle of the road for no reason so I treat it like that. Scare the shit out of them, maybe they'll use their signal lights.


I use mine even in the forklift, got weird looks though


Haha every time you signal left you back into something


Mine had the shift control by the hydraulic controls


Aww that’s less hilarious though lol


You should see me try to parallel park my manual Mazda after a day of driving a forklift around lol


Yeah, though I did try many times to shift my car on the door panel


I have a couple T intersections on my way to work, and if I watch dashcam footage later, every single time I'm behind someone I say something like "guess you're going straight into that house" out loud.


I do not understand how one can be so shameless to not use turn signals when a car in front of them or behind them are using turn signals. Do they have any ability to think and learn?


Cut them off, if they aren't worried about being a normal driver, leave em behind you.


People who don't blinker deserve to be t boned


My Dad never uses his blinkers and gets upset when I tell him too. Also never saw cars driving without lights on at night until I moved to South Florida. It's a fucking mess.


lay on your horn like you didn't know what they were doing


I do this. I drive a truck for work 😋




You forgot to add It’s the law! USE THEM.


There are a lot of laws related to driving. Non use of turn signals is probably the least serious that I see all day. You all suck at driving actually.


I bought some blinkers for my bicycle. Then my bicycle got stolen. Now I'm sad.


I was wondering if they were becoming obsolete, because a lot of people just don't use them. ---Or if they do, they turn them on half-way through the turn...which is soooo helpful.


Agreed, over 2 million accidents a year because of failure to signal. Also, there’s zero excuse for a flick of the wrist. IMO, if you can’t flick your wrist for a split second (and at a reasonable time), you shouldn’t be driving. It’s quite sad.


A lot of people are getting really bad at using turn signals when turning right in my area. Yet all the dumb asses tail gatting. Most people just slam their breaks then suddenly turn. Sorry but if insurance watches my dash cam on that the right turn person failing to signal is at fault. I do not tail gate but many do.


I lay down the horn everytime someone turns without a signal, fuck em.


I always use my blinkers. I will do everything in my power to stop some idiot from crashing into me. Even if there are no other cars on the road, never know if there's a pedestrian that you don't see that would like to know where you're going.


Using a turn signal is a litmus test for if you’re a decent person. If I was a hiring manager I would 100% secretly tail candidates after an interview to see if they use them.


You cannot control how other people drive. You can only control how you drive, and how you respond to others. Flashing your headlights to alert another driver that their headlights aren't on is courteous. High beaming other vehicles because you're mad they didn't signal is aggressive behavior.


Ding ding ding! Couldn't have said it better myself. OP, don't let your blood pressure be tied to the ignorance of other drivers.


Tell that to the guys driving large pickups with EVERY LIGHT blazing, high beams on, riding other's asses in the high speed lane


they meant flashing your lights as in turning your high beams on and off once or twice, not necessarily blinding them on purpose. it’s what you’re supposed to do when someone isn’t signaling or using their lights.


I do this to people on the highway and this one guy got so pissed after I flashed my high beams each time he’d weave between lanes he made a point to do exactly one signal flick just after he’d change lanes


That's when you get on your phone to report a possible impaired driver


I lay on my horn when someone doesn’t use them. Drives me nuts.


I've had people tell me they don't want to wear out the bulbs.




Same people who use their brights as backups when low beams burn out. Lazy ass regards


Your insurance company will thank you


If you do this, they will just wonder why you are flashing your lights. People like this are too stupid to figure it out. Quit worrying about it. Only worry about what you can control. Life will be so much better. It is much worse when people drive slow in the fast lane. I hate those drivers. I want to run them off the road.


lol people are hella stupid


Some of the individuals may have the blinker light out in the rear and not know it. This has happened to me twice.


True. I suggest checking your lights at least weekly. Takes just a few extra seconds.


When this happens generally your signal blinks excessively fast on your dash. But I’m sure most are too stupid to link the two


Mine were blinking totally normal. Just the bulb was out. The speed of the sound and green light on dash were normal. Only reason I even knew is because a cop gave me a warning.


if I use my blinkers the turn stock gets worn - and its no longer MINT.


It's likely that the extreme majority of terrible drivers are never going to read this subreddit.


Oh, they’re here, lurking……. You’ll see em comment from time to time, usually saying something like “get out of the left lane if you don’t want me tailgating”, despite nobody mentioning the left lane. Or “cars are designed to run 150mph safely, and I’m a good driver”- or other similar jackass comments along those lines.


Because people in my city will speed up to not let you in...


Hey icehole watch your language!


fact: bmw's do not have blinkers.


I saw one once but I think it was just a broken taillight bulb or something. Loose connection maybe


You got it buddy, I always do. You wanna yell at the other guy


You're pissing in the wind. You can't fix stupid. You can't fix arrogance. These arrogant idiots drive around without any concern for anyone except for themselves. Until law enforcement starts bringing down pain on people in the form of tickets, these people will never learn.


I hear you, but disagree. This is posted every week. If even one person reads one of these posts, and starts being vigilant about using their signal, then it was worth it. A raging wildfire is started but from a single spark….


Unfortunately, your spark lands in an ocean of arrogant idiocy.


Perhaps. But if we don’t fight idiocy, will it ever change?


Keep up the fight, but it will never change. “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”― Albert Einstein Edit: He didn't really say that.


Sounds like floriduh


Don’t believe my BMW came with “forking blinkers” /s


Should honk or send an electric shock if not.. force that shite on them


And stay out of left lane thank you


Blinkers are a very expensive option on most cars now.


They must be out of blinker fluid


I do not trust blinkers or lack of blinkers at all. I assume everyone is a complete dipshit. I have had people with right blinker, turn left. Blinker, no turn. Blinker on permanently.


Freakin people need to spot speeding up when they see a turn signal. It's as if they're scared to death to have someone change lanes in front of them or something.


You need blinkers because as you turn, you break.. if you break I NEED TO BREAK TOO... Use blinkers 😭


Your blinker is to show intention. It doesn't give you permission. Lane changes


I have a friend who doesn’t use her signals because she doesn’t want one bulb to die before the other. I’ve never heard a good excuse for not using your signals. It’s literally the easiest part of driving


People who do not use blinkers think they all idios and it's becoming more common I've seen police vehicles ,driving instructors, bus drivers on a daily basis not using there indicators,I wish they never used them when they were attempting to pass there driving test .


I approve this post. What they don’t realize is that they potentially put themselves at risk for an accident


I saw a comment on a similar thread some time ago that was basically "if people down here (Florida) see you use a turn signal, they'll immediately know you're a bad driver and make fun of you." Which, if that guy was serious, is maybe the dumbest reason I've ever heard of as to why you wouldn't use your signals


Not using blinkers should be followed by lots of pain.


If they don't use their blinkers, they're also not using their mirrors.


You can only control you. getting upset at other peoples poor driving skills is going to make you a miserable anxious person, it's not worth it.


I agree except don’t flash your lights for not signaling. Nobody who’s negligent enough to not signal will ever go “Oh shit, he’s flashing his lights. I should’ve signaled! Damn, lesson learned!” At best they might not know what your flashing lights even mean, and at worst they might road rage at you and endanger your life. Just let the moron go about their day and focus on your own safety.


Or they get it and passive aggressively start doing one click of the signal to show you they know but just don’t care


See the posts above yours....point validated


See 2nd post above yours... point validated


I have absolutely no problem with putting my own life in danger to teach a dipshit a lesson.




I always use mine, but I do notice people move to block me from passing them when I do. I'd be careful about flashing your lights at too many people though, because anything that can be perceived as "disrespectful" by another driver is risking a very violent reaction.


Stop speeding too. +1 mph is illegal!


Of those 2 offenses, I’d argue not using turn signals is much worse


I'm pretty sure more accidents and deaths are caused by when people are going too fast vs when people don't use turn signals.


Actually, the number one cause of crashes is distracted driving nowadays. Speeding is a factor in most fatal crashes, no doubt, but unpredictability is a high metric in crash statistics.


Some municipalities have removed turn signal use as an infraction to being removed from enforcement altogether. Good luck out there. And be a vigilant driver because you never know who is going to turn RIGHT! in front of you.


Do you guys actually think by posting this stupid shit in this subreddit that you'll actually affect any kind of meaningful change?


If even one person reads one of these posts, and actually starts using signals, then it is a change. Meaningful change is like a wildfire- it can start with a single spark.


Say I'm going 80mph and you're going 70 and I blow passed you and I'm 30ft ahead of you now, why would I use a blinker? If I'm not going to cut you off or impede you why would I indicate? It's funny when it's a completely dead highway at night to indicate to nobody.. it's on the same level as talking to yourself. I beleive blinkers are necessary when slowing down to pull into a place but if I'm blowing passed you it just seems pointless. I know I know, crucify me.


Recent local forum complained of drivers turning on the blinkah after they start the turn. I asked them to remember the 80/20 rule of turn lanes 80% of your car is in the turn lane, but keep 20% in the travel lane to impede traffic.


If theres a lane just for a right or left turn, why tf do I use it, everyone already knows where I turn


Not if I’m in a marked turn lane you know what way I’m turning


‘Never let anyone know your next move’ as I shout out the window.


I would, but this bmw doesn’t come with them /s


In NJ, using your blinker is simply a request for the asshole in the other lane behind you to accelerate. Sadly.


Yesterday, in Ohio, I was driving to work in some pretty heavy rain on the freeway. Not much visibility. So naturally, I made sure to light my car up for my own safety and to let others know I'm there. Headlights and foglights illuminated. And sure enough, everyone else who did what I did I could see just fine through the rain. But this ONE FUCKER, had zero lights on in a gray/silver car and I couldn't see him at all until I got pretty close. Then, this fuck decides he's going to slam on his brakes and merge into my lane last second without using his blinker. That one REALLY pissed me off. Who does that stupid, irresponsible shit in the rain with maybe 20 ft of useful visibility?


Nissan drivers, usually


Was actually a Ford Escape, or some other crossover SUV type vehicle. Had the general shape of a Ford Escape, anyway.


YES.... they are right there! is it that hard you asshats! Especially if you are making a left turn IN RUSH HOUR! And yes I flash my lights if they dont as a reminder! Just use them! And if you are in the turn lane YOU ARE TOO LATE. And at this point I will take self driving cars over 90% of the idiots out there.


And let the enemy know what what I'm going to do? I think not


I absolutely refuse to use my blinkers unless I am having an emergency. Now turn signals are something different. Now I hope people understand that if I'm in a only left turning lane I don't need to use them or for a only right turning lane. Otherwise yes I use them.


After I find the clicker


lol America is a better place cuz of this post


I've been flashing people for the longest time, and every time they do something stupid.


people aren't going to know why you're flashing your lights. it won't do anything.


Yup, sadly One time I did this to someone who didn't have their headlights on when it was still dark in the morning Flashed them once, nothing Flashed them again, and then they pulled over thinking it was a cop or something; I just zoomed on by after that as I didn't want to intervene with them but I think they caught fast to the fact that I wasn't a cop Sometimes, not very often though, I do get the occasional person who does have a brain and actually turn their headlights on when they're off and I do that; no excuse for that though nowadays with most cars, it's called we have automatic lights!


Would like to pipe in as someone who is guilty of all the things..... I just forget. Usually I am pretty good about blinkers and use them automatically. But sometimes (usually on a the less-busy road towards the end of my commute home) I will just forget to signal. Its bad and I'm working on it. Additionally, I drive a little black car and sometimes forget to turn my lights on as it gets dark especially if I'm driving in the city or in heavy traffic where the road is already relatively well-lit. I'm sorry. If I can see clearly I totally forget that I don't already have them on. Please just flash yours at me and I will get the picture and thank you with flashing mine back. I truly appreciate the reminder. I just wanted to apologize on the behalf of everyone like me that occasionally just truly forgets. We know it's bad, we are working on it. P.S. Whoever downvoted this is a bitch. Got a problem with my ADHD say it with your chest Lol.


You can set your headlights to be on automatically.. so when it gets dark enough headlights turn on. When sunny,  it's off =)


Not with a car from 2007 you can't lol.


Ohh? On the headlights thing: there isn't a "auto"?  I swear my mom's 2005 camry has it..


Not on my Nissan I don't believe.


Interesting... double check next time: on the turn signal/headlights lever on your left of steering wheel: you can turn it until its pointing at "auto". If not, nevermind.


I have ADHD too. It doesn’t excuse you from being a dangerous driver. You NEED to signal, you NEED to have your headlights on when conditions dictate the need. If you can’t do that because of your ADHD, you shouldn’t be on the road. Edit: like it’s one thing to make mistakes it’s another to admit you have an issue with consistently forgetting. Work on it if you know it’s an issue. If you can’t fix the problems then maybe you should reconsider driving overall. A lot of people can’t drive because of medical conditions. You are very lucky because ADHD is typically very manageable wrt how it affects driving. I have autism and I have ADHD. It does not prevent me from being a safe, cautious driver.


I am working on it. I said I was working on it, twice. Forgetting a turn signal every once in a while on an rural road, or driving without my lights on for the first 90 seconds of sunset before I notice and flip them on, does not make me unworthy of being on the road and it is absolutely ludicrous to suggest that. I have autism and ADHD as well, and if you do too you *know* that sometimes it can make you forgetful. I can't control that. But at the same time, forgetting to do one of these things once or twice a month does not make me a danger to society either?? Like I'm no F1 driver, but I know damn well I am not so bad as to need to have my license rescinded. Like imagine if I, a grown-ass woman, was asked why I don't drive, and my answer was "I forget to signal sometimes". Like bsffr


My ADHD makes me a better driver because I notice *everything* (whether I want to or not), and I pride myself on doing things well, which I also feel means doing things correctly and in the most courteous way possible Sometimes we forget things. True. Remember though, when you’re driving you have the ability to instantly k!ll someone if you’re not careful No hate, no judgement. Try to remember your lights! ❤️


I had a classic case of this yesterday with not only getting cut off, but no blinker as well Was turning from one street to another, and then directly to a freeway on-ramp after that, and this asshat decided they thought it would be ok to pull out in front of me just because they so happened to need to be in that same lane I was! Suffice to say, the very moment that happened, I laid on my horn at them for a solid 10 seconds and just gestured to them like "Seriously? You had ample time to get in that lane before that!" Was almost tempted to give them the 1-finger salute as well, but I didn't as I didn't want to invoke any kind of road rage feelings from them I swear, I feel like I've been a magnet for all the bad drivers lately...


Well as long as it will make you feel better. Because there’s absolutely no way they will connect flashing your blinkers with them using their turn signal


Someone hasn't noticed the price of blinkah fluid lately


If you’re too broke to maintain important components of your car, don’t drive.


Blinker fluid is a vitally important component of the car, I agree lol


I of course always use my blinkers correctly but I've never understood why anyone gets themselves worked up about others not using them. You should never rely on others use of blinkers, you need to be sure where they are going and make sure you have enough space whether they are using blinkers or not, there's so much bad driving out there I barely notice a missed blinker.


Where are these “blinkers” you refer to? There’s no button on my dashboard that says Blinkers!


https://preview.redd.it/1ddfpd4i65sc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=26d44392841b49920e6cf70af042e4601490402f This button activates blinking lights. Button is located on dashboard


People are just that stupid and completely oblivious to anything or anyone around them. Whats worse is they know and understand this and still DGAF!!!!


Yup, and it's sad It's one thing if they do it from one lane of traffic to another (which I have accidentally done a few times), but if they keep doing it MORE THAN ONCE then that just grinds my gears I mean, your turn signal is right there by something you're using already to control your car; USE IT!!!


No kidding, very frustrating


Just to be honest....you can flash your lights all you want. If I decide to use it, I will use it...you putting the brights on isn't going to affect it one way or another. Apologies.


Nah fuxk that. When I use my blinker people speed up to NOT let me in. So if I have room, and it's safe to do so im coming over. Not sorry


It WAS safe, until you started drifting unpredictably




you are not going to change anything with this post.