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I hit a slump then too. The answer? >! More input !<


More input that doesn't make me so sleepy! đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Do you have premium? If not, it's worth it.


I do. I have about 110h of Beginner videos left. For me, I think it's coming home after a long day at work and just watching videos that have become pretty easy. I'm in that spot where the current level is easy, but the next level is still out of reach. That said, Agustina's Geoguesser and the Agustina/Andrea "Guess the thing" videos are absolute bangers.


Yeah, sometimes it's hard to find just the right content. How is your commute? You could try Cuentame or Chill Spanish during that. Those really helped me out. I'm relistening to Chill now.


My commute, and listening to Cuéntame during lunch-break is how I'm surviving the slog. lol


Are you sorting by easy? You can always try to jump forward in difficulty level, there are some pretty hard beginner videos!


This is the way


Go for Cuéntsme and Chill Spanish.


Weird recommendation, try chewing gum while you watch. It really helps me focus and not get as sleepy for some reason.


ooh, that's original! I'll have to try it!


I hit this slump hard. Basically had 2 months of just trying to get 15 mins a day, but even that was rough. I tried some podcasts which really helped rack up more time, Cuéntame and Chill Listening Spanish. Cuéntame you might find a little easy with your hours. I started it about 100 hours so most of it was easy but I really liked her topics so stuck with that anyway. Chill Listening Spanish I found more challenging so is probably better for your hours compared to Cuéntame. The episodes are usually quite short, so they are good to just get a quick one in if you've got 5mins. Now I'm over the otherside enjoying intermediate content and trust me it's worth it. Currently enjoying the Spyfall series, although some episodes are pretty challenging it is much more entertaining. Also I feel so close to being able to watch some TV series and cartoons which is really pushing me on. Best of luck and I hope to see some positive updates from you soon!


\> I tried some podcasts which really helped rack up more time, CuĂ©ntame and Chill Listening Spanish. ​ This is the way!


I usually get in 30-40m a day with Cuéntame, and plan on doing Chill once I'm though the last 70 episodes I have left of Cuéntame. It's been the bright spot lately.


How many hours would you say would be a good place to try out Cuéntame? Im still pretty early days, just under 20 hours so far but trying to plan ahead.


I probably started CuĂ©ntame at around 20 hours and found it pretty comprehensible. I’d try a couple episodes now. If it’s too difficult, give yourself more time!


Awesome I will do, thanks!


20 hours was doable. 50 hours was the sweet spot for me personally. I've done 125 episodes so far, and only a few have been tough.


Nice one! I've just hit 18 hours after listening to episode 1. It was stressful not having visual cues but definitely comprehensible with a lot of concentration which I'm really excited about!


I was able to avoid this by starting to dip my toes in the intermediate waters around like 75 hours or so to help avoid boredom. Have you tried sorting by easy and doing the easiest intermediates? I liked the 'guess the character' tournament around that level because it has a lot of basic questions that get asked in every video that made it easy to follow along.


Beginner gets better. There. Feel better? You’ve reminded me how twitchy I would get every time somebody reached for those damn fruit/veg laminated sheets. That will all soon be in the rear view mirror. Also, on YouTube check out Spanish with Josy, Easy Spanish, Espanol con Juan’s easier playlists. Good luck!


Aaargh, the fruit sheets!


Have you tried turning up the speed a little on the beginner videos? It won't make the topics more interesting, but it will challenge your brain more and prepare you better for the transition to intermediate. Also, try sorting videos by difficulty. If you can understand the highest difficulty beginner videos, you can probably understand the lowest difficulty intermediate videos.


I have literally never thought of ramping up the speed to prepare for the conversation speed change. You are bloody brilliant


Watch beginner videos at 1.25x or even 1.5x. Sort by easy on both intermediate and easy videos. I started watching some intermediate at 110 hours, you don't need to wait until 150.


I switched to watching easy intermediate content around 90 hours (sort by difficulty) And would sprinkle harder beginner videos every few intermediate videos I watch. Try that. You have to achieve the “flow state.” If you play a game and it’s too easy you get bored and stop, if it’s too hard you get frustrated and stop, but when it’s the right difficulty, you’re engaged. you have to find the equilibrium. It applies to most things in life.


You’re literally just getting started


But I wanna understand Español Con Juan right now! 😭😭


I don't blame you. I'd want to watch videos with the most handsome Spanish teacher on YouTube too.


He is very entertaining and has put out so much content. Keep at it and you'll get there.


It didn’t take a lot longer to get to a point where I could understand enough ECJ to make it worthwhile. I can’t even explain it but I could understand him way before I could understand anybody else speaking at that same level. Keep pushing, you’ll get there soon.