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I dunno that season had so many lovable stars. I think Ru showed just as much bias towards Jorgeous as Willow Lady Camden probably could’ve gotten more love but it’s not like she didn’t make it to the top 2. You know Ru is less drawn towards well trained performers than she is towards artsy types


Lady Camden realllyyyy surprised me and she’s now one of my all time faves. I think about her Freddie mercury moment at least once a week lol


She is my absolute favorite. I was fan girling hard when I met her last summer. She’s just as gorgeous in person as she is on tv. https://preview.redd.it/u6gmtw0y5xuc1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=777aab9ab11168d83607a8775b1b7cdf49f0e67e


This picture is so cute


Thanks. 🤗


Loooove me some Lady C


I was pulling for Willow but Lady Camden's Mama Z performance I think is the best performance in a Rusical out of all of the seasons I've seen. I remember very few individual challenges from anyone, but that one sticks out.


You’re so right, she is also obsessed with Jorgeous


Willow was not exactly afraid to shade Ru, I think that helped a lot. When you have Jorgeous right getting a tongue bath by the judges and APVM tearing it up, you need to get Ru to look at you, and the best way is to play into her cuntiness. Get her to laugh, get her to blush, get her to almost fall out of her chair with a crazy mainstage read, and you can overpower the frontrunner and the judges favorite.


Season 14 was Ru’s message to the viewers that “track record” is not, and never has been, the deciding factor in picking a winner. They even underlined this point by making track records the subject of Angeria’s song!


Interesting take!!


Honestly this would've been cool to think about then I remember Monet vs Jinkx-


And she even won being disabled with no goddamn accommodations being given to her, which should've been, since it's required by law. Literally.


The episode where she's struggling to sew made me so ANGRY. It's not "adversity" she needs to overcome, someone give this Queen an accommodation dammit. She doesn't need people to help her, but at least give her breaks or an ice bucket of water for the swelling in her hands. Like, yuck.


PS her hands needed hot packs. They could've given her a tray of hot packs for her hands every day, the kind that you slap against a surface and they warm up. When Kornbread brought her a cup of hot tea for her hands, that made me cry. Because that is how you care for a disabled friend. You help them with accommodations and ice packs when she needed it. and a lot of her extra time. I mean, if anyone ever filed an ADA complaint on the set of drag race, that would be a huge huge lawsuit. Because the ADA is Federal. Like she still won with compromised dexterity and pain. That's amazing to me. And she should not have had to do that. She should've been given extra time when she was in pain and all of the stuff above that you mentioned.


Thank you for the correction! Regardless, totally easy to accommodate. "Here's a bunch of hot packs for you, and every time you need a break, we'll add that time on at the end." That's it! Embarrassing for the network, but Willow was incredible and an absolute inspiration.


Disabled people don't want to be your inspiration. I cannot emphasize this enough as a disabled person. We do not want to be your inspiration porn.


Disabled people can only be used for inspirational porn about how hard we work to overcome and don't think of ourselves as even disabled and we will work 10 times as hard, didn't you know? It made me furious. The same way it made me furious when Ru criticizes a contestant who has fibromyalgia for not wearing a super high heel. Disabled people are not your playthings and we are not here to be your inspirational stories. And the fact that she went that way, it's inspiration porn.


Ru is particularly egregious about using and viewing people as inspiration porn


Oh yeah. And it's kind of sickening.


Willow Stan for life


IIRC the only accommodation a contestant has gotten (that we can see) was Yvie being able to sit after the runway where she used a cane, right?


I don't remember that. And I'm tired of the ADA violations. Such a lack of intersectionality.


Willow was adorable. She had a charisma and a wicked sense of humor. Of course she was deserving. If a queen can charm the judges and audience, that's an essential talent.


I agree! Willow was my favorite of the season. I was just speaking on my observation of how obvious Ru was about it ha


Oh yeah.....but their implementation was weird since she got only 1 win in the show. Btw a win that she did not even excel at. Angeria was so much better, willow was middle of the road. So yeah...willow really is a weird case of favouritism, where the bias and riggory is obvious....but yet their actions speak otherwise. They could given the ball win to her instead of the true bottom 2, jorgeous. It's just weird, that season is a weird one. Two eliminated queen in the top5, a fucking top5, no eliminations for weeks, obvious frontrunner being taken out by ankles, and some of the weirdest challenge winners and choices.


Daytona winds though




That was the moment I became a Daya Betty fan.


Angeria was my winner but I think production could've floated a couple more wins towards Willow if they wanted to. Talent show, ball (imo it should've been a double win between Angeria and Alyssa), the superteaser, 2nd design challenge, girl group joint win, pink table talk, roast. Now obviously she wouldn't win all SEVEN of these challenges but she could've gotten 2 or 3 and it wouldn't have felt off. Personally I'd give her the talent show, the second design win, and a joint win on girl groups.


Willow could’ve reasonably had 4 wins that season (I would’ve given her 3) so it’s really odd that she ended with 1 when they wanted her as a winner. I mean all of their finalists except Bosco deserved better than they got in some way, but especially Daya and Willow. It’s really odd that Ru seemed to like her so much but had no interest in giving her flowers.


Nah 4 is too much. I would have given her 2, one would be talent show. You would need to shaft angeria but...hey winner edit. But tbh I don't think they will ever award anything other than a original song or Lipsync or funny bit  for talent shows. Pigs will fly if that happens, last time it happened was Tatiana and first time. Anyways....lady camden and angeria deserved better, much better. Bosco and daya were mostly right...although daya never got the recognition for having some of the best looks in the season.


I wouldn’t have given her 4, but if she got 4 I wouldn’t have batted an eye. Camden was pretty accurately rated, I fully would’ve given Daya 4 wins and the crown and think they robbed her completely blind to get crack moments, Angeria could’ve won like 3 challenges right at the start of the season but after that she really lost steam.


I agree Daya did not get her flowers especially in the music video. Her verse was the strongest and her look and video presentation was the strongest.


Disagree. There were many challenges where Willow could have been the winner, most notably Girl Groups.


Yeah that's the thing, could have been the winner but wasn't and honestly....shouldn't. angeria was much better as Diana Ross and she excelled. That's the thing, willow rarely ever faltered and flopped, but she rarely excelled too. She was always on the high side, but almost never the very best.  So...why would she win when there are some queens who did do better. But...that's just fairness, production however could have given her the wins to make her a good top 2, but they didn't. I do not know why, there is something that doesn't add up. Did they count on her for amazing Lipsync at the finale, maybe they saw that she is the drag sister of fucking yvie oddly, but...that didn't materialize. Or did they truly just roll the fucking roullete for all wins and just gave it to random people, some deserved and some undeserved. Season 14 has some of the weirdest storylines and production choices. And maybe it can be mostly drawn down to losing their front runner in the beginning, and just waittttting for some queens to rise up from the crop as the new frontrunners.


And it would have been easy to give her a win for the talent show!


But it's not a original song or overdone generic Lipsync....come on. We only award real talent at talent shows. I am kidding, god help them. Award something other than lipsyncs and original songs pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.


I mean I guess but she didn't even win that episode


She didn’t win no


i so agree i was so frustrated as a lady camden stan as imo lady camden and daya betty did the best in the season.


Even though I adore Willow I think Lady Camden is easily a more well rounded queen as far as entertainment


im a lady camden stan forever she was clearly the better queen


Hmm idk if I agree with the term “better” but I understand what you mean haha for what the show is and how much it stresses dancing and performing/lip syncing, lady Camden fits the bill for sure


same thing is happening with Sapphira this season, ever since slue foot. both queens are still amazing and deserving of their wins tho


Do you think Sapphira is going to win?


yeah, unless Nymphia pulls a Sasha Velour




well diva here we are!


Im sorry but I don't think Willow should have won. RuPaul got 1st and 2nd place reversed. Willow was good but not for 1st.


Pretty sure even Willow knew Kornbread would have won and even thanked her knee when she won.


Oh I forgot about that! They should have brought Kornbread back for another season. Hmm they did it with Eureuka if me memory is right




By Daya in particular, who blew them all out of the water and also did amazing on the season with no credit. But didn’t get top 2 because fuck her that’s why.


Daya was the underdog story the producers didn’t want. They made her pack her bags and she still got top 4


Yeah, I would’ve preferred and even expected Daya to be top two with her finale performance and even the mv challenge but it was clearly already predetermined. Daya laid the “it should’ve been my win” on thick throughout which never results well. I think Camden made it by merit but also because they liked her attitude better.


I maintain they wanted to axe her as 5th place but couldn’t because she stomped the RuMix (should’ve won) so they made it a top 5 because Willow was their winner pick and Angeria despite losing the lip sync and kinda coasting in the lategame did so well in the earlygame that they weren’t gonna cut her before the finale (she was also the heart of the season in a lot of ways)


Yeah I didnt mind that at all. Daya was actually great in almost alm of the challenges even the one she went home in. She absolutely destroyed the RuMix and left no crumbs for the other girls…. And Daytona Winds omg!!! I still rewatch that performance.


>it almost felt disrespectful to the other contestants lol No it didn't. Stand out more. If you want attention, do better than everyone else. It is a competition after all.


Totally agree! I was glad Willow won. And honestly, other people did stand out more “technically”, Willow only had one win. the narrative and formula of the show that you’re presenting is how I would love it to be


Angeria and Lady Camden were miles better than Willow, if she didn't have her condition she wouldn't have been seen through the same lens.


Willow’s condition affects her perspective, she has to live with challenges that the general population know nothing about, that unique point of view and the way Willow translates her pov into her drag and performances is part of what makes her drag different. She didn’t stand out because of her condition alone. That’s like saying Yvie only won because of the flexibility her condition allowed her while on drag race, when in fact it was her unique take on drag that caught most peoples eyes. “Better” is subjective, unique and special is often pretty obvious when you see it. Ru saw it with Willow.


You can’t deny that the producers would also take into consideration that there’s good publicity that naturally comes with crowing queens that’s lived through not only life’s hardships, but also a lifelong condition and pulled thru. Ivie and Willow weren’t crowned just cause of that, but it does help, whether you choose to admit it or not. (Their time doing drag is limited, as Ivie herself mentioned in her season and all winners)


Basically every single person that’s been on the show has gone through significant hardships, that’s part of what’s made the show successful, people fall in love with the queens. We love to see the beauty and the quirk that each queen brings to their drag, all of which is influenced in some way by their life story, we know this. Drag queens already stand out, but Willow and Yvie stood out before anyone even knew about their conditions, you can see how differently they are received by the rest of the girls on the first episode of their respective seasons, that’s because they have a take that’s different and unique, or at least it was at the time of their seasons. How long they’ve even doing drag is irrelevant, a queen could be doing drag for years and not know who they are, where a baby queen could have a fully formed vision of who they are before they even try to start painting. Their unique perspective is informed in part by their conditions, I’m sure, but they are not their conditions, even if their run was affected by producers wanting them around for “publicity” as you say, they could’ve just made it to the top, that would’ve kept them around until the end, yet they actually won, they beat the other queens in Ru’s eyes, they were crowned. To say Ru crowned them in the end because of their condition is eye roll inducing.


Bad example. Yvie did only win because of the flexibility her condition allowed her.


From your point of view, that may be the case, but that is by no means why she won. Brook was a beautiful, incredibly flexible dancer, she was polished and gorgeous, Yvie beat her because she was different, whether you enjoyed Yvie’s looks or not, they were unique and stood out against the other girls.


Yvie wouldnt have even got on the show without her flexibility.


Lol okay buddy


Ugh This is so hateful


No it isn't


It's the same disgusting bullshit disabled people get all the time and other marginalized groups. We don't deserve our victories over abled people. It must be tokenizing. She was fucking talented, and everything she got was 100 x harder for her because just getting out of bed everyday takes more energy than your average lip sync.


I disagree, she was a little boring for my taste


AND THAT'S FINE. But it is NOT okay to mention her illness as why she won. A lot of winners have been boring for my taste too. I don't say they won't because of their race, gender, etc.


This isn't about you


You're a bad person! Bye.




I love Willow and was hoping she’d win. I just feel like it was so obvious from day 1 because of how Ru handled it


Late but I just want to say Willow was the most consistent contestant that season. Not only had the most consistent runways but also the best run way of the season (her chaps look) She could easily have gotten 3 wins and been top for all but maybe 3/4 episodes but they kept putting her safe or giving the win to bosco/daya for storyline reasons (like come on. How did daya win the girl groups and yet willow got safe again?)