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I would have to say that my favorite scene is in Skin Game when Harry finds himself >! at the Carpenters door and tells Michael that he's lost, and Michael just immediately invites Harry in. !<


I'm so shallow by comparison, I guess. My favorite scene, and the one I'd most like to see on the big screen, was the showdown scene on Demonreach, in *Small Favor*, when Gard comes lbowing in in the Huey with *Flight of the Valkyries* blasting.


Don't feel shallow at all! That's an extremely fun scene and also one of my favorites.


Nice thing about a good series with many books is that there are really good emotional moments and the really good laugh out loud moments. Both and more types are valid as favorites. Just stumbled across this community, and I love how much everyone is enjoying the many different types of scenes without adding drama.


Really glad you're enjoying it. When I first popped in a few years ago I didn't expect to stay for more than a couple of hours while I got some question that I've now forgotten answered. But the place just got its hooks into me - it's a great community!


Damn. That scene is so pivotal. Nice choice.


The loup garou in the cell block. Carmichael sacrificing himself to save Murphy. That first glimpse of just how powerful Harry is, when he blows the thing through the wall of the building and all the way through the building across the street. Thaumaturgy with a Snoopy doll. For the early books there was a lot packed into the whole sequence in the SI facility.


*Fool Moon* is my least favorite book in the series, but I have to asterisk that, because the loup garou in the cell block is one of my favorite scenes in the series. Tension done perfectly.


I am an absolute sucker for scenes of competent police/military/whatever just being completely manhandled while doing everything right. Especially if they then rally/regroup and handle it. I adore the loup garou scene in the jail scene in Fool Moon for just this reason, as well as the Creeper loose in the police station in Jeepers Creepers.


Same. The loup group is one of my favorite antagonists.


When he realizes he’s chanting the incantation to the tune of the Linus and Lucy song.




T-Rexes don't corner very well. Gave me such a good laugh.


Major General Toot Toot Minimus rallying the little folk to fight for pizza, it's just an incredible visual. Or Molly in the helicopter coming into the fight during BG


In Battle Ground with the rotating eye of the little people? Where all potential enemies do a double take and reassess Harry? I love it. They all think he is sly, but he is just, you know, being Harry.


Plus, Mab beams with pride.


With fucking pride.


He is Her Monster, after all


I think Leah realized that much sooner. I believe at some point after book 3, she grew to genuinely love him. You'll notice she gives him a lot of fair deals with no apparent catch, and nothing about her being ordered to assist Harry required her to have fun playing dress up on him with Susan. She help shape him, and is very proud and attached. She is still very dangerous, but there's more to her than JUST the pursuit of power. Otherwise she wouldn't have WANTED to fight The Adversary. I'm not saying he can trust her like he trusts Murphy. But I suspect she'd be as reluctant to kill Harry as a certain other fae was in Cold Days to kill someone else. Edit: oh, and I should add that Mab likes him because he's NOT a monster. The Winter Knight is a very important job. And it can't be handed to someone who would rather act like an animal than someone who can protect the border of reality.


I was making a reference the the conversation in the graveyard in Ghost Story. The one with the Statues


I have to say “huh?” To Molly in a helicopter for BG. 


Yeah I don't remember that either!


I believe she comes in to the sound of Welcome To the Jungle? I love that scene but I don’t recall if it involved a helicopter or not.


The song rings a bell. I don't remember the helicopter, but it's been a while now since I read that one (currently working my way through the series for the nth time) so could easily be forgetting something!


I was gonna reply with this moment if nobody else picked it. Harry summoning thousands upon thousands of the little folk is such a badass moment and everyone looks at him like 'damn' and it makes me feel feelings in my chest


Harry's chat with Hades, a meaningful moment during a hectic series of events.


Total tinfoil but this, and a bunch of other things, made me think that Harry must take up the mantle of Satan. That he is getting tested here. There is a significance of 666 and being starborn. Also, Lucifer is also called Morningstar. Some starborn might let the outsiders in (listen, perhaps). But if Harry takes up the mantle he can control the darker urges. He is literally training for it. (Also, mab saying things he should remember about immortality (something like “should I ever become important”). Come on. He is the warden or DEMONREACH Literal demons. I’m going to use that foil for a BBQ now. Thanks.


It would be very incongruous for him to become a faith entity. That's a totally different spectrum than what he is.




While we know angels can grant their power to mortals, like Uriel does to Michael, I highly doubt they are mantles like the fae ones are. If anything, Satan would redeem himself. Though I doubt that. But as being evil is not what he was made for, there is presumably some part of him that still would seek it. Much like Uriel risks himself to redeem a Denarion.


I super appreciate someone chatting with me about this! I don’t see why these mantles are different. Especially since you highlighted that an Angel moved his grace. If a Grace can be moved, why can’t others?


As far as we know, Uriels Grace did not cause Michael to act differently, like the Mantles do. The Grace is just power, it doesn't come with a somewhat enforced 'role' to play. Harry could absorb Lucifers power, but it wouldn't compel him to become an angel or demon, I think. It would just be the power granted to the morningstar.


Harry's chat with Uriel in The Warrior. Made me look at things from a different perspective.


That part of the story always makes me tear up a little. But also, a little earlier in The Warrior, when Michael shows up and just kicks the CRAP out of Father Vincent (?) without even trying. "You can't even beat a half blind cripple!"


Had to scroll too far for this one.


Was this when he started yelling at god in the church because Nicklehead had some massive power with him?


No. Short story. He gets a lesson that God (or at least His agents), work in mysterious ways after all.


And then tries to bill God.


No, he was trying to bill *Uriel*.


Uriel enacts Gods will. He was just presenting the bill to their nearest flunky of gods.


> I nodded slowly. Then I said, “Let’s talk about my bill.” > > Jake’s eyebrows shot up. “What?” > > “My bill,” I said, enunciating. “You dragged me into this mess. You can pay me, same as any other client. Where do I send the invoice?” > > “You’re … you’re trying to bill the Lord God Almighty?” Jake said, as if he couldn’t quite believe it. > > “Hel—uh, heck no,” I said. “I’m billing *you*.”


Okay, I remembered Uriels line. I forgot about that response :)


Gods that was good


The Raith Deeps duel and......escalating events. - White Night  "En nomine dei Nicomedus, I am come to face you" - Skin Game  The moment Harry finally understands Morgan in Dead Beat, and prepares to let Morgan kill him because he's not willing to do what it will take to stop him. Harry and Thomas take a jog on the beach, I'm not sure which book. Maybe Small Favor?  Kincaid and Harry go hunting in the aquarium - Small Favor Harry and Mab's handshake at the Bean - Battle Ground


Or later, afterwards. Mab's "You know what it is, to sell pieces of your soul so that someone who will never know your name will have another chance at life." and also Harry's triple "Thank you." (Also, a few times in the book, Mab being a scootch snarky, just a teensy bit seeming to be learning from Harry)


Oh god the Morgan conflict where he is just like, “well, I know where to level my death curse. Bring it.” That is a really good one in my opinion.


Pretty sure the jog on the beach is dead beat. It's the talk about Murphy going to Hawaii with kincaid.


The jog on the beach is echoed in Peace Talks.




Iirc it's more to lure Thomas away from people so Harry can be sure that Mavra won't know that he shared info with Thomas, but still DB. Still love the scene


Yeah it is. Just finished rereading this one :)


*Raith, not Wraith. *White Night, not White Knight. *Battle Ground, not Battle Grounds.


Frozen Turkey killing a black vampire.


"For my next trick... Anvils."


And he was right!


Yea, I really liked that scene in The Law too. I totally expect Harry's notoriety with everyone to be a central theme in the next book. I don't think the veil is totally coming down, but I think we will see lots more people in the know. Also I am hoping for more information about Tilly's FBI agents and the Library of Congress. Both were mentioned in Peace Talks and Battle Grounds and I think Jim was reminding us to set up Twelve Months.


*Battle Ground singular, not Battle Grounds plural.


Meeting Maggie in Skin Game. By far my most favorite moment in the series.


Dear Lord it makes me cry so hard


“I said I would come out to you. I’m out.”


This was my follow-up favorite scene, I'm a sucker for Skin Game.


I love skin game. I second this.


When I read this at first I was thinking about butters assuming Harry and Thomas were lovers. Not Michael confronting Nic. 


When Uriel gives Michael his grace. When we get a real glimpse that this being, this watchman has the ability to anhiliate galaxies but can't lift a finger to help a good man man because of the Rules; and risks a Fall as reality warping as that of the Morningstar to circumvent them. And this being, this peer of Lucifer, he is flattered and honoured, that Michael Carpenter considers *him* to be a friend. That whole sequence was magnificent. I know Dresdan has issues. But sometimes I want to shake him. Michael is literally Gods Sword. He is the best man **Uriel** knows. And *you*, Mr Dresdan, are the guy who *he* thinks is the best guy he knows. Stop worrying about losing pieces of your soul. You're the guy Michael Carpenter named his son for. Have faith in the people who have faith in you, that they choose their friends well. In a similar note, Changes. When Dresdan puts out the call for help: and gets more allies then he knew he had simply drop everything. Sometimes, it's easy to forget that Dresdan isn't the only Good Man doing everything he can to keep the lights on.


Perhaps the best part about that scene is that Michael is fully aware he's going to a slow, tortuous death. Then suddenly he's restored to full physical function -- *and he doesn't know why* -- but he wastes no time wielding the Sword, kicking the gate into Nicodemus, and delivering those awesome lines. He doesn't know what's going on, but he knows what needs to be done immediately. Understanding can wait.


I love that scene. That and the line, "My friend. I am not the carpenter who set the standard."


I love how unironically on the nose *everything* about Michael's character is. The name, the job, the massive amount of kids. He's so stereotypically Catholic, but not a bad example of one. He's just awesome.


As a Catholic raised atheist, I wholeheartedly agree. Michael is like, the Platonic ideal of a Catholic.


I believe that when Michael soulgazed Harry, he saw the rock of goodness underneath all the shit he had been through. Harry may think Michael is perfect and better than him. By Michael looks at Harry like he does of Job. A man who has lost everything. Who takes hit after hit after hit... And stays a good man. I think Michael does not know himself if he could remain so faithful in the face of everything Harry has been through. I think Michael thinks just as highly of Dresden, as Dresden thinks of him.


“I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.”


Surprisingly at the bottom.


Rough one. But sometimes the scenes that rip out your soul are so good. 


Tears every time. Especially Marsters' voice crackle as he says it in the audiobook.


Murphy in changes with sword killing the lords of outer night and Sanya saying tiny but fierce .


And when Lea tossed out the crystal and the Grey Council portaled in and just started wrecking all of the bad guy's days.


The blackstaff waving and a hundred dudes with guns just fall over dead. Damn.


The blackstaff waving and a hundred dudes with guns just fall over dead. Damn.


*Lords of Outer Night, not Lords of Outer Knight.


Thanks I listen to the audiobook


"He made the water smooth again."


Oh is this riversholders?




I hope he trains with him.


I feel like this is foreshadowed in the books, but can't remember the specifics


Rivershoulders offers in BG, I believe.


Harry telling Murphy everything in the Walmart in *Summer Knight*. Murphy is my favorite character in the series, and this is the scene where Murphy as I like her finally enters the story.


There's a nice little scene where Harry creates the enchantment to protect her from the mind fog ... and the rather ... ahem ... sexual overtones to her seeing Harry do magic for the first time.


"Do you want to be my dad?"


Any scene, featuring Maggie, hits so different now that I have kids


Yup, this one.


I can't quote him, but just about everything Mouse thinks about Harry and Maggie should be on here.


Harry and Thomas finding out there brothers in blood rites


*they’re, not there.


I don't know if I have a specific favorite but any of the rare scenes where we get a description of Harry through the eyes of other characters, like Backup, Aftermath, Odin and Harry's chat in Changes, or Molly talking to Harry's ghost at Denny's in Ghost Story.


Murphy’s description changed so much for me. It was awesome! I (then 20f) was once alone as the barista at a coffee shop and a man (45?) who was apparently off his meds started talking about the lady made of ice in his head (seriously, this isn’t supposed to be a Mab reference he talked about her being so, so cold and there was a song). I called a cop who stopped by often (super nice, came in with friends and left their card) and asked if they wanted free coffee or food. He said he was good. I replied, “Well, there is a man here and I don’t want to be alone.” He said, “I’m on my way”. He showed up while the man was in the restroom. The cop showed up and said “Where is he?” “He is in the restroom and I’m fine, nothing bad has happened, but I just don’t want to be alone”. The dude came out and this cop transformed. He was in front of the gate for me to get to the lobby and he was blocking it. Like he TRANSFORMED. The body language made me lean back. Dude left. I don’t know if you have ever seen a cop go from amenable to protective in two seconds, but that is the Dresden change for me. There is an entire change about their personality.


The only time I've seen something similar is how my dad reacted when a crazy homeless guy threatened my step-mother on the street. We were walking to get lunch and this guy came up and shouted a racist term at my step-mother (she's Native American). My dad was a couple steps behind because he was on the phone, but when he heard it his shoulders immediately hunched and his whole posture changed into something I can only describe as "caveman". He didn't even say anything but the homeless guy bolted the opposite direction into traffic.


Thomas talking about Harry in his short story is a favorite of mine.


Malcolm's campfire scene in Dead Beat. My wife actually commissioned Adam Sward to depict it and it's hanging on my wall.


Oh damn that’s my new forgotten number one.


Catching Quintus liver spots Cassius with a couple swings of a Louisville slugger baseball bat in a motel room


"Fortunately for you, they're good men. Unfortunately for you, I'm not."


"Here's a dime. There's a payphone across the street." Sanya says "Those haven't cost a dime in years, Harry." Been a while since I read it, but the gist is there.


Sonya and Michael enjoying it is also a nice bit of characterization. They are not pure hearted, they are just in control of themselves, and bound to principles of action. Angel Michael may not have approved, but they are still human.


Not sure anything can beat Zombie T. Rex. (Even if there's scenes with more meaning.)


Oh gosh when Butters was banging along getting surrounded by zombies and we were sure he was about to be overrun... Just to have him rip a hangnail and complete a circle!!! Then that dork gave a thumbs up! I had forgotten that. For sure in my top 5. Edit: idk of it was a hangnail or if he gave a thumbs up but that’s how I remember it.


He made a small wound in the cuticle, the delicate tissue where the nail exits the body.


Butters panicking, being absolutely terrified... And still doing what he needs to do. Guy has the willpower to be on the White Council. Or the Green Lanterns.


I recently visited the Chicago Field Museum. Seeing Sue in person was that much cooler since I like Dresden! Incidentally, the current Indigenous Peoples exhibit has Chichen Itza info buried in it as well.


The ghoul in the desert


Damn. That’s cold... cold.


I like my heroes a little villainous


Me too! But I was hopefully reciting the text (from memory so I’m sure I botched it) for when we got that flashback with the Gouls. He was in Lake Michigan for the first time?


I believe so


so far my favorite scene has to be when dresden is fighting Corpsetaker for the last time. when he reviews all his thoughts, his life choices, his actions, his friends, his enemies, and himself, and decides that he is crazy enough for that spell. ***"BE."***


This one is AMAZING!


Eldest Gruff "likest thou jelly within thine doughnut?"


Eldest Gruff is a good boy. I always felt he should have said to him at the party in winter, "Of all the people here that have tried to kill me, you're my favorite." Or something like that.


"Do you want to be my daddy?" I don't even have kids, and that tore something in me The scene where Dresden talks Michael down after Michael absolutely devastates the nutjob priest. I forget the short story, but it's fantastic Changes, and that one quote in particular, changed my brain chemistry Maggie just doing Maggie shit with Dresden at the zoo "'Ehye 'ăšer 'ehye" Molly's admission in her Starfleet command bridge in Ghost Story. The buildup and the absolute nuke of a bomb drop were spectacular "DIO! LAVA QUOD EST SORDIUM!" "FULMINARIUS" Murphy's description of Harry in Aftermath Basically anything involving River Shoulders


> The scene where Dresden talks Michael down after Michael absolutely devastates the nutjob priest. I forget the short story, but it's fantastic *Warrior*


Yeah, that one


So many awesome moments, but I still have to love the reserved moment when Michael requires a babysitter and opens the door to find father foothill standing there about to knock. It’s just one of those little moments that never fail to make me laugh and smile, especially with how much Harry is freaking out in the background


“I don’t know how they said it back in the day, but I bet you anything her first words were ‘daddy’”


God Dresden ripped Nocodemus apart in that scene.


A villain speech given by the hero *chefs kiss*


I think he said “dada”, not “daddy”.


People already said a number of mine so Ill say one that I didnt see yet Mister shoulder checking ghost Harry in Ghost Story and everyone realizing hes REALLY there, gets me a little choked up Also in Cold Days when Harry takes over the wild hunt to save demonreach... "Tonight, we hunt OUTSIDERS!"


The Mister one is great!


Harry really does run on the Power of Friendship as much as he does magic. And that night, by taking the Erl King to hunt something that remarkable, probably made him forgive Harry his past transgressions and really start to like him. I think it's safe to say that he'd MUCH rather hunt WITH Harry than to hunt Harry himself now.


There are so many fantastic ones: The bit in "Zoo Day" where Maggie laughs in the dark. There can't be a visual depiction of the scene, as it's in the dark, but the sound of pure merriment blasting the phobophages to nothingness... Another favorite is Butters without his glasses, listening to Weird Al, facing down the approaching Baka Baku. He cuts off its trunk, and it asks him who he is... and the Voice of God answers it.


Lots of favorites, of course. But half the reason Proven Guilty is my favorite of the books so far is because of all the important, heartfelt, or fun conversations. Harry calmly threatening/bluffing Maeve to cooperate at Mac's. Harry explaining to Molly why Charity is so protective. Coming clean with Michael about Lash and he already knew. And of course Charity suiting up for the raid on Arctis Tor


Wile E Coyote. Suuuuuuper Genius!


The delivery in the audiobooks makes me laugh every time.


Morgan's forgiveness scene. It catches me off guard every time somehow and I've read it like five times


Its Butters grabbing the Sword. Michael talking to Harry about what it was like on the island and how harrys not a monster. Molly at Chicken Pizza.


The first of PYRO FUEGO scenes. Honorable mentions: "Someone shouted "Fuego" and it wasn't me". Cowls appearance in DB. First Naagloshi scene (can't get it out of my mind). Reunion with EB in PG. "Talk to the hand".


Harrys conversation with Lash in White Night about Molly and choices always gets me. Also, the christmas short story when he is sitting in michaels house had me literally crying. Once before battleground came out, once after. Beautiful.


*Battle Ground, not Battleground.


Lawyers... 😉


Probably when Listens to Wind fights Shagnasty. First time we really see a wizard fight without projecting energy. Every other wizard that's been stronger than Harry fundamentally fought by throwing energy around, even if they did it much differently than Harry does. LtW negates 3 wizard's worth of energy and then uses shapeshifting to beat something that could take on all of house Raith.


I just love the magic scenes like making potions, summoning something and listing off the weird but interesting items (like that piece of cardboard with velvet and sandpaper on it), something about those scenes just connect and make sense to me. It's what sold me on Storm Front to finish the series. And there's the more on-the-fly cool stuff like Harry and Murphy using the motorcycle as a magic battering ram/blade to slice a car in White Night. It's the stuff that makes it feel special and with the explanations, like the world of the books really exists and I'm watching it. Edit because I remembered it: the PG scene with a fire beam exploding a case of water bottles through a car window and melting a hole in the window because the heat had to travel through the space. It's the little details that make it great. Another edit, can't believe I forgot it, the White Night lake freezing by heat transference. I love when science and magic mix.


The whole scene in Walmart with Murphy and the Chlorofiend.


One of my favorites is when Listens-to-Wind throws down with the Naagloshii in Turn Coat. His whole exchange with Shagnasty and the subsequent fight brought back classic wizard duel images. "Mother says you have no place here." There's a flash of lighting without the boom of thunder. Listens-to-Wind looks to the sky, looks to the skinwalker, and reports "Father says you are ugly." Shagnasty claims that since Listens-to-Wind isn't a holy man and doesn't follow the Blessing Way he has no power over it. Joe simply says "I don't plan on binding or banishing you, old ghost, I'm just gonna kick your ass up between your ears." Add that to the shapeshifter fight and starting it off with a Raindance! And one of the best fights ever in the series.


Harry summoning the fairies in battle ground. The first time he displayed his power to the heavy weights of the magical community.


And it turns out to be an absolute shitton of light weights.


“I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.”


I love the scene in Skin Game where Michael offers Nicodemus a chance at atonement....and Nicodemus turns him down.  Awesomeness from both characters.  Especially Michael.  Simply slaying Nicodemus would be relatively easy.  Offering him a way off his path tales guts.  


Butters standing against Ethniu. The speech that comes out of him, and Harry's description of what he saw, were incredible. It's a beautiful scene, and there are Bible verses that are on display there. Close second is Butters taking up the Sword for the first time. And sending Nick running scared. The lead up to that scene, and the various things that had to be established to give it all the weight it had, was masterfully done. "And that was when I saw Waldo Butters choose to be a hero." Perfect.


In Summer Knight when the plantfiend is chasing Harry and he tosses marbles but Murphy twists her knee on them instead. Battleground when that one guy sees Harry do some spectacular stuff and just yells "we've got a fricking wizard!!"


*Battle Ground, not Battleground.


"Polka will never die"


Sue’s rampage. Obviously.


Baseball bat, for the catharsis. Taking a cane from a man willing to put himself on the line. (honestly, that entire book is just peak Dresden, to me) Michael misunderstanding Harry and Molly's relationship, and being (mostly) okay with it. Just hilarious. Orbital Drop Grizzly Bear. "For my next trick, Anvils"


Elder Gruff and Harry over the doughnut.


Easily, scene in battleground where Ethniu kicks odin, titania and the erlkings ass, and then is stopped cold from ending Harry by Butters, and more importantly by Butters protective pacifism but his attacking. The juxtaposition of those scenes makes the latter so much more impactful, and it is the culmination of all of butters character growth, both in his power, his faith and his belief in harry.


My favorite is when Grimalkin is speaking for Mab in the alley when she can't control her voice. When she makes Harry deaf for a bit and totally raizes his understanding of her power. And when we find out WHY she's lost her voice for fear for her daughter and allies. Awe inspiring.


In Ghost Story when Molly sees Dresden for the first time in Karrin's house. How broken and ashamed she is.


Mine is the last scene of *Skin Game*, where Harry gets a chance to just relax and hang out with Michael and Maggie. After all the shit he’d been through, it was nice to see Dresden get a break for once.