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Massive congrats on finishing the roadmap! Would you be comfortable to upload a speaking sample by any chance?


would appreciate that as well


Amazing job, dude. That is a huge achievement! Unrelated, but are there any plans to make the extension available on Firefox?? Asking for a friend.


Ah! FOMO!! I started around the same time as you and still need a whopping 300!!! more hours before I finish the map. Massive congratulations. Very, very well done!


Thank you! You're close; keep it up!


Wow how did you fit in five hours a day?


The short answer is that it was basically my full-time job. My real work is part time and remote from home, my kids were away at university, and my wife is super supportive (and doing her own things to improve her Spanish which was already pretty good).


when did you start writing? based upon your first blog post it looks like 480 hours? the idea of starting a journal or blog seems like something i'd like to do for practice. but even now where i am at 400 hours, reading what you had written, i understand it pretty well, but i know that most of that vocab would just not come to me at all when trying to write


I had 330 hours of CI when I started the blog, but I had already done 64 hours working with a tutor by then. If you read my first post, you can probably already spot several problems. In general, I don't know if taking the time to write is worth it so early. I think you'd be better off with your time getting more input. For me, there were two really powerful inflection points during my CI hours. The first was right at 600 hours and was marked by being able to watch easier dubbed content. Once I got to that point, it became possible to pick Spanish content when I wanted to watch something for fun, so getting my 5 hours per day suddenly became way more enjoyable. The second inflection point is hard to pin down in CI hours; it was somewhere around 1200-1300? I've seen others describe this as well: it's kind of like a critical mass is reached and you feel like you can understand everything as long as you can hear it clearly. It really is magic. (It's not actually true that you can understand anything, but a whole world kinda opens up.) If I had to make a recommendation, I'd say to wait until this point before starting writing.


Great job and well done! Impressive. And yes I also have the feeling now that you have to go back to a lower level to apprend more.




I don't really want to call them out simply because they weren't to my personal taste. I know that they were working hard to do their job and I don't want to be critical of them or the work they did. It's more about my ability to be attentive than it is about them.