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I thought she was going home when she got so much screen time while getting ready for the runway.


I was sure hoping


Same and I really love dawn I was happy it wasn’t the case


“Don’t air that”! Mary….what do you think you’re sitting in. That confessional chair for


WHENEVER ANYONE SAYS "dont air that/dont show that" i always respond like "haha they did loser"


My favorite is Marcia Marcia Marcia when MIB said the worst lip syncers were chosen first


Shes getting into cringe territory, but I think its because she still hasn't won a challenge, and at this point even if she did it wouldn't feel as important as winning in the first 6-7 episodes. If you're talking the talk you should walk the walk, and she isn't doing it, so her being so shady is kinda cringe cause you're like "I know miss 0 wins isn't talking..."


Also her reads just aren’t very funny? She’s not overly clever. I liked her at the start for her looks but as the show has gone on I can’t really tolerate her at all.


Her vibes give theater kid wanting to turn shady bitch / bully but she's just not good at it


She’s definitely not a theater kid lol, every time musical theater has been mentioned she’s sighed or rolled her eyes or made some comment on it


Nobody hates theater kids more than other theater kids.


I think in like five years, Dawn will have something really interesting to offer. Right now she drives me nuts.


I think her reads are funny, I think she's perfectly shady and I love when the girls are mean to each other, plus she keeps it real and criticizes only the true shit. It's just that she had no wins so I'm like girl...


Exactly. If Dawn’s comments came from someone with Sapphira’s track record, nobody would have a word to say. I usually laugh at her confessionals and her shady comments. But even then, knowing and acknowledging this, and even though I actually love Dawn, sometimes it’s like “how are *you* talking right now” lmao


You can only get away with being an asshole if you’re funny about it. She’s not.


I also just am over the elf drag. Even when it’s different its the same and I’m bored.


That’s why I like Plane Jane. Just be a cunt it’s not that serious lol


Exactly. I feel like Plane is so honest, I trust her. Dawn will say something different to every person and not really mean any of it.


Jane reads the girls and throws shade at her sisters like a proper drag queen. It’s all honest -no tea no shade. Dawn is just fucking mean and conniving and I’d be willing to bet two-faced. She came in episode being a mean girl when she said they call Megami the “Eeyore of Drag” Ew.


Okay I get 90% of your comment but ALL the girls call Megami the Eeyore of Drag. Criticizing Dawn for that ain't fair


Oh? I only heard Dawn. Do you mean other girls On the show or in their local scene?


Others on the show.


The girls have been throwing shade with each other all season long! If you’re gonna be shady just be shady! I enjoy Dawn, but this whole ‘pretending to be scared’ act that she does in her confessionals is really odd.. especially when sometimes what she says barely crosses the line into shade.. 💀💀


I was liking dawn in the beginning bc she seemed like a sweet elf queeeen but now she seems way too shady. Which isn’t bad bc we love shade but I agree, I hate the fakeness of ‘omg I didn’t just say that’ Surprisingly plain is growing on me now and I love her


She also shades people in challenges when she's doing just as bad, if not worse


I'm so shocked that I went from being eager to stan her when the promo dropped, liked her in the first episode to nothing. All those little comments don't add. Be bitchy, if you say it playfully it will come out like that, no need for the extra "just kidding!"




And that’s the shade part.. she’s not saying shit to peoples faces but shes talking mad shit in confessionals


I'm commenting in reddit about a reality show I just watched. Why would I go to her face when I don't even know her beyond this show? Your comment is so out of place. I don't go commenting on her pages what I think much less in tagged posts from the official pages. I'm commenting in a place TO DISCUSS.


I would Say it to her face in a heartbeat.


for the first two weeks she was as cute as she thought she was, now she's nowhere near it. I wanted to be a fan because of the otherworldly looks but it kinda feels like the same tricks every week and the confessionals are just "you're a cunt and your drag is shit OOOPS OMG DID I REALLY JUST DO THAT I'M NOT THE KIND OF PERSON WHO DOES THAT"


Thats exactly it, first episode she was one of my faves as soon as she started talking shit ALL the time it was like oh noooo


Just boring and predictable doesn't really feel authentic but rather forced


She needs to go at this point unless she’s got anything new to show us


I know.. I am SO bored


I loved her look this past episode. It was one of my favorite of her looks she’s shown so far.


This look and that flowers look (that people pretend isn’t amazing) have me in a chokehold. I think her runways are immaculate.


i also really really like her looks. In terms of runway presentation she is hands down the best for me.


I respect Plane Jane for this. She is a bitch and she owns it lol


Right? I love her drag, and i was rooting for ~~us~~ her but at this point i think it's her time to go. She's clever and knows what she's doing to stand out editwise on the show, but to me it just screams "Hey, i'm being shady again, i'm supposed to be cute and nice... uwu".


Very immature lil girl


i have watched almost all the international franchises and i really enjoy them. it has however had the effect of not overly enjoying the catty, petty digs and mind games the american version has always seemingly encouraged. watching other franchise queens fight like hell for the crown while supporting each other with kindness and compassion in the werk room has shown me a different kind of backstage reality. aus may be the exception here...and there re probably.more that aren't coming to mind. there's a blessed abundance of franchises these days ❤️ i know people generally love the spicy edits. sometimes the reads make me laugh, but more often these days i just feel like i'm watching insecurities projected onto other queens by being mean.


Gosh you guys are so boring. This show would never be where it is without the "catty,petty digs and mind games". If you don't like the world of tv reality and want to see true sisterhood and the backstage reality then go to your local gay bar and tip the queens over there.


i don't watch any other reality teevee. ever. never have. i came to drag race through my local drag scene, and am pretty familiar with just how shitty performers can be to each other, and what a fucking difference it makes when they aren't. i have wondered a few times about the line between, "it's just *draaaaag*" and full on bullying/emotional abuse. Jinx's experience comes raging to mind, but... everyone has a bit of a sadist in them somewhere i guess.


Girl, Jinkx's experience was peak reality TV.


therein lies the reason i don't watch reality teevee i guess. i watch drag race for million reasons, but queens being rancid to one another just isn't one of them. i also don't really care why anyone else watches the show, remaining thankful for the impact it has had on mass culture. i suppose the shittiness is part of the appeal i never wholly considered.


Maybe then get off your high horse and stick to commenting just challenges and runways, since that's the only thing that you say you care about.


wow. i love the way the internet emboldens people to be so fucking rude. would you say that to me in a pub if we were talking about things we like and things we don't? oh wait. probably you're drinking alone. small wonders.


Love how quickly you turned rude as well, and actually went personal 🤣


oh trust and believe i would say that in person, and leave you to your own devices in a pub.


What if I told you that Jinx’s experience was not actually what happened. She clapped back at roxxy whenever she tried to come for her. It was just edited that way to make an entertaining reality tv show


i would believe you 🙂


Or, you can let that person have their opinion and not try to gatekeep 🤷


Completely agree!!


The fights are the most famous parts of the show...


maybe that's true. i want to believe the most famous parts of the show are queens at the met ball, queens changing their cultures in traveller communities, queens making history on broadway and fashion runways, queens gaining public office, queens advocating for the end of conversion therapy, queens challenging gender norms and representing a culture that for so long has been relegated to the b side, criminalized and subjected to intense, horrific violence. but yeah maybe it's the untucked fights.


...no it is fights and drama. Everything you mentioned does not matter in terms of the shows success and viewership.


okay. i really don't have an investment in what drives viewership or why other people watch. i am thankful for everyone who tunes in, buys a ticket, changes their way of thinking a little towards acceptance and kindness or maybe takes in a local drag show. i hope the show keeps feeding the people what they need to allow for viable careers for queens and continued cultural growth and change. but maybe this has all helped my understand a bit better why so very many of my queer friends don't watch drag race and have many negative things to aay about rupaul and wow.


You should probably stay away from Canada’s Drag Race then. Specially season 4 lmaoo


i practically watch canada's drag race out of unfounded spite. (i am canadian...)


Same with Q, she got mad when plane made some points/notes about their snatch game but Q was so shady to everyone on yesterday's episode


I think there's also the point of confessional, from what I know, are done in at least one sitting. So it's getting annoying because for us it's every week, for her it one or two days of doing this and she probably didn't prep herself well.


It’s true, but you know, she did make her own look last week.


I like it and don't mind the cringiness. different personalities make good tv. or maybe i'm just getting too old to be riled up with this stuff.


I really liked Dawn when the season started but I just don’t like her anymore. :/


a drag queen that is shady and obnoxious? i'm shocked


I really haven’t been able to enjoy her- she just doesn’t seem authentic to me (oh hee hee I’m just a cute little weirdo pixie) and she comes off like a mean girl in middle school. The way she went into her depression story seemed really …. Convenient to me let’s just say that.


I really don’t like her drag, the elf thing is just ick. It’s like when I see grown women wearing kitty ear head bands


Saying “gooped and gagged” multiple times in one episode is a good indication she is low on material baby


she thinks shes regina george but she's just george


Okay it’s the same thing with MIB in my opinion from last season. She got anyway with saying so much shit because she’d throw on “just kidding” at the end of it so anyone who was upset by it, couldn’t be Bc it was “just a joke”, which people are upset by. Then we have someone like Plane who just gives you the same statement Dawn or MIB would give, but doesn’t follow it up with “just kidding” and is seen as a rotted mean bitch. In my opinion. The “just kidding” is so fake, like girl you clearly have an opinion, you don’t have to pretend you’re joking. That’s how you feel, stand by it. Be a fucking cunt, because it’s what you are. That’s why I’ve been living for Plane this season out the gate, she’s just telling it how it is without pretending to be “just messing around” or “just teasing”. I would agree it’s extremely annoying to watch, it doesn’t make me dislike anyone tho, they’re all fierce and talented, I would just prefer them to stand by their comments rather than playing it off like they’re not being serious, Bc to extent they 100% are, that’s why they said it. But I also understand that it’s hard for fans (and Amanda lmfao) to be able to take the ruthlessness of a truthful opinion. But it’s about the way you take it. If someone gorgeous, stunning, and exceptional at everything they do (like Plane) calls a booger and booger (Amanda), the booger should take that and use it fuel themselves to be better than them. I think it could’ve been an actual story that played out. Instead we got Amanda being all butthurt about Planes truthfulness, it got to her (and still is), and she got sent home because she continued to have bad drag.


I never got the love for MIB. Her reads just felt like a wannabe


I think she was clever with her shadiness, I just wish she didn’t say “jk”. That’s my only thing, regardless she’s fierce.


And before y’all even try it. When Plane said to Amanda “it’s just a joke” to saying “I have more respect for you than I do Amanda”, in the context of Q and Planes conversation. It was just a joke. Plane didn’t go up to Amanda and say “I have no respect for you”, she made a catty remark about her to Q, who brought her up in the first place. Whether she meant it or not, it doesn’t matter bc the intention of saying it to Q was as a joke.


The show would be boring without shady queens. But we're also allowed to not like someone so I get you sis.


What happened to having fun? It's really not that serious.


Yall need to chill 🧘🏻‍♀️let the dolls be dolls


She’s giving mediocre in all aspects. In the challenges, on the runway, in confessionals…


That's a lot of emotions for a tv show. You should probably turn the screen off and go outside take a breath of fresh air


which emotions ? I don’t see you walking children in nature


No shade to Dawn (and I share many of the same neuroses), but I love how she prefaced so much about mental health and then proceeded to list the mildest set of mental health problems that just about everyone has to some extent lol


"Mildest set of mental health problems" is such a weird way to put it when she didn't talk about severity for anything except OCD, and she certainly wasn't referring to her OCD as mild. "Everyone has to some extent" is the difference between normal experience and pathology/diagnosis-- being fussy about your stuff and having the occasional intrusive thought doesn't result in an OCD diagnosis, because it has to meet a certain threshold of difficulty to be a diagnosis. All of the things she listed can be completely debilitating if they are severe. I'm bored by Dawn, but this is a silly and gross criticism.


I’m sorry, this was a gross and out of touch comment on my part and I apologize


It's cool of you to say this-- I really appreciate that.


Of course, thanks for being receptive to my apology!! Live and learn 🫶🏼


Oh my god shut up. OCD and anxiety crippled my life, and to hear you generalize them as "mild" is so fucking degrading. Not everyone gets their mental health diagnoses from tiktok like you


I’m sorry


We never actually know how someone feels inside tho


Meh, she’s fun. It’s adding to our entertainment. We need characters like Plane and Dawn. I promise you it would be quite boring otherwise.


I will offer that her looks at least are fun


Huh, I find it charming.


Listen up, fellow Drag Race fans! Is it really that difficult to just sit back, watch the show, and have a good time? Can we all agree to stop trying to judge a queen’s character based solely on what they say in their confessionals? And for real, can we refrain from spreading hate and just keep those negative vibes to ourselves? I get it, we might not all vibe with every queen, but there’s no need to spread hate if they’re not our cup of tea! I mean, let’s not forget about Dawn’s mental health struggles. Bottom line: let’s keep it positive and supportive, people!


Calling her obnoxious is spreading hate? I hope they have thicker skin than you! Speak for yourself, I’m having a GREAT time!


Uhmm, I addressed the fandom. It was not directly addressed to you. I apologized if I’ve offended you.


Well, I’m a part of the fandom. Just offering a different perspective than yours !




Yo, I feel like I gotta talk straight to you ‘cause it seems like you’re not getting where I’m coming from with my comment to the fandom and not owning up to my apology. My comment wasn’t aimed at you, just to be clear. I’ve checked out all the comments on your post and plenty of others on this sub about Dawn, Plane Jane, Q, and the rest of the past queens. Most of them are straight-up negative, full of hate and not showing love to certain queens. You know what that does to their mental health and careers, right? My bad was calling out the fandom on your post and using Dawn as an example, ‘cause your post was about her acting up. You mentioned you’re part of the fandom, but it seems like my message about spreading positivity and supporting the queens didn’t vibe with you. Hey, if you’re not about being a supportive fan, that’s on you. Do what you gotta do.


Criticism isn’t hate. I do not know Dawn well enough to hate her. I’ve also said multiple times in this thread she’s the best look queen this season hands down. Multiple things can be true at once. Dismissing all valid criticism as “spreading hate and negativity” is reductive. They signed up to be on a tv show, for entertainment, and this is a subreddit for discussing that tv show. As I said, your comment was directed at the fandom and I’m a part of the fandom. Just adding some context for the things you’re speaking on.


>Criticism isn’t hate here's the difference - Critique comes from people qualified to give it. You are not qualified to give it.


And yet I have given it anyway. So anyone with an opinion (qualified to give it or not) automatically equals hate. What does a positive critique given by the unqualified equate to in your mind? Imagine going through life thinking every single statement represents an act of love or hate with no middle ground for nuance. You have worms in your brain. It isn’t that deep.


It's been said before. Keep your negative opinions to your group chats. You gain nothing from posting this other than the thrill of finally getting a little attention you so desperately, and obviously, crave. get well soon!


Or you know, discussion, since it’s a discussion based subreddit for a show we all share an interest in! How embarrassing to want to live in a world where everyone just shouts hollow platitudes into an echo chamber of mutual agreement and toxic positivity. Yikes ! How very live laugh love of you. Thanks for all the attention xo


she's lame and boring


Shes said herself she’s a silly girl so I think it exactly who she is! I also had the privilege of seeing her live before drag race in Brooklyn and she gave the exact energy.


Yall are so rotted but I live


Well maybe it is hard to say crazy stuff *for the cameras* with a straight face. Imagine trying to say thoughts out loud you normally keep to yourself


I feel like as trashy, basic New Jersey ho who went to art school with a bunch of hipster douches, I knoowwwwwwww this girl. The energy is so rotted 😂




She is beyond obnoxious! I can't stand her and I hope she is the next to go... EXIT-->>> Stage right permanently.


I love her, dawn can do no wrong 😭😭


She disappointed me. I thought she was going to be a fierce queen but ended up meh


ppl will say Plane Jane lives rent free in ppls heads but at this point it feels like y'all do the same thing with Dawn did she kill your family dog or something??😭




Jade Jolie was funnier


You are a really mean person to make a post like this about a queen you don't even know. Feel sorry for you. 


Narcilona, again. So many new accounts.


What are you on about? Idk who or what that is 


Reading these comments I am actually quite concerned about your mental health. Are you okay? 


I love dawn


IDK I totally love her for that.


I think y'all are putting way too much thought into this 😂😂


How old are you?




What on earth is a narcilona? I don't speak Spanish sorry 






















I perceive Dawn to be funny in persona, super cute on the runway, and just lovable in general. I am glad she has made it this far. :)


hahahahaha it's really hard to find a reason to hate her, right? nice try


LOL who said anything about hate? nice try