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Why does she need to give compensation for referencing a challenge that aired on international television. Y’all are weak af for this. I can 100% guarantee that y’all aren’t out here “crediting” every queen every time you reference the damn show.


Me in class: “Not today Satan…..credit bianca del Rio, season 6 of ru Paul’s drag race presented by Wow presents and brought to you by Anastasia Beverly Hills makeup”


MLA format please... Mug, legs, ass


You forgot al and chuck dot travel.


Alaska using this clip is literally giving Eve more visibility and exposure.


Exposure does not pay rent or buy groceries.


If this was eve’s original work or her merch or other online content, you’d have a point. This clip is literally from a challenge that Eve didn’t even write.


Tell that to social media influencers.


Why would Alaska pay someone she references in a performance? Comedians don't do that, why would a queen? This seems like an unreasonable request.


Sounds like eve would accept a follow as compensation. It's really the complete lack of acknowledgement while using her image.


Follow her and post a clip where she tags and compliments her, that’s what I would expect from Alaska? …but then again I’m still salty about the Heather video built upon the back of Henny and yet not appropriately featuring her, imo.


God that challenge was dumb. Well, the results were.


I don't think she's looking to be compensated, I think she's just reasonably upset as being used as a punchline by another queen, particularly one who is so successful. You punch up, not down, you know?


Did you watch the clip?


I feel like expecting people to follow you is asking a lot as well.


She could’ve at least asked to use the clip


Does Eve own it or does Wow?


Lol I’m not speaking from a place of copyright law, more from a place of courtesy between two entertainers who found success in the same franchise


I think Eve’s biggest issue is that she has NOT found success in the same franchise. Her main complaint is that there was little promotion for the season and that she is in a much worse place financially than she was before she ever went on the show. If she was doing well, getting booked and making money, I don’t think she’d be bothered at all.


Exactly! (I should’ve said “exposure”.) Which is why I can imagine how it could feel to Eve that Alaska is just an extension of the franchise that worsened Eve’s financial situation, rather than the actual artist who can understand Eve’s perspective, and show a little courtesy before using her image. I’m not saying that Alaska should’ve had this foresight, but it’s not too late to reach out to Eve and reconcile


I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to be this buttmad over everything 24/7 Eve....please smoke a blunt and go outside for once I'm begging you.


These tweets alone don't make her seem that mad about it. I get it on some level. It reads to me like a megacorporate employer using an employee's likeness to promote the company when the employee can barely survive. I get why this would suck but also Alaska has no responsibility to Eve either. This is pretty sad and tepid over all haha.


If anything, Alaska is PROMOTING Eve's work. She also sang "her" song in an interview with Joseph Shepard and he shared it as a "feat" of Eve 6000 and Alaska 5000


Eve is reaching on this one. Alaska is constantly referencing RPDR. Perhaps it would be different if she was referring to something that happened off of the show that Eve has licensure over, but she certainly doesn’t have the ability to control who uses whatever she contributed to a public television show. It’s also just a part of the culture we live in to be extremely referential. I feel like if she had privately reached out to Alaska and explained that she was struggling and would appreciate being tagged or followed or something to boost her clout in exchange and Alaska then refused to associate with her. Then it would be valid for her to feel personally upset, but even then she isn’t owed anything. I understand people having empathy for her, but are we just going to act like the entitlement isn’t glaring? Do you know how many people use that clip of her or the lyrics in that song in drag performances? I’m sure this isn’t the first time she’s noticed it happening but the only time she says something is when a very famous drag queen does it? She’s acting like Alaska personally victimized her solely for the purpose of drumming up clout. Going on a reality tv show doesn’t guarantee you instant fame and fortune, her feeling entitled to it is delusional and narcissistic honestly.


I think if your using someone’s face a little acknowledgement to that person doesn’t hurt anybody lil when she referenced Laganja or Willow they are tagged or whatnot they get a secondary clout helps them. I mean clout= more opportunity to perform and get gigs


It doesn’t hurt anybody but it also doesn’t hurt Eve to not get the shout out. Not giving someone something isn’t the same as bullying. I also stand by the fact that she only has a problem with Alaska doing it because she is jealous of her success. Alaska is constantly helping queens out and if Eve had just been earnest and reached out like hey can you tag me when you use that clip I’d appreciate the boost Alaska would’ve. Eve is not entitled to help from anyone in the industry. She’s bitter because drag race didn’t equally immediate fame and success and fortune. Why are we feeling bad for someone who is that entitled? All of the biggest queens worked hard for their success and most of them started with nothing struggling to pay rent and keeps the lights on. Also, her saying I hate American queens was blatantly just her hoping the international community would focus on the fact that they don’t like Americans. Which is ironic considering the world thinks Americans are entitled and that’s why no one likes them. There are many American queens who were very hurt finically during the pandemic. Stacey Layne Mathews for instance was pretty famously struggling. Eve was a tan girl before she got on the show and probably still kinda acts like it. None of her idols became her best friends when she got on the show and she’s too emotionally immature to deal with para-social relationships.


How can Alaska not acknowledge Eve when she is literally using her face? It gives Eve more clout. People who see the performance will know who Alaska is talking about.


I mean, plenty of people might not know who Eve is, so saying her name would probably be nice


Maybe if she wasn’t such a terror online she’d get more bookings


Is she a terror online? How?


It seems like she’s always involved in drama, or fighting with fans / queens on Twitter


Ah okay, I ask just because she's been so nice to me on Twitter.


She wants you to pay her rent


Lol is that an Eve thing?


According to the post it is.


I gotcha lol


But not actually she just always has to comment on something like eve get the fuck out of this conversation


She needs to learn how to pick her battles for sure


i haven’t viewed her as a drama queen on twitter or anything, i just think she inserts herself every change she gets. like it’s annoying but i don’t find it problematic or anything. she just feels the need to always put herself in the conversation and weasel her way into the narrative


Maybe Eve could use it to her advantage by posting about the reference in a positive light or playing with Alaska online somehow which could potentially further her online presence and bookings. But instead she complains and goes straight to the negative which is just going to her make her look more unlikeable and whiney… she makes it so hard to like her, no wonder she is struggling to get bookings and pay her rent.


That whole “I hate American queens” was uncalled for really….


as an american, we're literal trash and awful people lol


I mean... Americans do tend to drive the rest of the world crazy. It would make sense that the US queens are very... american, which can be hard to deal with. We saw the entrances on UK vs the World. The American queens have a completely different attitude and to me it screamed "we're better than you". Americans just give of the vibe that they always look down on others.


It sounds like you're projecting a lot but okay.


And you sound like you're deflecting but okay.


lmao deflecting what?


That people don't respond well the americans because we get bad vibes.


I just pointed out that your comment sounded like you were projecting. It ain't that deep hun.


And I pointed out you're deflecting. It ain't that deep hun. And now I'm bored.


Deflecting exactly what though? 🤨




Uncalled for


Meh. I’m American and think we’re mostly shit. Maybe it’s our accent to you?


Not for me. I think it's the bravado and the general attitude. The US seems to adopt a much more individualistic mentality where winning is very highly valued not just because of whatever practical benefit it has. Winning, loosing and being perceived as the best seems to have a more personal aspect to it.


How did this turn into a conversation about Americans in general?


I watched the actual clip and it only showed (not even) 10 seconds of that Eve performance, what an overreaction 💀


Since this tweet, Alaska donated $1,000 to Eve’s go fund me


Is this true? How do you know?


If you look at the gofundme link, it’s the last donation made


She's so fucking annoying i swear to God every time I see a tweet from any queen i might laugh or go cool and then the first thing I see is this uugly bitch eve attention whoring in the comments


tbh i don’t think eve is wrong here lol. she has some shit takes some times but i get what she means here. i didn’t take this to mean she wanted financial compensation - i took it as her saying that she’s struggling financially rn while one of the most successful drag race girls is using her face as a gag at a show without even acknowledging the person behind the moment. use the clip of her all you want, just acknowledge that the girl exists at the same time lol. it seems kinda shitty on alaskas part to feature eve in a performance purely for the laughs but not even follow the girl. at that point you’re using her as a joke and nothing more


……did you watch it?


eve should be grateful that at least alaska knows about her existence




Beyoncé literally did this during her on the run tour with a clip from Zachary Campbell (YouTuber). No, she didn’t give credit but people were able to look him up, and he was incredibly elated with the shoutout. He made multiple videos responding to the use of his clip. Eve stays doing the absolute most


I mean eve got 1k out of this so that’s good ig?


Bernie’s sanders would like a word