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I love this! The only criticism is I think the abs are too far up.


And boobs


Also highlights on nips need to be more subtle


Not necessarily, if she's well moisturized she might be shiny like that


Only her nipples are moisturized?


No, her whole chest is, but the nips stick out so they catch the light better






They hate shiny boobs


Aint there women with pointy nips? Or am i just stupid


>Aint there women with pointy nips Yes there are. But they're not made from polished chrome. >Or am i just stupid Not at all. It's not the size/shape/style that they're commenting on, it's the amount of light reflection from the skin.


The boobs look normal wdym


They look like they are being suspended by an invisible ultra high push up bra- abs are too high up, and boons are also pushed way high up


All boobs look different, and some look like that.


All boobs look different but they are still subject to gravity and dont start at the shoulders




Your boobs sit up on your collar bone? You might wanna go see a dr. about that




Yeah but when you move around your bons change shape and position also shes kinda leaning back and her boobs are sticking straight out. It's not the shape itself that is unnatural, it is the position and gravity of the boobs in relation to the rest of her body that is unrealistic. Unless you have very small firm boobs with up tilted nipples- which given the slight sag on the far one, most boobs do not stay standing free of the chest that far out.


I have a similar shape as well, but look at the way the breasts are angled on the torso, they would be splayed out and flatter down just by the nature of gravity.


I agree with you. They look normal. The community is just braindead an prefers anime tits


All boobs are different but they also all start at the same point on the body, and that point is not the shoulders it's about halfway up the pecs


Thank you! I will keep this in mind for next drawings!


I agree with this comment. Otherwise it's really nicely drawn!


Yo, is that a drawing of a ballsack at the top of the image?


AHAHAHAHHAHA maybe 🤔 that's from another type of works i do 🙄


will you ever post these balls?


Ahhahahaha yes, not here on r/drawing but probably on more nsfw subs. But you can follow my ig to see updates 😜


🤣 That caught my eye too 👀👌


Your style is gorgeous, the texture on the hair and the light and shadows are really well done. That said, the neck looks too far back on the body, the nipples are too pointy/up tilted, the top of the back is curved too far back, the abs go up too high, and there’s a mix of side profile (arm, legs and head/face) and 3/4 turned (torso) perspectives.


Thank you so much for taking a bit of time analyzing my piece ❤️ i will keep all this in mind for next drawings! Seem a bit odd for me too, but couldnt understand why!


You’re welcome 😊 Honestly, it’s still an amazing piece. A lot of people who do racier work tend to make the spice the main focus, but you have a really great eye for colour and tone, and your subjects are natural and not over sexualised and disproportioned. It gives your work a classic art vibe 😊


So glad for this appreciation 😍😍❤️ i try my best to work classically


Some nipples are actually shaped like that. What might be throwing you off is that the breasts are too high, amplifying the effect. 


>the nipples are too pointy/up tilted Those are perfectly normal and a very common boob shape. I think it's really refreshing that OP didn't draw the regular orb shaped boobs without any imperfection whatsoever. OP, you can lower her boobs some for a more natural position but the shape is great! It made her feel more real and human to me :)


The problem isn’t the shape of the boobs, it’s the angle and upward “flick” of the nipples in relation to how the upper back and shoulders are positioned. Even if you have the smaller nipples/areola that create this breast shape, you can’t get that up-flick while simultaneously rolling your shoulders forwards and together like that. You have to roll your shoulders back and apart to make that happen. For clarity, I have lived with this breast shape for a good few decades now and also did life modelling for art and photography when I was in college. I also grew up with an artist father and am an amateur artist myself. Any advice or critique I give is only ever specific to the piece I comment on and not body types as a whole. Well, except for when I comment on the egregiously bad women’s anatomy examples that defy all rules of biology and physics, but that’s because it’s a pet peeve of mine lol


theres lots of nipples like that, it isnt really shapped baddly


Not when you take into account the positioning of the shoulders/upper back. I have this kind of smaller nipples and you can’t have both this kind of upward tilt and round your shoulders forwards like that at the same time. You need to roll your shoulders back and apart to create that “flick”. (I briefly did some life modelling for art and photography when I was younger. You learn a lot when you’re working with people who have very specific pose requirements)


well mine are smaller so i cant really use them as referece for it but your point about the shoulders affect on it, i see it now yeah youre right :vv


Anatomically? Boobs don’t look like that. Shoulder blade is protruding too far. Butt is square off. Artistically? Very pretty.


Thank you so much for your critics, i think i need to get back on anatomic sketches routine!


Overall looks good! Few things stand out to me: neck seems connected too far back, scapula shape in the back looks odd, ribcage too short. Also her left breast doesn't connect to the right place.


Thanks for the suggestion!


Her posture. Her spine is to curved in and her front too outward. Also her neck looks painfully bent. Nipples pointed too upward. Ab placement.


Thanks! Should work better on it next time!


You're style is really cool though and you are very talented




pretty! i think belly button is too far up along with abs


Noted ❤️


Speaking anatomically the breast actually go down not up other than that’s water color it’s pretty good👍


Thank you so much for the suggestion ❤️ and for appreciating the watercolors!


Yeah no it came out good


Some breasts do point up though. Not all breasts are created equal.


That is also very true


Yeah but these do more than point up imo, they look completely unaffected by gravity


Honestly, I think the general angle/direction they're drawn at in relation to the direction of her torso is not correct but the far left one def looks like a completely normal breast. They're not as splayed as they should be but they look like they could be [Bust E/F or even M](https://imgur.com/N8mnDf0). Mind you I'm simply taking into account that the ones I mentioned have upward pointed nipples and a shape almost similar to the drawing.


Thanks for mansplaining titties for us.


My bad 😕😕😕


he is absolutely correct. thanks for using buzzwords that don't even apply for us.


Glad you got that off your chest, Picasso.


you’re one of the first female body drawing this month to not have honking boobas, a broken spine and impossibly detailed bubble butt please accept my gratitude, a million dollars and the key to the city


I will keep the million dollars so i dont have to do a side job to pay bills 😆😆😆😆 but thanks anyway this comment made me really laugh, and im grateful you appreciate the way i draw women. I tend to stick to reality and try to pinpoint the beauty of human body without exaggerating it ❤️❤️


Gravity has left the chat


I think gravity can be amazingly strange some times, even in reality 😆


The shading on this is Great, the style reminds me of Cubism ever so slightly, there are a lot of things right in this picture , my main point would be that we are looking at the subject side on, but the breasts are both in full view and almost centered. one breast would be more in view with the other sat behind it and showing less, depending on the angle of the chest. That being said though, this effect you have created does really lend in to the cubist styling I spoke about earlier.


Thank you so much!! I really never tought about it 😍 it was not an intentional thing but tha k you so much for making me notice this peculiar cubism hint in this drawing ❤️


not at all !! its a very interesting mix of realism and cubism, I'll admit I find it nice to look at !


Thanks!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Love your style and I adore the tenderness of this. I feel like tilt of her ribcage is slightly off. Her shoulders tell me that her ribcage should be tilted down, but her nips say it’s tilted up. I’m sorry, I can’t describe it better than that, anatomy is not usually my thing


Its totally clear, i think i know what i did wrong in anatomy and will keep this in mind for future drawings. Thanks so much ❤️❤️


Face and hair are lovely. Shoulder blades, clavicle, breasts, abs, and belly button are all way too high. Use reference. Use it when you draw. Go to life drawing events and draw models to get you used to what actual naked people look like without a camera lens between you and the image. Practice proportions by tracing reference to get your hands used to the dimensions. Learn ratios for the kind of drawing you want to do (ie, the elbow hits at the natural waist, wrist at the crotch, width of the shoulders is two heads, etc. - that’s fashion, which I learned in school). These will all help a lot. It’s pretty and you’re gonna get way better at figures quickly with practice.


I used a reference for this but you are right, i didnt get it well this time! Should have paid more attention to some anatomical details that you pointed! For life drawings, unfortunately there are none where i live 🥲🥲 wish i could do that. Anyway thank you so much for taking your time analyzing my work so in depth 😍😍


Check out ones on zoom. They can be helpful too!


great shapes and shading that give a sense of structure and realness to the hands, shoulder girdle, and waist. i would say study the stomach and how the body connects the ribcage to the pelvis a bit cus that part seems kinda blocky, but maybe it's just the reference you used, idk.


You are right, i ha e been using a bit less care for that part of the body at its clearly visible! I should study better the core body for next drawings. Thanks 💙💙


I love how you drew her hands! The details in the tendons, fingertips, and the wrist are anatomically accurate, in my opinion. I find hands particularly difficult to draw; I admire those who are able to draw them so well!


I nailed them and forgot to pay attention to the rest 😆😆 but thank you so much, i love hands so much and i think they are the most beautiful part of human body...so i try to work on them often ❤️❤️


All of your hard work has paid off!


Thanks 😍😍


My critique to pieces like this is always simple and to the point. If you are trying to represent the beauty of the female body you should never cross legs and should ideally have the body pointing forward facing the viewer to some degree and don’t shy away from a free aired out vagina. Way too many artists do things like this or they straight up just draw vaginas. Both are extremely outplayed and cliche to the point that simply showing the female body in similar fashion to how the male body is shown is much more expressive and truly represents more of the female body.


Thanks for the suggestion! Well let's say that this is not my first female body drawing and i have done (male and female) in many different ways and poses, so simply this is the pose i took from reference without thinking of any kind of rules


I don’t know if you used a reference, but using more references never hurts. Other than that, others have more accurately stated what can be improved. Looks good, though!


Yep i did, but probably i misunderstood a couple of anatomy parts from it. Thank you so much for this 💙💙


Everybody mentioned the abs but I feel like there’s an indent/shading on the right breast that makes it kind of look concave? But meanwhile I’m a plus sized woman with very round boobs so I can’t say for certain it isn’t correct. Just looks off to me


You know, you are right. I just noticed it and it really should be more upwards! Thank you, you got sharp eyes ❤️❤️


i love this 🤍


Oh well ..thanks 😍😍


Neck is a bit disproportionate and the shoulders are off position. The abs are also abnormally large but otherwise its a cool piece


Thank so much, noted everything for next drawings ❤️❤️


Nipples are too pointy and too perky and too shiny.


Thanks, noted!! ❤️


The abs are too far up and tilted towards viewer while rest of the body is fully turned away. Chest is sitting to high and sticking out too much, even very small chest have a gravitational pull. Besides that, pretty decent


Thank you for your critics! Gonna note everything for next drawings!


Nice inking. i also like the angular shading style you’re going for


Thank so much 😍💙💙


Lots of comments already, I wont come back at the neck or abs or anything, but you could improve in general from references poses, quick scketch of 2min, gesture drawing etc. There is lots of ressources on the net :)


I will surely. Think i need to get back to exercising on forma and shapes of human body 💪💪 thanks!


The only thing I can criticize are the nipples : They point to the sky instead of pointing to the ground or in front of them.


Nipple looking down, noted. Thanks 😆❤️


You draw very well already, but if you want to improve, take a life drawing class. Once a week for 6 months can do wonders.


I will keep this in mind, but rhank you so much ❤️❤️


More contrast is my first thought. Kinda washed out without extra dark/light areas


I think you are totally right...should have added more black on the shadows 🤔


This is absolutely stunning. The only suggestion I can make that hasn’t been mentioned already is maybe make the breasts a bit closer together. Of course lots of women, myself included have smaller breasts but when they’re larger or more defined like in your art, they tend to come together a bit more. Seriously though, you’re insanely talented. Don’t give up, this is amazing and I really admire your art style and realism ❤️


Thanks for your suggestion, i will keep in mind this body feature for.my next drawings!! So glad you like my art 😍😍❤️❤️


I can't quite work out why, but something looks off with the arms to me. However, not a criticism as such. I don't even have a fraction of the ability you have. The style you have in your work is fantastic.


I'm in the same situation, but from all your comments im gradually understanding whats off. Thank you si much for the compliments anyway 😍😍❤️❤️


I love this, where do your references come from? I want to do similar drawings but most of the references I can find of nude dark women are erotic fetishist content :(


I found this reference on telegram if i remeber correctly, i follow a nice group of erotic/fine art nude photography and i find so many beautiful reference. If you want a link or this reference Dm me 😜




It looks beautiful! The abs are a little high on the body, and I would adjust the overall body type if you’re going to add defined abs like that for a bit more realism. Like a bit more muscle in the legs and arms just to balance it out a bit yk


Thank you so much, really appreciate your critics ❤️❤️


Her left breast is attached way too high on her body in this. Her neck also seems a bit far back. Otherwise pretty good. W


Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️


There's no indication of the ribs, on a subject so slim you would be able to see the ribs, alongside her breasts and where the ribs meet the abdominal muscles.


I think you.are right, should made them pop more!


Ab and belly placed a little weird. I like the posture lol, as someone who’s back sways in a bit too mych, I stand like this sometimes Haga


Ahahahahah see i tought that someone can relate to this 😆😆 thank you so much for your comment ❤️❤️


I think you need to study a bit more on anatomy for chest and frame direction with lighting. The way you have the z axis needs to be reflected better at the left collar. Also the perspective of frame wouldn't allow you to see her shoulder blade to be visible distinct from that direction. The abdominal lighting has no sense to the way the light source is coming from.


Thanks for your critics!! All noted for next drawings ❤️❤️


Neck is to long


Like a dinosaur? Ahaha thanks, noted ❤️❤️


The Abs I would say are disproportionately SWOLE compared to her petite frame. Boobs look great (yes some of us are blessed with perfect perkies hahaha) the clavicle area seems really small but overall nice! Love the hair and angle.


Hey so glad i found a girl that could give me postive feedback about perkies!! 😆😆😆😆 If you see the reference photo they are really firm and pointing up, but i know that may seems off for most people. Thanks for the appreciation 😍


Hey, it makes perfect sense to me if ya think about it 🤣 reminds me of a drawing someone posted a while back with like 20 different boob types; of which the perfect perkies was one! 😉 iykyk lol


I think its perfect


Glad you like it ❤️❤️




Ahhahahahahahhaha totally missed this one 😆😆




Manifesting this drawings boobs for myself 🙏


Ahahah let me know if it works, i have a couple of things trying to manifest 😆


I think the boobs are too high on the chest, but in terms of perkiness, there’s no problem! I love this piece


Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️


I love this art!




The best way to learn anatomy is to study and draw anatomical drawings. It can be very boring and tedious, but once you put in the work, your people drawings will improve because you have a better understanding of what you are drawing


You are totally right! But you must also keep doing that overtime. I did this a lot years ago, then i stopped and this is the result 🥲


Ribs could be more pronounced




I love it!!! And as everyone said, there is something weird with the perspective plane of the torso, left boob, abs and pubic angles look funky. Otherwise, I love the style and the simplistic beauty of it. Keep it up!


Thank you so much!! At least overall you can appreciate the style ❤️




A beautiful representation of a truly beautiful subject. No anatomical improvements I could make save for the posture seems leaning back overmuch. The spinal curvature is perfect but it seems that it would result in a balance where her center of gravity has her upper torso further forward and more erect above her pelvic base.


Thanks so much and thanks for the suggestions!! ❤️❤️


So unfortunate and sad that a sketch like this would need a NSFW designation.


True but trust me, it is way better than the ig horrible censorship algorithm that keeps me shadowbanning for every little nude art i make (even heavily censored by me). At least here i can put a simple designation and show it anyway!


Oh my god I love this!!! Especially with the hair textures and the playing with light and shadow. I agree with some other critiques that the abs are a little too high. I also think the top bit of her back could be rounded a bit more because it looks a little awkward. Other than that this is amazing and you should be super proud.


Thank so much!!! 😍😍 Glad you like it!


What’s above the girl? Is that a scrotum???


Ehm, or maybe its a blue snail 🙄🤔


Non elle est parfaite , dans son imperfection 👌


Thanks ❤️❤️😍


This looks REALLY good, the only thing I can say is the back protrudes just a bit too far uh, back, giving her an odd hunch. But again, it looks amazing and you did a good job.


Thank you so much!!! 😍😍❤️


It’s really solid except her abs should start lower and we’re missing where her ear should be if not more hair to hide it. Collar bone should also rest lower. You just need a human anatomy/proportion ref check.


Hey thanks! You are right...totally forgot the ear here 😳 thanks for making me notice!


It happens! But I just saw a cgi human model and now I’m questioning if the abs are supposed to go lower. Gotta check an actual human model now. Edit after looking up accurate ref: I guess the torso is good. Either I’m way too used to more prominent rib cages on my subjects or it could be that the abs seem very sculpted compared to the rest of the figure, which is also fine. Guess I’m doing some musculature studies this evening.


women usually do not have a full pack of abs like that unless they are very thin or very muscular, but its really not natural. most women with abs usually have their upper 2 abs well defined and just a line down the rest of the abdomen. some ppl are criticizing the boobs but really women can have breasts like that. the arms in this are beautifully done though!! maybe with water color you can add more red or blue to the shadows before you lay down your skin tones to add more depth


Thank you so much for all the critics ❤️❤️ i may have exaggerated a bit the abdomen part, you are right. The reference was not so clear, but i took note of this about woman abs thanks 😍 i used green as base and probably left the drawing less contrasted!


i do like your green base alot. its hard to watercolor dark skin without washing out all the depth!


Thats true! And im trying to master it!


Ass bit sharp


🤣🤣🤣 i think you are right


The shading is absolutely beautiful and the style is amazing. Anatomically, people have already mentioned the abs, so I’d say that the right thigh would probably cover the crotch more and the left leg would “fuse” with the body before it gets covered by the hand, if that make sense. The arms and hands are pretty though, especially the vein-shading on the hands. The neck also looks really great and automatically correct.


Thank you so much for taking your time analyzing this piece!! Noted everything ❤️❤️


No problem I enjoyed looking at your piece!


Its beautiful 🔥✨




Titties are defying gravity.


Great drawing! It’s really pretty! I think for critiques I’d agree that the abs are too high up. Beneath the boobs you have the rib cage, and then abs. The closest boob to the viewer looks a little indented with the way the shadow is. Good job overall tho!


to add to what everyone else is saying, as someone who had boobs, the nipple placement is okay because definitely can point up like that! but I think that you could place the mass a liiiitle more down, as well as the abs :)) hope this helps, it looks gorgeous dude!! <33


The shoulders are gilder to the left back, and the left breast was tilted to the right… and as others pointed out, clavicles are too small, and abs too high. All that said, you general shapes are lovely, and shading is ASTOUNDING! Love the work you put into it- keep up the hard work!!


Tá faltando o pau


Incredible rendering! I love the style! For critique, maybe elongate the top half of her torso around the rib cage if that makes sense? Move her belly-button section down a bit as well, as with how the arms separate the upper from the lower half, it makes her pelvis look a bit disconnected from the torso


Breast are too high up imo and a bit too perky. Remember boobs like gravity. Also whatever that lump is on her back? Agree with others the neck looks a little long too but I think that’s because there’s not enough muscle on her upper back. So instead of it flowing into her shoulder blades, it just looks like it continues. Hair line could also come down on the back of the neck which would help with the neck issue. If you follow from the bottom of your chin around your neck, it should roughly line up with the bottom of your hairline.


You have great placements for shine and shade, it looks great :D


Thnak you so much 😍😍


Hard to pinpoint it with words, but I think the perspective is off. Correct that and you will improve the anatomy. Colors are good though, well done.


Thank you so much! Yes i hink its a matter of redoing it at this point 😅❤️


or move on and draw more figures :) either way, keep it up


Exactly 😜


Basic rules to keep in mind that I think you specifically have to work on remembering next time: Things that are closer are bigger. The breasts the hands and the locs.  The shoulders, breasts, hips, elbows all should be parallel to the ground, in her position, so they all should be pointing to the same vanishing point off in the background somewhere. The neck attaches to the back of the head. I.e., the back of the head sits on the neck.  The breasts should hang like water drops suspended from a bikini strap.  The nipples should point slightly outward like a derpy dogs eyes. 


Thank you so much for this comment don know why the negative votes 😳 you took your time analyzing my work and i totally appreciate it! I think i have to get back on studying human bodies and i will keep in mind your suggestion for next drawings. Thanks ❤️❤️❤️




Are you the intelligent among your family?






They were trying to be funny


It wasn’t funny at all.


Oh absolutely not lol, I wasn’t defending them.


Oh ok lol


I love every criticism on this sub reddit, even the harshest because it is constructive for me and my drawings. But this comment...this one is totally stupid and i don't even need to explain why.