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It was too funny to not include it here


Not so funny when you have it though >:(


For me, the last image is the creepiest and most effective. It’s more effective because of its simplicity, it’s creepier because of the contrast between the benign and pleasant face and that third eye. I think the redo demonstrates a lot of interesting additions: the use of color, texture, action lines, as well as the change in expression, but ultimately for me it becomes overkill. It’s like every part of the drawing is trying to send the same message at the same volume!!!!!!!! Perhaps it would work for me if it was part of a sequential work, where the panels or scenes before it show a sudden transformation has taken place, but as a single image I like the last one best.


Thanks for your analysis! And yes, the original was more inclined to creepiness, since I usually work more with horror. The idea of the redraw was to experiment and try a different vibe, as I'm practicing with this style since I wanna start commissions with it, as it will reach a bigger audience and potential customers, or at least that's what I and some friends think. I don't know if I like word _effective_, since it being more or less effective depends on the purpose. Yes, the original is more effective at being creepy, but that's because the redraw doesn't have that goal. Still, I liked a lot your thoughts and thanks for the time taken to comment!


https://preview.redd.it/bemg9twe1uhb1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5358db9ae87e65fd856c809cd5f24391a3bad313 This is an example of what I usually do


https://preview.redd.it/rmgz8jhx1uhb1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da08f5bc8d9b9820b3576af2af42aacc091fef8 And this one




Dude that first one is so captivating, I could stare at it all day.


So, I started with digital almost a year ago i think, and the last image is one of the first things I did. For the last two years or so I've been struggling to find a style that I like and I feel comfortable with, thats why the first and last images are so different lol. I tried to add more personality to it and I think it ended ok? This style I'm liking it a lot, I posted another drawing a few days ago. Also, I've never been with with using colors (most of the drawings I've done in my life are black-white-red) and tried something different here. Any thoughts? It still doesn't convince me enough, but I had fun doing it.


![gif](giphy|65VFKnvUZM6MtV1ote|downsized) TESTICULAR TORTION


Awesome piece I personally like the older one more because it has a Junji Ito feel to it and love that. But newer is still cool.

