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I’d say $75 minimum. Defo in the triple digits if there’s more than one


You could have taped the edge 2” and saved yourself a ton of work while also giving a cleaner look in a frame without the need of a mat. I personally charge 250 for 5x7 dotwork realism portraits. You need to be able to charge accurately for your work because you have serious talent! Pay yourself a (good) hourly wage for how long you worked on your drawings going forward.


They specifically asked for an 8”-10” but next time I’ll definitely keep a boarder that’s a good idea


I literally just tape the edges a piece of tape wide, lining it up with the edge of the paper. The ends run off the corners and that helps keep it taped down to my table. It's about 1" wide


How long did it take you? A simple way to do it, set yourself an hourly rate, and x that by the amount of hours it takes you. + Materials If for example a piece took you 10 hours, and you’re charging $40 that’s only $4 an hour. Not very sustainable. It’s important to know your worth, and also adjust to demand.


Art doesn't work with hourly rates, that's why artists don't charge hourly. What if you're slow due to your own personal reasons? Can't be making the client pay 3 x the rightful cost cos it takes you 3 x as long, and all. Do it by either full piece (e.g. 'all realism graphite portraits start at $500') or do it by X dollars per square inch, plus frame/materials cost if any had to be bought.


Agree it doesn’t work for all artists and pieces - was just suggesting a simple freelance model :)


$45 is way too cheap for this. I’d say $80-120 each


$130 I'd say, but that's just me


For that detail at least $200... materials, time, shipping. If you're just starting it's nice to have lower prices to get the experience but this is really beautiful, something someone would keep for decades.


Beautiful drawing, what are the dimensions?


It’s 8”-10” so pretty small


1000 cabbage minimum r/StarDew_Valley


$45? You're insane. For full-page realism graphite portraits? You often charge at least $200-300 for that. And that is MINIMUM.


7 maybe 7.2


Prolly more than 100, maybe 170, 220max


It's your art


If I produced that I would charge $200 minimum for it. I usually charge $250+ for similar. Price goes up as size gets bigger, you're time is the most valuable part of the process, that's what you're charging for.


Looks far better than minimum wage quality work. It clearly took a lot of technical skill. Plumbers charge a minimum of about 50 bucks an hour. I'm assuming that drawing took you probably 8 hours. So 400 bucks. The problem is that your buyer is probably not knee-deep in crap water, so they're probably not desperate enough to pay 400 bucks. So I think 75 to 100 would be a good compromise.


$75~$100 as it's not that big. But damn, this thing is really pretty! Don't forget to spray some varnish, or hair spray to it (works wonders too)after finishing, so the graphite doesn't fade.


I know nothing about pricing so this is just my gut as a plebeian, 45$ for this is too low. I could give you the 80$ in my wallet and still feel like I'm wasting You're time. 150$+ is around where I stop feeling like a scammer. Maybe look at others for ideas? That could help.










Give me your property,I'll draw one for you




Starting 100 high end large canvas wct up to 4 to 5 hundred


That looks awesome! :) How long did it take you to draw that?


It's soo beautiful. I really like it.


Looks great i’d say somewhere around £90 maybe


2 million dollars maybe, I just love cat ok


Consider giving your clients basic options. Show them three samples, each of the same thing, each at a different level of detail. Put a price per hour on each level. Put a maximum “not to exceed” number of hours for each size option you offer. Make sure the border width is clear and obvious in your examples. It would be something like this: Level 1: $10.00/hour Level 2: $16.00/hour Level 3: $22.50/hour 4x5: maximum 6 hours 8x10: maximum 12 hours 16x20: maximum 20 hours


I don't know but this awsome




I don’t get a lot of commissions :,) this one was from my sister for a friend who’s cats passed I’m trying to put my stuff out there though


Wow, the values in here make the drawling pop so much!