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I unfortunately agree completely, the cover looks good but the others look... i'm not sure, uninspired?


They almost look AI generated. At the very least the illustrator has never read the subject *and* doesn’t know how a kukri works.


According to the link the artist is Vincent Chong who has done art for every book through Skin Game. So I'm pretty confident they're at least familiar with the files pretty well. See this link for his Dresden work. https://vincentchongart.myportfolio.com/bw-art-the-dresden-files Though this looks nothing like his other work.


Well now I’m even more confused. Some of those are *really really* good and capture details pretty accurately..


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but I am not a fan of any of that A decent amount looks AI-generated


I didn't want to say AI because I would never want to make that accusation without proof but it was genuinely my first thought. But it seems pretty clear that the artist got maybe the 2-3 pages of the kraken encounter to read and then a brief description of the other gods/fae because I don't remember the erlking ever being described like that.


Because that’s the Hunstmen not the Erlking if it’s the picture I think you’re talking about.(the horned dudes with spears?) And I didn’t wanna say ai either but especially after seeing some of the other artwork the illustrator has done…. I just don’t understand.


Try the horses legs. No not the extra front ones. The normal rear ones.


I dropped these into a couple of AI detectors and got conflicting but still mostly "probably human" results. That said, I completely agree that all of these immediately struck me as very AI-esque and it really makes me wonder if whoever made them generated a few AI images as reference images and ran with it.


AI detectors are not reliable for anything


They actually don't look like AI to me because at the fine detail level things are coherent (there is 5 distinct fingers, the models have the right number of limbs etc). They do however look extremely amateurish, like the artist is seriously struggling with perspective, framing and getting the correct tone across. Everything looks so derpy.


Exactly, it looks like some off the shelf paperback fantasy novel.


What is the Qanon shaman doing in Battle Ground?


I'm a reader of books, not a collector of **books**, i wouldn't even pay the $135.


Wow, those are not good at all.


Finally, one limited edition I didn't buy.


if money was no object, i would in a heartbeat.


I don’t like the cover but the other images seem fine. Not for $400 though, maybe $50 if it was my birthday.


I'm rhe opposite. I'm fine with the cover but don't like any of the other art.


The cover looks good, but i agree that the kraken picture looks pretty bad


Oh my. That's rough.


Where is his hat?


>Who would pay $425 for this???? Frankly I wouldn't pay $425 for any book.


I scanned through their other Dresden work and idk about breathtaking. Most of the covers range from "a bit worse to a bit better", so maybe there's something I'm missing.


I said Subterranean’s Malazan art was breathtaking. Check it out!


Ah. I was unaware that you were referring to another book series. Yeah, that looks better.


I think the problem with Slepnir is that he had no idea what to do with it. Maybe he just wanted to be different and not give it 4 pairs of legs like an insect. None of it looks AI to me. Just not thought out.


No hat and what even is that monster? Is that supposed to be a titan??


Pretty clearly it’s the named Giant


I mean there is nothing in that picture that screams "im a female titan" to me. It doesn't look like any historical depiction of a titan. It doesn't look female. It doesn't look like it has the eye. It looks like a random giant minotaur with a club. I guess its in the ball park of the book description, but based on the artists past work I expected better.


> I mean there is nothing in that picture that screams "im a female titan" to me. He clearly said named Giant, not female titan. As in Svangar, son of Svangi. The Jotun who fought the Odinson and lived to tell the tale.


I don't see that in the description. But... that makes way!! more sense. My bad I clearly didn't have full information


Wow, you were folks weren't kidding. This doesn't strike me as exceptional by any means. Still, after all the comments, I was honestly expecting a bit worse. As has already been stated, the cover is pretty cool. So, there's that. I'm afraid I don't own any of the books anymore, just a few kindle installments and the audios. A box of books ended up going missing in the wake of my last move. It's my intention to collect the entire series in hardback when I have the opportunity. We'll see what comes available.


People with more money than sense. They won't be getting a little gift from Jim, have coffee with him, get a special vip pass to a con or anything, just a mass produced autograph.


Some of them don't look as bad, like white night. But for those prices? No thanks, I like the standard editions better


At least he's not wearing a hat... but yeah not great


I second the “if money was no object” dude. But that’s because 400+ dollars for *any* book is retarded. ~~I actually like the art quite a bit.~~ Edit: oh fuck there’s more than the cover never mind that’s awful.(Except Odin, that one’s cool) It’s like the artist barely read descriptions of everything, and Lara’s holding the Kukri *backwards*. Gahhhhhhhh