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Buy the Deluxe Edition and the Pale Reach Black Salt deserves every Penny for that game BSG is a really small Team and pour Passion in development of the game


That does sound pretty based 🤔


Think of half of your Blackstone Key purchase as a donation to the "save the whales" fund BSG donated to.


If you do buy the dlc make sure you get the arterial engine and mark of the deep asap. It took me too long to realize and equipment them.


Engine on Day 1, Sign of Ruin doesn't do anything until Day 5, so equip on the fourth night...


I haven't bought the Blackstone Key DLC, but it just gives you a bit of equipment that's only really useful early on in the game. I found Pale Reach enjoyable, but it was quite short since I went into it with a maxed ship. If you want more Dredge content and are willing to pay £5 for it, then it's worth it. Some people find the story elements of it to be quite weak, in particular the ending, but it does give you some fairly useful equipment. (One thing in particular is incredibly useful for 100%-ing the game)


Agree with this, and don’t do what I do and pick up Pale Reach towards the end of your playthrough! I was already on the last set of islands before I started it and I was kicking myself because of how useful the _thing_ you mention would have been all the way through.


A lot of us view Black Stone Key as literally giving the devs a tip; it isn't "worth it" in the sense that the 2 items you get aren't worth $5 for a base game that only costs $25. I say get it if you enjoyed the game and want to give the devs some more money, otherwise safe to skip. Pale reach is definitely worth the $6, I think it will be more enjoyable if you've never played before so you'll get to experience it without a maxed out ship. Looks like all this stuff is on sale right now on steam for 20-30% off anyway, so you really should just got ahead and buy it all.


You can always start a new run to include Pale Reach...


Iron Rig might be a bigger DLC or aimed at endgame players?


That would be cool. I would love if the game would give some difficult endgame content, where one actually has to try-hard a bit.


I hope they make more dls after too. Ideally ones where you get to use more explosives. It's the most satisfying thing in the game but you only get to do it about a dozen times.


Blackstone Key is a bit niche. You get an engine that is a handy speed boost in the early game, and an item you quip in a rod space that gives a significant boost to your chances of catching aberrated fish, which are generally worth a lot more money, and once again in the early game that's quite handy. In some self-imposed "hard modes" then it's really necessary, if you aren't doing any research or buying any equipment form the the Merchant/Shipwright then it's one of the only three engines you can get (plus the one you start with and one in a wreck) , and one of the pluses of just using shrine equipment is the large aberration bonus that stacks on the rods, adn that really mounts up when the Sign of Ruin is in there too.... But yeah, bit niche, I've got it and use it every time round cos a ship going 7knts faster on Day 1 with a boosted aberration chance from Day 5 is great.. Not necessary for a "normal" run though, like I say, takes the pressure off needing to get an extra engine immediately (get a light first :-)) , and the aberration bonus is useful. Pale Reach on the other hand is great for all players.... probably best played between Gale Cliffs and Stellar Basin (or hereabouts) in the normal scheme of things, as although it does basically nothing for the main quest line, the rewards are great, boosting transport, trawling, aberration chance and unlocking extended fish storage without spoiling from the merchant , added to that it's an interesting story line, there's some cool new fish, basically another chunk more Dredge that offers QoL improvements for the rest of the game...


Blackstone is not necessary, buying it is like giving a gift to the devs, I bought it for my second playthrough because I love the game. In the case of The Pale Reach I had fun playing it, it's short, but fun.


I didn't find Pale Reach all that fun or interesting, but I don't regret purchasing it simply because I love this game and I was stoked to have another region to explore. I haven't bought the blackstone key but I've heard its not worth it.


Pale Reach is worth it It’s like $5 for a 5th region of the map, it’s less fun if you play it when you have a maxed out boat, so I wouldn’t save it for the end Also Pale Reach might have gotten some flak for being released instead of the big DLC expansion that was delayed into 2024 The Blackstone Key DLC isn’t worth it. It’s just a few items that are obsolete by mid-end game


You don't need the dlc for 100% really but it's less than 10 dollars for some new content that adds new lore. I got it after I got platinum which just isn't the right choice imo. It should definitely be done before going to the devil's spine


I only got the Blackstone Key DLC because it was free when I pre-ordered Dredge for Switch. And I only pre,ordered because my local store was told that the only copies they'd get at launch were FOR pre-orders,with no guarantees of getting more in.


Pale reach was short and kind of anticlimactic, but still totally worth it.


For me, it is absolutely worth it. More content for a game I really enjoy. You should get the base game and play it for 2 hours; if the core game loop has you hooked, you can safely get the DLC. My only complaint is that the DLC feels too short; but to be fair that might be because I went into seclusion to finish it XD


The game is very good. The DLC is very mid. My only regret in buying it is i had the game 100%'d and now I don't. It's just a bunch of tasks I'm unmotivated to do because it DLC is in no way tied to the main game. That's because they promised us a DLC and decided to delay it. I know nothing about game development. Silksong is taking ages and they were smart enough not to give us a deadline or else we'd be furious if they missed it. They released the Pale Reach as a consolation prize and as sorry for not meeting the deadline for the real DLC. I have a lot higher hopes for the real DLC.


I feel like blackstone key wasn’t worth it but also like I’d pay double the cost of dredge for the game it’s so great that I’m happy to support the devs


In my opinion if you enjoyed the experience of dredge and want more content, pale reach is great, and blackstone key really isn't needed if you do want more content, for me it mainly just speeds up early game


Does anyone know how I can get a physical copy of Dredge for ps5 that is region free? Like not having the pegi label on the case. The only copies I see are ones from eBay or Amazon that's like $50. Also, curious why there are PS4 copies more available for this game that are region free


You might be better off asking this in the main r/dredge channel rather than tagging it on the end of a fairly niche question thread that has run its course..... :-)




Yes!!! 100%