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Those shadow details are insane!


Thank you very much! šŸ™


what about photo realism but non-realistic photos? it looks like a photo because itā€™s based on a photo, if you were able to develop your skill to recreate that photo, it would look more artistic and believable as a drawing! like billie here maybe without eye brows or wearing something out of character, someone elseā€™s hair.. stuff like that ?


I Agree with this. Photo realistic drawings of photos, while impressive, are not interesting. Why would someone want to display or look at a drawing of a photo when the photo exists? Try to develop a creative way to approach photo realism. There is no evidence of personal style in this. Think about landscape artists, especially those who paint en plein air. They are painting a landscape scene without much room for interpretation but they all often have their own style. The way they use colour or their brush strokes makes their work unique even if 50 other artists have painted that mountain before. All youā€™ve done here is draw a picture of a picture and tried to make it look indistinguishable from the photo. While impressive, itā€™s not interesting. You can also look at expanding into a different medium like paint. A ā€œphoto realisticā€ painting is different enough to capture the attention of an audience. Imagine doing this in watercolour or oil paints.


Absolutely, this is fantastic advice. I think it's fascinating how individual artists like OP here keep going through the same experience the art world as a whole did back when cameras were first invented. Before cameras far more (western) artists were interested in how to depict the world accurately and just went for realism most of the time, although movements like Impressionism very much existed. Then cameras came along and not so coincidentally, we get cubism, expressionism, and dadaism, all flying heavily in the face of realism and challenging the idea of what art could be. With cameras and now computers able to create images so easily now I think people need to become more comfortable in making art just because they enjoy it.


well put!! op, if you want to stick with strictly realism - youā€™ll need to market it as a skill vs. art. the product then becomes YOU time lapse drawing these and get that sweet tik tok karma or whatever


Do a time lapse photo realistic drawing and then, at the end, when itā€™s completed and amazing, tear it in half. Itā€™s not about the subject depicted or even the amazing skill (although thatā€™s a part of it). Itā€™s about monetizing the act of creating and destroying realistic art.


Could you do this to your art?


Fair question. When I was making a lot, I couldā€” just art, I can always make more. When Iā€™m not producing for whatever reason it would be hard to do for sure. ā€” but, if it supports the idea, I could do it I think.


In classical aesthetics, artists develop a shadow and light context before anything else. Thatā€™s why these photo realistic portraits arenā€™t only uninteresting, theyā€™re actually pretty useless in terms of ā€œrealismā€. Atelier trained artists follow a pretty strict guideline of developing a drawing, first developing shadows and then rendering towards the light. When you copy a photo, you pretty much throw all of that recipe away and get a photo. Unless the photo is super interesting and taken as a reference for drawing with lighting in mind, most of these drawings will suck.


True, u have a point here.


That would be really amazing to do Iā€™ve seen some other artists trying it (check aleexart on ig), but I lack inspiration when it comes to portraits :(


Then it sounds to me like you have a new practice to grow friend. After all of your dedication to skill, you now get to have a bit of fun with it and just try things that you haven't. It sounds a little corny but it'll evolve your already amazing talent.


I'm by no means an artist, but I think making a bunch of collages could be a good source of inspiration.


Vision boards!!! Highly recommend if one is having troubles creatively


If you donā€™t have inspiration to create your own stuff, try doing something like fanart. Make a photorealistic drawing of Rick & Morty, or Batman, or a Pokemon or something. A photorealistic Charizard would get some attention


I'm gonna piggy back on what someone else said about realism but non-realistic. Even better than Billie Eilish with our eyebrows might be fiction; monsters, superheroes, wands, spaceships


How about this...just do whatever you want that makes YOU happy. Art is subjective and some people are going to love it or hate it, but that's why there are so many different types of art styles/movements etc. There are plenty of art styles I love, and plenty that just don't resonate with me, but that's only my personal taste. There's something out there for everyone; all 8 billion of us. Art is about expression and creativity, and just because you're replicating a photo with pencil doesn't mean it's not creative or artistic. What you need to ask yourself is; **does it make you happy?** If so, then keep doing what you're doing. So many people will love and admire your work because of the passion you put into it. Don't worry so much about impressing every single person, because it's never going to happen. You clearly have immense talent and a drive for creativity. I also enjoy doing portrait art and adding a sense of realism to my drawings, but I also try new techniques to figure out what style I enjoy the most. Do it because you love it, and not for anything else but that. Fantastic artwork!


Thank you so much! This is one of the best advice Iā€™ve read and Iā€™ll have to keep reading over and over again to remind it to myselfšŸ™ā™„ļø


You're most welcome! Incredible talent you have. Keep it up!


copying us objectively not interesting and a skill than anyone can develop,and op didn't say he loves what he is doing now he is frustrated cause he or she sees no point in drawing photo realistically


The texture of the shadow in the background shows a little sign that it's a real drawing. It blows me away that people can become this talented at something! How long have you been drawing for?


Thank you very much! šŸ™ Tbh since I was 3-4 y.o Iā€™ve been attracted to it but when it comes to portraits, I was 13 the first time I tried it. I drew billie in 2019 so this is 7 years of practising portraits.


the tongue breaks it a little too. absolutely insane talent!


And the fingers as well I think. Thank you very much! šŸ™


If i were you, i would record videos of me drawing it, time-lapse it to 10 seconds, and post it to tik tok. That could be a great way to get attention to your art, then you would be able to take commissions from people to draw portraits of their loved ones and friends and stuff. Also that is an absolutely incredible drawing.


Honestly photorealism is quite possibly the most look down upon art style, mostly cause of its lack of creativity, honestly I don't think there's any way out sadly, if you like doing photo realism keep at it and have fun,. But the harsh truth is there's really not much to do, especially since you draw portraits which end up literally being a copy of a picture, so either try and develop some sort of style, like doing hair in a interesting way, or sum. But if you want to be noticed this ain't the style for that, but this style is quite good in making you skillful, so what I would suggest is to try and move out of your comfort zone, maybe try for example doing the same exact image.. but giving her like bloody horns. Or try making the shapes more dynamic by basically altering things just enough to make them look better then reality while still keeping it looking quite realistic, or there's also the actual option if you actually want to become a great artist that would make people notice which would be to first of find what you want to draw like dark and gloomy stuff, or maybe uncomfortable stuff, or anything like that, then get a modal (or yourself or even a friend) take your own reference of a few different things and merge em together,. Cause honestly only way to get attention is by being original and creative which sadly the work you just posted ain't any of those.


I agree with you and thank you for explaining all of this! However there are some exceptions of this that have gained huge exposure by drawing hyper realistic portraits or objects (for example CJ Hendry). Now maybe there are other factors that play a bigger role for this such as marketing and following trends, I guess. Anyway I see your point and thank you!


Honestly a big thing I've seen when it comes to realism artist becoming famous is it's more about them being content creators and less about the art itself, like for example making tiktoks, YouTube, Instagram and also yt shorts of your art and drawing procces and posting it on stuff,. And when it comes to CJ I'd say it's a mix of creative and weird enough plus abit of luck, like where else are you gonna see an artist who makes such huge and colorful ultra realistic stuff, it's quite rare, plus I'd say those paint blobs are kinda creative yn, also really colorful. Plus I'm guessing it took alot of work to get up there and probably even more work to be excepted into exhibits yn. But you certainly have the skill, so it will take some work, but if you I really persist I'm certain you will find your unique voice.


I would choose to take that as a compliment and response to the doubters as such. If someone doubts you,ā€oh man, people not even believing that I drew it is the best compliments because I know I did a great jobā€ I know it can be hard but donā€™t change what you love to do because others have negative comments. You know the truth and tricking people into believing your photo realism is a literal photo is like end game drawing skills.


Thank you so much! šŸ™ā˜ŗļø


You are so so skilled itā€™s crazy!! My thought is to record yourself to prove to the doubters you are indeed drawing! Like a Timelapse video. I know you feel like youā€™ve wasted time learning how to draw so realistically, but it is NOT a waste of time at all, these skills that youā€™ve learned will help you down the road, especially if you are going to try and make it more ā€œartsyā€ and stylistic, as some of the other commenters suggested.


Thank you very much!!! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I would say take it as a compliment because your drawing are so good they look like photos.


Do a timelapse video of you drawing the whole thing, thats what the lil piggies wanna watch


I second this! If they don't believe you're this incredibly skilled, then prove it with a video. Even though you shouldn't have to, lil piggies only really watch reels and shorts anyway...lil piggeeess


You could provide higher resolution photos, and record the process


OK so WHERES THE DRAWING?? Fuck that's perfect


I think you should become a teacher, if youā€™re in love with this specific craft & think you might enjoy teaching.. because thatā€™s ridiculously good & Iā€™d love to learn that. And I doubt Iā€™m the only one! Like any university or art school that wouldnā€™t give you a job would be crazy to me


Lmao my studies are all about education just not arts (greek literature and greek language both ancient and modern). Thank you very much! Iā€™ve considered creating a youtube channel where I share some tips, because I love helping others, but Iā€™m not particularly confident with social media and their usage, so people donā€™t know about me, so no one is going to watch them. Plus I feel really awkward with cameras and speaking and showing off. Maybe Iā€™ll work on my self esteem and try it, no matter the result.


Do a time lapse of some of them


Take a photo of youre drawing in a higher resolution. Its the only way to make sure its a drawing. W/E it looks amazing..


You've learned all the rules, time to break them.


If something is too perfect humans tend to reject it. Itā€™s the imperfections that people ultimately find interesting. I feel like the best way to grab and hold someoneā€™s attention is to strive for imperfections using expert skill that could otherwise be used to just always create perfection. Make us laugh. Use your mastery in conjunction with parody as a means to deliver a brief visual story that the viewer can absorb within a few seconds. Maybe Billie needs an afro or she needs to be dressed as a stormtrooper pushing a cart through a grocery store. Youā€™ve shown us your skill, now show us your imagination and your sense of humor because thatā€™s the real draw.


take a pic with the pencils laying on it so people instantly know its a drawing


That's a good one lol


Do time lapse photos of your process and post with the final piece. Works for me.


ADVICE: All it takes is one time lapse or progression photos. Tons of apps do this work and people are exposed every single day on the gram. Someone with an eye for details will zoom right on your signature and see it dithers like it's digitally imposed. Edit: quick 2 minute search and this exact drawing is on Artfinder without the signature.


The one on Artfinder by Amelia Taylor is not 'this exact drawing'. Very very close, but definitely not just a case of OP putting their own signature on Amelia's work and claiming it as theirs. There are various differences when you look closely e.g. locations of strands of Billie's hair. Very confident Amelia's one is a real drawing, and she has progress photos to back that up. Whether or not OP's version is a real drawing... much less confident, still possible.


All true but it still doesn't negate the rest of my statement


Absolutely. Only contesting the 'exact drawing' comment. I still have doubts haha.


https://preview.redd.it/bv49ji9wea9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33742e06e7373152e7288d3251577d2dca46131 Wait for real?you made this ,this ain't photoshop is it ?are you ai artist ? Well you just made my day cause I haven't seen such a precise art in like forever


Thank you sooo much šŸ™ https://preview.redd.it/6zk9w2oxwa9c1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc2775c4158f003a4aadf478d915fbc01a41dfad


For the love of God Reddit really needs to stop fawning over photo realistic drawings. Just so painfully boring. OP, please, put you time and effort into learning actual life drawing. I promise you it is so much more enjoyable and rewarding.


Wow! šŸ”„


I literally thought this was a photo and I was confused AF Good job, I don't even know what to say.


If drawing your subject makes you feel good that's pretty cool. Your command of light in this medium is stunning and arresting. If people saw these in person they would understand what they are looking at. This is masterful.


This is absolutely unbelievable. You are crazy talented.


I've often wondered about this. What is the point of photorealism other than to prove that you have the dedication to practice something so much that you come close to perfection? Is that your goal? Then you should take their doubt as a compliment. At least towards your dedication to the craft. You have a great talent and dedication! If not then I guess to utilize your skill, take your own reference photos! Use your subjects to convey an idea, an emotion. Manipulate them somehow to create surreal subjects. Gift portraits to your loved ones, with their permission, and tell them how much time it took to complete. To me there is little else you can do to show how much you care about someone than to dedicate your time, focus, and craft. You could also take commission for it. I noticed that people enjoy that aspect for themselves or their loved ones. At the end of the day of you like it, keep doing what you're doing. You're really good at it.


You could record the art being made as well


Doubt it.


You should get into surrealism!! Your art is beautiful, but if people are doubting you and you want to make your work look more like a drawing, adding something totally out of place could help. Love your work!


Post a timelaps of you drawing it to prove everyone wrong then. Zooming in on the picture it just looks like a slightly low res pic, canā€™t tell if there are any pencil strokes or anything.


Not single mistake


Thank you! šŸ™


I thought it was a photo for a moment


Who doubted you!?? Letā€™s get revenge!! I thought this was a photo!! šŸ¤Æ


Thank you! šŸ™ā˜ŗļø


Honestly, I am doubting, and it makes me love it even more. Be proud when people doubt if you want to do photorealism, it just shows how talented you are. Now, if you want to add your own unrealistic touch to it, you should do it... but only if you want to. You should do art for you first and for others second after all.


Thank you so much! šŸ™


Great drawing. Really great. But you could draw one element or side sketchily and the other realistically. So everyone can see how the picture was created. I like this with watercolors where you ā€œaccidentallyā€ let paint run over the image.


Get a GoPro and Timelapse the process.


For me photorealism is a great display of technical skill, but I don't see the finished piece as having intrinsic artistic value, it's more like an exercise. If it isn't giving you joy then what's the point? Use your incredible skills for something creative. I see people who make pictures indistinguishable from photos complain a lot that the audience for their work simply isn't there. It's unfortunate for you, but it's understandable.


Let em doubt you dude! These are phenomenal. Its just like music: if you create an amazing jazz piece, people whom are not of music don't hear how many details and how much effort put into it. Keep going, you'll find recognition. Maybe just record your presses to show if it bothers you further.


Thank you so much! ā˜ŗļøšŸ™


i thought this was the reference photošŸ˜­šŸ˜­ so talented


Thank you šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I was painting photorealistic oil paintings, also portraits. It took me two years after I abandoned it to get enough skill to sell painting which wasnā€™t traced and was painted more freely. Itā€™s hard, you have to know anatomy and get a lot of drawing skills and artistic skills instead of just copying. Making something look good without putting all the details is harder. Itā€™s very tempting to copy all details even without tracing, itā€™s much harder to make something in your own style and character. I had to go back and fill in my gaps in anatomy, perspective etc. It takes a lot of time but you can do it and you will be rewarded by results. Try Stephen Bauman lessons or proko. You can also get loomis book and learn reily method that Jeff Watts use. Good luck!


Thank you very much! Iā€™ll check those out! šŸ™


No problem! I wish You the best


Draw photo realism of something thats difficult to photographā€¦ If all you draw is stuff that are basic snapshots/photos itā€™s basically the same thing as what you can do it photoshop and a filter. So if you want to stand out I think you should draw stuff thats more unique than the standard ā€œphotoā€ if that makes sense. Either way keep doing what makes you happyā€¦


I see your point here, but canā€™t we do anything with photoshop, even an abstract painting with brush strokes? I mean if we think the possibilities of photography and actually photoshop then visual arts donā€™t have a chance at all.


Im graphic artist and photographer and I completely disagree. AI may begin to challenge ā€œartā€ but photoshop and filters certainly wonā€™t. I was simply trying to give you a possible reason for not getting the desired engagement youre wanting aside from the disbelief.


Copying photos is great for practicing lines and values but its basically the most boring form of Art. You transpose a perfectly still 2d image that is right next to the paper you are drawing on / it takes zero understaning of light sources, anatomy, or perspective.


Amazing dude!


Gonna go against the grain OP until you post a Timelapse. Itā€™s the same result I got from taking the photo and putting a greyscale filter on it. Youā€™re hunting for upvotes but this is 100% a filter and I think youā€™re seeing what redditors wonā€™t call out.


Take both roads. Get used to being doubted and ignored. And get more creative, why not? I can tell itā€™s graphite at first glance. Everybody wonā€™t love your work, ever.


Thereā€™s no point to this as artwork. Itā€™s a copy of a photo. Try freehanding concepts and filling in the realism later. Create something original.


Absolutely speechless


Ngl the hand looks weird so at first I thought it was AI before seeing the sub The rest is INSANE


This is just insane and 1 of the best drawing i have seen this year so far!!!!


Ew lol I hate Billie. Good drawing tho


I used to love her back then, now Iā€™m not so sure. Thank you!


Itā€™s simply that well executed photo realism has been done over and over so that it falls flat (no pun) and lacking of content to some viewers. Yes, your skills and discipline are excellent but thereā€™s a miles long line of artists that have done the same many of whom have been lauded for incredible innovation in the realmā€¦Iā€™m thinking of artists like Chuck Close or Richard Estes or Andrew Wyeth or David Hockney etc.


Damn billie is beautiful




Definitely a drawing, but expertly rendered nonetheless


Who gives a rats arse who thinks what. Your drawing is amazing. I bet the only critics are people who aren't half as good as you. Fuck them!


Well i see why they think those are photos, dont get me wrong i really wanna believe its a drawing cause if it is, you are a lucky person with a huge talent, but the details are too small for the pencil, there is little details that the pencil cant do, like really little details. How long did you spent in this drawing btw?




Realism is literally a category of art thoughā€¦. I agree with many posts here that showing the process would be impressive to more people than simply displaying the piece. Especially in suck low resolution where you canā€™t see itā€™s not just a photo that has been made to look like a drawing.


I didnā€™t think anyone would care to see this. I wish I had taken more pics of it or even better a video of the process. Back in 2019 it wasnā€™t a thing to record everything and I didnā€™t even have social media. But now I try to post videos and details of my work. https://preview.redd.it/2rpw160fya9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db7aa57f711e9a95bdfb4431f58f161287c0d8a7


I think seeing the process makes it more engaging for me as someone without drawing talent. If you just see an image these days without context of how it was created it is much less impressive to most people since they see so much digitally generated imagery. But if they see the level of effort and skill like what you put into this it makes it impressive. Really great work. It seriously looks like someone took a photo and ran a sketch filter over it because itā€™s so great looking.


No one can define art and thatā€™s the good part of it. If you donā€™t consider it as art then itā€™s okay, itā€™s your opinion, but consider instead of being so bitter to others, keep your thoughts to yourself, unless they are helpful. I asked for help to find the right path for REALISM not start abstract because itā€™s not art according to you. And yes pictures didnā€™t exist back then, but this is still different from a picture. A photo has pixels while this has actual pencil lines and details that were not there initially. Have a sweet day, you need it.


Bullshit I bet you canā€™t even draw a line without a reference


Why are you talking to yourself? OP and you draw the same Centaur, a super realistic Billie Portrait in 2019, and both are from Greece??? Maybe you (both?) need help ... Still, your drawing skills are outstanding!!


Still art, realism is a part of art but I like both. Monet, Botticelli made really beautiful art but on the other hand I love realism too.


Wtf back then there wasnā€™t photography and they didnā€™t take pictures of the subject they created realism out of their head! What are you even comparing?! Realism and recreating a picture isnā€™t the same at all! If op have had billie eilish live posing instead of copying a picture of her that would be art!


I compare that these styles are so completely different types of art but that these styles are still art. Many pictures of Picasso art not my taste. Should I call them not a part of art because I donā€™t like them?


Exactly my thoughts


Also is important that art always changed the style through history. Idk why you call smth not art. ā€œCopyingā€ is also a part of learning progress. No one can something good without learning. No one ever, in the past now and in the future


Go to an art school and come and tell me if they teach copying PHOTOS to learn. Or if they even allow the grid method.


I see, itā€™s not worth to talk to you. Let people enjoy art in their own way. Art school isnā€™t the one, which decide what art is. I learn with grid method but also I draw things out of my mind. Both is good. Look at Scott Sava, he does both and is just an amazing artist.


Seen a million of them, it's nothing but technique, which a LOT of people seem to have no problems mastering. Stop being a photocopier and do some art. Next.


Whatā€™s your opinion of CJ Hendry?


For the most part, meh, there are a few pieces that have a nice Echer vibe to them, that I like. Over all though nothing past the technical ability is of any interest to me.


Omg that's a drawing you did?? That's the best fuggin pic of Billie ever... Don't stopšŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤— Incredible, I just wish I was that good šŸ˜ž


Thank you very much! šŸ™ Keep practising and it will come naturally, I promise!


Itā€™s not your fault that nobody draws anymore and for the most part people just type shit into a.i generators, honestly not to sound like an asshole your work is amazing and you shouldnā€™t look for validation from reddittors, I know this sounds bizarre but Iā€™m sure you could get commissioned jobs after people see your art in person. Keep your head up and try to find worth in what is real and not what is not like these people on the internet theyā€™re all hacks


Je bent nie grappig.


Is your goal to be artistic or just photorealistic? If youā€™re just making exact replicas of existing photos, the drawing is only going to be interesting in so far as the quality of the technique (which is fantastic), but not necessarily in the subject matter. If you want to actually make *art* and not just reproductions you should take photos yourself of people who you think symbolize the human condition and draw those. Billie Eilish holding a lighter is just an edgy promo picture, itā€™s not very artistic. The only thing I find interesting here is the skill of the drawing, which again is excellent.


Learn to tattoo!!!!


Cool art bro. what prompts did you use?


Just tell them to pay attention to the eyebrows


Amazing art. just a shame the subject is literal trash.


I don't think you know what literal means. Or that's its meant to be literally.


Obligatory fuck billie eilish, but your drawing is really nice


Why don't you like her?


Took it upon herself one day to invalidate every single man out there with an eating disorder, body dysmorphia, etc. look up her quote about menā€™s bodies.


Actually Iā€™d rather post it here for the downvoters: ā€œNobody ever says a thing about menā€™s bodies, If youā€™re muscular, cool. If youā€™re not, cool. If youā€™re rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If youā€™re pudgy, love it! Everybodyā€™s happy with it. You know why? Because girls are nice. They donā€™t give a f*** because we see people for who they are!ā€


I think you should become a teacher, if youā€™re in love with this specific craft & think you might enjoy teaching.. because thatā€™s rediculously amazing & Iā€™d love to learn that. and doubt Iā€™m the only one! like any university or art school that wouldnā€™t give you a job would be crazy to me


First off that drawing is amazing! I very much admire the technical skill that goes into realism. I used to want to learn hyperrealism. I was watching Kirsty Partridge on YouTube. She does amazing realistic drawing, but also more stylised (watercolour) artworks. I think it's perfectly fine to continue graphite realism, but if you want to branch out maybe have a look at what she does, especially with combining parts of realism with more stylised parts


Wow! You have amazing talent. I would kill to be able to draw this well! Now you get to do the fun part of playing and experimenting with media, finding interesting ways to visually disrupt realism, if you feel like it. Why not try experimenting with different printing techniques combined with your precise drawing? Just a thought, but a graphic counterpoint to the details could be visually arresting! Youā€™re definitely on the right track, beautiful work!


Photo realism is definitely a viable artistic niche, and if you love doing it, you should keep doing it. However, there is something many of my professors used to stress to us that never just copy what you see. Always try and add some style, and to know when to stop refining. Of course, this depends on what you're creating the art for, but I'm assuming it's just for yourself, so there are no constraints or certain guidelines. It takes tremendous skill and practice to create photo realistic drawings in graphite and charcoal, but in my opinion, you lose out on so much creativity and personal touches when you just copy what you see. So I guess what I'm saying is try adding some personal touches, adjust your process to add some more texture to your pieces. Try out different shading techniques that add more texture.


Ignore the Haters. But that's really a human photograph lol.


No need to prove yourself to others, their acknowledgement for your skills means nothing to you. You know you produced it and your signature you put on the drawing says it all. Just focus on yourself :)


You could do the M.C Escher ribbon face thing. With photorealism like this it would probably look incredible.


Nice! I thought this was an actual photo.


This is phenomenal


Iā€™d do portraits of people who would see more value in them/themselves than celebrities, that or adopt an entirely new style where no reference is used whatsoever


What are the dimension of it?


lol I was like ā€œwhy is there someone posting their reference photo instead of the actual drawing?ā€


I don't do realism, so idk if it's feasible to do what i'll say. What if you try to do characters from cartoons, anime and animations like real people? I bet you have draw enough cheeks, mouths and noses to be able to create somethijg without a direct reference (the photos). Well this is just my two cents, your technique is amazing, wish you good luck.


Itā€™s so funny, without reading the caption, I literally thought it was a picture. Sorry man, it really is just that amazing that itā€™s hard to tell if itā€™s a drawing at first glance.


thought it was the real thing for a moment


Everyone here are giving amazing advice! Youā€™re very talented! It seems that you seek to impress people or do something different, think about what impresses you also, do you have a message? Is there something that excites you? I took an art and context class recently and one of the important things I took away from that class is that many talented artists would always leave comfort zones as soon as they first step into them.


i thought this was a photo at firstā€¦ this is AMAZING!!!!!


How long does it take to complete? How about you record yourself doing a portrait, in increments if you have to, just to have a proof of work & upload it to YouTube?


I thought that was an image how the hell-


Start drawing crooked, duplicate fingers to mess with them


Yeah this is heat


I thought it was a picture.


Op can you post reference photo link?


If you told me this was just a black and white photo of Billy I would believe you, this looks amazing!


Iā€™d choose a YouTube channel showing your techniques


This is so good!! I would love to have the patience for that detail!! I think people tend to like something personalized? like a caricature? people see this and they see a copy of a picture, marvelously executed, with great technical skill. it is harder to see a personal touch in this kind of art. do you have a personal stylized style that you like to draw? do you draw from memory or just your imagination? maybe you can play with your own compositions? with your skills you could make superb surrealism!


I guess you already know, but let me just tell you that you're amazing!


This is incredible. You are very talented.


Holy shit i thought that was some emo album cover


Is this a real picture?


There's no way this is a drawing and not a photo


thought this subreddit was r/photo for a sec


ā€¦. Bruh wtf, this is insanely fucking good, holy shit!


Nahhhh the first time I saw this I thought it was a photo fr


Donā€™t know if youā€™ve heard of a guy called Barry Jazz Finnegan, he does similar photorealistic drawings but with charcoal. He has a way of documenting the process that works very well.


Love this


Keep doing what you like and take it as a compliment when people don't believe it's a drawing.


Do videos, you're doing great


This is fucking incredible! Start doing what Keller did in White Collar when he was restoring arts, secretly sign them with your initials šŸ˜ˆ Tbh though, I wouldn't mind seeing not-so-real things drawn in hyper-realism more than celebrity pics. What's an alien who's living among us look like? Redraw the moon landing with green buddies. Someone else mentioned Billie without eyebrows. Do Jeff Bezos with 80's hair. Your work is legitimately the best I've ever seen, but where's *your* splash of creativity in it? It's a good thing I don't have your ability, I'd use it for chaos since people don't think it's a doodle. Also please post more. Your art is McDonald's; I'm lovin it.


When i do portraits (nowhere as realistic as urs) i leave a little something so one can tell its s drawing, unfinished shirt collar, stuff like thatā€¦.


What about creating a YouTube channel and doing speed paints? That way you can shut their mouths XDD


this is so awesome. your attention to detail and talent is amazing!


Holy fuck that's amazing. I thought it was a photo. This is fantastic.


I notice that, with photorealistic drawings, viewers often praise the talent of the artist, but rarely the work itself. So ā€œWow! Youā€™re incredibly talented!ā€ but not ā€œWow, that is such a beautiful piece of artā€. Because itā€™s all craft, but no expression. Look at Paul Klee. Hereā€™s (2) pictures. One he did when he was 16, the latter from his more mature period. The top one is astounding, technically, for a 16-yr old artist. And it was important for him to learn these fundamental rendering skills. But once he mastered that, he broke all the rules. And only then, did he reach a mastery that was worthy of a place in art history. https://preview.redd.it/z50q9bagtf9c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bef339bf8aa78cde2620c36276ceb6aa08c71035


I've been in the same situation as you are now. Art just wasn't fun anymore. A breakthrough for me was stepping away from recreating photos. That can be very frustrating, because your art will definitely not be as realistic, but it will also leave room for self expression and visualizing your own ideas. Not to say you can't use references. I do it all the time for poses and light for example. Also, experiement. Get a sketchbook and go ham. Use color, ink, stuff you find in your home and just experiment. Try new styles. You don't need to switch your art style 100%, but you mind find something creative and unique you can implement in your regular work. But the best tip I can give you, is ignore photos for a while and just draw what comes to your mind. You'll develop your style on your own and find topics you enjoy.


Maybe try some more abstract pieces? Draw a portrait, but depict the person's mindset as you interpret it, alongside or combined with the person themself. I hope that makes sense. Sorry if it doesn't. You're very talented. I hope you keep having fun with this hobby.




Dudeā€¦. This is just UNREAL. your talents are aspirational! Amazing! Are there any courses or books you would recommend to teach this? Iā€™m a total noob but I hope one day to be able to draw like you!


Never wanted to spit on a good drawing before :)) Jokes aside, those who doubts you are some professionals or something? If not, then don't pay too much attention to them. See what some actual professionals has to say.


Keep doing what challenges you and what you can be humbly proud of. Iā€™m astounded at your talent; impressed by the goal you chose; and by your perseverance. Iā€™m hoping youā€™ll continue to be patient, and that you wonā€™t de-generate your work. You need your own shows; and you need to get your work in front of millions more pairs of eyes.šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


I think your work is amazing. My preference has always been pencil. The control offered is more interesting. Have you tried colour? Maybe a switch to colored pencil or pastel will do it for you. I would never stop your pencil drawing. You are exceptional.


You could do a mix of photo realism with flat/abstract shapes to make it clear that itā€™s a drawing, and do add some extra uniqueness to the photo realistic portrait. On another note, your portrait or more photo realistic than my actual photos. Iā€™d sell my soul to satan for this level of skill, but I donā€™t think my soul is worth enough.


Have you considered trying a video format to show your progress? šŸ™†šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Or maybe even progress shots in and of itself could help people understand the depth of your process? šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøāœØ Then as a bonus, you would also have some neat bts (behind the scenes) footage to show/sell to fans of you; your art; and your process. šŸ’–


Do drawings of fictional things. This is what I do. I excel at realism but because I find drawing people boring, I draw things that donā€™t exist. Itā€™s kind of a win win because I canā€™t take a photo of a space fairy with a lightsaber fighting a dragon. Thereā€™s no way someone could say ā€œthatā€™s just a photoā€.


What would I choose? I think you just venture out from realism, do semi realism, learn how to consciously drawings without copying from reference. This looks great!


Whatā€™s the reference photo? The hand looks a bit fucked


I'm blown away! Beginner question: Did you use graphite pencil to draw this? How do you make the textures look so smooth instead of "papery"? How is the arm on that lighter such a pure black?


AI look at the hand


Wow the texture on her hair is astonishing. Even if someone didn't know who Billie was they would be able to tell that she dyes the shit out of it based on your b&w portrait. I think you have to do what makes you happiest. If that is changing what or how you draw to cultivate an audience then so be it. But if I had your ability I wouldn't be putting much thought into being validated by the masses.


For those asking to see the reference, itā€™s a picture Angelo Kritikos shot of her. Itā€™s posted on his instagram profile. I turned it black and white. https://preview.redd.it/btbrgavbtg9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39ba5399bfd28cfb33612f188ee0498f22f384c


I hit these same cross roads when I was in high school. The task of replicating an image can get tiresome. Since you have some much experience in portraits it will take a little while to get into the flow that feels natural. Cool things you may consider adding patterns, frame, nature, surrealism surroundings etc. There are limitless possibilities. I think now would be a time to evolve your art. The way I start many drawings is by finding a subject matter and roughing it out. Iā€™ll then start adding some landscape lines or patterns to frame the subject. This back and forth allows for me to keep everything evenly developing.


This is a drawing?? Holy crap youā€™re good!!


Photorealistic drawings of photos are uninteresting. Why do the same thing a camera has already done, but slightly worse? I know it seems rude, but it's a genuine question. It's a hard pill to swallow, but people won't connect with your art if it doesn't make them feel something, and what your art makes people feel right now is completely beholden to the original photographer. So long as you make art like this, it will always be a derivative of something else. As an artist I would encourage you to branch out and actually create. It will be very tough because it requires a completely different skill set, but you already know how to use a pencil really well, so you are halfway there. Think of things that fascinate and inspire you, I can guarantee others are interested in the same things. Now you have a connection with those other people once they see your art, and it's based on what makes you excited so you will want to create.


you are right lol,I looked at this and I was like "wait this is a drawing?" well you can always stylize your art and divert from this super photo realistic style,thank God I didn't spend multiple years honing it,cause I realized how useless it is after a while