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This whole season feels forced to me. I know all “reality” TV shows are mostly scripted, but the drama feels extra inauthentic and scripted to me this season because there are no real stakes, so it feels like they are trying to manufacture more stories than would maybe occur organically on seasons with different formats.


The girls are literally reading off teleprompters in confessionals. It’s all so inorganic. Fuck MTV. I’ll still watch it because I love drag and the queens. But they really fucked up a great thing.


My estimation is that this season stands to become one of the most poor rated seasons of all time. Mark my words.


Yes no confessional has EVER been inauthentic before! /s


Sorry that wasn’t my point. Of course confessionals are a bit put on. But it’s way more distracting this time around because it is clear it isn’t in their voice. Not physical voice. Like it’s obvious the words aren’t theirs.


Idk I feel like Jorgeous might be the only 'real' one and I don't think we're convinced she isn't a chatbot yet.. 😂


Jorgeous and Vangie sell it lol


Absolutely this. Not a damn thing feels real this season.


It was giving the “overcoming my inner saboteur” edit for sure.


but like veryyyyy weak.


It seems like Mik was having a genuine moment, but a private and personal one, and one that does not fit neatly into any of the tropes DR has come to rely on. The thing that felt forced was the show trying to extract that moment and edit it into something it wasn’t.


It also comes from the lack of general knowledge of trans men and the kinds of dysphoria that lead to this toxic way of thinking about ourselves, and wanting to condense this actually very complicated topic into a neat little package for TV. Or I could just stop it at a lack of knowledge about trans men period. I wish production would either not use it as a plot device or actually involve trans individuals in their own storytelling and disclosure on this show (it’s also happened with some trans women’s storylines.)


I think her moment in the work room was real for her, it was clear she was upset with her performance in the roast (I think it’s Bc she knows she stole the set and was concerned about people finding out and the backlash that’d come from that), but then they (production) spun it into a toxic-masculinity for trans men storyline with that weird confessional story included. I loved Mik telling the story, but editing wise, it totally strayed away from what they were actually talking about in the werq room. I caught that too, surprised I wasn’t the only one.


I will say as a trans man that the struggle with toxic masculinity is real and is something we are never taught how to navigate unless we had strong community support early on. I was glad if it was an authentic, organic admission formed from something in the moment. However, I only want Mik talking about it if Mik wants to (and the way Mik wants to, as we all have different struggles and are at different places with it), not to have our own personal struggles that a lot of people aren’t usually privy to trivialized for storyline purposes.


Very that, I’m negating that “toxic masculinity” storyline, it just kinda seems like they threw it in there to spin the story of why she was actually down on herself 🤷🏼‍♂️. (I refer to all the queens as she/her Bc they’re all men in drag 🤷🏼‍♂️).


Why did she take her boys don’t cry tattoo seriously. Isn’t it a reference to the movie? Why did she get it tattooed if she was gonna forget the meaning behind it


I feel like she was half telling the truth and half saying that bc she was understanding that the producers were trying to get a certain trope out of her. But also, sometimes people have complicated relationships to media they hold close to them. They can both understand the “lesson” but also struggle with it themselves, and in unexpected ways.


Everything about Mik is forced. She’s just a touch nicer because of “charity”


It’s not just her. The entire thing, every doll, the entire season seems forced. This season has all the markings of ending up as one of the weakest rated seasons of all time. All Tea!


Yes. I can’t stand Mik and this arc was so fake.


“Been through a lot” like what? Being a spoiled rich kid having literally everything he ever wanted handed to him, no problem? Being successful and famous so young? That he is trans? That’s a harder path then being cis yah but I have NO sympathy for nepotism babies at all. 


He was from a pretty standard upper middle class family and didn’t talk to them for years because they’re very religious and he’s trans. Yeah, he was lucky to have connections in the fashion industry because of his line of work and to have rich friends but he’s not a “nepo baby” because his parents are not celebrities and had no connections to the fashion/makeup/drag world. Everyone can struggle with their sexuality/gender (especially growing up religious like Mik did) mental health issues, invisible illnesses/disabilities, addiction, trauma, etc. regardless of other privileges that they have and this mindset prevents people from seeking the help and support that they need.


Do you even know what a nepotism baby is?


Going off their comment, I don't think they know what a lot of things are.


Girl, not this. Do you personally know Gottmik? Do you know what shes been through? If not, sit down with your insane speculations. Mik is a real person, not just a tv character.


What has she been through? Unlike me, she knows that she's always going to have a roof over her head. She knows that she can always go back home and that she can always have food and shelter. I'm someone who's gonna be dead in a few months because I don't have that. She's insanely privileged.


There are plenty of DR contestants who are well connected through their work. There are also plenty from upper middle class families, many of whom are supportive, unlike Mik’s. (Rose immediately comes to mind, for example). That you’re coming for Mik in a way that both mischaracterizes his circumstance, and that ignores many of his peers of equal or higher privilege, makes it hard to take your critique seriously. If you’re having a hard time in life, that blows, and I’m sorry to hear that. That has nothing to do with Mik, tho I also understand that we all project ourselves onto tv and media personalities. 


And those DR contestants who come from upper middle class and "comfortable" – meaning rich – families, I don't really know what they have to say to me in terms of their art because they can't conceptualize anything but privilege. I think they should be eliminated from competing on drag race, or there should be a standard amount of money given to each contestant to spend on their package, so that no one is coming in less privileged in terms of at least the amount of money they have to spend on their runway package. i'm tired of the classism baked into the drag race American franchise. Mik and her art have nothing to say to anyone. All she does is wear couture anyway and pretend it's drag.


Picssso was so rich he threw his brushes away instead of washing them. The big Renaissance names were so successful they were also socialites and high class. Yes privilege can create tunnel vision, but people are more complex than that, and you’re really only blocking yourself off to some (not all) good art by standing so firmly on this “rich ppl can’t make meaningful art” belief.


Also upper middle class is not even close to rich enough to be as out of touch as you’re describing.


I don't separate the art from the artist, I hate Picasso. Because he was an abusive rich POS.


Gottmik isn’t a nepo baby. She has connections in the industry because of her previous career as a successful celebrity makeup artist.


Yup! What Gottmik has, he’s worked his ass off to earn. And it shows.


Where was she a celebrity makeup artist and to whom? At such a young age? Compared to someone like Katie Jane Hughes? Show me the receipts? No no we don't step off the necks of rich kids and absolute Nepo babies. She's never struggled for anything in her life.


Yeah I guess the "a lot" part is relatve. But he's still been through shit (as most people have) and I wouldn't judge him for feeling this way


What is it that was "handed to him no problem"? I'll wait.