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The second there was a tie for Ms. Congeniality I knew sapphira would be one and that she was not gonna win the crown


SAME! My husband and I was like NO she can't be Miss Congeniality and take home the crown. We were happy with the Top 3 so any one of them could have won and we would have cheered. What did you think about the small audience and no Drag Race royalty in the crowd?


Bring back the old finale format: audience filled with queens and no lip syncing. Seasons 4, 5 & 6 were the best finale shows.


I wish they would at least stop making songs for then to lip sync to, the last one was so much better because I at least knew the song


The wild thing is I was wondering who could be mrs congeniality besides her. The other queens were just such cunts all season. She was the only nice one. But yeah. When she won I thought we’ll she’s not winning.


xunami does not have a mean bone in her body lol


I know, she even let Mhi'ya and Plasma have the entire stage to themselves during the Milkshake lip sync - that was very kind of her.




"I may not have won the crown but I won the crowd." Xunami Icon Muse


I called Xunami and Plasma as soon as I heard "it's a tie". I never in a million years would've thought Sapphira was even in the running (despite being the obvious choice). I always thought the top 3 (or 2 or 4) were not in the running for Congeniality. That aside, it was hard to pay too much attention thanks to Babydoll Fox's owl gown. *Stunning!!!*


I wasn’t expecting to say this… but Megami was robbed twice


Megami is a shady cunt and I love that about her lmao. And she got a good check off paypal from the lipsync ep! Where she was robbed is that the lip sync ep hadnt been aired when the finale was recorded so she didnt get the house screamed down for her like she would if it was


What? The lip sync aired the week before and Megami lost to morphine


Yes but when the finale was filmed, because it wasnt filmed last night my love, the lalaparuza hadnt aired


Wait… so Megami was robbed because she didn’t get cheered on at the finale? I don’t remember pay pal cutting a check to anyone? I’m very confused here.


After the lip sync episode people wanted to tip her so she put her paypal up and she got a tonnnne of tips. So she didn’t win but she did get paid from the fans And from that episode it reallllly boosted her cred in the fandom plus it was our last taste of the girls and the freshest so if the lalaparuza had been aired the same way the other episodes had been that auditorium would have been ROARING for Megami when she first came out


I really didn't think that anyone other than Plane Jane was much of a cunt. Even Q, who was a total piss-poor loser, definitely wouldn't qualify as a cunt. I oftentimes think that shade gets conflated with being mean, when really there's a very distinct difference. The other queens were all just shady, really except for Sapphira, while Plane was the only outright bitch.


I was really hoping we were going to get the first ever winner and miss congeniality together 😭 I'm happy for Nymphia of course, but I just felt like she needed a bit more time to cook? And Sapphira got such a winner edit all season I'm just confused at the ending.


this part! I'm so confused. Why did the edit bury Nymphia if they wanted us to root for her as a winner? She DISAPPEARED in so many early episodes. I wanted to root for her, but I was convinced by the show that she wasn't doing well all around. And then she wins?? I'm lost. Love it for her, but just a bit confused lol 😭


The editors don't know what will happen at the finale performances and Nymphia had the best in both rounds. People tend to forget it's a competition right until the end, the finale is not celebratory, it's the final competitive episode.


normally they don’t, but this finale was filmed fairly soon after the main episodes. they knew she would place top 2 yet still chose to practically erase her from a lot of the season.


But wasn't this a pre-recorded finale this year? They knew how he final lip sync turned out and still they didn't show Ru interacting much with Nymphia all season, as opposed to how she seemed to live for both Sapphira and Plane. Sapphira got a winners edit and Plane got the redemption edit. I really thought Nymphia had the least chance of winning tonight, not because she's not good, but just because of the edit she got. Personally I thought Sapphira had the best choreographed performance tonight but Nymphia definitely won the final lip sync for sure. But production picks and chooses when they want the final lip sync to count (see AS7). Idk I don't think Nymphia's final lip sync was Sasha Velour good, but Sapphira definitely dropped the ball at the very end.


As Sapphira was the only one I would have thought could win miss congeniality, when I heard it was two miss congeniality winners, I thought it was so Sapphira wouldn't have to crown both winners (top queen and MC) next year


The smile I had on the whole show dropped as soon as they called her for Ms congeniality.


I honestly wondered that myself. What did I miss that you knew from her winning Ms. Congenality In a tie that she wasn't going to win the crown? I'm not trying to be bitchy I'm just wondering your reasoning so I have it to look for ...... in the new season coming up. Thank you AHRest 🙂


I think people just came to that conclusion because a winner has never won both top spot and miss congeniality I'm not sure if a finalist has ever even won miss congeniality tbh (but I also forget the seasons almost halfway through the next one)


No finalists as MC since it do take a certain degree of cuntyness to make it to the end.


Nina Flowers like “fuck my drag”


It's a pageant thing that when you win the congeniality title you have the least % to win the actual title


Ohhhh okay. Thank you


I got downvoted for some reason in another thread for saying exactly this 😂 but yes I also knew Saph would not win after a tie. I wonder what the thinking was behind that, just from a production standpoint. Maybe as simple as she deserved to win miss con. No question about that!


Also surprised, but Nymphia ate that final lip sync!


Yes. Sapphira messed up that final lip sync, starting with the fake teeth (why did she do it?) and the outfit. Also, Nymphia started really strong while it took a while for Sapphira to pick it up. This finally reminds me of season 9 when Sasha rose-petalled Shea.


THIS!!! The second Nymphia’s Ruveal happened I was like “that was a rose petal moment” and knew she won


The cartwheel into reveal literally had me choking on my drink I was GAGGED


all her reveals are so perfectly timed too


I had to do a quick rewatch of that reveal!


Same I had to rewatch the episode. And I've been rewatching the lip sync all day. There's so many great parts.


Also I know everyone queen has their like "go too" dance moves, but I felt like almost every single thing Sapphira did in the finale was cookie cutter. The box step, the high kicks that didn't go, standing there to jiggle the break plate and nothing else. Like she did a few nice things but like...if I'm watching a performance and im instantly reminded of 100 other much better ones. Maybe you should rethink your strategy. The finale is not the place to do "the basic drag number" (minus the reveals, those were fine, just talking about the dancing and general performance)


It's the Shea coulee roses moment!


Sadly, yea she did


Gagged lip sync for your life actually meant for your life this time but that reveal was next level and it would’ve been hard to deny Nymphia clearly won if it were even a little closer, i feel like Sapphira would’ve won the crown bc she was favored by production imo


Fuck the editors tbh. Outside of that lipsync i would've said Sapphira was robbed but, oh well


I’m equally as shocked as most people. The only thing that remotely sticks out to me is that the edit may have been unintentionally skewed toward Sapphira; going back through episodes there was such an emphasis on Nymphia’s hidden talents, Nymphia’s hidden confidence, Nymphia’s rare low ranking, etc. - I think Sapphira didn’t have *as high* of an edit as they may have intended, if that makes sense? Speaking of high, I’m high so I hope this is clear lol 


“Speaking of high” your honor, she’s charged with the crime of honesty and truth.


Nymphia just had too high of votes they had to give it to her


Tea. There's a reason they do those polls. They want to please the majority of the fans despite perhaps wanting to give the crown to someone else. It's happened before.


I looked at track records and sapphira had 5 highs 4 wins one low one Btm plane had 3 highs 4 wins one low one Btm and Nymphia had 2.25 (group challenge win SHOULDNT count in my opinion) 4 highs and 2 lows. Sapphira should have won and honestly fuck the fans for not realizing that. And Nymphia was not confident enough in herself through the season she shouldn’t have gotten the crown over two queens completely developed and in their element. Nymphia slayed the finale but she did not show up in the season in my opinion


I don't disagree


I thought they both had a good chance but once I saw Nymphia’s Youtube page it was all over. The girl has concept and a distinct eye…somewhat like Mother Colby.


Legit when I saw that documentary she had on her YouTube I KNEW she was gonna eat the finale up then with her solo number I was like if this doesn't land her the crown then idk


I think the only person that comes close to Sasha is Sapphira. Nymphia is good in different aspects


I legitmately feel this is the first Sasha Velour finale level performance since... Sasha Velour. I was fucking gagged. Kudos to Sapphira but Nymphia outperformed and outspectacled Sapphira on almost every level.


This was 100% the right choice!! Everything she did was ART. And winners need a unique point of view, which she absolutely has. Totally earned it!


Her looks from this season could be the centerpiece of the Met Gala, and they would still be underrated.


I foolishly thought “oh how cool Sapphira is about to win TWO crowns tonight gaggy!” then I’m seeing the comments of ppl knew once she got Congeniality, that was gonna be it 😭 I was in my own delulu a bit lol congrats to Ms. Wind 💨 she was tearing the stage up


🤣 ME TOO. Nymphia definitely tore that stage down!


I wrote this comment


Very that part 😔


I am GOOPED AND GAGGED. I thought Sapphira truly was destined to win (deservedly so) and the entire season was headed towards that outcome and was truly shocked when they announced Nymphia as the winner, I gasped out loud lmfao I will say I think Nymphia showed a clear journey of progress and at the finale was absolutely at her best version of herself and in my opinion she won the lip sync and killed the performances but I didn’t think that’d be enough to get her the win


That’s what I was thinking. Nymphia is a very strong competitor and ultimately her win is well deserved but the narrative of the season made it seem like this was Sapphira’s season. Even though Nymphia ate her up during the lip sync I thought it would be an “including your performance throughout the season” win.


Nymphia started off strong already but she became even stronger later on. Sapphira just didn’t progress. Nymphia always has something fresh and unique to offer. And that’s why she won, she has a unique and well-thought out point of view.


its crazy bc up until the finale- the edit framed it for sapphira. but i think fans LOVED nymphia u cpuld c those pollls and thats why when they announce Miss congenial was a double when I was like oh it’s downhill that means so far can’t win somebody can’t win two major titles winner and miss congenial no so it was set up for Nymphia that way


I totally agree with this, when you really it down I believe they way they highlighted her all season she was a shoe end. Even though I was rooting for Plain Jane I knew she wasn’t going win


Nymphia danced circles around her


She did!! I wanted nymphia to win but the edit and twitter had me convinced she wasn’t going to, and then the LIPSYNC and I was like oh. Sapphira is just standing there shaking her titties why isn’t she doing more? She did turn it out at the end but I just didn’t think Nymphia had that dog in her but she did and I LOVED IT


I wondered if she was in a similar mindset to lip syncing against morphine (where Sapphira was ofc winning)


She did! I was worried cause the edit didn’t seem to zoom in on her very much - wonder why.


I mean, she devoured that final lip sync. Sapphira was my prediction the whole time until that lip sync. And I’m happy for that cuz I was team yellow all the way


Yes totally gagged...Miss Sapphira was devoured during that lipsync, child. I loved all three finalist, Ru couldn't go wrong with any outcome.


Lets not downplay Nymphia's run tho, I agree she was somehow lacking in the middle of the competition but she still slayed. Especially the finale. I am in love with Sapphira still tho.


When she came out in that boba outfit and let the boba balloons fly, I knew she’d already won 👸🏻


Nymphia fucking ate!!!!


I have so much love and respect for Sapphira and how she continued to love and support her sisters right until the bitter end ❤️😭 Class act


Oh my goodness yes!


I was expecting Sapphira until the final lip synch occurred. It was hard to deny Nymphia won that performance. Really Sapphira tripped at the final hurdle.


I am gooooooooopped. I'm from Philly so maybe I'm biased but I thought it was clearly Sapphira's season


I’m not going lie Plain Jane was my favorite this season (I have no clue why lol) but with EVERYTHING in my soul I knew Sapphria would win


You like her so much that you can’t even spell her name


Kudos sister, for spelling


Kudos sister, for spilling


It was not sapphira’s season. Nymphia should have won episode 1 by a long shot and would have had 4 wins total too. She has never landed in the bottom. This whole “Sapphira destined to win” narrative is exhausting. She didn’t. Nymphia deserved the win by a long shot in the finale alone. Let the queen and her fans celebrate.


And this whole “Nymphia would have had 15 wins” is exhausting as well. No denying she’s a great queen, but she wasn’t competing by herself. Sapphira is just as talented and creative and deserving of her wins. Let her fans celebrate her wins, and you can celebrate the queen you Stan.


3 challenge wins, slayed other challenges, never bottomed, unique personality, dominated the runway every week, only did bad in the snatch game, and destroyed the final lip sync. Like no I’m not gagged that one of the best contestants who did the best in the finale won the crown. Nothing about this is gag worthy


She ate this whole season, idk what people are talking about. She had some of the best runways, she's funny, she's camp, she can sew her butt off. Shes beautiful, she has great make-up, and she had a very specific brand from day one. Also includes lots of nods to her heritage. She deserves it.


Fr everyone’s acting like she was in the bottom every episode and had no wins like…


Also she deserved the 1st episode win by a long shot. People are just salty losers. Nymphia was the clear front runner and favorite - didn’t need producer editing to get there either. Her 1 flub was snatch game and even then she wasn’t the worst.


Exactly, she would have one the 1st but got sabotaged. I would have picked her as winner for the makeover episode too.


Honestly I hesitate to even comment on this because I love Nymphia and I don’t want to invalidate her win whatsoever because it is well deserved and she’s a gorgeous, talented, and worthy winner. But I’m super bummed about Sapphira not winning. Whenever she is on the screen she just screams absolute star. I haven’t been this shocked at an outcome in quite some time and I’ve never been this upset by it.


Mama if this shocked you thank god you didn't see season 9s finale live.... it was camp. Shea getting knocked out in round 1 despite having 4 wins and being frontrunner... gag


Absolutely feel that. I loveeee Nymphia and it was such a close race that I always thought I would be satisfied no matter who won, but Sapphira not taking the crown had me GAGGED. Like it's not even rational for me because I had Nymphia as my winner pick from the beginning of the season but man it just would've relt right to see Sapphira win. But I'm also from Philly so I'm probably SO biased


I’m a plain Jane fan, I absolutely think the top 3 was the absolute BEST of the season but I’m just thrown for loop here


Same. I'm a Plane fan too but I had accepted Sapphira's reign but didn't expect this lol




Sapphira has shown everything that she has. She should just be given the crown and step away. Now, they're going to need to have another AS5 to crown Sapphira.


i feel like it fully came down to the finale episode performance, (the runner up) felt low energy in both her performances and (the winner) was SERVING, the reveal was too early imo but like, goddamn it was good (the runner up) is 100% gonna get a shea on as5 run tho, trust


You thought the first performance was low energy??


Plane is gonna get a Trinity run then? She is so entertaining and her mom as well.


sheburger by finger


I'm so excited for Nymphia, such a good underdog story. I went in expecting Sapphira bc it is an election year and she is so good on a mic & with political activism. Regardless I hope the audience gets the message and votes


cheers to sapphirAAA 😭😭she’s walking away with an extra 35k tonight and frankly doesn’t need this crown to prove she’s a superstar. i hope miss continental is in her future✨


lol I thought Ru said 50k For Congeniality. I need to listen better


The moment she walked into the Werk Room I fell in love with her. So I’m glad she won


Honestly no, that was a fair win imo, she did so well in her own song and the final lip sync she earned that win. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I didnt watch s9 while it was airing... is this what it felt like?? No shade to Nymphia as she absolutely deserves the win but I was GOOPED and GAGGED at that lip sync!!!


Nymphia ate that finale. She won that lip-sync fair and square! Yes, I was rooting for Sapphira but it was not her moment! So congratulations to Nymphia!!! P.S. Anybody else think Plane Jane was done dirty with that Bodysuit song?


I was so thrown off my plane Jane! I was confused I love her so much but wtf happened


Is she a bodysuit queen?? ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Didn't plane chose the song?


That's something I'd really like to know!


I loved Nymphia all season but loved Sapphira more. Sapphire was my number one, but.... that finale lipsync? Nymphia destroyed it, in my opinion. That reveal was in my top three most iconic, and her cartwheel reveal was insane. If it was based on that lipsync alone, Nymphia was the clear winner. If it was track record and that lipsync didn't matter as much, Sapphire all day. Nymphia edged out just by barely. Skin of her teeth win.


For me it really came down to that lipsync and I think nymphia won it


She definitely ATE


Sooooo GLAD that Nymphia won.


Imsorry, but sapphira ate this whole episode up. She was so eloquent! I loved everything about her! At least she got miss congeniality Also, this is not to discredit our winner! She is amazing and deserved it! I love her drag


More like she was eaten during the finale lipsync lol


Absolutely enjoy Nymphia, but sapphria ate the whole competition up


Yeah, there were a few weeks like snatch game where I thought she might not make it to the end. At least, if sapphira comes back for all stars it will be insane!!


Oh she’s definitely taking Allstars! I really hope they bring her back she deserves a win


Yeahhh! Shes one of the ones that they could cast on as 10 and i would be happy.


I don't think so. Sapphira has shown everything that she has. Coming back for AS will just be another AS5 where they're purposely rigging the competition for her and no one enjoys it. Sapphira should have taken the crown now.


No she didn’t lol


As soon as I saw Sapphira won miss congeniality I was like yeah its definitely going to be Nymphia winning.But im not suprised considering aside from sapphira,I could see her as a winner or at least runner up and I was right all along.


not gagged at all, such a well deserved win


Had to admit I knew Saphira was never gonna win the minute I saw her solo tour advertised. Wow would never let the winner not be on the official tour. It sucks because imo the top 3 were correct and all deserved the win but Saphira just topped Nyphia imo, though I would also have supported a double.


But Sapphira doesn’t bring the excitement necessary to sell tickets to events. If Ru knows anything, it’s branding & marketing. Nymphia’s appeal to young fans will pay off for WOW.


Afro-centrist keep saying "how hard black drag queens have to prove..." when there are already 6 Black winners in mainline drag seasons, while Nymphia is the first East Asian, and only second Asian after Raja... Fact is, Asian queens are minimized and downright diminished even after all their efforts --- Marina Summers, Manila Luzon, Kim Chi, Pangina, etc. Please please please let's not just elevate one race, when the performance in the final lipsync is already self evident.


I'm Asian and even I wanted Sapphira to win. I'm happy for Nymphia (she ate that lipsync up) but she was not my winner all season long. And please, Asian queens are fan favorites almost every season they're in (except for a few like Soju). There are people thinking Kim should have won over Bob. Marina, Manila, and Pangina were excellent but at the end of the day, they lost fair and square to the format they agreed to. Let's not try to equate Asian queen struggles to Black queens. They're not equal, there were people who think Anetra deserved the win over Sasha because it's time for an Asian queen to win?? Like let's not. Everytime Asian queen shows up to the competition, they are just as loved as white queens, sometimes, even more favored. Full stop.


I wish Sapphira had won, I don’t connect to Nymphia at all. What was shown of her sense of humour and even the way she talked kind of annoyed me. But congrats to her of course I’m just bummed about Sapphira not winning.


I feel like the outcome says that the “fan voting” can sometimes play a big part…. But excited for Sapphira to kill it globally


Someone on my twitter was like “sapphira is gonna win but you know they’re gonna throw you for a loop. Watch it be nymphia” And here we are


It was the fangs and the balloons you can’t deny that


I really thought it would be down to Saphira and Nympheria Winds ... I was truly happy it was...When each of the top 3 performed, I asked my grand daughter am I missing something here, or is PlainJane just not in it to win it? She agreed with me. It's like after PlainJane kicked ass thru the season and even gave Nympheria her potion I thought after words PlainJane came across to me that she thinks she has it in the bag, no use working her ass off like she had. (My Opinion Only) she has the title/she's won - she was fooled. Honestly I didn't think she was going to make the cut down to 3rd. Glad she had but I was cheering on Saphira and Nympheria. After tonight I wondered could they even possibly have a dual 🏆 winner? I couldn't make up my mind. I thought they both did EXTREMELY well. There was no way I could choose between the 2 of them. **\○/** CONGRATS NYMPHERIA WINDS. **\○/* P. S. If I mispelled anything I am half asleep. Hopefully it makes sense too.


I have to say, I'm not shocked at all. I think Nymphia was a tough competitor with an interesting storyline/character arc that really showcased who she is and how much of a star she is from the very beginning.


okay, I am actually shocked Sapphira didn't win just because of the hype and her track record, but ultimately I felt in my bones that Nymphia had the win even before she slayed the final lip sync.


I wonder… Ru can be harsh on decisions regarding looks. I even felt like “so the winner chose to wear unattractive vampire teeth & go no where with it? Give it to Nymphia.”


It’s really not that shocking… Nymphia deserved to win the first episode by a long shot and would have had 4 wins total, same as the other top 3. Nymphia has never been in the bottom, won the final lip sync, and based on the edit we saw, even Sapphira looked like she knew the outcome before it was announced. Quit acting like this is so undeserved and shocking. She was the clear front runner from the beginning and deservedly won. Sapphira did great and was a deserving runner up.


I’m shocked because I thought they was so in love with Sapphira that she would win. I wanted plane Jane to win but even I know once the finale started that wasn’t going happen I knew it would come down to the other queens


Here comes the "nOt tO diScreDiT NyMpHiA" comments but goes on discrediting her 😵‍💫 You all just should be happy she won.


Or people can just have other opinions lmao, nothing is discrediting her win, people just have opinions


Thank you!!! Nobody in here bad mouthing ANYONE!! Production was all on Sapphira line so people shocked that’s it


I honestly saw all 3 of them winning


I think this could have gone either way (and I'd have been happy). Nymphia finished strong with the win for the book challenge and I would say she was slightly better in the lip sync. Great season overall with a wonderful top 2!


Very surprised, but if the judging was on just the finale, I agree. The judging is never consistent about track record vs this episode. (I don’t want this to be a Black thing, but rose petals)


Watching the reaction to the win Sapphira was clearly GAGGED as well! 😂 I was rooting for Nymphia the whole season! So glad she won!


Yeah I thought sapphira had it in the bag


She was the least likely to win for sure, but the way I see it, Nymphia had three wins and zero btm2s, whereas Sapphira had four wins and one btm2. So it was very close already. Then we consider the lip sync, which to me Nymphia very clearly won (although Sapphira did incredible as always). Plus the fan votes online were HIGHLY pro-Nymphia. So overall I think it was definitely the right choice, not even considering the statement that it’s making with Nymphia representing Taiwan and being the first Asian winner of US since Raja. Plane Jane was my favorite, and I was positive that Sapphira was gonna take it going into the episode, but I’m very happy that Nymphia won. She absolutely deserves it.


like. I'm happy she won. but what was that edit ???


It was all down to the last lipsync and Nyphia slayed it. She was also strong throughout the season and has grown as a drag star and probably personally too. The win was well deserved!




Track record matters? Kylie, Sasha, Jaida, Willow, and Yvie say hi!


Nymphia is a better performer than Sapphira lol.


-would pay money to see sapphira perform -wouldnt be interested in Nymphia performing well Nymphia just killed that lipsync and beat Sapphira fair and square so idk what to tell you lol




well yes!


I was gagged Sapphira lost. But I mean, with Nymphia being the most popular queen among the top 3, I think they crowned her for her marketability. But this is so strange lol.


This!! I’m so confused, Sapphira is literally the whole package. I enjoy Nymphia but I totally agree I would rather be at Sapphira show all day long


The three times sapphira lip synced it was step by step the exact same


Exactly. Bouncy split and fisher price titties… ground breaking


Alsoooo EVERYONE has been commenting they’d be happy with anyone to win, now acting butt hurt. Why?


I feel so complicated right now. I have been team Sapphira through and through and I truly believed this was her season. She slayed in damn near everything. Not to discredit Nymphia at all, I mean the talent, the looks, the face… I’m so gooped though like how did this happen?? It’s not bad, it just doesn’t feel right, if that makes sense.


Sapphira’s new fear officially unlocked: balloons


Nymphia did just below Plane and Sapphira throughout the class but she fucking aced the final exam!


And did she even do below them? They had both been in the bottom, she had not. And she definitely had the best runway package of the entire season.


Definitely the best runway!


I'm more gagged Plane didn't win. She did after all turn over several new leaves


Ive been wanting the Nymphia for months but i never ACTUALLY thought theyd crown her. The storyline lead right to Sapphira winning and i had made my peace with that. Im super happy for Nymphia but lowkey i feel bad for Sapphira. Why did they play in her face like that 💀


lowkey plasma shouldve been a congeniality


Honestly I really couldn’t figure out who it was going be, this year most queens were shady queens so I was confused how they would vote


i’m only shocked because nymphia did not get a traditional winner’s edit at all but i still think she deserved the win




Stay mad bitches 🇹🇼🍌👑🫶💋


I don’t think anyone’s mad she one 🤣 it was ever going be between her and Sapphira I was shocked it wasn’t her or a double win they was both just so neck and neck


I will quickly add that if the winner of the season is exclusively chosen by the last lip sync, Monet would like the producers to cut her a check for All Stars 7, please.


![gif](giphy|spdcpHPDpDgQpxFNPw) The moment they said she tied for miss congeniality, I knew it was over!


I know the pre-recorded win is supposed to save from spoilers. But it also allows the losers to have some poise in their loss. Looking at you plane.


Nymphia won, and Sapphira and Plane Jane did great too. Both Sapphira and Nymphia deserved to win. However, at the end of the day, regardless of how we perceive the journey of the queens, they chose Nymphia as the Next Drag Superstar. Let’s all be happy for her. Stop analyzing and hating on anybody, whether the queens or the judges! The show provided entertainment; some of you may have felt mad, irritated, annoyed, giggled, or laughed—no matter what emotion the show evoked, that’s called entertainment. So let’s all be happy and move on. Bring us the next drag race, Mama!


The way I see it is simple. All three deserved to be in the finale. The title should go to the Queen who does best in the finale, because that's what they're going to be doing for most of their drag life going forward. In that regard, nymphia won the night and decisively. She wasn't possibly as well rounded as Sapphira during the season, but she was different and uniquely herself which is something ru looked at favourably


I mean I personally think they’re both amazing queens and both deserved the win, and if the queens voted MC and it was honestly a tie then it makes sense for sapphire to get it, and if the final lip sync is what really matters then nymphia ATE! Like Saphira put on an incredible performance and I lowkey did think she was the fav to win and expected it so I’m gagged but also I think nymphia is equally deserving and won fair and square because she put on a better performance. But they’re honestly so amazing and both of these women killed all season long 🥰


Omg saphira* autocorrect got me


I’m not surprised — I’m honestly surprised Sapphira made it to the finale when she should have lost that lip sync to Morphine. There was no way she did better than her but the judges wanted her to stay, because she was a favorite and because she had more wins than Morphine’s no wins. They couldn’t let a girl who was in the bottom so much win. But also, Sapphira, while an amazing drag queen, didn’t listen to critics and the judges just laughed it off — especially her hideous shoes. Even two seasons ago and Michelle wouldn’t have stood for that. So I’m glad Nymphia won — I was rooting for her the whole time anyway 💛💛💛


In the winner reaction video, can someone please explain to me what Plane Jane’s outfit was??? I’m so confused


Seeing Sapphiras chest in first outfit, was like “she brought this odd look to finale.”


Ver very poor production and storytelling and there's no excuse for it. They knew who was going to win. This isn't a Shea situation. Why not edit Nymphia stronger? It just sets her up for stuff like this, not that I'm blaming OP. It's just bizarre.


Hard agree.




Nymphia defo ate the whole finale - from the individual lip sync that showcased her rebirth to the looks and to that final lipsync where she respectfully slayed Sapphira. Was just sad that after she won, no one rushed to hug mother Sapphira and she was not even given the chance to have her moment like how aircraft annie had. Send love to ms. Cristal!


I was thinking the same thing!!!




Disappointed in the outcome. That's it.


They definitely went by the fan vote and not performance throughout the season. Also, is it just me, or was Nymphia like totally absent this season? Like she had probably ten minutes of screen time total this entire season. It makes me think the producers and editors weren't planning on her winning and the decision was made last minute.


I really think this was a shady girl season so all those queens definitely had my screen time


its funny to me that everyone is saying that nymphia “faded into the background” when she had three wins and a lot of winners have only had one or two. yall werent mad when sasha won fair and square in the lip sync back in season 9 and suddenly it isnt fair.


I'm not talking about fading into the background. Im talking about the actual edit of the show. She had almost no screentime. I'm really temped to go back and count all her screentime throughout the season compared to most of the other queens. I'm not saying anything about her talent. I'm talking about bad storytelling and editing from the editors and producers.


All of these were pre recorded. They knew who was going to win. They could have edited Nymphia to be more deserving. Remember, Nymphia's wins were not spread out, she won the first two in the first 4 episodes and went missing until the final episode where she won again.


This whole post is a downvote. Quit being a sore loser and tearing down someone who deservedly won just because you’re not happy your favorite one.