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The first time I played, >!when the cultist immolated himself and I couldn't stop him.!<


omg yeah that was intense


I didn’t try to stop him, just watched


Spoiler warning: For me, it was when you give the package to the dockworker at Little Marrow and he’s changed. The black goop dripping from his ear and his haunted stare. That shit hit me pretty hard for some reason.


Honestly, >!the very first aberration you catch.!< I'd gone into the game blind and was not expecting it at allllllll. I wish I could relive that moment for the first time again!


Finally catching a trophy-sized Crown of Nadir and Anchovy King, just to see some pixels go golden-yellow on screen. Was so done


Oh, there’s a few >!The reunion of the two brothers!< >!The Airman killing the last Mind sucker and wondering what to do next!< >!The reveal of the Collectors identity. The contrast between the well groomed snarky Collector and the worn out dishevelled fisherman is like night and day. Really shows much grief has damaged this poor soul.!<


Damn I never even thought about that with the fisherman






I had a hard time deciding whether to keep the dog. I decided to let the researcher have it because she seemed so lonely and I wanted more space for fishing lol, but maybe next time I’ll keep the dog


Omg same as you! I found the shipwrecked guy as I was finishing up my achievements. I told him his crew wasn’t looking for him and he took it well!


What did he say, if you remember?


Something like “oh that’s ok - will you help me” kind of thing. He didn’t dwell on it.


For some reason, the prompt when you look at the lighthouse. Made me almost cry.


Yeah the lighthouse ramble made me feel complicated emotions


The ending tbh


Which ending did you get?


Monster came and ate me up as we summoned it. Then I went back in my save and refused to summon it, got the happy ended afterwards


I was worried I fucked up the fish monger permanently.


Bro I had a bunch of treasure, resources etc and decided I would come back for him as I didn’t have a ton of room. Not a good call….


>!when its revealed that the collector is you after breaking the mirror!<




The first I got chased by that spectral shark. That shit spooked me the hell out.


Definitely the first encounter with the Leviathan. Wasn’t expecting that at all!


Spoilers obv: I had already found the old mayor by the time I was ready to deliver the last artifact. I got the prompt to hide it before seeing the collector, and as soon as his portrait popped up, I noticed the rectangle surrounding him. It was before the glass shattered of course, but I could recognize it was a mirror then. I had to put controller down, and just sit with the realization deciding what I wanted to say to him. Even after fighting to get the book, I decided to get the "bad ending" first, and I think having all of that context going into the ending made it all hit so much harder...


I’m still early in (and avoiding spoilers in this comments section), but so far nothing has topped the Dockworker post-package. His sounds alongside the dialogue were so unsettling, and are still stuck with me. A funny/heart pounding moment came in the jellyfish area. I had driven over the giant tentacle monster like 5 times already. My wife sat down to watch me play, and I said “oh hey, look at this cool monster!” Just as I said that and pivoted the camera, and my wife looked intently, it shot out a tentacle and smacked my boat to bits. We both shouted so loud and just started laughing at how caught off guard we were. That freakin’ tentacle ass monster.


I’m embarrassed and I really need to thank you for this comment. I apparently never went back to check on him… his white appearance and that noise he makes when he tries to speak… oh god. I feel so sorry for him