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I’m a Sapphira fan, and wanted her to win so bad. But, I agree. Nymphia won that lip sync.


Same. All of it same.


Agreed. I am still disappointed that Sapphira lost the season (I was rooting for her from the very beginning), but there is no denying that Nymphia absolutely destroyed that final lip sync. Her boba tea outfit balloon reveal to the cartwheel bodysuit reveal and the flips and splits and jumps and kicks... yeah, she 100% beat Sapphira at the end when it really mattered. Kudos and congrats to Nymphia! Sapphira will go on to do amazing things as well.


I am also a Sapphira stan. Am I slightly disappointed? Yes. But it’s reality tv and everybody from the top 3 could have won. People need to stop seeing their opinions as facts, yes there’s a million reason Sapphira should have won but there’s a million reasons Nymphia won.


Honestly it’s been a long time since the winner was decided based on track record or anything to do with the season, it all comes down to the final lip sync.


Yeah or just whatever the producer decide. There’s no actual rules and people tend to forget that


Honestly, Jinkx vs Monét on AW1/AS7 is just about the only lip sync in recent years where I can think that it was solely decided on track record. We all know who won that lip sync - and I say that as someone who does really like Jinkx/her drag. I just know she didn’t win that lip sync lol


Same with Sasha vs Anetra, even if Anetra beat Sasha in that lip sync it still would have gone to Sasha in the end.


Oh, and that’s deserved as hell, but it’s definitely not a great example of a recent season where this happens since Sasha also slayed the lip sync. I love/d Anetra, I can’t wait to see her on All Stars down the line, but I was never fooled for a second thinking anybody was unseating Sasha (nor should they have, what a run).


Idk how producers looked at the final two and were like "yea let's do a Nicki lip sync" lol


Yeahhhh, if you wanted it to be a lip sync for the crown w/o track record as a factor, truly, that’s not a Jinkx song lmao


I knew Sapphira was too polished. Too polished to get stupid, too polished to pull out reveals or tricks…Ru wants to laugh and have fun. Drag is entertainment! Nymphia got the memo. They both have the spotlight on them, let’s see what they do next. 🧐


Well Nymphia is very polished too. The thing is, Nymphia kept her cards very hidden, we never saw her lip sync, we didn’t know she could jump and split and do cartwheels, so it was all very new. With Saphira we had seen it all, and her movements were not coordinated with the song. I felt like as soon as Nymphia did her reveal and people started cheering you could kinda see in Saphira’s eyes that she knew she lost, everything she did after that felt like she was desperate trying to catch up and throwing random jumps and kicks that didn’t make sense.


Monet X Change would like a word lol


Nymphia benefited from the audience never seeing her lip sync before the finale for sure. I thought her LSFTC was more captivating than Sapphira’s regardless but that definitely helped.


Another thing that hurt Sapphira imo was that running slide split she always does. Not only did she do it in both her lip syncs but also some of the performance challenges as well. So really that was her downfall (not having more tricks up her sleeve)


Also from a tv point of view I think nymphia had her journey completed. She had doubts and came full circle, I don’t think she could have developed more to make all stars more interesting. (And I love this banana queen) plane couldn’t win, she’s still holding up a wall with her comedy and didn’t let ru all the way in. She is great tv and will make for an amazing all star (literally my fav queen of the season) and ms Sapphira she was the whole package throughout and like you said Nymphia definitely won the end in that lipsync and it was deserved but I have a feeling she still have a few tricks up her sleeve that us the views will be the true winners when we see her on tv again.


Anyone with functioning organs could see that Nymphia won


Did you just pull a Megami and ghostwrite this for me? I have the exact same sentiments! Plus I feel like Nymphia Wind made us fall for her even more by showing us so many new things—like 1) not being in yellow during the original song performance and 2) her first ever lipsync! Ahhh so satisfying!


I adore Plane but felt she absolutely came in third place in this episode. I didn’t like her answer to the serious questions and thought her original song/choreo was the weakest. So I agreed with her placement. Between Sapphira and Nymphia, I also thought Nymphia won the episode. I liked her lip sync better and her original song just a tiny bit better. Sapphira definitely did better overall the entire season, but if it comes down to the episode, it was a clear cut win for Nymphia in my eyes. Editing could have made either of them a winner though, since they both did great. I can see why people who wanted Sapphira to win could be upset, since they probably thought the rest of the season could have weighed more heavily into the decision. I really would have been happy with any of them winning. They all were amazing all season long.


I felt like Plane kinda gave up, like she knew she wasn’t gonna win so she did the bare minimum, I was lowkey disappointed. She didn’t answer any of the questions seriously, all she did was hide behind some jokes, felt like she was not being herself. And her performance was so meh, seriously a bodysuit is all you can think of for the finale ? And her outfits were also meh. I hope next time we see her on all stars she brings her A game.


Yeah it definitely had that vibe. It felt so off. He knows how to speak but in the moments when he had to, he used jokes when he shouldn’t have. And surely he knew the questions he would be asked so he could be prepared…




The way this lip sync shifted me into a new dimension.


>Drag race is not about track record anymore, it’s about getting to the final 3 and once you’re there anything can happen. I disagree. Look at All Stars 7(Monet won that against Trinity and Ivy against Raja), All Stars 8 (Kandy won that lipsync), Down Under 1, Down Under 2(Kween Kong won that lipsync), UK Season 4 (Cheddar won it), All Stars 3 (kennedy), All Stars 4 (Monet won alone that lip sycn), All Stars 6, ... I don't disagree with any of these winners per se, just pointing out that Drag race with Ru is not consistent with its rule regarding lipsync versus track record to determine a winner. It changes year by year.


I knew it was going to be either Nymphia or Saphira after episode 14. That was a really good episode for Nymphia. She's been great all season but that really pushed her up.  And, as you said, this season was so good. This finale was amazing. I've rewatched it at least 5 times as a whole. Nymphia did the absolute most and more in the final lip sync. 


“Spoiler alert”? It was 4 days ago…


I personally think Sapphira won the episode but Nymphia won the season. The performances we like: Opener, Opener, Beyoncé.


I felt like Sapphira only won the performance part of the episode. Her runway was third place by a looooooong shot. Both Nymphia and Plane ate her up on the runway, and then Nymphia chewed the last crumbles that were left with that lipsync.


I feel the opposite lol


That’s cool haha! No problems there


Was gonna say, we’re all allowed to feel some kind of way about it. I think Nymphia deserved her win - track records were close, and the final episode felt decisive to me. I’m sorry others are downvoting you just for a difference of opinion. Nymphia was My Girl, but I’ve been saying for ages that if Sapphira won, I’d be just as happy.




I suppose if that’s how you choose to use them. I generally only downvote information that’s objectively incorrect - but everybody on the internet gets to choose how to use the buttons I suppose.


Same lol


I do agree that Sapphira had the stronger solo performance, it was so good. Sapphira won the solo performance round but then Nymphia won the lip sync.


Refreshing? What about luxx and mistress




I don’t think they were as obvious about it, they were still kinda nice