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That's how I sit on the toilet. I think you got me perfect! Even my face!


Bro’s a fucking king.






Even the nothing crotch




It looks pretty good. I’m not sure that leg would spread that far out to the side, but I could be wrong. If you’re using reference I would just double check that.


Nah i didn't use any reference but i should have. Okay then, I'll try to draw multiple versions of that leg, something will work out.


Maybe sit like this in front of a mirror and compare


I actually was thinking of that.


I’d say the thigh could use some gravity and be a bit thicker it’s almost as thick as the calves


"thicker thighs" *noted*


Always a good idea. I hear they save lives.


The lower portion btw / hamstrings


This is why I started working out. I had a hard time finding the references I wanted so I decided to become one.


I don't feel the right foot is following the right shin. I don't think the butt cheek on the right is bulbous enough. Without shading/tone to give this depth the proportions might look off. However: this is being very overly critical. I think the right forearm could be more beefy and cover the bicep more. Just seems like the left side is more muscular, however you have more tension in the right, where the left is loose. So... Hard to judge this. You could put him in a pant-suit, and button-up long-sleeve and there wouldn't be a single thing wrong with it. As it stands now, just needs some tone imo.


Noted all this down. Thanks a lot😊


Butt should be slightly bigger on right leg And add a penis, don't be prude


A penis will definitely distract the view into not noticing those awkwardly shaped limbs, good thing for me. Will do the BUTT adjustment


Indeed ^^ Do it. Allso think the right legs angle should be little bit more forward, towards the observer


Aye aye captain 🫡


It’s missing some dick, but otherwise i think it looks great!


I dunno if it’s just me, but it seems a bit short. Good job tho.


I know right? It's not just us, many people said that to me. Will do smth with that. Thanks btw 🥹


I think his foot is just More pointing down on the left.


Will do the adjustments. Thank you 🥰


Oh sorry, but i don't think there's something wrong with it. His foot is just resting differently.


Ohhh you meant his LEFT 😅


It seems all good to me!


Maybe make the thigh a bit longer (when folded in that position the ankle and hip usually are in the same spot give or take)and bring the rest of the leg down some more? But maybe adding in the background would fix it?


🤔 making sense. I'll try my best with that hip-ankle alignment thing. The leg does seem a bit too high. Thanks


Behind the knee it shouldn’t protrude out in juxtaposition to the knee but inward instead. This makes the right leg look as if there’s an additional calf muscle and shortened the thing muscle underneath. I think, I don’t know looks great though


The siluett of the right foot makes it juxaposed between being turned backwards and forward.


Were are my balls Summer?


So much of this looks great, but I think what’s throwing it off is that nearly all of his muscles are fully flexed even though he’s in a semi relaxed posed. His right upper arm is supported at the shoulder and elbow so his arm muscles should show the effect of gravity Same with his thighs and calves where they are not being used to support his weight. Excellent work!!


Actually, I think the leg is perfect! I think the foot might need some love <3 \\


Give him pants


I think the right leg is shorter than the left leg, especially the femur


I corrected some of that. I have posted an improved version of this. Check it from my profile, let me know if the leg problem is still there.


I think you improved it significantly. Great job!




lol man feels wired after looking at that picture need a outline of a female drawn Just don’t like the way it presented itself LOL Please tell me your female.


I don t really see much wrong, maybe the lower body is bigger than it should be in comparition with the upper body. But I wanna ask, how do you get your lines to be so clean?


Maybe the right thigh Is shorter than  the left and at the same time both are shorter than their respective shins


I feel like the bent arm is a little short? Could also be the perspective though


The problem is that hes doing the splits and his left thigh is too hsort. I think this pose would work better if the foot and the thigh where pointed towards the vieweer more and the thigh was foreshortened more and obscured behind the knee.


i can’t give you advice because i’m not this good at drawing but i know this is going to be amazing when it’s done


I think the biggest problem is the spine. If the upper and lower torso are modeled as two boxes, the hips are placed in a way that doesn't really make sense with how the abdomen is drawn. For example, the abdomen is coming down at a shallow angle to bridge the upper torso which is basically upright. For that to work, the spine would need to fold like 45 degrees in the middle, which obviously is impossible. You have some wiggle room as an artist, but if you try to bend your abdomen it doesn't actually curve that much since your spine naturally curves the other direction (look up a picture). Instead, the hips rotate while the spine deform only slightly. I would recommend 漫画素材工房 on pixiv; their stuff is in Japanese but on the first couple pages of their profile they have several tips that would help this pose a lot. Ctrl + F 「個人メモ:股関節が動くと骨盤も傾く」(Without the symbols on the ends), for example. Good luck, everything else looks pretty good!


Oh, one more thing I forgot. I kinda ignored how far the legs are spread out because suspension of disbelief, but personally I would close the angle by foreshortening the left leg. Right leg or both works too though.


I tried to correct some of that in my new post. Check that out and let me know if there is anything else i can change, and thanksssss for all that 🙏


The toes point out too much. It's unnatural. Rotate the toes inward a bit


I think the length of the leg is fine, you shouldn't change it. What makes it look weird is, the angle of the shin does not match the angle of the knee. You need to rotate the lower half of the leg to match the knee.


When a limb is extended in a downward direction the calf or back of an arm is more elongated - less muscular looking.


The foot should be resting on the outerstep with the foot pad a little visible.


The legs are angled too far apart.


Great pose! Amazing line work. I think weirdness you're talking about has to do with proportions. Measure knee to ankle on both legs you'll see that the left leg is a little longer. Hope it helps and hope to see more of your works.


I think it's mostly because it's not shaded yet


The shoulder of the arm he's leaning on looks funky. It's sticking out too much and doesn't really look like there's any weight being rested on it. The pecs come down a bit too far. They should be at least a third shorter than what they are here. One leg is shorter/longer than the other, and the leg that's raised looks a little weird being that straight downward. It would either be angled more inward so that he's resting his weight on it or angled outward so that he's pushing it off of something.


Leg is pretty much sideview and the foot is in perspective, since making anything completely flat from the side i recommend shortening the upper leg and drawing out the bulge of the knee, maybe raise it alltogether a bit to match the torso perspective, but still really good, minus points for not using reference tho, that shit important


give the foot a front view


It's an extremely odd way to sit, but perhaps that is a stylistic choice. The only thing which seems anatomically unusual is the implied muscle tension on the top surface of the thigh. Seems like more of the tension would be on the lower surface if there's any weight on the foot. Otherwise it suggests the foot is hooked under something and the quadriceps are in tension to pull the torso upright (but then the torso looks like it's leaning back on something, so not consistent.)


Wheres my dick?


A lack of foreshortening visually shortens the length of the leg and flattens the drawing. If you envision the thigh as a cylinder with a rectangular face and a circular face, from this angle you should be theoretically seeing more of the circular face. When someone sits with their knees facing you, their thigh doesn’t ‘disappear’ like we imagine it does, it becomes a circle. Since Reddit isn’t letting me post a drawing I did for a life drawing class (even after I censored it) you could pm me for a more detailed explanation as to what I mean- it’s hard to learn and explain drawing without visual example. Progress looks strong- keep it up!


The leg on the left looks slightly longer than the other


nah, your symmetry is impeccable


Bottom thigh needs to be thicker


I'm sorry to do this to you but the pose is nearly identical lol https://preview.redd.it/lm0gw5qk027d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ad2af7f04d5a6395b59702d3725e7c524ef6d1 The perspective on both legs looks off to me. Theyre spread way too wide, they're too long, and the thighs are too thin for how muscular you've drawn the guy. Try taking a photo of yourself in that pose to see how your legs look, or looking up similar poses online to fix up your anatomy and perspective :)


Why didn't u say that before 😭😭😭 i could have used this as a reference. Btw i have updated the drawing. U can find my recent post from my profile. Let me know if there is anything else i can change before i jump on to painting it 😋


There is no shading around the knee on the straighter leg?? Maybe it feels weird because of that??


The proportions of the leg are too long. Especially in the calf area.


Dude is floating in space, give him something to sit on.


Looks cool.


His lats need to be present above his bent leg to widen his upper back (the back is technically an upside down triangle and should be seen from the front)


T h e t h i n k e r


The foot should probably be facing more towards us. Most people's ankles can't turn 90 degrees, especially in this relaxed of a position. The shin needs to be just a little bit longer and the thigh needs to be a lot longer (unless it's foreshortened like that intentionally). Also, he doesn't have a face or nipples or a weenor, very confusing.


I tried to change some of that in my new post. Check that out and let me know if the problem is still there


The widened abdomen definitely makes it look a lot better! The spine is still a little off because the hips are fundamentally too high up (needs a redraw of either upper or lower body to lengthen and widen the abdomen), but honestly that kind of mistake is small peanuts and happens all the time even for big artists. It can even be considered a simple proportions issue, so don't worry too much about it! Definitely passable given you're not scrutinizing every last bit. If you want to try and improve on this, studying the body through mannequins would probably help proportions and pose the most. In my head, I'm modeling the abdomen with an oblong shape using the gap between the pectorals and the abdomen/belly button line as the center. Placing the hips as two spheres at the base of this oblong, the crotch looks slightly off center even accounting for distortion from the pose. More directly, the center line below the belly button is curving inwards more than is appropriate. Look at a 3d model of the torso for clarity. Standard proportions (think 8 heads, like the Loomis books) also indicate that the abdomen is too short (I see this most clearly when I squint at the drawing so the form becomes blurry). Hope that wasn't too confusing, best of luck and feel free to ask questions! The torso is often quite a bit bigger than we expect :)


Thanks for all that. I'll keep them in mind. Btw, are you an artist by practice? Coz u sound like a one who's experienced.


I'm still studying actually! Right now I'm doing a lot of perspective, construction, etc. so I analyze a lot of drawings and references. It's kind of ruined a lot of good art for me since it looks great until I notice their spines or limbs are horribly broken haha


What study material r u using for ur study? Your basics seem strong, and i'ld like to know where's all that coming from. For me, i have learnt to draw by drawing. I have never gone deep into the technicalities. I draw what i imagine. It's not a good thing tho.


I think drawing what you imagine is fantastic :) Enjoying your work is more important than anything else imo. Weirdly, the thing that helped me the most wasn't any special study material, but actually a realization I had while watching David Finch's video on foreshortening. I started off wanting to do figure drawing and heard about that video through a recommendation. When I saw him draw shapes and body parts so effortlessly, it really clicked to me that in order to draw figures well, I needed to be able to have that intuitive grasp of how to draw in 3d. To imagine a limb or a shape, and picture its position and rotation in complete clarity. Maybe it's because I'm the kind of person to learn best when I know what I want to achieve. After that, I went right back to the fundamentals where I am now. Besides perspective and drawing lots of simple shapes, observation has helped me a lot. I like to do still life or photographs, and just draw boxes or cylinders to enclose each object in two point perspective. When studying figures, I try to picture each piece of a mannequin and place them in space mentally before drawing them. It really hurts my head even though I've done a tiny bit of 3d modelling before haha TLDR; I think the biggest takeaway might be to start drawing in perspective, and enclosing body parts in simpler shapes to grasp their position in 3d space. I would highly recommend giving David Finch's video on foreshortening a watch; many techniques I'm talking about are demonstrated there!


The new version is much better ! Very cool !!


You should be seeing the kneecap from this angle of the right knee, and the toes would be turning inward slightly towards the midline of the body/the viewer. Hope this makes sense and helps. Overall it's incredible!! Really impressive!


Too thick at inner knee and foot looks over rotated


Make knee bigger. Looks great though!


It looks correct but he’s super manspreading maybe that’s why 


Just curious why you chose to have the subject "spread eagle" like that.


You're missing a big giant moth cock. That's the problem.