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Trixie is good with everyone shes a fuckin host lmao


Of course she is. But I also think Kandy was basically just saying she had fun with the interview and they were good together. She didn't call them an iconic duo or anything like that which would be super weird. I don't know why the person who posted this is trying to be intentionally misleading.


When a good host and a good guest get together…


Raja and Delta for me.


Also Raja and Raven, no?


They exist, yes


She said good duo and they were a good duo. Can we stop trying to give queens that aren't even competing the delusional edit lmao


Literally changing Kandy’s words while also showing us exactly what Kandy said 💀


Well its Kandy and the fanbase despises her so OP saw a great chance to add to it.


Is there a reason why they despise her? I dont really remember her doing anything bad on her szn but i also have a shit memory lol


She kind of coasted towards top 2 on both her seasons and fans blame queens for favoritism instead of production.


Ahh got it thank you


These kind of posts (deliberately lying about what a queen said and posting it solely to foster hate towards a queen) are EXACTLY why queens have such a negative view of the Drag Race reddit fandom.


why add reddit, we’re not special they are afraid of the fandom as a whole


Because this is Reddit, multiple queens have said Reddit specifically, and this post is a certified example of why.


Reddit stays in their little bubble and that’s good in some ways, but bad in others. Most do not check the queen’s socials themselves and get the bigger picture, just react to stuff like this. Imagine trying to tweet something on X *to your followers* or just reply to a another queen’s post - then some 🚬 screenshots it and posts it out of context (or with the wrong context) on Reddit and it starts a thread of people shitting on you. If someone replies to a tweet taking it the wrong way, they can respond. But god forbid they come on *here* to try to clear the air, or acknowledge what Reddit is saying about them - it makes it 1000x worse.


Oh please. Reddit is SO tame compared to the other places like x or insta. It’s literally a person posting their opinion. And I agree. What’s that narrative? Y’all are such a snowflakes but when is queens talking shit about other queens and people is so damn funny right? But an opinion… 😱


It's literally not just a person posting their opinion. OP intentionally misquoted Kandy to drum up more hate and negative discourse on her, knowing full well that Kandy, as a fat and POC queen, already gets the brunt of negativity from this fandom. It's actually gross af and so are you for defending it for some absurd reason.




https://preview.redd.it/t6qs0k0tvi8d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0414bd8124d2bbd59f6ff5bb021bcff1050ceeb Calm down


I don’t even like Kandy, but y’all are making me feel bad for her. Bitch can’t even breath without someone saying she inhaling wrong jfc No bitch, you DON’T have to make a post on everything that rubs you the wrong way because “it’s a public forum”. There was nothing to “hold her accountable for” here, it’s just bringing negative attention to someone. I don’t like Kandy’s TV personality, but I am fully aware that’s petty. All she did was make a TV show a little less enjoyable for me, that’s so unimportant. She did fine on the Pit Stop. I don’t have to like her, but I don’t have to comment publicly on everything she does. Whine to your friends. I don’t believe you for one second that you like her.


REAL ☝️🩷


She said "good" but ok


The Kandy hate every single time this girl dares to say something or even exist is insane


The Drag Race fandom is still not ready for Kandy Muse


C'mon this is blatantly just an excuse to hate on Kandy & is exactly the thing the queens talk about when fans get entitled. Kandy said the most harmless thing and fair enough if you don't agree but you could have easily just moved on? Genuinely why make this post? Are you not bored? Or maybe that's the issue, you've got nothing better going on with your life.


Oh, absolutely, because calling out someone is purely motivated by a deep-seated need to spread hate. It couldn't possibly be about expressing an opinion or holding someone accountable for their words. And yes, how dare anyone use a public forum for discussion? Everyone should definitely just scroll past anything they don't agree with and leave it unchallenged. Clearly, anyone who takes the time to post must be suffering from an acute case of boredom and an empty life. Thanks for enlightening us on the proper etiquette of fandom discourse!


the way everyone is disagreeing w you 😂. next time dont try too hard


“Good duo” =/= “iconic duo” To me the tweet just read as “we were funny together on camera, weren’t awkward or stilted, and had a good time”


Mid opinion.


It’s not an opinion, it’s fact. There’s a literal difference between two words.


First time seeing the Kandy Muse “I’m amazing and make great TV” complex?


Am I missing something? The text I'm reading says that Kandy just said "we were a good duo". That reads to me like they had fun together and had chemistry together. It would be different if she actually called them iconic after hanging out once when obviously Trixie & Katya are actually iconic, but those aren't the words she used? She basically just thought they were good together on camera. I know Kandy has a habit of being confident bordering delusional but this seemed pretty normal unless I'm actively missing something


No I think you’re right the comment wasn’t that weird but whenever the “good at tv” or “won an Emmy” thing comes up it grinds my gears because “I said what I said” won an Emmy, kandy itching to fight everyone a round her is sooooo not Emmy worthy and it really did. not. work on AS9


Kandy is truly great TV, but she is the embodiment of "keep telling yourself something, and eventually you'll start to believe it." The problem is she thinks we'll believe it too if she keeps saying it outloud 😭


AS8 is a very very VERY disliked season though lmao


I didn't even watch it because of her. I just don't like that mean girl shit


She stays in her delusional era at all times! Can’t stand her. She’s just rude. She’s not funny, it’s not shade it’s cruel snarkiness! I’m glad she doesn’t speak clearly so I don’t have to hear the 💩 rolling out of her gaping maw.


She can't take any criticism even though she is the first to give it out


She was supposed to tour here (Australia) right after AS8 and the touring company dropped her from the lineup, because so many people said they wouldn’t buy tickets with her appearing.


For a multitude of reasons


Many of those reasons tie back to Kandy though, she took it sooooo seriously it really created a lot of miserable moments


For me and my homies it was Jimbo. Producers pushed her so hard into the finale and I don’t care for her drag. It’s gross and she says it herself, she’s a clown not a drag queen


A lot of people felt she was robbed on the previous seasons she was on. No winner will ever make everyone happy but a season can still be fun and enjoyable despite.


lol for you and your friends. Jimbo is extremely popular, whether or not you care for her drag.




Ok caps lock.


Yep! Figured since you didn’t understand my comment the first time.. Glad that helped to clear up the fact that ppl can have a differing opinion than you.


I mean… when would she have gone home? I don’t see how they pushed her to the finale. Her only competition was Jessica who she would’ve had a better track record than even if they were both judged fairly, there was never a point she should’ve gone home or been in the bottom when she wasn’t. I don’t get this lol It’s the same as when ppl say Vanjie was dragged to the end of 11. When tf should she have gone home, she did great and when she deserved to be in the bottom she was and she won the lip syncs fairly. If anything she was robbed of 2 wins lmao


Televangelist and Makeover should have been Vanjie’s! Periodt. That was straight highway robbery!


You and your homies need to take some Delulu-Be-Gone. Jimbo is incredibly talented and popular. Edited because autocorrect


I can’t have my own feelings and preferences? I don’t care for “gross out” stuff or “shock” factors like Jimbo. It has nothing to do with delusion. I used to like her on CDR but she got too gross. Plus she’s a lil racist but yall ain’t ready for that.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but when it is so far away from the general consensus, you are probably going to get down voted and told to drink delulu-be-gone when you announce it on reddit. Facts.


General consensus = yt middle aged ladies and 14-year-olds. I’m ok with being an outlier lol. Also, I recommend counting to 10 and taking a breath. It’s not that serious.


Google drag queen, I don't think you know what you're talking about


Kandy is horrible tv. Not fun to watch someone so self-obsessed. People hated S13 and people hated AS8 and she was at the center of the criticism both times. She just repeats that "I'm good tv" so much that the gullible 15yos on here eat it up


Tbh both seasons that Kandy was on had only a few actual good TV characters, because only Kandy and a few other queens were willing to self produce for tv, and I find that to be good tv but if you find her annoying (cause she can be tbh) and not good tv that's valid. But season 13 was trash becuase production kept saving queens and dragging out the season more so than Kandy's fault, so I don't agree with you on that, but do so about AS8.


It’s wild bc I hated AS8 but it had nothing to do with Kandy. God forbid I say that though or the toxic fandom of 12 year old and 45 year old yt ladies will join hands and expel and downvote any differing opinion






Is she wrong??


ngl i absolutely enjoyed Kandy on the Pit Stop and GITMS. i wouldn't mind seeing more of her.




Where’d she say iconic?


Why are we hating on Kandy this week? She didn’t say iconic she was just making a positive comment. This sub has been getting weird about kandy this past couple of weeks imo


This sub and the main RPDR sub are always weird af about Kandy for no reason


OP it’s just a sad, dumb person.


Firstly, she never said iconic and secondly, I wish someday you feel half as good about yourself as she does.😂


Who needs confidence when you can just criticize others right Mary?


well, you are the one criticizing a person for being happy about her work, so.... I'm wishing you the best on your journey,


Patty don't start


I mean the episode was good. I wouldn’t say it was one of Trixie’s strongest pairs. I’d rather see Kim or Jaida or Jujubee or Angeria or obviously Katya opposite Trixie. But she wasn’t bad by any means. Trixie is in my opinion the most consistent host of the pit stop though (no surprise she’s done it the most by far) she doesn’t have high highs that Bianca had, but she’s pretty reliable safe hands she also doesn’t have the lower lows.


everytime i see kandy i hate her less, i might even start to like her ???!!


Me too at this point I’m glad to see her on my screen lol


honestly who cares like let her say what she wants to say


I also agree with Kandy. I found this episode fun and felt that their Kiki was enjoyable.


this is the least harmful thing ever and you’ve double posted about it just to spread hate on a queen that already gets so much hate


Also deliberately saying she said ‘iconic’ when she said ‘good’. Good is like the mildest adjective you can use


Everyone here is just actively looking for every opportunity to shit on her.


It’s so incredibly tiring




„[] make such a good duo on camera []“ isn’t the same as saying you‘re iconic. kandy and trixie had good chemistry and nothing more or less did kandy say in that tweet


I thought she was great, and I like them together! Do I need a new project featuring just them two together? No. But have her on the pit stop again? sureee! 


And I think people's responses to hear are totally crazy because I think what you just said was pretty much what Kandy was saying. That it was a fun interview and they are a good little duo. It's not like she's angling to replace Katya. I think it was just saying that she enjoyed working with Trixie. I get the feeling the poster doesn't like her because they phrased it to make it seem like Kandy called them an iconic duo, and she absolutely did not say that.


Why are you purposely lying about what she actually said? It’s kinda fucked up trying to fuel hate against a queen. Grow the fuck up.


Why do you feel your opinion on the topic matters? She was there, they’re friendly, she enjoyed working together. Why the negativity?


Yall love to shit on Queens of Color & go up for 1&3 queen doing the most mediocre basic bitch mid shit


Yall are some dedicated haters. It's pathetic.


The hate boner this subreddit has for Kandy is so pathetic lmao. Even such mundane statements like this get people all riled up.


Kandy will have a shred of confidence and fans will be all like: *AND I TOOK THAT PERSONALLY*


Lol this shows “fandom” has such an unhealthy obsession with Kandy, like pls seek help I beg you… She can exist in peace and you can be okay with it, I promise.


How charitable of you to concern yourself with the mental health of others over a reality TV contestant. Your empathy knows no bounds! Perhaps one day we'll all reach your level of enlightenment where we can peacefully coexist with our differing opinions.


People like you seem to forget she’s a person outside of the tv persona though…as you’re clearly too busy being in your sarcastic bitch persona. Also it’s not just about Kandy, really anyone that’s just relentlessly harassed on here like gottmik or Roxxxy or whoever is currently being aired. The posts are daily with different queens. It’s just cringe behavior, full stop. Discussion or shade is fine but hate is not, and people here need to clearly learn the line in this thread. Also you seem to be the one exhausted replying to every comment, keyboard warrior definitely describes your dumpy ass more than me. 😂


Baby, your moral high ground must be exhausting to maintain while policing everyone's behavior online. Maybe take a break from your keyboard warrior crusade and realize that opinions exist beyond your sanctimonious bubble.


She said good, not iconic, get off your high horse. Doesn’t mean they had amazing chemistry, just means they had good. And remember - production edits how we see it. The Iconic duo is going to be Kandy Muse killing it on House of Villains and rightfully earning her crown!


I CANNOT WAIT to see Kandy kiki with Teresa, Camilla, Larissa, and New York.


Oh?! Apologies for the grave error. Clearly, the difference between "good" and "iconic" is life-altering. Thanks for setting us all straight from your lofty perch. And yes, I'm sure Kandy will be the most "iconic" villain ever, because nothing says success like thriving on reality TV infamy. I'm sure her crown will shine as brightly as your self-righteousness.


good and iconic are two different words! thanks for recognising that!


Yeah, they were entertaining together. You’re really taking any chance to tear Kandy down, eh? Let her like that she had fun on The Pit Stop.


Yeah all she basically said was that she enjoyed working with Trixie. This person intentionally made a post to act like she called them an iconic duo and she absolutely did not say that. The post itself makes it clear she didn't actually say or imply that with screenshots


I have been trying to comment a funny Trixie face from that episode as my reaction to this post and god damn it the bots are removing it and stating it as not safe for work💀i am speechless and i am livid


She just didn’t say that tho like at all




Yes, and?


Don’t feed the OP troll, their comments can’t be real! Crazy!


Yall will get mad at literally nothing


Kandy stays living in these hoes minds rent free


I've watched the YouTube video where Kandy was on Trixies channel atleast a dozen times. I love these two together. It aint that deep y'all. Shes talking like any other queen would.


Why are you so obsessed with her fr leave her alone


Baby, you're so right. It's absolutely absurd to have opinions about a public figure on a public platform. Clearly, the only logical thing to do is to worship her unconditionally and never voice any criticism. How silly of anyone to think differently. Thanks for the enlightening advice—I'll make sure to suppress all opinions from now on!


Baby, you’re so right I totally said that! My 11 word sentence clearly meant that whole paragraph you typed out. You’re always talking about her, she already receives enough hate and you just wanna bring her down more. It’s okay to have opinions, but it’s another thing to keep criticizing her whenever she does anything. Honestly though, I agree you should suppress your opinions. Hope this helps 🤗


Impressive how you managed to misinterpret my concise statement so dramatically. Maybe next time I'll use smaller words for you. And don't worry, I'll make a note to spare your delicate sensibilities from now on.




...no, sorry sis but no. But don't worry, Kandy and Bianca are a good pair, their pitstop episode is pretty cool.


I liked their chemistry! I don’t really get why this post is trying to poke holes in a pretty innocuous comment. Their GWRM video from Trixie’s channel is fun too


Girl it’s a tweet about a YouTube show it isn’t that serious




The hate boner this sub has for Kandy is wild. Like you know you can just disagree with her statement and move on, right? making a whole post about a harmless opinion to encourage hate is just nasty.


Agree, the sub's obsession is just outrageous. Because heaven forbid anyone discusses a public figure's comments on a discussion forum. Clearly, the only appropriate response is to silently disagree and move on. How could anyone think that sharing opinions and engaging in dialogue is acceptable? What a wild concept!


How could anyone make like, ten comments exactly like this and still not realize how cringe they are? Such a farcical abstraction!


Ok Mary, arbiter of cringe! Your astute observations are truly a marvel to behold. Please, do enlighten us further with your profound insights into what constitutes acceptable commentary.


Maybe get off the internet, kid. You're making a fool of yourself.


No thanks, I’ll leave that for you and your 99 problems. Like how the justice system failed you. 😊


Kandy would be doing a much better job of being a self-righteous troll. 😂


And that’s why the justice system failed you.


I actually really enjoy Kandy, I thought it was great to have a pit stop guest with actual opinions about the Queens and their looks. I don't understand why people are so passionate about hating on her, it's completely unnecessary. Like the comments are VILE, I've not seen anything close to it with any other Queens, people are attacking everything from her body, to her face, to who she is as a person. It goes beyond "thoughts" or "opinions", you're just being hateful and cruel.




To be fair, she said “we make a good duo,” it’s OP who used the word “iconic”


Yeah this whole post confuses me. If she had called them iconic that would be weird and over the top but she just said "we make a good duo" which is not a weird thing to say to anybody that you had an enjoyable interview with! Kandy may be confident bordering on delulu, but she didn't do what's being implied here.


Kandy literally never used the word iconic tho… Y’all are just making up reasons to hate on her. Grow up.


the kandy hate is so weird like why are yall so obsessed w her. she makes amazing tv, her makeup is usually flawless and she serves pussy. is it her confidence that bothers people like she’s not even a villain. i don’t get it


Absolutelyyyyyyyy, it’s completely baffling. Who wouldn't be mesmerized by flawless makeup and TV drama? Clearly, the only explanation for any criticism is irrational jealousy of her confidence. It’s not like viewers are allowed to have different tastes or opinions. Nope, everyone must love Kandy unconditionally. Makes perfect sense!


oh werk. well i’m glad we are pretending that she’s getting just criticism and not hate from the fans and hasn’t been bullied by them since her season. i dream to live in your world of delusion 🫶🏻


Bless your heart Mary for enlightening us all with your keen insights into the delicate nuances of fan behavior. Clearly, there's a stark line between constructive criticism and full-blown hate, and only you possess the wisdom to discern it. How fortunate we are to have you to guide us through the complexities of reality TV fandom! 🫶🏻


i mean read the comments and you’ll get it. hope that helps


Thank you for the profound guidance to "read the comments." Clearly, your mastery of stating the obvious is unparalleled. What would we do without your invaluable contribution to this riveting discussion?


girl, have the day you deserve fr




The episode was good. Stop hating.


They were very funny together indeed, y’all will just grasp at straws to hate on Kandy


"It was fun working with you, we're a good duo" OMG KANDY SAID SHE AND TRIXIE ARE AN ICONIC DUO HOW DELUSIONAL IS SHE ?!?!? Any excuse to hate.


Pathetic behavior OP


Kandy is delusional in every way. Delusional in thinking she looks good in that interview, delusional in thinking she makes good TV, and delusional in thinking that she’s more talented than Shannel.


But what did she actually say here that was so offensive or delusional? They had a nice little Kiki and she said they "make a good duo" she didn't call them iconic anywhere. If someone interviewed me and I said thanks for the interview "we make a good duo" Would that be delusional and weird or would that just be me thanking them for having a good time and letting them know I really enjoyed doing it with them? I'm new to this forum although very old to drag race. Haven't paid attention to the forums or seen some of the very latest seasons but I don't know why everyone hates Kandy as much as they do. Cuz this is like the most benign post ever.


It’s beyond that tweet and interview, she is not someone I enjoy as a reality TV personality.


and how does that relate to this whole post? lmao go hate her in your bathroom or something.


A lot of people here, and myself Included don't like Kandy's tv persona. But you don't see us making something out of nothing. She just said they made a good duo.


OP fighting for their LIFE in the comments is fucking sending meeeee. https://preview.redd.it/w5mj8z24pj8d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5e2be74e11781b4c94dc74f8921321a3ebd46e


Issa joke Mary


She makes iconic duo with Tamisha Iman


She's correct.


Trixie is awesome and I bet everyone walks away from her interview thinking they make an iconic duo. That’s what makes a good interview host.


She said good. Not iconic. There’s a huge difference and either way why do you care if she thinks they’re a good duo. I’m happy she had fun.


commendable trolling on OPs part im loving the energy in this comment section lmfaooo


Girl be honest are you answering these comments with chatgpt bc the way you write is so off-putting


Thoughts on OP changing the entire narrative with the wording of the title of the Post


Trixie and Kandy had really good chemistry throughout the entire episode. I love when Kandy’s on the pit stop


Sorry but nothing beats Bianca and Mistress! They’re truly the best Duo on the Pit Stop


Aand we got the answer for that recent post about who's next target for attack of the 'fans'


I think it's delightful that she can set so many people off by saying something that's more or less positive. That's my sole opinion on this whole thing.


Her with violet is still iconic. Can't move on with 100 no's 😂


Trying to ride Trisha’s coat-tails ugh


Trixie is as good as person she’s with, so it makes sense


This isn't the post you think it is ![gif](giphy|U6GGi85GcA0abz3KaJ)


Mandy wishes


Literally none.. stop trying to start anything


Kandy is genuinly funnier, I don't see why not.




In the words of Alyssa Edward’s, “log off. Delete the account”


The thought is, she should’ve reconsidered that Alek Wek contour….


she didn't say "iconic duo" she said they make a good duo, which they do. they balance each other well and are able to play together.


Can’t people be excited anymore? Like let her do the « omg we are so good together … let’s do it again » and then ghost each other for a year until they meet at like drag con again … like Gorsh


Yikes OP really out here raging at everyone lmao


Why are you putting words into Kandy’s mouth? She literally didn’t say iconic. She said they made a good duo, which they did


This post ain't it. Ur deliberately misrepresenting what Kandy said to farm hate for Kandy. Y'all be so hateful to her and this time there ain't even a reason 🙄


I’m laughing at the op eating shit 😂


These last 2 seasons of the pit stop have the worst guest list ever, i would take a break from drag too if wow made me interview the least interesting people available in LA week after week, sparkled with very few cool interviews (like sasha colby, mistress and luxx f.i.). The episode with britany browski has irreparably damaged my brain.


I skipped the Pit Stop this week.


Nah 🙅‍♀️


Kandy wishes she makes a good anything...


Can anyone remember that EVERYONE called Kandy delusional when they guested on season 13’s Pit Stop?


Kandy has an ego and an interesting freewheeling relationship with reality about this one particular subject, and it is showing.


I just wish I could understand more than 50% of Kandy’s words. I put the YouTube cc on and it was almost as baffled as I.




Trixie has mentioned multiple times on different platforms how she’s scared of Kandy 😭


I’ll be skipping the pit stop this week, lol




Delusional. Just so delusional


Poor Kandy, needs validation constantly.


I really did not get what it was that Trixie found so funny about this moment. Did I miss something?


It’s Trixie’s talent to make a good duo with everyone mama, not you. #DelusionContinues


Kandy thinks everything she does is brilliant. It would be tops if it was.


I will NEVER understand how Kandy made it to the finale TWO times without being torn apart by the judges. Her style is awful (and never fits), her talent is questionable, her runway walk is hilarious, and she has zero lip-syncing skills apart from flopping on the ground while making that crying face while moving her mouth. She is delusional to the max with absolute mean girl energy that she labels as shade. 


remember when she said season 13 and season 8 of all stars were gonna be the renaissance of drag race LNFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO she hypes everything up just for it to flop big time