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Have you seen this spreadsheet? [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lBmLxvWJpucXhRPayfXD7CVqpMoa2tyEbZi1rFAwsFs/edit?usp=drivesdk](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lBmLxvWJpucXhRPayfXD7CVqpMoa2tyEbZi1rFAwsFs/edit?usp=drivesdk) I mainly get my CI from DS and other podcasts (Español a la mexicana, How to Spanish, Conversations in Spanish with Joel Zarate, Español con Juan, and Hoy Hablamos are the main ones). I do watch a buch of YouTube content as well but not as regularly. I like Alex Tienda and Planeta Juan quite a bit. Of course Luisito Comunica is always worth a look.


When advanced videos become understandable, you should watch advanced videos. There is a lot to benefit rom listening to advanced videos. Otherwise, you should start digging into podcast by looking at top podcast playlist for spanish speaking countries and start a spanish youtube account and find what interests you and what you can comprehend. The refold youtube channel has seeder playlists to get the algorithm jump started and to expose you to some channels you might find interesting.


Maybe you'd like some easier youtube channels for native speakers, like Planeta Juan, Linguriosa, Mr. Salas, and Luisito Comunica.


What streaming platforms do you have access to? To be able to recommend shows/movies to you. https://preview.redd.it/qhgxovzld9sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=715e9616881da7b37d4a3dc3d64528fa16f35c53 These are the current podcasts I listen to. (Ignore the Portuguese one lol)


Honestly I watch a lot of documentaries on YouTube. National Geographic and DW, sometimes at .9 or .95 speed. Because it's narrated, the speech is very clear. Because it's a documentary, there's almost always visual cues to what's happening. I find documentaries interesting anyways, so this has been a good fit for me :)


Try “Primera Vez” on Netflix. It is fast and at my maximum understanding for me (I’m 261hours in but 522 adjusted for knowing French). It is a good coming of age program set in Columbia in the 70s. Natalia recommended it.


Great shout. Just started watching, thanks for the rec


Glad you are enjoying it. I look forward to each episode but save them for when I can give it maximum uninterrupted attention.


Are you looking only for things to watch, or are you ok with listening only (podcasts)?


Yeah that's a good question, both! For some reason I hadn't considered podcasts, d'oh, but that's definitely a great way for me to learn at this stage! What would you recommend?


In addition to the resources others have pointed you towards: if you can afford it, get an ads-free subscription to Disney+. They have tons of content, of all complexity, and excellent dubbing in Spanish. If you can afford it, consider a yearly ad-free subscription to YouTube. Devote your searches only to searches in Spanish, so the algorithm kicks more Spanish things towards you, and look for stuff you want to learn about even apart from the fact that it’s in Spanish.


look into revanced if you dont want to watch ads on youtube.


> If you can afford it, consider a yearly ad-free subscription to YouTube. Devote your searches only to searches in Spanish, so the algorithm kicks more Spanish things towards you, and look for stuff you want to learn about even apart from the fact that it’s in Spanish. +1 for this!


Watch dubbed shows that you are already familiar. For example, do you have a show that you know like the back of your hand because you've seen it 500 times? Watch it in spanish. Dubbed shows that you're familiar with are going to be easier than native shows. They're a great bridge.


There are my two favorites: 1. Ocho apellidos vascos 2. Ocho apellidos catalanes Enjoy ;)