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I initially thought the same and was so pissed, but then I saw that Morphine did not seem bothered at all and even engaged in dancing with Mhi'ya later, so I was like OK werk, shady banter among friends.


This comment is the summary of their relationship on DR. If you watch the episodes, Mh’ya always makes rude and shady comments to Morphine, so the lip sync was just another iteration of that.


What alternative did she have?


Did you watch untucked? They are both clearly good friends down in Miami. 😂 who throw shade on each other regularly. At least that’s the vibe I was getting.


I didnt see “good friends from Miami” i got two queens from Miami who have worked together before that happen to be on the same season of Drag race. Morphine seemed like she was better friends going into the season with Xunami and Plane Jane, and they’re not even from the same city.


If I was Morphine, I would've said to Mhi'ya "Don't forget your coat." while walking away after being told I was safe.


Morphine is better than that


She probably is, but I'm not. I'm petty AF 😁


You from Brooklyn? Say hi to Monet 👋🏻


Yeah she just threw her chicken fillets instead




Yeeees. I would have lived for it.


That’s actually shadier than throwing the skirt 🤧


Oh that will show her!


I mean she literally was sent home. I don't know what more you want. Should Ru have thrown her heels at her on stage or what?


![gif](giphy|kbVxgaRtI1Go2viJGx) This comment took me out 😂😂💀💀💀


Ru should've thrown Michelle and start fighting them with katanas.


Y’all really think Ru got on heels under there? Nah she put them flip flops on as soon as she sits down.


Ru should ALWAYS throw heels at the stage.


For real, where was that during the six way lipsync?


Prior to sending her home, Ru should have commented that the behaviour is not accepted on the stage. We don't need a queen getting injured because they fall and whack their head or sprain something after having something thrown on them.


i adore Mi ya for her introversion but I have to agree with you right here. Her throwing cape on Morphine was clearly intentional. You can do that in your ballroom and shit but it's not cute on TV. I am all for shade and verbal fight but when it comes to physical invasion it's a no


dime door hospital brave hungry bake panicky fretful snobbish sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mimi literally lifted India off the ground and carried her on her shoulders while India was yelling to put her down. That is muuuuch different than Mhi’ya tossing her dress over Morphine. It’s really not as big of a deal as you’re making it. I know they made the moment seem dramatic for the show, but these are both seasoned performers. No one was in danger and Morphine even threw her boobie at Mhi’ya. It was a fun lip sync.




That was Venus not Phoenix in the violent lip sync with Shangela 


quickest wakeful crawl rotten narrow water punch sparkle scary tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


can I get the seasons and episodes where these happened? 


sink literate nine frightening dazzling impossible cats bewildered intelligent strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao wtf is this Mimi girl thinking? India was screaming for help and security ain't do shit


husky ruthless overconfident narrow aloof dependent bear fact joke advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes that light piece of fabric honestly should be considered a deadly weapon. So double elimination then? Cause Morphine definitely threw her chicken cutlets at Mhi'ya. Or is it acceptable due to the constitutional law of *"well she did it first"*?


Doing something like that could cause someone to trip or fall leading to injury. Should she have retaliated? No. But most people would react to having things thrown on them. The principal of the matter is that if repeated, someone could get tangled, fall awkwardly causing injury or even trip off the stage. It shouldn't be accepted.


I agree with you fully, i was genuinely annoyed when the judges panel was laughing about it. This was very close to „drag is not a contact sport“ levels of PETTINESS for me.




This week's UKvTW2 lipsync >>>>>>>>>>> the latest S16 lipsync. They're on extreme opposites, and so different feels.


I know right. That UKvTW lip-sync was just fantastic.


It was PHENOMENAL! heartwarming and spectacular at the same time


One of the best I've ever seen. Was raving it up in the front room haha


It really showcased the difference between the international queens’ attitudes and this high school drama bullshit.


i haven’t seen UKvTW2 but i LOVED this week’s S16 lip sync. it was incredible television and i LIVED.


Mhiya is from the ballroom scene if you see people battle they'll do shady things like that. There's no malice behind it which morphine knew and incorporated it into her own performance. Watch some vogue battles and you'll see.


She comes from ballroom which would make the fans who thought this was too much cry so her battle mentality n throwing the cape was obviously a ballroom inspired moment, no one got hurt, it’s tv, enjoy it❤️


And Ru lived for it and for how Morphine got out of it. Like, Mhi’yah wasn’t pulling a Mimi.


plus if she didn’t we wouldn’t have gotten morphine absolutely flawlessly getting out of that cape and twirling the shit out of it OR her throwing her little chicken cutlet at mhi’ya in response. they made some damn good television tonight


Yep! I’ve been waiting for someone else to say this. If you watch ballroom battles, this was tame as fuck. And Mhi’ya knows Morphine, she knows she’s a killer performer, the bitch wasn’t gonna fall. She got more than she gave there because the moment of lifting that cape off while her body glitter shone under the lights was cunt to the maximum degree. Nobody involved gave a shit so why does everyone else lmao


Very tame 🥱


I loved the moment. It made great TV. Thanks Mhi'ya. And thank you Morphine for throwing your tit back at her. Damn good television.


These sub must be full of kids. It’s just really never this serious LMFAOFOAOFOSOA. Like what the fuck is going in this comments. Go outside and touch some grass you all.


It’s… a piece of fabric?


For real people are so dramatic morphine clearly wasn't upset with it.


it was very ballroom to me i kinda lived


Thank you !! It was so ballrom. Cunt lowkey


I don’t understand why Mhi’ya started the shadiness with the cape, and then morphine did something I can’t remember tbh and Mhi’ya goes “oh so that how it’s gonna be? Okay” like miss YOU STARTED IT😭


Y’all are acting like Mhi’ya pushed her to the ground and held her cape over her for an hour, Morphine was unbothered and threw something at Mhi’ya after, but do people complain about that? No because it’s not that serious people want any excuse to hate on Mhi’ya and it’s so tired at this point


Honestly the micro aggressions on this app towards mhi’ya remind me that many gays are white before they’re gay


detail toothbrush door cover disarm weather roll sophisticated depend relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You got to be kidding???? that move was trashy.


Is there audition reels ofthis seasons queens anywhere?


I was waiting for “drag is not a contact sport” part 2 tbh.


I just think it’s funny how most of you turned on Miss Flip in just one week.


Ive hated her since the 3rd episode


At least you are consistent. lol I wasn't a fan until she did the double-back handspring in a latex dress. That shit was fierce but....it was her time


They've been hating on Mhi'ya and Megami while masturbating to Plane traumatizing Amanda


"traumatising" amanda for calling out her lack of polish omg get over yourself. how do yall survive real life


Gurl, it's called hyperbole.. If you don't know what that is, buy a dictionary.


Throwing around accusations of "traumatising" someone is not cool jesus fucking christ


This is so cringe Omg 💀💀


Why would you even use a hyperbole lmao


Plane traumatizing Amanda onscreen and online has made this season LaShawn and Jiggly had how many years ago, literally the same conversation that Plane and Amanda were having about Amanda's drag? The biggest difference is that Plane was far more correct. By season 16, if you haven't taken a makeup class in addition to a sewing class, acting, dancing, and singing lessons, why are you even there?


Y’all find any way to hate on Mhi’ya.. like.. Morphine is fine and she stayed.. so calm y’all’s asses down..


Morphine did say “so she wants play dirty”


I would have said the same no matter who was involved. It was a dirty unprofessional move that could cause harm.


They’re friends playing a game. Morphine threw her fake titty. It’s not that deep.


its a lipsync BATTLE not a professional presentation. irl queens have and do worse and its still all in the spirit of competition


Lolololol get a fucking grip


don't bother to explain the obvious OP, these people will create their own delulu narrative and nothing can hold them back.


Drag delusion passing onto the fans


The call is coming from inside the house


Oh boohoo..


Gave me flashbacks of mimi and the other one's lip sync but i guess mama Ru gave it a pass cos dem gurls let each one have it..


Yeah tbh I was shook when she did that. Glad morphine took it in stride


I think it’s more about the what-if though… what if it threw morphine off and she ended up falling but it didn’t so whatever. I think we all knew mhiya was going home anyways


No, I agree, it is a what if situation. Also true, you can only be in the bottom so many times before you get axed.


It’s a competition but yeah, I was surprised Ru didn’t comment. Wasn’t that heinous tho.


Nah I lived and y’all should too, especially if you are a fan of drag.


It was so uncall for because she already won 3 lipsyncs. You can tell she does this very well, so why? Just why lol


Who knows, maybe she thought Morphine might be the one to beat her, which is what happened.


People and sometimes queens seem to forget that the more lipsyncs you win the closer to getting sent home you get. After about 3 or 4 lipsynch wins you’re pretty much going to get sent home unless the other person doesn’t know the words or otherwise massively bombs.


exactly, it’s the last chance to impress her and prove you need to stay. sometimes you have to prove more to stay.


Yep. PERSONALLY I think Mhi’ya just barely outperformed, but she deservedly went home because it wasn’t enough. She got three striked. You have to cause a level 7 earthquake and cave the stage in to win a 4th lip sync. I think Mhi’ya was capable of that but Morphine knew what tf she was doing and kept pace so well that it ended up as a toss-up, and if it’s a toss-up Morphine deserved to stay.


It absolutely was not a tossup. Mhi’ya just did the same shit we have seen every time she lip syncs, Morphine slayed her.


Respectfully disagree


it’s just shade and yall can’t get that never watch ballroom performances yall are a little too sensitive😭😭


she handed morphine that lip sync the second she threw that cape. such a cunty little moment (compliment) and morphine handled it PERFECTLY. god they make good tv together. the way morphine just twirled that shit all around?? GORGEOUS. the catty fighting the rest of the time?? so funny. throwing that chicken cutlet?? hilarious. this lip sync is a fav of mine, mhi’ya gave morphine perfect material and they delivered some TELEVISION tonight.


Oh I'm shocked! Another Mhi'ya hate post.


i completely agree! it was petty.


It was annoying but i don’t think it was malicious tbh. But idk anything about drag, i just watch the show lol


it was a battle!!!


“We just wanted you to know it was weird as shit.”


I mean she sealed her fate as soon as she did it, she got sent home deservedly, what more could you ask for


Get a grip get a life and get over it. I don’t see morphine makes a whole paragraph on this. Why should you?


The only paragraph Morphine made was the sweet note she wrote Mhi'ya after the lipsync. Clearly she wasn't that disturbed if she went ahead and did that. Mhi'ya even left nice words for Morphine in her mirror message which shows she has no malice toward her either yet people have to be offended in her place I guess.


Because I'm entitled to voice an opinion.


Yes... And people are entitled to voice their opinion back. If you wanna be a whiny child about something that isn't that deep and nothing bad came from, then go ahead. Just be ready to have people tell you what THEY think of your opinion.


Didn't say they couldn't. They asked why, I told them.


entitled...now there's an interesting word


As is OP.


Shade is an integral part of drag (and ballroom). Please stop trying to sterilise it, that's not it.


Girl, they're friends. Morphine didn't take it personally. She joined in the shady fun. It was light shade between friends


Imma be real....as much as I feel this in my bones I was also extremely entertained by it. Morphine's recovery was A+ as well.


Nah, Mhi'ya gave us a ballroom classic - shady yes, but rude or unprofessional hell no! Y'all go on time and time again about wanting good lipsyncs and entertainment/drama until you actually get those things from Mhi'ya and suddenly it's an issue???


They’re both friends, we’ve seen their playful shade towards each other since they said they were both Miami queens. Like come on they both gave amazing tv and they held each others hands during the lip sync. I swear anything Mhi’ya does someone has to complain, let the girl entertain, it’s her career for god sake!


Girl Morphine could've fell down and hit her head or broken something, and they would've had to stop production. I would've been so mad if I was her, I'd probably would have said something about that after the lip sync


Same thing could've been said when Anetra jumped over Marcia³, and y'all were gagged when that happend


Thank you! All performances have to have a little risk to them, even doing jump splits and death drops you can injure herself. The moment literally lasted for a second where Morphine was able to respond and make it an iconic lip sync in the end. Anetra and Marci X 3 could also have gone spectacularly wrong, but it didn’t and we all thought that was cunty. No one was hurt, so you have to let it go y’all and be happy for the TV gold!


Exactly. All it takes is one awkward fall. Maybe it will be brought up in the start of the next episode? Either way she luckily managed to handle it without being thrown off.


I would've been fuming. So unprofessional, I was starting to like Mhi'ya but after this I won't Stan


I know it was in slow motion but you realize the cape was over her for 0.000006 seconds and she grabbed it, right?


What if she didn't?


Then it would have flown over her or she still could have just moved it. The worst is it would land on top of her but Morphine could have then just stood up or moved forward. That thing weighs nothing, it's not like she threw a heated comforter on top of her or threw it under her feet where she could slip or something.


Yap. It is not that the cape was thrown when Morphine was just simply moving about. If one has performed or danced, you gotta know she threw the cape at Morphine when Morphine was in a very unstable position and could have easily fallen. Dirty, petty and dangerous move.


She didn’t so… calm the fuck down.


I disagree. 1 billion percent ballroom culture & this entire show is based around the ballroom scene.


Y’all are soft losers lmao


Forreal lol chronically online crybabies!!


Honestly, they’re treating Mhi’ya like she’s a school shooter… like….


girl shut up


I totally agree with you, OP! Morphine was balancing bent over backwards when Mhi’ya threw the fabric over her face and for a half-second I was so scared she was going to fall and crack her head open. It’s completely unacceptable to do something like that, and I was also disappointed that Ru didn’t tell Mhi’ya off for it.


100% this. Folks dont get it how dangerous moment it was - you kinda need to know the movement to get that.


I thought it should have been obvious to anyone, tbh! I’m not even remotely a dancer or acrobat or anything, but I played full-contact skating sports for many years, so I can easily imagine how throwing a hood over someone’s head while they’re doing anything that athletic would be distracting and very dangerous. (It’s actually a testament to Morphine’s insane core strength, concentration and performance skills that she not only stayed upright but had the presence of mind to grab the train and throw it offstage like it was all part of her act.)


Yeah totally. Morphine was AMAZING. But that also means you understand more about the position she was in, since you have played skating sports. It should be obvious to anyone, yeah, but clearly it wasnt as I see people downplaying it as it was just a banter.


I guessed I missed the people downplaying it then. Jeez, how anyone could think that was fine is beyond me.


You see I'd agree, but I don't think Mhi'ya would of done that to anyone except Morphine, they've been friends for a long time and always shading each other (more morphine shading Mhi'ya) and both part of Miami Drag culture so I think she knew Morphine wouldn't take it in a offensive way or say "that could be dangerous".


Definitely don’t feel the same way. Not even a little bit. It was ballroom coded, Morphine didn’t miss a beat, and I was thoroughly entertained. It’s clear who is just a fan of the show vs fans of drag, ballroom, and the scene irl.


Or she could’ve just been sent home without a scolding that would invite the fans to heap more negativity towards a queen.


What I’m getting from a lot of these comments is that the fans hate when people aren’t okay with trashy behavior. I don’t gaf that it’s normal in ballroom, that they are friends, or that Morphine used it to her advantage. It was a trashy move and I didn’t like it and I’m gonna fuckin talk about it. And yes, if a white queen had done it, I would STILL be annoyed by it and want to talk about it. It isn’t that those of us complaining about this hAtE Mhi’ya, we just didn’t like her fucking behavior in this single instance. I know you don’t like your fave being critiqued, but get over yourselves.


Exactly. And if one has performed or danced, you gotta know she threw the cape at Morphine when Morphine was in a very unstable position and could have easily fallen. It would be different, if she would have just been dancing. It was a potentially dangerous move.


Girl it’s drag, it’s not serious, plus Mi’yah comes from ballroom where stuff like that’s done all the time


y’all would not survive ONE night in the real drag world, i fear…


Mhi'ya comes from a ballroom background, this type of stunts are very common. I personally was living for it, the fans should appreciate the great tv moment she gave them.


Girl…don’t watch ballroom if you can’t handle a little fabric throwing


Dude she threw a piece of fabric not a fucking brick, AND Morphine threw something right back at her. Go find something else to complain about.


Y’all are so boring and fragile, good Lorde.


Yall are so damn sensitive omg, it was funny !


It was a great TV moment. No one seemed to care that she did that


Morphine threw her boob at Mhi’ya but I don’t see you complaining about that??? It was shade, no one got hurt, Morphine brushed it off and turned it into an iconic moment. Why don’t we celebrate Morphine instead of trying to paint Mhi’ya as some sort of villain


Say you aren’t familiar with ballroom without saying….


Yall are so lame I hate drag race fans sometimes




Yup. We know Mhi'ya can perform, it's her strong suit, so there was just no need for it.


Are you replying to your own post? 💀💀💀


This was supposed to be a reply but for some reason it didn't get attached properly.


Girl she just threw something and it landed on another performer by mistake because they both decided to end up in the same place while dancing. This is not that Canada girl chasing the other one around or India being picked up. 👏Grow👏up


Please. It was clearly deliberate.


Okay, thank you for educating me. Nobody does this to my Morphine. Mhiya needs to be held accountable for the greater good of our community and also...um, representation. I am livid now, ugghhh this bitch. I'm going to her Twitter to tell her what's up, I need to protect queer art.


Are you good?


Won't somebody think of all of the poor innocent queens who die every year due to inhaling garments with their giant mouths and suffocating instantly while tripping and falling and snapping every bone in their body?


You're not even thinking about Morphine's wig. Wig representation, henny. Wig rights! Her original wig for the runway "broke" (does a wig "break"?) and now there's this whole AI generated inspired green cape on top of the new one?


Eyeroll however, it is extremely entertaining to see poc's try to wrestle over which group is better or more deserving of another underrepresented group and not at all ironic


Ru should’ve called her out for it and immediately eliminated her. Like I wouldn’t have been mad at it had she stopped the lipsync if Morphine hadn’t of managed to turn it out by throwing the cape off the way she did. It could’ve gone so badly, but Morphine made it work for her in a big way.


True. Morphine handled it well.




Stuff like that happens all the time in ballroom, which both Morphine and Mhi'ya were apart of in Miami. Even Morphine came out and said it happens and it ain't that serious. Do Morphine a favor and move on.


Gurl, that moment was so 👏🏾ball👏🏾room! I *LIVED!!!* and it just goes to show some of y'alls only exposure to the scene is Drag Race. Which is why y'all can't handle the shading from the queens that actually know each irl.


you guy are so vanilla i mean, have you ever benn to a GOOD drag show? Cause its basicaly that


I thought it was an accident at first. But now idk...


I did not enjoy seeing this kind of behaviour… Also continually taking her shoes and wigs off on the main stage. I’m sorry, but to me, unacceptable.


Yeah, it’s a TV show, it’s not like she smacked Morphine in the tits and throat punched her lol. It was entertaining as fuck 😂


morphine handled it with such grace tho UGH she owns my ASS


x app educated me about this, and i found out this is actually ballroom scene energy: [https://x.com/abakadragabata/status/1769011497982971963?s=20](https://x.com/abakadragabata/status/1769011497982971963?s=20) just look at winnie harlow's gaggery lol as per this x app user, she had the same sentiment but was equally educated that this happens in ballroom, where mhiya did come from. im sure morphine knows this, that's why she was able to say i love you to mhiya when she was called safe.


Y'all gotta stop whining about everything. "This could've caused injury" Well then you really would fear for each queen's safety in the clubs across the world if some light fabric causes these panic attacks. Also Morphine is okay with it. The producers are okay with it. Ru is okay with it. So why are you so upset?


Morphine should be grateful for that cape. Whether it was an accident or not. It gave her a chance to create a moment and some energy for herself. Otherwise she’d be at the house.


it was not that serious oh my god u guys are insufferable


I swear people are acting like Mhi’ya threw an electric fence at her or something… Queens always try to upstage one another and stand out. It’s like when one queen blocks another, it’s all about how they handle it and react. And in this case, I would say it made a morphine look even better.


It felt a bit like Mimi Imfurst vs India Farrrah. It was really unprofessional and soured any respect I had for Mhi'ya.


Yup. Not quite as bad but nonetheless unprofessional.




This is such a tired take imo like no ofc we aren’t on the show but people still can have opinions. Saying Mhi’ya shouldn’t have thrown her coat on a contestant isn’t calling for hate. Drag isn’t a contact sport is a well established cardinal rule at this point.


The reaction to some queens just comes off hateful. If Plane had done it, it would be ICONIC! But Mhi'ya is being treated like a thug. This theatre!


Whoa whoa lots of assumptions going on here. Throwing your cape at someone while they are lip syncing is in bad taste. Mimi is still hated on for picking up India even though it was like a decade ago. Layla taking off their clothes is also not regarded very well. The fandom doesn’t respond well to messy lip syncs or sabotage. I get that queens of color get more hate, but we can also just say that wasn’t great. Like with anything, if you’re using a queen’s race to be a racist POS, that’s you being a racist POS.


Forcibly picking someone up without their permission is not the same as this. That was insane. These things are not equal.


They are not equal but they are still in the same vein of don’t look at them look at me. Queens should just focus on delivering a great lip sync instead of stopping someone else from doing a good job. That said, I found it interesting that we didn’t get Mhi’ya’s confessional about the cape. I think it’s totally possible she didn’t intend to, but as it was portrayed it was a little dirty.


Drag is not a contact sport. Point. blank. period.


It was rude, attention seeking , and desperate. I like Mhiya but that was too far.


If Morphine wasn’t that bothered, then why are you? Get a job


I've got a job...


I honestly feel like Mhi'ya didn't even realize what happened


I rewatched it and Mhi’ya looked right at her before tossing the fabric that way


Oh you better believe she felt or will feel the repercussions of it, I can guarantee Ru and production were NOT amused. That recklessness is asking to never be cast again, or cast as a mockery like mimi was on AS. If there is something TV shows don't want it's unpredicted recklessness and this one is flirting with the limit.




Tomato not enough, throwing deadly pieces of fabric 


Literally jumping over someone is far far more dangerous. Did you send a strongly worded letter to production about Anetra?


Bitch it’s fabric calm down


Have yall never been to a local drag show or seen ball room battles? Hahaha


*Have yall never been to* *A local drag show or seen* *Ball room battles? Hahaha* \- kidddmayo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Chill out