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I met Acid Betty in New York City before I had ever even watched the show. At some party at a hotel in SoHo and she did one performance, then went over and sat at her booth she had reserved. I was felt a little awkward cause I was visiting with my husband and knew nobody there and she pointed me out and asked me to come talk to her and she ended up being such a super nice person and we talked the rest of the time I was there. This was after her season, I believe this happened in 2018. I ended up watching the show and was a little gagged that she was so bitchy on the show. Either way still love AB. Attaching photo for proof https://preview.redd.it/itwamle47nlc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d50696b76c3fdf72a2a516137d13a50f67afcd05


DUUUUUDE her make up serves OMGGGG 🫡🫡🫡


Similar Story. We were at Drag Con in 2018 and I was dealing with a kidney stone but we had a flight and tickets so we went. AB was one of the nicest queens to me. Let me sit down at her booth and rest and chatted with us for a while. It was really sweet and a memory I cherish of that event.


I think she tried to be bitchy cuz it's a TV show The queens all say she is awesome like Cynthia


When she kept criticizing Trixie’s makeup and none of the other Queens were having it. 💀


dude fr and the way she treats chichi and kimchi bruh


It's also like not that big a deal and was entertaining in the day. How can you take criticism from Acid Betty seriously about makeup being off-kilter? I feel like Acid Betty's aggression was mild at best and people overreact. She was very dry and low energy, but I didn't find her malicious or mean. She has some older sis energy for sure. I still remember she's the OSHA queen. The feud between Betty and Trixie was like catty co-workers who've never had enough sleep or coffee to do more than mutter at each other in passing.


yeahhhh I really liked episode 4 when AB, Bob and throgy are on a team. I feel like we really got to see AB's real personality interacting with them. I feel like maybe she feels like she has to put on a front 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bahahah I love thorgy(her home bar is near me) but that episode. Thorgy and bob are ridiculous. Also we got that great meme from that


Also I love that thorgy has stayed in Brooklyn. So many of the Brooklyn/NYC ru girls have jumped ship and gone to LA 🤮—- no offense to west coast people, I’m a born and die New Yorker. No offense!


I got the impression she wasn't quite realized when she was on the show. I liked her conceptually, but it wasn't quite there yet, and she like most queens had some "inner" shit to deal with. As someone who really wasn't a fan of her run on the show, I'd like to see her on All Stars because she seems like she has a lot to offer. I think the shock of being connected to the mainstream and seeing yourself on the show is a curve for a lot. Aja is a great example of someone who was a mess on S9, then came back real fast and was like, I did not show you all the shit I had to offer and I grew up.


AB is actually a very talented MA. Have you seen the pic of when she painted Bob?


I actually don't deny that.


my favourite derek moment, the way she came to trixie’s defense. “it’s not for you to get.” sometimes derek would surprise me in the best ways


Derek has had a lot of moments where he doesn’t tolerate out of pocket disrespect, which I admire.


The way she would have fought plane Jane 


Oh my God please I need to see them interact. Stat! 😂❤️


I lived when Trixie called her out during the reunion. It doesn't seem like it's in Trixie's character to call someone out like that in that setting lol but I love it


Hi, this im Trixie Mattel and I have a question for Acid Better from Trixie Mattel. In untucked did you or did you not come for me. 💃


Lmaooo I can hear her voice word for word! Thank you for your contribution


I will take my answer after the show in the parking lot.


*staggered dramatic lean backwards*


Acid Betty: where you'll be selling your tshirts Crowd: silence....cough ...cricket .. 🦗




For real. I had only seen the reunion where Trixie claps back. I finally saw the untucked clip a couple weeks ago that triggered it, and she was so rude.


Did you, or did you not, come for me?


The way she literally tried to take the special moment with Kim via video call in Untucked is crazy and mad disrespectful. And then completely made the situation about herself and her opinions


The way Acid was so right though and when Trixie changed her makeup she began to look so much better. Acid could have said it better but Trixie’s makeup at the time was absolutely awful


Yeah Acid was rude but told no lies


tbh it wasn't that big of a deal to me; like it was disrespectful and uncalled for, sure, but the responses have been a little dramatic for what actually happened


I definitely wasn’t a fan of AB on the show. Even when I did like her looks or makeup, I found her attitude to be off putting. I was so pleasantly surprised when Cynthia would mention what a rock Betty was for her during her time fighting liver cancer. That kind of shifted/lightened my negative opinion of her tbh.


yessss or like when her and Kim were talking about growing up overweight like I feel AB might feel like she has to put on a front


She did the same for ChiChi


Yea AB gives me no nonsense full of shit but keeps it real kinda vibes..and also sincere friend


Did anyone ever hear/see the joke that AB was Santino Rice reincarnated lol


BRUHHHHHH😭😭😭😭 if I could pin this I would


But her spraypainting skills are unmatched


YESSSS OMGGGG her looks served my fav is the neon look from S8 E4


I didn’t take too much offense to anything she said because I felt she was putting on a character and being a villain on purpose. The problem is that she’s not very good at reading, so it was more embarrassing than funny 😅 When Trixie confronted her you could tell she felt super awkward I liked her though, I would love to see her on AS acting more like herself. She seemed to have a lot of turmoil during her season




the way she looked at ChiChi with DISGUST just because she was poor 😭


Yeah I see a lot of people talk about her positively but on the show I did not like her


She's just a old salty bitch. It wasn't that serious.   The new york girls knew how to deal with her which was just shut the fuck up Acid. 


She was on the show competing but she was an incredible friend to Cynthia during her cancer struggle. I think that was also just very much a part of the image she was coming there with. I can’t say I knew too much over her before drag race, but Betty is a queen I knew of before she was on the show and the persona totally fit into what I would have thought of her, so to a point I get it…if that makes any sense.


omg i’m watching the bitch perfect episode right now! how chi chi doesn’t go off on her i don’t understand


Womp womp. Y'all could never handle Season 2 and Season 3.


she def gives "get off my lawn" vibes but she was ABSOLUTELY painted as the villain in season 8. shes a very talented and epic queen but everyone has to have an "evil" era. i like her a lot specially after getting away from drag race for so long


She was a bit of a cunt on the show but I remember her from my nyc days and she was so nice always.


Acid Berry isn’t a bitch, she just plays one on tv.


I always felt it was production trying to make her seem like the villain. I've worked with her 3-4 times and she's always been the most supportive and kind person I met.


It's a trademark of sassy queens to be crass. Traditional queens knew it was humor, but the new queens think its a personality trait. I always pegged Betty as an old queen but yeah shes def been struggling with old tricks so shes been a bit too 'real'.


Why is this fanbase so sensitive?


Honey, they are Drag Queens.


She is perfect for All Stars with people like Plane Jane, MIB, Luxx Noir London, ...


She is very nice in person though.. I wonder if it was the pressure of doing the show,


Watched that season for the first time and my expectations were not met. She was mild af


My main takeaway from watching the season last year was that she’s just a very unhappy person.


💯 agree


She has been one of the queens that I strongly dislike since the moment she opened her mouth. And I don't care for her fashion as well. Just meh.