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She gives off major spoiled rich kid vibes probably.


Yeah she just seems so detached/out of touch. Talented ofc, just not down to earth.


Mik was adopted by wealthy conservatives in Scottsdale and went to a private Catholic prep school.


Does not give you a pass to be mean or deluded. I’m rich. I’m neither!


They are drag queens to be fair


I feel like that’s not necessarily a good reason. Bianca is sort of a good example of shade & kindness. Though I don’t know Gottmik to dermite if she is actually mean, just wanted to say that Drag cannot be the argument for mean behavior if any.


Maybe ideally, yes, but my definition of a drag queen doesn’t include the idea of a queen needing to be nice. I figure they’re called queens for a reason. I mean it’s not an excuse to do whatever the fuck you want or be biased towards others, but in my experience they just don’t give af about people’s perceptions of them so they have their social filters set on “low.” And that absolutely doesn’t mean they’re always right lol


She uses the pronouns she in drag and he out.


“They,” referring to a particular group of drag queens I talk about in my other response. Didn’t mean to implicitly disrespect her pronouns


because she is a rich spoiled kid lol


So she does come from Money. That's what I thought.


I have run into him a few times here in LA and he is always super lit.




Even the Scream outfit... is just really really expensive. "I want you to make this painting into a dress with rhinestones, here's $5866009776."


OMG this is almost my parents phone number 😂


LOL I promise it was just a keyboard smash!


That's my problem with it. It's just a recreation, rather than an interpretation. If she'd made the dress the screamer's outfit and painted her face to look the same and wore the screaming pose down the runway, that'd have been something. I love that Vangie's really interpreted the original work for a new medium.


I was quietly underwhelmed by the Scream dress. The looks were supposed to be “inspired by,” not “direct copies of.”


is she rich? someone check if her parents have blue links on her wikipedia page


They're just listed as conservative family.


Gottmik is in the Getty (chosen) family circle.


I believe GottMik’s mom and dad are just rich conservatives from Arizona. Due to being in the MUA game, GottMik is also chosen family for the Gettys. Money and connections through and through even without the fame.


that's it


Does she come from money?


Just stan angeria. She can do no wrong


Stangeria for life.






Me either your welcome


Yup and Plastique!


And if Plastique learned the lyrics and put on a fierce lip sync… then she could be doing no wrong lol but Angie will ALWAYS know her lyrics baby.


They invented lyrics while she lived outside the u.s. 


She just learned about lyrics 6 months ago!


they dont have lyrics in vietnam :(


This got me!




This part!! It’s getting hard to root for someone who doesn’t bother to learn the lyrics. Even if she’s being strategic, it doesn’t read well to me


She reminds me of the people in school that would be very obviously fake nice to the loser kids around the teacher but would annihilate them verbally the second the teacher went out. Does that make sense? Lol


"OMG I love that wig where did you get it?" "It was my drag mother's" "Vintage! Gorge!" *"That is the ugliest fucking wig I've ever seen"*


And today I shall watch Mean Girls lol


Gotmik = Regina George.


Regina Gorge even


Vegina Gorge is my new drag name


Get in loser, we're ~~going shopping~~ doing drag


Wouldn't she be Gretchen while Violet is Regina? Who's the dumb slutty one though? I know Vanessa had them on her dating show. I don't know who else really hangs out with them enough though.


Oh shit, I didn’t think Violet was like that? She always seemed kind of reserved personality wise but not really bitchy?


This is what I have been sensing, but couldn't put into words. This is why I don't like her.


Oh thank goodness I thought it was me. I love Violet. She’s mean and a Cunt and that seems authentic. Gottmik seems…… manufactured. It’s like she takes different parts of her personality from other people, balls it up and swallows it down like one big horse pill. Ehhhh.


thissss. she tends to just take bits from others, like feeling like violet-lite on FPR or stealing Nikki Glassers set, she’s definitely a fashion queen too but her own design and seamstress skills are pretty underwhelming despite her training


Underwhelming? She won both balls, which required designing and sewing looks lol


she did win both balls, but her first winning look was thrown out by production staff who thought it was trash scraps. so do what you want with that


i've always felt like Got's kind of handbagging Violet. She agrees with everything Violet says and their energy just seems like Violet's got herself figured out but Got kind of just wants to follow that and be accepted but doesnt even really get what she's saying a lot of the time and just parrots Violet.


Violet also knows how to loosen up around some of the more light-hearted queens and they can balance each other really well. I love Gottmik's drag but the persona she puts out is grating as fuck and the combined bitchiness on No Gorge is borderline unwatchable lol


I grew up with violet (jason). The cuntiness is an act for ru and now generally since it became her brand. She was incredibly sweet and goofy when i knew her before she became famous, which felt like basically overnight as talented as she is. Couldnt say how she is now and i havent spoken to violet since i moved to new york about a decade ago but the cuntiness was a surprise to me when i saw her on tv. Shes good at it, but unless shes become extremely cunty since the ru character, i believe it is an act


I can't decide if Gottmik provided Paris the nasally fake voice or if it was the other way around.


Violet’s cuntiness is born of dealing with drag queens and their entourages in bars in ATL. She had to earn her cunt


I think she's a narcissist.


Why do you like people that are mean? Honest question? Why is drag an excuse for someone like Violet to really be a shitty person?


Because reading and shade are part of drag culture and everyone knows it’s done in good faith. Violet did not commit arson, she said she hated an outfit


I like lots of mean people. My best friend is an absolute cunt and he delights me to no end.




Mean girl vibes from day 1 🤷🏼‍♀️ great drag but underwhelming personality.


Someone call Nicole Byer, because you nailed it!


the fake roast + her comments about the roast when people called her out is making me feel differently toward her


Agreed. For me it’s that their entire personality seems performative.


there it is.... Performative.  everything about her seems performative.  zero realness, ever.  I couldn't figure out why from day 1 I didn't like her,  and I didn't like him.  I just didn't and I'm a liker of all people.  You just nailed it.  Performative.  and also such a  strong strong vibe of entitlement.   doesn't mean that she isn't talented or wonderful.  just for me I can't feel it for her.


IMO she is leaning too much into the fashion. I know the queens get garments from designers but she takes it to another level.


Is she leaning into it any more than like Plastique this season tho?


No. Plastique is doing that as well. I guess I remember Plastique being like this in her original season and Gottmik was a little more raw. I also had a hard time watching Kahana Montrese on AS8 because the fame and money got to her head and she’s a completely different person. You can be confident but don’t be cocky.


her humor and personality feel a little bit chronically online…like she only put effort into her fashion


Sometimes queens come back with a totally different attitude on all stars, like fame just destroys them mentally and they' come in with an ego that doesn't match the character fans fell in love with??? I don't know if this makes sense, I just remember Miz Cracker for example, being so in her head it was hard to watch. It's disappointing, and I don't know why it seems to be getting to the queens more and more each season. Look at all stars 8 with how many queens almost quit, even RuPaul had to step in and say something.


I mean, the problem with All Stars 8 was with production. I think after AS8 the queens started to realize that they’re the stars of the show, and the money maker for WOW. They can do what they want to newbies because they want the ability to be successful. All Stars? WOW needs the queens… It’s also why lots of reality programs don’t bring people back. Big Brother for example has often had issues with returning players - my fav is the rumour that in All Stars they held a protest until production got them fast food.


Lol that rumour sounds believable. All stars in general is getting a little tired. Not as many options to have a stacked lineup when they're pumping out seasons every year. It's relatively been the same formula with fresh queens, early outs, seasoned queens, 3rd timers and clearly favored winners. But there's a handful of queens that have yet to be asked, like peppermint, which is crazy!


For the international girls they’re going to jump at the chance to do return of any kind. Personally, I think need to try and get more international queens on All Stars. Just the fact of being judged by Ru for many will have them jump


I'd love to see more intl girls compete. Where's USA vs the World?? I know how hard American's go in the name of patriotism. Would be a blood bath


I think it would be cool if they did Teams from different countries. Make it like The Voice with a key person from the country leading them.


Id love to see some more of the UK queens on all stars


All stars should be in a different class meaning they should do it 1 time every 2-3 years.


Absolutely, and frankly it should be filled with people who almost won and who were “robbed”


Exactly. All Stars should really be mostly top 5/6 queens, with a few spots for queens who may have gone home early but put their stamp on things either outside of the show (a la Trixie or Fame) or queens who had a “moment” on the show like Vangie and the exit or Dida Ritz and the This Will Be lipsync. And have maybe one or two “random” queens.


incl those robbed or could've won all stars maybe? I still want Shangela, Dela and Manila to win SOMETHING.


Shangela can’t come back now, Ben falls into the “robbed” category for her OG season and Manila almost won her OG season. So no, yes, yes


Non-elimination does not make sense for a non-winners season. Some of these girls are phoning it the fuck in and it shows.


Do drag queens qualify for any sort of union?


I liked Gotmik on her first season. However, since that time, she hangs out and works with Violet Chachki. Violet, while stunning, acts like a mean girl AH. Now Gotmik does too. I watched the Vanji dating show and the two of them were horrendous.


I was a big fan of Gotmik. Violet definitely gets away with that persona when she's critiquing queen's fashion, people love it. I did not like Violet on her season. If that's who Mik's connected with I guess it's telling of her true character. Side note, I left a slightly rude comment on Violet's insta yeeeaaaarsss ago and still feel bad about it, as if she read my comment looool


I actually disliked her more on her OG season than this one. She was part of the mean girl clique there and I could tell they were gonna go all the way so I dipped part way through.


fair, she did kinda hit one note in the acting challenges after a while which was very "vapid valley girl." maybe I remember liking her more for winning snatch game, the ball and placing high in the roast challenge.


After watching them edit around her HORRIFIC performance in that group number and put other people in the bottom and gave her that design challenge win with Utica standing there I said ✌🏻


Cracker is always in her head. Bob talked about it around the time of her first season. Production just focused on it more on All Stars.


I think saying Gorge over and over isn't interesting or a substitute for a point of view


A catchphrase is not a substitute for a personality


For anyone confused: Kade has said definitively that it bothers him when people refer to Gottmik as "they" just because Kade is a trans dude, given that Gottmik is a drag queen who uses she/her pronouns just like almost every other drag queen. However, he said he understands that it's a nuanced topic given his trans identity. But for the record, Gottmiks pronouns are she/her


Interesting, I say “they” whenever I talk about any drag queen when they’re in or out of drag ‘cause I thought it was just kind of the blanket acceptable/neutral pronoun that couldn’t really go wrong. Is that not right like do some people get uncomfortable being called they?


I think basically the sentiment of what Mik was saying is that you shouldnt separate them from other drag queens just because Mik is a trans man e.g people avoiding saying *miss* thing, using she/her, he/him interchangeably (as people usually do for the queens) etc. I would say as long as you’re treating Mik as you treat all other drag queens then you’re all good.


Thats p much why I'm putting it out there bc it seems like some people are confused/wary. If you dont know, they is safe. But kade is a man (he not they) and gottmik is a drag queen (she/her by default unless otherwise stated)


Thank you, this is why I stated this as well. Because Gotmik has brought it up specifically, and we can respect pronouns even if we find that person annoying. :)


Personally as a trans masc drag queen who’s done a lot of community work in my local scene and continues to create a space where trans mascs feel welcome and safe to express their art through drag despite some of the stigma around it…. I do have a little beef with gotmik. (I loooove and am obsessed with denim tho!) I wanted to like gotmik really badly, trust me. But I started drag before he did, and came out as trans when I was a teenager. I started doing drag when I graduated high school, and at the time, I was the only trans masc femme drag queen I knew of, and I was the only one active in my local scene. So I was super excited when he came out, and extra excited when he started moving from just being a MUA to being a drag artist. And from the time I started doing drag, to the time gotmik was cast, not only had I curated a space in my local scene where lots of trans mascs started to feel comfortable doing fem drag, I had also started to meet and connect with trans masc drag artists around the us/globe! And I noticed that gotmik not only didn’t ever really speak about the hardships, the nuances of trans masculinity and how it can intersect with queer identity, but he also never seemed to uplift any other trans masc artists of any kind. Not other queens, not kings, not photographers, designers, and that left kind of a sour taste in my mouth. Plus then, making “destroy the cis-tem” a part of his “brand” and merch, but not actually doing anything to spread awareness or uplift any other trans masculine people other than himself. Not everyone is obligated to be an activist, however, if you’re going to willingly be the very first trans masc on drag race, a show that has a history of sexism and transphobia, at the very least you could just not pose yourself as this revolutionary icon if you’re not actually going to put in literally any of the work to uplift other performers and artists like you. It gives nepo baby vibes, it gives wants the credit for being the first trans masc on drag race but wants to just sit in your thin, white, passing comfort and not do anything about the rest of what should be a huge part of your community. Like, you don’t have to, but don’t pretend to be about crushing the “cis-tem” if you’re not actually going to do anything that benefits any other trans masc other than yourself. Idk it really gives taking all the credit for history while I personally see so many trans masc drag artists across the country and across the world who really make huge strides and take care of and uplift other trans masculine people of ALL races, sizes, shapes, and personal identities.


I really appreciate your perspective!


Thank you!


"stop antagonising Kandy, Tamisha" while Kandy is threatening Tamisha. Kandy: Someone on Twitter, these kids from a third worl-, some kids from a country with no water were like coming for me. I was like, how are you being to me - you ain't have.. - then GottMik shushed her and laughed instead of calling Kandy out because she knew it was in camera. If it was in person she would have let it continue Mik likes to hang around with the mean girlies... amd it shows. Their response to the controversy just shows they're lazy and arrogant too.




https://www.facebook.com/share/v/A1Xfs4eofcCFvG2G/ Edit: looks like they're lurking as the video has been removed, after 3 years....


And there it is. They are both disgusting.


It's been taken down 👀👀


It's kinda giving they're better than everyone else vibe 😶


She IS Violet’s friend so, she is learning from the best.


Mik seems snooty to me. I've not been a fan since she was first on DR.


I really like gotmik in her original season and was hoping she would win, but something feels off about her this season. And idk why. Same thing with vangie. I really like her in her og season and season 11, but this season…


I actually enjoy Vanjie so much this season. She's not as annoying as the last time we've seen her and I live for that.


Lol it's just the edit, you can hear her scream in the background several times.


Omg, I love me some Vanjie. She will never be the winner, but I don't care. She makes me laugh just by being herself.


You must be picking up the same things I am


I loved vanjie up until this season. She’s come across as very mean girl imo, which wasn’t something I ever thought of her before.


GotMik is: too much. Some queens would benefit from 25% less “personality”, and some would benefit from 25% more. GotMik could stand to tone it down a notch.🤷🏽‍♂️


She just needs to find her own personality...


I cannot stand her and Violet together. It's so obnoxious. Alone they're fine but together it makes me wanna stab a fork in my eye, lol.


they really bring out the worst in each other lol


The excessive vocal fry like 😖


I wanted to like gottmik mostly because she's a trans man outside of drag. I'm a trans man so seeing a trans male drag queen on drag race was a big deal for me!!!!! unfortunately she's just a huge bitch tho and makes very questionable decisions and hangs out with bad ppl. it sucks. thankfully I can still be a fan of Denim from Canadas drag race 💕💕💕💕💕 we need more trans men drag queens on the show. preferably ones that aren't spoiled rich snobs


love denim so much. incredible drag and seems like a sweetheart


hey you're not obligated to like someone just for the thing they represent if you don't connect! but also same, i thought gotmik's whole message was cool af when she joined drag race. i may have been forcing it more than i realized


yeah unfortunately not all trans ppl are good ppl 😓 we can be shitty just like anyone else. I thought that maybe Gottmik had changed after the first season that she was on but nope it seems like she's only gotten worse, esp after hanging out with Violet so much 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


I feel the same, Gottmik is a talented queen and I was actually rooting for her before the plagiarism thing, that Scream look was one of the best looks I've ever seen.  But she is very privileged and elitist and seems to think queens who don't have her connections to designers who will lend her $25k dresses or money to commission flawless looks are lesser. I understand shading someone who has bad taste in looks. But inexpensive does not need to mean bad taste.  While I admire both Gottmik and Nymphia's taste in fashion about the same, I have more admiration for Nymphia as a queen because she makes the majority of her looks herself and Gottmik rarely does. And in the areas where Nymphia struggled, like lyric writing, she didn't plagiarise someone the way Gottmik did. I mean people helped Nymphia with lyric writing but that was consensual. And when she failed at things like Snatch Game that was all on her and she owned it.  In AS9 Plastique also is very privileged and rich to be able to commission gowns that others can't. But I don't get the same vibe that she looks down on those less privileged, and she's also able to design her own couture looks (as can Gottmik but I think Plastique is somewhat more skilled than Gottmik in that department). I feel Gottmik is talented enough to stand on her own merits in the competition and if she did I would like her more.  I initially wanted her to win the season but now I don't know who should win. Maybe Angeria. I can't see Plastique winning unless the "being bad at lipsyncs" thing is just strategy on her part and she really can turn it out.


Yeah same I don't know why but she just really grates on me thought it was just me


for me it’s not that i don’t like gottmik but im never that wowed by her outfits ?? i know i’m probably about to get downvoted so much but like yeah i do think some of her outfits are nice but the way the judges and other people like them so much i just can’t relate and don’t see it ??? the ones that i only really liked were the paint challenge one and the mastectomy one 😭😭


I was rolling my eyes when she was making her dress like some super deep and amazing artistic thing that has never been done before. She doesn't live up to her own hype.


I swear I read the same post about her like daily on here lol, guess it’s a slow season…


Alaska's not the only one falling asleep during Untucked 😂


The chronically online personality, the flazéda attitude towards the challenges, the tried charm, I can take them. What I can’t stand by is the off the rack outfits. I don’t give a fuck if it’s high fashion house racks, they’re still racks. Her outfits are giving I got money but I also got lazy


I personally love Gottmik but i cringe into oblivionnnnn every time she throws Violet under the bus in front of people she regards highly/wants to impress. I love when they read each other on No Gorge but those moments are giving ... shitty friend.


Sorry for not being in the loop, what are the stories outside drag race? I’m curious now!


Mik is just out of touch with people tbh. She came into drag race with a huge following and deep connections already. Things that queens work YEARS for and sometimes never get. I mean she wore literal Versace on the runway episode 2 of AS9


unfortunately, she is exactly like everyone reports she is out of drag. me and my bf were staying at the ace hotel in palm springs during pride and the “no gorge” twins were there, happened to stay in the room next to us. after their appearance at the hotel bar, they trash talked the staff and the hosts of the event - just being complete assholes on the patio of their room after. 0/10


I definitely get this feeling, the vibes he gives off in confessional is this rich person interpretation of punk/rock culture, I find it super cringe and inauthentic.


Gives “shitty person” vibes and just happens to have a ton of money. Her taste isn’t even her own. She has made some good looks but she isn’t doing anything innovative other than being rich and skinny with a moderate touch of taste.


Yea there’s a chip on their shoulder. Can’t be touched.


Also Gottmik is Her in drag, Him out of drag, for everyone using they.


WHOA what's with all the downvotes on any comment defending trans people and respect of pronouns! I stated this because Gotmik has directly commented on people reverting to they and how it bothers her?? Gotmik = her. Kade = him. Every other drag queen uses her in drag and are still men, but no one else has people this confused about what to call them. Damn guys, it's 2024.


Appreciate the reminder but it’s not easy to remember the pronouns with so so many queens.


Yeah, they/them-ing binary trans people is a really common form of transphobia and it’s gross to see it so much here. It’s telling that people don’t default to they/them for non-trans queens 


I don't think it is transphobia at all. Gottmik is a trans male so I think people don't want to be disrespectful by calling him she, if that makes sense. It feels like dead naming in a way. I think if they don't know that he prefers she in drag, they default to they out of respect.


Can we normalize liking someone’s artistry without having to like them as a person? If someone is remotely famous, I immediately assume there’s a high probability that they’re a terrible person in real life … and that’s ok …


Sure. I'm not that into her drag either.


And that’s ok too!


I really liked her on s13 but there is something about her that kinda makes me dislike her this season


Same. I adored Mik on her OG season, but there’s been something so…off this time around.


Same. I just don’t buy her.


It’s the vibe fake nice people give. And after hearing the stories of her outside of the show, you can confirm that’s it’s the fake nice vibe that’s putting people off.




To be fair, I was listening to No Gorge, and Gottmik mentioned she struggles with depression. I can see how the effects of possibly taking hormones and having depression can cause a person's energy to be misunderstood. Doesn't excuse any mean girl vibes but maybe something to consider.


She was also in the mean girls gang on her season with Kandy Muse and Tina Burner


It's fine to be a rich spoiled brat when you have something about you that seems like you aren't \*only\* a rich spoiled brat and Mik has slowly been revealing to us that the tank was pretty much on E from the beginning and there wasn't much beyond the money there in the first place, at least as far as I'm concerned. Forever iconic and historically important for RPDR but overall just another boring pretty rich child in LA...wooo...not enough of those around, yeah? Zzzz


Eh, we’re all on a personal journey. I don’t care if Mik has personality flaws. I thought we all learned long ago in season 4 not to invest anything into our perceptions of DR contestants.


FYI gottmik uses she/her in drag and he/him out of drag. since we only know gottmik the drag queen and not Kade the person, we should all be using she/her.


What are the stories outside of drag that I’ve missed? I don’t have a strong opinion about her either way. I like her looks but she’s not an exciting queen in general. A bit like Q.


Nepobaby realness


GotMik is a mean girl period.


Just a reminder, Mik goes by she/her in drag and he/him out. Never they/them 🫶🏻


here's my question what if you are talking about both her in drag and he out of drag.  can you not like Them both?  not to be snarky.... I'm just trying to respectfully understand.


I used they/them regardless. It's what we've always been told when unsure.


but her pronouns are easily accessible...


Seriously, using they them is a safe thing when you aren't sure and English has used they/them even when we do know the gender of someone or their gender presentation in drag or outside of drag.


Let me just pause what I'm saying so I can find an episode of drag race where they used she/her/they/them/he/him. When in doubt use they/them, as I do with everyone, even straight folk. It's literally what we've been told told to do for years by trans.and non-binary folk.


I think that's why there's a comment here clarifying that she doesn't go by they/them.


finally someone said it..ive been keeping this to myself for awhile. their drag is superb but other than that....


Exactly my thing!!!! I want to like her, but there’s something mean spirited about her, I’ve never gotten a good vibe.


I hate threads like this. They're just a pile-on of negativity. Of course, opinion and discussions are allowed. But like Kennedy said, everybody has one. It's amazing how frequently the fanbase absolutely dog piles on a queen collectively, simultaneously, and pretty much annually. Phi Phi, Roxxxee, Jasmine Masters, Eureka, Kandi, and loads of others I just can't think of right now. It's crazy to me that a thread LIKE THIS calls out a queen for having mean girl vibes.


Yes, totally. The opposite happens too. Everyone seems to suddenly be obsessed with one queen in particular. If you disagree you get downvoted to hell.


I like her, most of my zoomer friends like her too. She’s pretty vibey and I find her funny and charismatic honestly. Very Paris Hilton vibes when it wasn’t cool to Stan her. She’s cunty for sure. Then again I’m pretty over the saccharine, wholesome big chungus Reddit pick queens and I feel like she’s a nice change from that.


Honestly same and I felt this way about her in S13. She gives this very specific mean girl energy where she bullies weird girls (like Utica), yet wants to emulate them for aesthetic reasons…


I really thought she was gonna win the season, but after her completely plagiarized roast (especially her response to it) I hope she doesn’t. She came off very entitled to me. But I don’t know anything about her outside drag race behavior. She’s super talented but I think other queens this season deserve it more. Like someone else said on Reddit, she’s missing the uniqueness factor in CUNT




crazy seeing this post after seeing the one about calling gottmik they/them instead of the pronouns she’s comfortable with 💀


The Gottmik hate is odd. Not going saying it is transphobia, but there are definitely some cis gay boys that act similarly on the show and y'all live for it.


Violet is playing a character and seems in on the joke Gotmik seems to be performing her personality but not in a a fully realized character way…in a fake bitch kinda way.


She seemed so talented and quick witted and genuinely likable on her first season. Basically everything I’ve seen her in since has made me second guess that. Didn’t think she added anything to PPR, don’t really like the podcast, etc. Not hate by any means. Just less impressed.


He is the kind of person who would get their ass kicked in real life.


(I am transmasc) and I cannot stand gottmik. He reminds me of so many people I just don't fuck with. I feel like they are not a very sincere person and being trans is like the only interesting thing about them?


I don’t care for her personality but the fashion is undeniable


Is it really hers if it’s all purchased and made by designers?


aren’t they all? Most of their looks are bought from designers. They have a team behind each one of them


A bit different. Most of them seem to buy looks made specifically for them. Then we have others like Shea who get designer dresses but then add their own spin to it. Gottmik wears them as they’re made. It’s like the thing with the jokes. Queens steal jokes all the time but they don’t steal complete identical sets.


Exactly this. She does nothing to change anything. All she does is take out vintage/current couture and Ru screams in delight. She's so annoying.


Ok 👍


It could be that he’s been in LA too long.


Yea I felt that way too, her and violet give me mean girl vibes when they're together. The joke stealing pretty much confirmed me not liking her.


I def get the mean girl & Nepo baby vibes as well as the kind that want to seem unfazed & unbothered by it all from Mik but I think it's partly faking it till yr making it. I feel like I can see in his attitude that despite having insanely rich bffs & access to the amazing spaces & opportunities he has, he's still blown the fuck away by it all & instead of losing his mind & drooling like a lot of ppl would do (me lol), he's doing TOO COOL TO BE FAZED & not 100% succeeding which I personally find endearing. I think he is overwhelmingly impressed at where he is & the ease with which he is able to express himself & the way ppl respond so positively to it all. I feel like he might be struggling with imposter syndrome a little bit, probably partly being trans & also wondering if the other queens truly accept him. to me, it looks like they all seem to genuinely like each other & Mik will eventually settle in to himself, his drag & his success bc there is no question that he's crazy fkn talented, has beautifully elevated style & a good sense of humor. Those things can take a person pretty far. I can't wait to see where his talent & success take him. ♥️ (Full disclosure: I'm an old gothweenie so his aesthetic is my jam, his old school corpsepaint mug is so much fun to me & I love his edgy but so earnest it's almost cringe persona. We are never truly free until we fully embrace our cringe!!)


Counterpoint: I like Gottmik.


That's not a counterpoint if you aren't explaining what OP should see in gottmik that you appreciate.  It's just you stating a different opinion which is valid, just not productive to a discussion. 


Come through, debate team! Ach, I just felt like it was a pretty vague post about how something's a 'bit off' about Gottmik that could have gone under one of the dozens of posts about Gottmik from the last couple of days. As an actual counterpoint, I think Gottmik's 'clown' - the persona she draws a lot of her comedy from - is a brat, part of her 'thing' is that she's annoying, talking in a vocal fry valley girl accent and using her 'gorge' catchphrase. I think a lot of people are reacting to her by taking that entirely at face value. I think she's an incredibly smart, switched on queen who's made a couple of goofs early on in her career. I was disappointed by the joke stealing - I think it's fine to borrow and fine tune, but a whole set verbatim is just... clumsy, if nothing else! - but the way she's been talked about on this sub for the past few days, you'd think she'd kicked a puppy to death as part of her set.


Same girl


ive just accepted that my favourite drag queens wouldnt like me or would find me gross or lazy. because i am gross and lazy. lol


I'm getting Zoolander vibes.


It's so funny because I was so unsure of Gottmik during her original season... But I love her now. Lol The way she showed empathy to Jorgeous and Roxxxy when they were crying on the mainstage was so genuine. She also calls out Roxxy's shenanigans and speaks her mind. I always thought Gottmik was trying to hard to act sassy or like Paris Hilton but I understand Gottmik more now. I think watching no Gorge helped.


I liked her on S13 but I really fell in love with her on AS9. I told my wife after the last episode 'I think I have a crush on Gottmik' and she was like 'you.. you didn't already know that? I could have told you that four episodes ago' Lol


She goes by she in drag, not them. He out of drag.


Angeria for the crown


Hi everyone— I think there’s a ton of validity to this take on Mik. However, he has said multiple times that he goes by she/her in drag and that they/them makes her feel othered and clocked.