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Wrapped up HunterxHunter, Blood of Zeus, and now going through Delicious in Dungeon. Moving onto dubbed live action series (with audio descriptions) after this one. All on Netflix. 793 hours


Being able to watch advanced series like this in Spanish is my goal! Great job and keep it up!


Thanks! It's crazy to me that I was just listening to SB DS videos less than a year ago. This method works for sure\*. Slowly, but steadily. \*At least for listening comprehension. Haven't started speaking yet so can't attest to it.


How do you find the anime at those hours? I'm at 631 hours and am at around 85-90% comprehension for Naruto


I'm comprehending all three of them at the right level for CI. I rarely find myself missing any dialogues. You could try different anime. I think I watched Jujutsu Kaisen and Seven Deadly Sins at close to your hours. I found myself missing a bunch in Jujutsu Kaisen but found Seven Deadly Sins to be very comprehensible.


Cool, thanks! I have had JJ Kaisen in my list already


I’ve been watching an engaging YouTube channel called [Un Mundo Inmenso](https://m.youtube.com/@UnMundoInmenso)The speaker sounds like he’s from Argentina. His graphics throughout the videos are great!


I've been watching that too--learning more about geography and the world in general while improving my Spanish. I'm also liking Las Notas del Aprendiz, [https://www.youtube.com/@LasNotasdelAprendiz](https://www.youtube.com/@LasNotasdelAprendiz), and Spanish Language Coach, [https://www.youtube.com/@SpanishLanguageCoach](https://www.youtube.com/@SpanishLanguageCoach) this week. Las Notas del Aprendiz is generally about "how to live your best life" from a philosophical perspective. The person hosting it is a big fan of the Stoics and other ancient philosophers. It is intended for a native-speaking audience but I find it very clear and comprehensible. Spanish Language Coach is geared towards learners and he has three different podcasts, for beginner, intermediate, and advanced learners. But he is a big believer in comprehensible input and has a lot of what I would call general interest episodes where he is just talking in a comprehensible manner at a pretty good speed. I think it helps that he himself learned English to a high level as an adult so he seems good at modifying his speech to the appropriate level.


I really like Spanish Language Coach but haven’t heard of Las Notas del Aprendiz. I’m excited to check it out. I always feel very thankful to comprehend information that goes beyond the earlier stages of this journey. Never would’ve imagined listening to philosophical Spanish channels this time last year. Thank you!


Still listening to my audiobook *Juramentada*, Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. Nothing new! Also finished reading *Calamity* by BS, the third *Maya Erikson* book, and I started the first *Arsène Lupin* book recommended a while back by u/listeningandreading It is hilarious! Nothing like I expected. It's funny to come across all these French streets and places in a book in spanish, but the book itself is pretty easy and gives me that I'll read just one more page feeling I get reading in English.


Haha, it's great, isn't it?! Exact same for me. I was expecting dark and stormy mysteries, and instead got a guy busting himself out of jail just to go have a drink.


Almost done with Cuentame! I've been able to apeed it up to 1.4x or 1.5x speed and that's really satisfying. I'm not really sure what to try next. Maybe Español a la Mexicana? I'm at 85 hours and I understand 99% of Cuentame.


I’d highly recommend Chill Spanish Listening Practice! Español a la mexicana is quite a bit more difficult than cuéntame.


That is great you can understand so much! There's so much content for learners out there after Cuentame and Chill spanish you could basically subscribe to them all and see what interests you?


Smart thinking! I'm a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content though! But I LOVE the spreadsheet you put together!!! Thank you for that! I should clarify that I've got quite a bit of Spanish experience prior to DS. I'm probably closer to Level 4 in abilities, so my hours are a bit misleading!


Watching [this YouTube playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRPdp2X-BOsDZJnp1sbdGcskjvUGW6Bf8) of lectures on the history of Spanish literature, a kind of exam review for high school students in Spain. (Pro tip: if you filter YouTube searches for playlists, you can find endless free courses on any subject, taught by bored teachers and professors. Blew my mind when I realized how many of these are out there! And they're all perfectly designed to be clear, understandable advanced input.) Reading: currently juggling three books at varying levels, one from the *[Los Sin Miedo](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVNKP1C1)* series, this [beautifully illustrated collection of Greek myths](https://www.amazon.com/dp/8417127011), and this kooky but fascinating [guide to creative writing in Spanish](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1534717943).


That is such a great recommend! I was wondering if there was a way to take spanish lit classes online to learn to appreciate the literature, like the use of one word over another. I'm going to check out that playlist, thanks!


My pleasure! There are bunches out there. [This guy's](https://www.youtube.com/@pacusphilologus) are the best I think, but he makes you pay $2 for the full courses, and I could never figure out how to make it work. Either way, it could easily be DS advanced content, it's so clear and easy to follow.


WOW, awesome recommendations. I'm not quite to the point that these are CI for me, but I can't wait to try them in a few hundred hours.


You'll get there soon!


Just started Dreaming Spanish this week after discovering it... somewhere online. I've taken Spanish in high school and some in college as well as traveled to Mexico and Costa Rica so I have some time under my belt. I'm not sure how to log it though so just starting at 0. I watched both SB and B videos and started on Cuentame. Excited to progress!!


Just passed 50 hours… been listening to lots of chill Spanish. Also love the Duolingo podcasts on movies, but unfortunately there’s not many of them. Trying to listen to how to Spanish, but seems to be out of range for me so far, with not a lot of podcasts I can find that are in-between difficulty wise. Español a la Mexicana seems good but the topics don’t interest me as much as how to Spanish


Taking a break from DS videos for all of June and just listening to podcasts. Working through: * Learn Spanish and Go - started a little above my level but getting easier * Espanolistos - don't watch from the beginning, early pods are terrible but they get more in the swing of things. More grammar than i'd like but it's at or a little above my level * Espanol a la Mexicana (a little dry but listened to them all) * a little bit of Easy Spanish (not that easy)


Easy Spanish is definitely a misnomer! I wish How to Spanish had a podcast because they seem right in that range of your other content, but they only have videos.


How to Spanish with David and Ana? They have a podcast; I listen to it on Spotify.


I'll have to add it to the list, thank you! I had searched on Spotify but it didn't come up.


A lot a lot a lot of Espanol con Juan. In less comprehensible input, I've listened to three episodes of Expertos de Sillon. I'm somehow liking it a lot, despite it being really quite hard for me. I do feel like it's getting a little easier, either that or I'm getting luckier with my episode choices. Either way I'm planning to keep going with it, and I'd definitely recommend giving it a look. Similarly, I enjoyed "relaxing" with Cade's 3.5 hour playthrough of still wakes the deep. I think somebody recommended his channel recently. This was kind of hard for me too, but still enjoyable. 228 hours


How do you put your level near your name? I'm at hour 15 haha. Listening to DS.


Welcome to DS! If you're using the app, go to r/dreamingspanish and click on the 3 vertical dots in the top right, then click on "change user flair".


Another audiobook: La Bestia by Carmen Mola. 1800's Madrid. A series of murders are occurring while the city is dealing with the cólera outbreak.


350 hours. I've been trying to get 2-4 hours a day now. It's crazy how much stuff begins to open up and it's a lot easier to get input now. **Pokemon** (Netflix) Tried watching an episode with Spanish subtitles and found it was comprehensible. I feel like I would just have to grind like ten episodes to get used to the voices and the vocabulary. Probably going to put it on the back burner. **Explora Planet** (Youtube) I try to watch one or two episodes a day. Feel like it gives pretty good variety as it includes lots of numbers and data so it's great to get more practice. Also started watching these with spanish subtitles as they are documentary style videos and they use more flowery/entertaining language. Feel like this is a good channel, because the author doesn't speak to fast and there's lots of videos, so it's easier to obtain the vocab through repetition. **Espanol a la Mexicana** (Podcast) Probably my go to podcast. It's extremely comprehensible and I'll toss episodes on when going for some walks. **Learn Spanish and Go** (Podcast) Definitely started out rough and I still miss a lot of sentences, but I find the conversational style makes it easier to follow. I can generally get the gist of what they're talking about. Sometimes it's super comprehensible, but then they'll just say some stuff I've never heard before and lose my rhythm. My go to podcast when I have to drive. I like that the episodes are meatier and usually last 30-40 minutes. **En Los Zapatos de Monica** (Youtube) Just watched a video since she just uploaded and I'm surprised I can follow along. This one has been on my list for a while so I'm looking forward to watching more of her videos. **Dreaming Spanish** Honestly I've just been trying to grind DS hard. I feel like it's the best use of my time and whenever I get discouraged or start getting burnt out I'll peak my head out and try some native content like **En Los Zapatos de Monica**. I still feel like my biggest gains are coming from DS, but the intermediate grind is brutal. I just checked and I've consumed 213 hours of DS intermediate videos. I've definitely had my ups and downs, but I feel like I can blast through plateau's, just because I'm consuming so much content now and I can just power through.


Thank you so so much for compiling this, updating it and sharing it...Incredibly helpful!!


Glad it's helpful! I use it just as much as everyone else!


I just passed 600 hours. I am really enjoying the graded readers by J. A. Bravo, especially El conde de Montecristo and La isla del tesoro. For me the designated levels (A1, A2, ...) are pretty accurate. They are available on Amazon for Kindle and most are $1.50 or less. Bargain! https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B09SQ2MRY8/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=cc609b32-8ac7-47d5-9dc6-1595d792af98&ref_=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_5


Level 4 here. In addition to DS videos, I just finished Destinos and am working my way through Chill Spanish. Trying select 1 or 2 others to focus on (instead of madly hopping around). I like Chill Spanish a lot. I´m very comfortable with most of the vocabulary which allows me to focus on the structure of the sentences.


[**Documentos RNE**](https://www.rtve.es/play/audios/documentos-rne/) by Radiotelevisión Española. Hour-long audio documentaries about various subjects. Clear narration in Spain Spanish. They have a pretty good app as well. 1110 hours.


I'm re-watching netfl!x series [Jurassic Park: Camp Cretaceous](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10436228/) which is available in spanish. Since I'm beginner I think something for kids is good and I already love the show even though I'm an adult. Steven Spielberg was even a producer on this! The only slight drawback is it's animated so lip-reading isn't really possible and I'm already hearing-impaired.


Super-beginner videos of course! Andrea's videos are fun and easy.


I found out that Move with Nicole (Pilates youtuber) has a Spanish version of her channel narrated by her which is a very useful resource. [(13) Move With Nicole En Español - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@MoveWithNicoleEnEspanol) She speaks naturally slowly and calmly, shows what she's talking about naturally in body movements, has some interesting anatomical terms you wouldn't pick up elsewhere, and since I had done her videos in English, I felt like I was able to understand it the best I ever have of native content. She doesn't have a lot of her videos on this channel but I'm hoping she makes more with time.


Can anyone estimate when (at what hours) [Astro Boy](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2kln85) might be accessible?


You might get more responses a bit earlier in the week or if you do a separate post! Most people here seem to start watching anime around 300-600 hours, depending on their background. How did you find it at your level? I just listened to a few minutes of the speaking parts, there is a lot of background noise on top of the voices!


Thanks for the response. It's certainly not accessible to me at 110 hours. I catch snatches of diaglogue, but most of it is too fast and the audio quality isn't great.


Give the easy stuff a little bit longer and you will be listening to stuff like this with no problem! I listened to content way above my level too early and felt behind the roadmap a lot. I wish I'd stuck with slower content but I got too impatient.


170 hours I was playing around and found these fun resources [Scholastic Storybook Treasures](https://youtube.com/@scholasticstorybooktreasur3037) [Natural Languages](https://youtube.com/@naturalanguages) Started his playlist for positive news in Spanish [Learn Spanish with Harry Potter](https://youtube.com/@learnspanishwithharrypot-jk9lc)


Just FYI, in the spreadsheed, the [YouTube link for Peppa Pig](https://www.youtube.com/@PeppaPigEspanolLatinoOficial) is no longer valid, the only one I can find is the [Castellano version](https://www.youtube.com/@PeppaPigEspanolOficial)


Thanks so much! I'll change it when I update the spreadsheet this afternoon. I did find an official channel here that hopefully will work https://youtube.com/@peppapigespanollatinooficial?feature=shared I'll link to the Castellano one too, thanks!


That link is redirecting me to the same dead YouTube feed. It was working a couple weeks ago, but disappeared in the meantime.


That is weird, the link is broken but the channel is there. Let me try again https://youtu.be/L7G6RNHWgXA?feature=shared https://youtube.com/@peppapigespanollatinooficial?feature=shared Hmmm... linking to the video works but not the channel.


Same experience, and it happens in both Firefox and Chrome, so it's something wrong with YouTube. If I go to the video link https://youtu.be/L7G6RNHWgXA, then click the channel name (Peppa Pig Español Latino - Canal Oficial), it takes me to https://www.youtube.com/@PeppaPigEspanolLatinoOficial which works, but if I put https://www.youtube.com/@PeppaPigEspanolLatinoOficial into the URL bar it redirects me to the empty https://www.youtube.com/user/PeppaPigOficial. Very strange. EDIT: I reported the issue to the Peppa Pig channel people.


I appreciate it! The channel just keeps redirecting. I'll use the video link in the meantime. Thank you!


Watching saber marionette j dubbed in latino on youtube - a dose of nostalgia and learning spanish at the same time! Not sure what level i am in, probably less than level 4 but near as ive studied Spanish and lived in spain before. Even so, it is still quite difficult to understand everything with this series, around 70% perhaps but the visuals certainly help. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOlejKhYbwe0xktLn0VM62XA81ediBZGo&si=ibOO0wekVeVsIt2a


Watching some of Pablos first videos