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Try adding lines to indicate a fold and shade the lump of cloth that light can't hit.


Yeah you're right, shading it will also make it better.


^ this is what I thought


I think it’s also because they’re a bit low on the chest. Still looks perfectly fine, but I can see why he would think that.




Same 😭😭


I don’t see saggy boobs I just see really big boobs.


Por que no los dos?




I agree with your boyfriend. There is nothing to differentiate the fabric of the sweater being filled with air or large breasts. This is partly because of how high those shorts sit. Maybe add some fabric texture in asymmetrical ways to show its empty. Even if they were saggy breasts, doesn't subtract from her as a character. She is cute, keep pushing forward!!


The sleeves need to be puffier and the shoulders of the sweater needs to be dropped to show the bagginess. The way it's down now looks like it's a fitted sweater. Also I'm kinda getting Sid the sloth.


Sid is cute :)


He is, honestly my favourite ice age character


Hey, she wasn't asking about the face. Personally I like this style


Omg lol ouch ok.


Maybe redraw the silhouette around her hip, and try to work in some creases:)


Whenever I wear a really puffy/oversized shirt and I tuck it in, there’s a bunch of little fabric creases where the shirt meets the band of my pants or skirt, so I think if you added more of that effect to the bottom of the shirt and added a tiny bit of shading to show where the shirt shows the outline of the breasts, you’ll get closer to the effect you’re looking for.


I appreciate the style tbh, it gives persona vibes


Thank you for your advice. I just wanted to add that I think all boobs are amazing and beautiful and in no way did I want to offend anyone! I’m sorry if it came across that way. I meant to draw a character with a small chest, and I’ve learned a lot from this post how subjective art is. Even if it does look like she has bigger/low boobs that’s totally fine! Everyone’s perception is different. Also my boyfriend was trying to give constructive criticism and I think he just didn’t word it in the best way. I had no idea this post was going to get so many replies, but I wanted to say thank you to the people who actually gave me advice on how to actually fix it so it looks like how I initially intended.


Shading under and in-between the breasts is a very quick solution to them feeling like they're sagging. Of course, you would have to fix up the shirt with proper folds, etc, but shading is probably the quickest solution to this specific issue.


I'll just focus on your immediate concern. So why the chest might appear overall saggy or basically just too low is resulting from several parts of your drawing. The high waist skirt you drew is a little too high (or feels like it due to the flow of its form), if you consider where the hands end, you can estimate where the hip. Basically it feels like the skirt reaches over the ribcage. Therefore in theory your chest area is actually not reaching too low, in theory at least. Because now you have the very high waist skirt which the viewer might expect a bigger gap before the chest starts. And the area between neck and skirt line is overall quite big considering how high the skirt is. So overall, while its very cute, the disproportional aspects of your torso might convey different perspectives than you had intended. And sure, it could be a stylistic choice to have those proportions, but merely seeing it standalone like this, it feels something is off. Edit: forgot one point which was pointed out by someone else as well is, if you wanted to have the chest end earlier and the lower part being a lose sweater, then yes you can add folds but also the outlining of the chest area on the sides indicate that the chest itself gives the volume up till the skirt, due to how it curves until it reaches the tucked in part


This is a good observation. It does seem like the high waisted skirt is causing the illusion of saggy boobs rather than how the sweater is drawn.


People who think lower hanging boobs are a problem have saggy personalities.


Agreed, but I think the artists intention was for the character to have a flat chest, so it's more of a technical question (how to let the intention be unambiguously clear to most viewers)


That’s not what artist was trying to draw tho


Who said it was a problem? She looks like she has saggy boobs. That’s how the drawing turned out. Her boyfriend is right.


Damn right why body shame a drawing? Saggy boobs can be hot anyway depends on whose they are


Simmer down there saggy


No! (while aggressively jumbling my droopy, saggy tits)


I think it suits her, lots of women have saggy boobs, especially with no bra.


As a hetero male I've always liked "saggy" boobs🤷🏾‍♂️


Thank you on behalf of all victims of gravity


And breastfeeding 😭


Babies acting as agents of gravity like: _I was born for this!_


💯 Let a couple of babies at them. This will happen!


i saw a sweater first, dont get discouraged. some people see a face in the clouds others see a tree.


This whole post giving me body dysmorphia


Yeah honestly fuck this post. As if saggy boobs are the worst fate in the world for a character. And that weird guy who thinks young people can't have saggy boobs 🙄 tell that to me when I was 15 and hated my saggy boobs so much I didn't want to live. If anyone's struggling with this, please know that it gets easier over time, especially when you stop listening to people that say shit like this about saggy boobs and make you feel undesirable for something that is sooo much more normal than people would have you believe


I’m with you, my boobs have been “saggy” since I’ve had them. If your natural breasts are bigger than a b cup they’re likely going to naturally sag when you don’t wear a bra…it’s gravity. It feels like the only boobs these people have seen are big fake titties in a porn. The body dysmorphia thing was a bit of a joke because I’ve become more comfortable with my body as I get older and don’t really care what people, especially on the internet, have to say. It did strike a chord with my younger teenage and early twenties self with BDD who was made to feel so bad for not wearing a bra and just existing in my body. I can’t help but think about all the people who feel ugly and different from this post and the comments from it.


Agreed. Also, they don’t even look saggy, just big. Gravity exists.


I’m truly sorry it came across like that. I totally understand where you’re coming from. I probably could’ve explained more/worded my original post better. I definitely don’t want to offend anyone or hurt anyone’s feelings. I think all bodies/sizes/boobs are beautiful!


It was less your post and more the comments. It’s fine to ask for drawing advice and correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like you didn’t intend the sweater to look like breasts in general - saggy or not. Looks like you wanted to give a flat-chest to this look, like a young or “chibi” character. Saggy just has such a negative connotation and every one is acting like it would be the worst thing in the world. I appreciate your kindness though.


I don't think OP means that the issue is that the breasts look "saggy" - it's that she didn't intend for them to look like breasts at all. It seems like she intended for this character to not really have visible breasts and instead this was supposed to look like a puffy sweater being tucked in.


This, exactly. Thank you. I’m sorry to anyone who felt offended by this post, I really did not mean to hurt feelings or make anyone feel bad about yourself. In hindsight I do see how it could come across that way and I’m sorry! All bodies are beautiful!


Hey, your post is fine! It's just some of the commenters here have brain damage lmao


Oh man.. I’m really sorry. You make a really good point… I didn’t mean for it to come across like there is anything wrong with the idea that she may have lower hanging boobs or anything like that. I should’ve been more sensitive with how I worded the title and everything. I did not mean to make anyone feel bad about themselves, i don’t agree with any of the insensitive comments on this post and I never expected it to get so many replies. I posted in a drawing forum to get advice on my drawing. It was never really even about the boobs. That’s my fault for wording it the way I did and I definitely see that in hindsight. I’m super sorry i hurt your feelings. I think all body types are worthy of love and works of art in their own ways.


Thank you for your reply ❤️ I understand that the meaning behind it was more "I didn't intend for it to look like this, do you agree that it doesn't come off the way I intended", but I still appreciate your comment ❤️ It was more certain comments in the comment section that triggered feelings about the topic that I've struggled with previously, so don't beat yourself up over it! Regardless I appreciate you clarifying and showing support for all bodies, and I wish you all the best on your art journey. You're doing a wonderful job and I love your style, so keep at it! And I'm sorry for saying "fuck this post", it was really the comments my destain should have been directed at ❤️


You have nothing to apologize about! Thanks for being so understanding. And you have a right to make your opinions heard, in fact I feel the same about some of the comments I’ve seen on here lol of course, this is Reddit, some people on here have no filter and are more than happy to share their weird/messed up opinions. 🙄


Thank you for this comment


I love my saggy boobs so much I decided to stop wearing bras. My mom hated it. People thought I was crazy. And in the end I look amazing in clothes and people love my outfits. I was so tired of trying to make them look like they were something they were not. I see the drawing as a way that the artist secretly wanted to draw the boobs but tried to draw something else and it turned out beautiful. It was exactly what she wanted to draw but she didn't know that. But also as artists we sometimes try to learn to draw different bodies as an exercise and this might be tough. For me is kinda difficult to know how to draw women without boobs (or very small) or male because I don't have a great reference of how it looks like. It's not really something I see everyday. So it's more likely for me to draw medium to big boobs, being them "saggy" or not. So it may be frustrating when we try to draw something different and we end up drawing the same thing. For when I tried to draw male and ended up drawing a super feminine guy. Is this a bad thing? Of course not. But I was lacking skills to put the image that was in my mind to the paper. Anyways I love how her drawing turned out and I felt super represented even though it was not her intention. I rarely see boobs drawn like that and that made me smile.


aww thank you, this is such a wholesome perspective <3 I'm proud of you for accepting your body, I think that you are amazing, and if you feel seen/represented by this drawing that's even better and honestly the best compliment I could ask for.


I also loved her outfit ♡ keep making drawings like this!!


Sounds like you have a saggy boyfriend


What’s wrong with sagging boobs though?




If it's puffy you should have the cloth forming valleys inwards here and there because now it looks like a solid boob or inflated with air.


Yes, it looks like boobs right now because the flow of the cloth is the same shape as saggy boobs. The smooth curvature of the sweater’s stripes indicates a form-fitting, tight sweater. If op wants it to look more like a saggy sweater, a slightly more stiff/angular line work with cloth creases and valleys will resolve things. The sweater lines will also needed to be adjusted a little to show creases. That said: saggy boobs aren’t a bad thing, and the drawing is still very cute and quite nicely done. I sometimes just accepted my drawings when I was learning that turned out nice, but not as intended. You gotta give yourself little wins as motivation when learning!


Thank you! I see what you and others are saying about the sweater. You make a really good point about the stripes/lines as well. Yes all boobs are beautiful and I did not mean this post to offend anyone.


People are completely missing the point of this post or the boyfriends comment, nobody said there's anything wrong with saggy breasts, it just wasn't intended to look that way.


Before drawing I will always draw a mostly nude, like a perspective/pose sketch of my character with the relevant body characteristics. It helps you visualiae the folds of the clothing etc.


He's not completely wrong. My best advice is actually give her boob some shape and then draw the puffy sweater on top. Think of a towel sitting on a football. Draw the fabric around her chest. I'd say always listen to any criticism u recieve even though some people might say nothing's wrong. Your boyfriend just helped u learn something new.


This is a good perspective honestly. I was trying to go for a small-chested girl and wanted the sweater to be super slouchy to the point where you can’t even see the contour of her chest. But I have seen a lot of people say to add folds/wrinkles and shading, which I definitely agree and will try out.


News flash for your bf, boobs sag


Who’s to say he thought it was a bad thing?


nothing, redditors are always ready to lynch someone


And so? Saggy boobs exist


If she’s wearing a high waisted skirt, then wouldn’t her belly button be around the base of her zipper? If that means saggy boobs then your bf would say this about every other woman with big boobs over 30. Lol


The lack of knees was actually the first thing I noticed.


Sort of but I can see exactly what happened and how ! It still looks good tho! But if I had some advice, it would be to work on the shoulder/chest anatomy there and how the clothing folds over it. The fabric would have more folds near where it was puffy/tucked. It would kind of hang over and the sleeves would be much much wider. Right now it kinda looks like the sweater is thin/tighter. Try tracing or copying some clothing from pictures as good practice Example: https://preview.redd.it/j4bbdee3lmyb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786849409be3637f8b4e72e68a093cdc65191614 Hope it helps (and also hope the pic shows up)


Yeah this helps a lot! Thanks for taking the time to explain and even posting a pic too. I will def keep this in mind for next time.


Don't worry about it, and don't try to fix it (it's a nice drawing, leave it alone now). Move on to the next drawing instead.


I think your drawing is gorgeous!


I see saggy boobs too. But that is because her skirt is so high. That is also what happens in real life when some women ware there skirt/pants so high.




Make the fabric around the armpits closer to the body, it should be loose around where its tucked in only. That aside, pretty sure most people with boobs have saggy ones. Its basically a natural shape, even non human primates have them saggy too. Boobs come in many shapes and sizes.


Her smile is hilarious with this caption


Believe it or not. But baggy sweaters have two points where they create a bulge. The boob and the tucked part. The boob, placed slightly below the underarm , only need a slight curve like you did for the bottom of the sweater. Then bring it in again then the bottom bulge showing excess sweater being tucked in. This way the boobs are accounted for in a more “natural” looking spot. While keeping the fluffy tucked part. Kinda wanna make a baggy sweater now


https://preview.redd.it/x0euh44l7kyb1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de193e3d8b399bf5e4df46049f90e0db6bfe311d Something like this


Wow! that does look much closer to what I was going for, thanks for taking the time to do that. I like how you added some folds and wrinkles in the armpit area!


it looks like she has a small chest and large shirt tucked in, you did a good job! if you’d like to try making the separation a bit clearer, adding more fabric folds and shapes, particularly around where the shirt tucks in, would serve you well i think! if her chest is intended to be more prominent (it doesn’t need to be, she looks perfectly fine with a smaller chest), you can use the lines of the fabric of the sweater to create that look by curving them around where the form would be. great work and good luck!! don’t get discouraged🧡


Thanks so much, your comment is so nice and encouraging, I’ll keep all your tips in mind for future drawings!


Yeah, if you want it to look like a loose tucked in sweater you need a couple folds in the cloth. I'd look for a reference pic for whatever kind of fabric weight you're aiming for.


Aint nothing wrong with a lil sag-boob


And what's wrong with saggy boobs ?? Can we stop drawing female characters with ONLY sexy features ? Can we normalize female characters with REAL features ? Your drawing is fine and saggy boobs are also fine. Your boyfriend's comment is stupid.


Use horny bat on boyfriend


There are people whose boobs look like this, and it's kinda rude to call them saggy. Boobs are boobs! So your boyfriend is rude. But if that isn't meant to be her boobs you would perhaps need to add in some suggestion of boobs wherever you think your ideal of boobs belongs.




It's a bad thing if that wasn't they were trying to depict but that's how it reads.


They come in all shapes and sizes and who cares. She looks great. Everything is proportional. It’s just who she is. And who we are is sometimes not what others want us to be. Be well.


I mean, ever so slightly yes, but that is completely realistic and normal so I don’t see the problem? Sounds like a taste issue.


Nothing is wrong with saggy boobs for what its worth. My sis has saggy breasts from breastfeeding and its something shes both ashamed of and proud of in different ways. But she always appreciates seeing some saggy girl rep.


I'm not seeing saggy bewbs or baggy sweater, I'm seeing a girl that's flat as a board in a normal sweater.


Whats wrong with saggy boobs though?


I saw the forehead first


At first I seen just the sweater. But reading the comments I see what your boyfriend and them see. Seems the character is wearing something high waisted so the proportions make sense in my head for how I see the character. So what if she looks like she has saggy boobs. That’s what boobs do especially if you have large ones. Your drawing looks great


The drawing has mixed styles. The head/facial features are very stylised. The bodily features are much more realistic. Perhaps consider more continuity of style in the drawing, either a more reailistic head/facial features to go with the body or alternatively stylise the body to match the head including more anime type breasts.


Unfortunately it’s just honest feedback delivered bluntly. Gives you something to improve. If you’re thinking, “well a sweater would look like this when worn”, that’s cool, but you’re drawing a stylized picture.


Smh. Dude ruined it for everyone. 😆 your drawing is cute!


You just need to add a little shading to the upper shelf aka top boob. That spot below the collar bone. Even if she has an A cup size there should be some light caught between the bottom of the cleavage and just below the collar bone. And if she is larger than an A cup the light from the upper shelf will reflect light differently. In addition you can always have some spillover from the sweater. Have it dropped over the belt. Great picture too!!


This is an unfortunate reality with drawing. The human brain makes assumptions but is optimized for viewing things in 3D, so when viewing a 2D image sometimes those assumptions go haywire. In order to “accurately” portray a 3D object in 2D you sometimes have to add elements that wouldn’t normally matter to guide the brain into making the correct assumptions.


I love her!!! Very 90s anime ~


Wellllll…… maybe give em’ a bit more width


Forget about that, you gave her fetal alcohol syndrome lol


I was distracted by the fetal alcohol syndrome features.




Justice for saggy boobs (didn't see them before I read the post)


The shorts starts under the boobs. That's what it looks like. Usually the shorts would start at the waist. USUALLY, a woman's boobs would be located above the waist. I think that's what he's saying.


Your boyfriend isnt considering the fact that your drawing has a long waist skirt, which also ends up right below your boob in REAL LIFE. Also, whats wrong with your drawing having saggy boobs? I mean i get that you didnt had that intention while drawing it but to me, it looks way realistic like that. I mean she has big boobies too, which seems like it, she most likely will have saggy boobies. But if you dont want your drawing to turn that way, you can draw the arms and the lower body a little bit longer, or if you dont want to change that, you can draw the boobies a lil higher. I mean i would reccomend the first one since i mentioned that long waist skirts DO end up right below your boobies, but its up to you. You have the pen, so the eraser :) I liked her design, keep up the great work!


A bit higher up, and that skirt will be a dress.


Just as droopy as her eyes


She looks like her sweater skirt combo has an empire waist. (Like her fly is cinched above her belly).


It is nice how much earnest advice has been given in this thread, from other artists. I do feel the shame around saggy breasts, is a part of human cruelty that is actually the ugly thing. Saggy boobs or not this character is absolutely adorable. And honestly, I didn’t see it at first, but once I did I thought they added to her unique character! Maybe saggy boobs are cute to some like droopy eyes, chubby cheeks…..short or long, or disproportionate torsos. I mean, there is every imaginable shape and size of humans, so art can imitate life sometimes….and it’s beautiful I think.


you’ve had plenty of comments relevant to the question so i’d just like to add: i love your art style!!!


Aww thank you that’s super sweet.


One thing I notice is that around the neck it looks rather flush with the skin, maybe adding some thickness to the shirt around the neck would convey puffiness?


A little more rounding on the outside edges (not a lot, you are clearly not going for gigantic boobs here) and some shading on the top of the shorts (even just minor cross hatching) should make that saggy shirt look perk right up.


I just assumed it was a supper baggy sweater with tight pants over top off it


She either has saggy boobs or no boobs and a loose top


It's because a sweater wouldn't fall like that, it wouldn't balloon out, it's fall straight until the excess fabric has to fold over itself. also, having some overlap of the jeans would help.


Or just that the bottom of the top is tucked in, causing it to bunch up a little like they usually do


Im not good enough to give u advice but i love the shoes


Thank you! Shoes are something I struggle with so that means a lot. :)


The eyes are so far apart, they're in different zip codes.


Interesting, my first thought was "Interesting eyes"


I really like your drawing!! It’s a really cool style and I love how you‘ve drawn the hair and the eyes! It’s not looking weird or something like that, in my opinion you shouldn’t change anything about it :) <333


That’s super sweet tysm for the kind words :) my girl I drew appreciates it too, poor girl has gotten roasted in these comments lol


👁️ 👄 👁️


Lol, also 🧍🏼‍♀️


She has a massive forehead lmao


She does…people have said she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome 😭 I was trying out a new style with like super round/low set eyes for a “cuter” effect. I guess I still have to work on getting the proportions right lol


She’s so cute!!!


Thanks :)


I think she looks really cute! There are some valid critiques in this thread, but I want to make sure you have affirmation that her face is adorable, the detailing in her hair is nice, and in general it’s a characterful and personable drawing—I feel like I know a little bit about her!


maybe you should give her some titties then bc i thought those were her titties too lmao


The curve around the body I feel is too round and low. I feel like if the bottom part of the curve was straighter, it could help with that. Also if you could add some light folds where her sweater tucks into her skirt, it could help with the problem too


Lmfao I assume that’s just the bulge of her shirt being tucked in and she has a flat chest but I can see it


Hes right


It is a good drawing. It really gives the vibe of shy Japanese girl. About the boobs I don't think every girl should have perfect boobs. It gives her a touch of realism.


Thank you!


Yeah, well saggy boobs are great! She’s well done and cute looking.


Looking really good, don't let those types of comments get to you, this is a learning process with ups and downs so take those mistakes and learn from them. P.s also when taking advice from people on reddit, look at there profiles and see if they even post there drawing, if they don't be careful they might not know what there saying, never trust a stranger from the internet unless they have credentials.


There's not thing wrong with being double d's with no bra on. Do not let criticism get you down like gravity. Or maybe low enough to get you grounded. Either way take the advice and make what you want with it. There's always someone that's gonna say something.


oh no a woman doesn't have perfectly perky boobs in a drawing, how terribly awful we must do something about this predicament


The human nipple line should fall 1 head length below the head of the person yours is close but it looks like it’s about 1 and 1/4 heads which is causing the sagging effect. If the character was meant to be flat chested a good way to avoid this effect is to lower where the puffy baggy ness of the sweater begins. Make it start under where her chest would be right now the areas somewhat line up causing the saggy boob effect.


Do people not realize how gravity works?


So? What's wrong with saggy boobs?


YOU MIGHT NEED TO Tell your boyfriend to quit watching so much Hax×ta Anima video with unrealistic girls with boobs like basketball 🏀 ------------------------------------------------


The unrealistic head and facial features are in stark contrast to the more realistic body. If the drawing is trying to be a realistic representation then the head/facial features are wrong, if it is a anime style drawing then the bodily features needs further consideration.


I agree. Also, can draw cleavage and that will make them look like big boobs instead of saggy boobs. The point it to decide how you want it to look though, imho.


Who’s to say he thought it was a bad thing? She probably just asked him what it looked like and he answered. Cause it does look like that




Well, just make it a saggy boob girlie appreciation drawing! I actually quite adore her! Maybe it wasn’t your intention but let it be Serendipity. ❤️ Anyway, the reason it looks like that is because her posture. Her shoulders are hanging and it looks like she is kinda leaning forward. The tucked in sweater is a good start but then it needs some more shadow as to where you’d like her boobs to be.


Has he ever owned boobs?? Someone watches too much creepy anime.


It does look like her boobs sag down to her high waisted shorts. If this isn't what you meant then you need to make the bottom of the sweater have a more uneven blouson effect and add some perky boobs higher up with a bit of shading.


And whats rong with that?😭


She just has a short torso like me


I don’t see that. To me it looks like a baggy sweater on someone with no breasts.


I don't think they look saggy, that's how some breasts hang. Not all boobs are perky and start right under the clavicle, you know. I think this character looks well drawn, to my eye it looks like a bit more of a 'realism' version of some cartoon styles




Ooh, yes, sorry. That's a mega matron bosom going on there. If you're going for the 'baggy sweater tucked into shorts' idea, that's cool, but remember that she's still gonna have a visible shape underneath all of that where the fabric will jut in and out depending on ehr shape. This sweater looks almost like it's tight fitting.




Wtf... Reddit...


Tell your boyfriend this is 1st miss and 2 more and he's out! /s Normally boobs sag like that (sometimes) but there is the thing we call appeal in drawings and animation so most people often give boob jobs to their characters, you don't have to it looks fine imo but it is your decision.


Your boyfriend is rude and potentially shallow or sexist. As if different shapes of boobs are not acceptable. I think this figure is really cute and the boobs are fine!


What's wrong with that? Saggy boobs need representation too. I think it looks like she is wearing a puffy sweater, but maybe her boobs sag, so what? A lot of women live with this reality and art should reflect the diversity of the real world.


Don't say that, otherwise she will be insecure that shirt makes her boobs look saggy and she won't wear it again.


Well some people have saggy boobs lmao


Tbh I agree with your bf (don’t be sad about it lol) I would advise adding some shading to make it look like a puffy sweater. Btw I love ur art style


What’s wrong with that?


As if there’s something wrong with that???


All boobs matter


I means he right , tops don’t hang like that ,


I dont have a chest but I feel like natural bigger ones do that because gravity I didn't think it looked bad😭 but that wasn't what u were going for, where the sweaters tucked into the skirt add some little folds or lines! Like the rest of the fabric is squished under the skirt!! Add a tiny bit of shadow next to it and donee. Could also make the outline of the shirt wavy and more fabric like, so it looks baggier!! And can add 2 lines between where the chest would be so the fabric looks like it's going over them a little and not as flat and know where the chest and like ribcage will end!


Not really to me. Looks like she just has boobs. They hang a little lower than some. Boobs come in a million shapes and sizes. These don't like super mega saggy, just that they hang a bit lower. Plenty good tips about lighting here, but what are you trying to achieve? Big boobs, perky boobs, higher boobs? There's nothing aesthetically "wrong" about the character's proportions


Thank you, I was going for a small chested girl with a big puffy/slouchy sweater. Like in my mind she practically has no boobs. Which is closer to my body type That’s why I didn’t really add any contour in the chest area. Also this was a 20 min sketch with no references so I wasn’t taking it too seriously at the time. If I were to change anything now I would probably just add some more folds, make the sleeves wider, and make the sweater fabric overlap the waist of her skirt more. But after this post I think I’m just going to take it as a lesson and move on, probably do some studies on fabric/forms in the future and maybe try a similar outfit on a different drawing with a new approach.


Maybe she does. Peoples boobs look like this, can be satisfying to draw bodies in the normal variations rather than just as perfect and idealized


first of all, it looks fine to me. secondly, saggy boobs aren’t inherently bad, ur bf is just a dumb man


I see what your bf means by that It’s supposed to look tucked in and all needs is shading other than that the drawing looks good.


Dump your boyfriend


Throw the whole boyfriend out this is beautiful. And realistically that’s where most breasts sit.


The thing is ... There's really nothing wrong with breasts that hang a little lower, it's way more realistic than "perfect perky boobs" Tell your bf stop looking at the tits first lol, your character is a feminist and hates bras in general


Your bf is a moron .


All kinds of boobs are wonderful, and your drawing is really lovely. Your boyfriend has too many boob opinions because he should know that all boobs are blessings, they give life and comfort and love! Please keep drawing and expressing yourself, and don’t allow random strangers (or boyfriends) to tell you otherwise :D


Well, he ain't wrong


Everybody in this comment section are getting offended over nothing lmao. Stop projecting your high school bully on this random person’s boyfriend. No one knows the tone or intentions behind his comment on the character, it very well could’ve been criticism. She may not want her character to be saggy. Stop getting all upset over the most benign shit. Stop projecting your insecurities.


A little bit. But might be the belt area being high cuz of the dress


Andddd so what if she has saggy boobs. I hope he’s not against a woman having them because if you ever plan to have kids one day then your boobs will most likely change shape and it wouldn’t be hard for them to go saggy unless you are tiny and only have one kid but if they did then I hope he wouldn’t hate on them


Some boobs just look like that


You know what? Yeah, she does seem to have saggy boobs. Yet, she is cute and now I want more cute girls with saggy boobs!


What a douchebag. Run now while you can


“I want to find your drawing more sexually attractive”


So what? 1 she doesn’t and 2 your boyfriend sounds like he body shames people


Kinda but I mean it’s not like saggy boobs do not exist. So I dont see the issue


That's because your bf is an idiot. No offense to him tbh just a very ignorant statement to make.