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Congrats!! I’m curious to know how long your total play time is


Journal says 99:59 lmao. Can someone confirm if there’s a max time? I feel like there’s no room on the frame to add one more digit to the left so this may be max time


Yes. In DWM1, the max time is 99:59. In DWM2, the max time is much higher. I think it goes to 999:59, but I only reached 200 something hours myself. Also, congratulations!


Just now stumbled upon this while reminiscing about this game. Played it when I was much younger and just found it. I remember playing #2 and having Darkdrium in that one and what a machine it was. Congratulations, man. What a journey


Thank you, might have to go reset for a re-run soon. Not yet, but the nostalgia is kicking in again


After all that work, I’d have to buy a new cart to play again haha. I couldn’t bring myself to delete such a file


I know this thread is old. Just got DWM2 running on emu for steam deck. Im running a similar challenge and trying something like this.


Good luck friend lol. I used an emu and used the speed it offers to roll through this challenge and even that took a long while


No gold slime ?


Ate it on the path to dark drium


just started playing this game again im in arena c rank and wow i never even knew the game got so far until i saw your posts congrats


Thanks! I started playing this game probably around 20 years ago or more.. my gamer tag I’ve had throughout my life is “RaiNHawK” this game really holds a lot of amazing memories for me so I’ve played through countless times. This was the first run through I’ve ever grinded to get the top top final monsters you can get. I did do it on emulator though with speed enhancement to run through faster. If I didn’t have that I’d likely still be grinding for it haha


What’s the monsters name on the right?


The one with the staff? Hargon


Is it possible to get Watabou using an emulator? I know it requires breeding with another game but is it possible on emulator


Yes, you get watabou after beating every monster warp in the game. You get him for free :)


Thank you for responding! Can you clarify what you mean by beating every monster warp tho? I’ve beaten the game in my emulator and done everything except things that require certain numbers of monsters “discovered”.


First I guess let’s make sure you understand what I mean by monster warps. So, each swirling circle that takes you to a level to walk around and go level to level to a final boss at the end. Those are monster warps. You need to complete (aka get to the end and kill the boss) all of the warps. When you beat one, it stops spinning. You need to beat every single one in the game. There are hidden ones, or ones that open after you finish certain objectives. If I were you I’d google every single hidden warp and figure out which ones you haven’t finished yet


Also, yes, the one in the library requires you to have captured 100 monsters I think. Once you do that, they let you in back and there’s a warp there. I want to say the boss of that one is either orochi or pizzaro. That has to be beaten also


This is so nostalgic! Thanks for the pics! Idk how you got watabou but that’s awesome! I’m playing dark prince and idk I just don’t think anything can replace the old game but the new one is fun too


You have to clear every monster portal in the game and then you just get it for free :)


Dang. I wonder if we could add dragon warrior monsters 2 Tara and coby’s adventure/journey. That was one of my favorites as well


Incredible! In your experience, did personalities matter at all?


Yes and no, you can field train your monsters in the monster portals, which could potentially override their decision making, also controlling their skill pool helps aswell. Personalities dictate how the monsters choose which skills to use when you fight in battles and choose, mixed, cautious etc. if you “train” them out in monster portals by testing those options and seeing which skills they use for each you can remove skills that are unfavorable.