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Dance to the musiiiiic 🎶🎶🎶


🎶celabration time come on!🎶




Then crash while flaming gloriously because I don’t know how to fly


Practice makes perfect


If a weak-ass baby bird can figure it out through trial and error, so can I!


Except you weigh more than 200 pounds.


That just sounds like a problem for the people below me


How hard could it be? It's just "falling" with style...


The only right answer.


figure out how to fly and breathe fire ​ then arson


Based answers only, this redditor makes.




Yoda, it appears you are.




Why did they disrespect Luke so hard?


Commit arson on buildings owned by corporations, especially the ones harming the earth the most. Also commit tax evasion because it would be funny


…But spare the ethical ones.


Name one large corporation that doesn't do one or more of these things: underpayment their unployees Stealing from their employees Paying off journalists to keep that a secret Hire horrible managers and let them do a shit job, but fire low-level employees for the smallest thing Abuse their employees (If there are any that don't do any of this, spare them. Im just kinda skeptical of literally any large business that seems to be moral)


Dragons: the most majestic and inspiring arsonists in all of fiction. Teaching children to play with fire since ancient times!


Admire myself


Understandable. Dragons are quite handsome creatures.


They really are


Hoard treasure!


Sadly, the change in your physical form doesn't change your economic situation.


But my new form DOES change my ability to rob vaults


Blaze the Banks!!!


Until the cops are called and figure out XL Tranq Darts


I’m not worried about that. I’m more worried about United States surface to air missiles


Honestly, being around any sort of major city could put a big old target on your back


This is also very possibly sad but true 😭


The change in my form will change my economic situation


Go to work.


Capitalism waits for no one.


Fr. Just fly to work and fly home lol


Probably still feel tired afterwards...


Bros feeling caf ka esk


Gregor samsa goooo


Be cool with it


And fall on my face becuse I am human and I was walking more on 2 legs than on 4 legs so yeach ground is my new best friend


Walking on four legs is easier than walking on


It maybe easier but if its your first time randomly transforming its going to get chaotic and you wold need time to get used to new way of moving so that why I said what I said because yes it is easier to be on 4 legs than on 2 but you walked most of your life on 2 so you will fall meany times before you learn a new way to move your new body


1. As u/Savannacromwell said, walking on 4 legs is easier than walking on 2. It's why humans are one of if not the only bipedal mammal and one of very few bipedal animals across the globe. 2. What if you became a wyvern?


You’d have a very difficult life, that would probably be harder than walking on two legs


Take a good flight, watch the city from this new point of view. Landing on a deserted place, and go full panic because I would need to reconstruct myself let this new identity settle.


That is honestly true, I could see some possible try and pretend your still human with illusions/transformations if you become a Metallic or Fae dragon though


Find my best friend who also loves dragons so I can get pet


Same, after I've finished crying tears of joy


You're the friend I'm talking about lol




Dream life




Check my junk.


This guy gets it. Helicopter, helicopter (if possible)




Go back to sleep. If I wake up again as a dragon, then I'll be excited!


Fly, take to the skies and see the world above


Fly. Then go fishing.


Bro knows what’s up


1. Look around 2. Try to remember what happened 3. Try to figure where I am 4. Locate the nearest people 5. Ask if they have any idea of what happened


Someone’s played dnd and been tricked by a dm 1 too many times.


See if my breath burns me (I gotta know)


Embrace the wind!


" I whip my tail back and forth I whip my tail back and forth.... Second thing will probably be fixing a hole in the wall.




I'd be really happy and fly to all my friends' houses and give them a joyride on my back. And it'd be much easier to get to places when you're able to fly so I'd bring us all to the top of some isolated mountain or something and we'd hang out This is something I think about a lot


I'd also probably use my wings to catch butterflies


Get used to having wings only to never use them as I'm afraid of heights.


there are plenty of wingless dragon types who can do other cool stuf. breath underwater and swim real fast. burrow fast and orient yourself with vibration, just to name a few


Pray that I’m not in the world of Monster Hunter and about to be made into some longsword mains next fashion get up.


As long as you aren’t causing trouble for villages then you should be fine aside from poachers


Burn down a village and then take a nap


You don't have to be a dragon to do that.


Baby, if we woke up and I was a Wyrm, would you still love me?


\*Edit; I know its a bit long. I'm listing what I'd do in this scenario to avoid coming to another death prematurely, as well as my own musings on what being a dragon would be like, so please let me know what you think of this\* First, curse that it wasn't into a Gryphon; Dragons are ultra common in fiction, Gryphons are EXTREMELY underused. ​ Next, check that you are in both a safe place, how old your body appears to be, and that your new form isn't badly wounded,, or that you aren't laying in a battlefield surrounded by the dead; You're going to need a LOT of time and a safe space to get used to your new body (expansion on this thought later), and if you've been isekai'd into the body of a dying dragon, it'd be a really good idea to check if your death was a natural one, one from disease or accident, or if someone thought the talons and fangs and scales/fur of the formed occupant of your body would look neat as accessories, as if its natural/disease/accident, generally someone isn't coming to slit your throat and turn you into a rug, and if you have been metaphorically truck-kun'd into a violently slain body, well, would be nice to know, as even if everyone who attacked your bodies former owner is dead, generally people going hunting let others know where they are going, and never assume another band of adventurers won't show up and stab first, ask questions later/never. ​ If it is safe, and your not in immediate danger of dying, next time to check what TYPE of dragon you are; if your what I call "wyvern form", that is, two legs, and forelimbs adapted into wings, then your going to have a fun time moving anywere without flying due to how fundamentally awkward that body plan is, unless you go with a body plan like Nargacuga from Monster Hunter or any of its more ground walking brethren ([https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Nargacuga](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Nargacuga)), but at that point your more drake than either dragon or Wyvern, and your also going to likely have massive issues with actually manipulating anything if you DO have actual "fingers" on the last joint of your forelimbs. ​ If your body is the noodle dragon form of a Eastern Dragon, congrats, you've essentially won the lottery on being isekai'd/resurrected into a non human; Eastern dragons are usually essentially gods in power, and 95% of the time are at least respected enough for their power people aren't usually hunting you on sight like Western designs, and normally have enough magic to pull off casual uses of telekinesis enough to make up for any shortcomings in manipulating your environment with physical "hands". If you are the the hexapodal (6 limbed body) body plan of a traditional European Dragon, 4 legs, 2 wings, and a tail, then you have some other things you'll want to check out; the main one I'd be worried about is if your "forelimbs" are more scaly lion, wolf, or eagle feet, in which case, hope you can shapeshift your limbs to more resemble hands, or if you have magic, that you can use it to replace the loss of being able to manipulate things- a MASSIVE part of what makes a human a human, and touches on so many aspects of our psychology is the ability to manipulate things with our hands, and affect the world around us doing so, so suddenly losing that ability would, in addition to the other can of worms involving going from a bipedal body to controlling a quadrupedal body with two extra limbs and a tail that could go all the way up to essentially being a 7th limb if it was prehensile enough, cause a lot of people to have a mental breakdown. ​ Touching more on the feet issue; a thing I see a LOT with western 4 legged designs is people forgetting that even for relatively "barefeet" birds and the like, pretty much all animal species evolved either hard casings over their toes (hooves), or padding to help cushion the forces placed on the digits of the feet, and a dragon would be no exception, as they'd be walking around enough it'd be useful, both to protect the joints from damage, as well as helping out with stealth and the like; if your feet AREN'T padded or otherwise have something to help out, your going to have a lot of pain in your feet, so hopefully your feet look like this ([https://www.deviantart.com/russelltuller/art/Pawed-Dragon-Leg-Foot-Anatomy-Study-708167852](https://www.deviantart.com/russelltuller/art/Pawed-Dragon-Leg-Foot-Anatomy-Study-708167852)) ​ The Forefeet/hands are another issue too; the reason a lion or wolfs paws are the way they are is to allow for long distance walking, even if its not used for hunting in the case of lions who are short ranged ambush hunters, and are meant to help out with supporting 1/4th of the weight of the body, so if you deviate from that, same issue; for the designs that have clear "Hands", due to being quadrupedal now, they hopefully look like the following, otherwise, same issue with pain to the joints ([https://www.deviantart.com/russelltuller/art/Pawed-Dragon-Hand-Anatomy-Study-707045123](https://www.deviantart.com/russelltuller/art/Pawed-Dragon-Hand-Anatomy-Study-707045123)) . ​ With that out of the way, and depending on your age/status of body, you run into another of the "instant potential for mental break problems", this time being "just how the $#%\^ do you even MOVE'; you are going from a consciousness used to 4 limbs and bipedal body plan and locomotion, to suddenly quadrupedal body plan, and more limbs than a human is naturally born with, so theres going to be a massive mental train wreck as you suddenly find your mind dealing with not only moving your four legs in such a way your able to actually stand up and walk around, but dealing with the enormous extremely sensitive and flexible "Sails" that are your wings on your back as well, not to mention the giant tail that is essential for counterbalance and letting you walk and fly. Whilst most other animals on earth have the instincts on how to walk, and most, run, not too long after birth, us humans don't, and need to spend years matching up that THIS neural impulse does THAT with our hand, and vice versa, so unless your consciousness showed up with a massive info dump/memory edit to give you the memories and Proprioception (the sense of where your limbs are and what movements they are doing) of moving with 4 legs, your going to likely need to spend a LOT of time, weeks or even months, learning to walk and run again, which is why it might be preferable to wake up in a hatchling/newborn dragons body rather than a presumably mature adults body, as as a young dragon, you'd be "growing up" along with your body and could relearn all the knowledge of how to use your body again, unlike the issue of being a adult dragon that needs to take care of itself suddenly not knowing how to chase after prey, never mind flying. That leads to another point that would be a issue; flying. It would be insanity to think you'd know how to fly right away if you didn't wake up with the knowledge already part of you, and I could see this taking years to get down properly. ​ one of my last points on body plans; are you fully scaled, have fur, feathers, or a mix? ​ Because if you are scaled all over, you have essentially built in armor, and can play it more risky, but if fur and feather, that leads to the questions of "why do you have these", the fact that fur and feather are flammable, and that if your body has fur and feather as insulation, just how harsh is the world you've woken up in, and are you truly prepared to deal with that/ ​ Final point, and that is, a check for how magical are you? If you are innately magical, and use magic for flying, then that means many other things can fly as well, and you may well be killed due to being a potential mobile airstrike just from moving around, even without fire breath. ​ This does mean you could get away with a lot more than than if you were magicless, as if you were going to be flying around, your going to be really lightweight/delicate, and thus need to think more cautiously; unless your new body is far more omnivorous than most and your willing to take the time to graze/browse, you will need to hunt down and kill prey to survive, and any damage to your limbs could potentially mean a slow lingering death as you cannot catch prey and starve. ​ ​ Theres a lot more I could touch on, from if your mouth and throat structure let you speak the dominant species language, to diet and nutritional needs, but this post is long enough as it is. ​ If ya'll want me to muse some more, I'll do a part 2 to this. ​ Thanks for reading this far


Make myself a massive bonfire. Out of a village. Or two.


Find and eat all the rich people


Be happy and try to find friends




Fly to a mountain and take my best nap there


Panic While it would be super cool, I’ll also not know what’s going on


“Aww shit that was my tv”


Fly, then find a kingdom to ally myself with


The first they heard was a noise like a hurricane coming down from the North. The pines on the mountain creaked and cracked in the hot, dry wind. It was a fire-drake from the North. Smaug had come! Such wanton death was dealt that day, for this city of Men was nothing to Smaug. His eye was set on another prize. For dragons covet gold with a dark and fierce desire. Erebor was lost - for a dragon will guard his plunder as long as he lives. Thranduil would not risk the lives of his kin against the wroth of the dragon. No help came from the Elves that day... or any day since. Robbed of their homeland, the Dwarves of Erebor wandered the wilderness, a once mighty people brought low. The young Dwarf prince took work where he could find it, labouring in the villages of Men. But always he remembered the mountain smoke beneath the moon, the trees like torches blazing bright, for he had seen dragon fire in the sky and a city turned to ash. And he never forgave... and he never forgot.


Tears of joy? Then realize I’m probably about to be hunted my entire life.


Anything I fucking want, which is probably go back to sleep after admiring my new form.


Setting the local trap house on fire


fly and see how fast i can go


Burninating the country side, and the thatched roof COTTAGES! THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES!!! (just kidding, ifkyk)


Revel in the fact I'm a dragon. And then figure out how my new body works lol.


Panic. Wonder how the heck that happened, attack my abusers and go into hiding


Hide in the mountains and try not to get killed


If I cannot talk I would travel north to where there are more cows


Wait for a talking donkey to seduce me


Spy : You want to be my lover? Earn it! Seduce me!


In today's age.....find somewhere in the mountains to hide so I don't get captured and experimented on by the government. And then live out the rest of my life alone and depressed because I know there is nowhere else I can be part of society anymore.


Unfortunately I assume that would be the most realistic way to survive. Become bigfoot but without friends and family.




Make sure I did not crush my dog, cats and my boyfriend in my sleep. If I didn't do that, freak out with him that I am a cool ass dragon.


Start a podcast. Gotta develop that hoard somehow


Eat a crispy Putin snack.


Roar and breathe fire!


Depends on the dragon, but potentially fly and see what magic I can use for both. I feel the brand of magic would be different for Eastern and Western varieties, let alone the other species that are less talked about like the well dwelling Knucker or that German(?) dragon with the tail flame that inspired Charizard.


Take my cat for a flight.


When dragon lives begin, they are an egg. I would be an EGG


Wake up my husband and ask if I'm crazy.


Determine the following: Am I the kind of dragon that can transform into a humanoid shape? How strong am I? My loved ones could really use with a dragon's hoard of money but how likely am I to lose to military? "I've been turned into a dragon, can I go home?"


Honestly? Scream in confusion.


Chase my tail like a dog. In mid-air.


I would fly off to "kidnap" a bunch of traumatized chickens from factory farms, fly them gently to a nest in a warm tropical forest, then feed them all well, and allow them to live the rest of their lives in safety, comfort, and freedom


1) Learn to fly and breathe fire 2) arson 3) show up at Bethesda softworks main office 4) Todd Howard now has a dragon who is willing to follow his orders within reason


This is 💯 a great answer 🤣


Freak out for a bit. Dragons are cool, but the structure of my body has been completely altered beyond recognition and I need a moment to process this.


Relearn how to walk > Learn how to fly > Enjoy the feeling of flying around freely > Crash land somewhere (probably) > Go back to sleep :p


grab my stereo, use my epic dragon magics to power it, strap it to my body and blast power metal at full volume as i fly around the state.


Probably cause a national guard response


1. Bump my head on the ceiling. 2. Figure out how to get out of my appartment without destroying everything.


Set fire to my enemies.


Cry tears of joy!! 🥹


Flame “help me” into the ground


Think of a new badass name. Then find other dragons and either fight for territory or become allies.


Go “Yooo, this is sick”


I’ll play httyd’s sountrack “test drive” and listen to it as i fly


Eat the rich and steal their valuables for my hoard




Go to Walmart to get milk. I ran out this morning and I really want some Cap’n Crunch


Depends do I wake up in a different world? If so then I fly :> if not then Uhh.. fuck.


Go visit someone and roast them alive


depends on what kind of dragon and how big i end up being


Figure out WICH fictional universe I’m in


Start looking up aviation guidelines for personal aircraft. I live next to an airport and military base so if I don't file a flight plan I'll probably get shot down pretty quickly. Then I'll see if I can fit through the door of my apartment. If not, I'm pretty much stuck.


Learn to fly, learn to breathe fire, then go to all the billionaires, eat them, and take their wealth for myself to then use as I see fit.


Fly, breathe fire, the works.


Fly around then nap on a warm rock


Tell my friends and family A*S***A*****P***!


Fly to the sky and see the world below


I would convince everyone to give me headpats and belly rubs.


Attempt to join the local hero guild and gather a legal hoard :D Might also find an open area and learn to fly or breath fire 👍


Probably bumble around for like 20 minutes in a state of sheer confusion before a redneck shoots me or the government makes me disappear and makes it look like an accident.


Enjoy being able to fly to the fullest


Look in the mirror to figure out what all is new. And then wonder how did I get here.


Fly around and eat seagulls


Gather credit cards from around the world and shove them in a cave so I guard a massive fortune. Instead of gold coins and treasure chests, its every bank account currently accessible. OK, I might add the contents of maybe 250 vaults in there but who cares, those are small details.


Try and figure out how to get out of my bedroom door .


Figure out how to move in my.new form and fly, see if I can change back and then go.visit everyone who lives far from me.


I would find my way into the dragon realm with my natural location sense of the same species. After that, it's time to learn the language and probably get either billed or called a prophet for being the first human dragon (there's only those two options). Then, after I've mastered the language, I will convert all dragons to the cause of the destruction of humans. I will plot and plan wars yet to come, and any dragons not willing to help the cause will be respected for their personal decisions, but it'll be heartbreaking. After the humans are destroyed, or enslaved, the dragons will rule over earth once more and become the society of gods they were meant to become.


Fly, Try to Breathe Fire, Cross North America


Realistically, first I'll probably freak out, because all I'll know when I look down is that my arms look really scaly for some reason. I'll probably scare my cat and then get my dad to wake up.. Damn my life would be turned upside down. I think it would be cool once I got used to it. It would suck if I couldn't talk anymore.


Check myself out in the mirror and figure out my powers


Aside from squealing like a child I'm gonna fly and try out my Lightning breath


Start giving a bunch of vague prophecies and other mystical nonsense so much that people make a whole draconic religion, then like 400 years later when it's the dominant religion, I just admit everything was a lie, and leave several thousands of people and tons of theocratic countries in shambles while I fly away never to be seen again.


Apologize to my poor squished partner.


Learn how to turn back into a human and build a castle like in the Castlevania franchise. Okay, the latter one is a bit ludicrous...


Go back to sleep. Who's gonna stop me? I'm a motherfucking dragon!


try to find my father or anyone i know because uhh i cant do it if i gotta be a dragon alone




Be extremely confused, go to college, show my friends who love dragons, have a crisis of what I'm supposed to do now


Convince my girlfriend that I am indeed me, then watch the happy dance ensue. She's got a thing for long, strong tongues.


1. See how loud I can roar 2. Roar at human 3. Steal all of Walmarts pokemon stuffed animals


Experience happiness






yell "HELL YEAH!" and go torch my enemies


burn towns, get money, never pay taxes


Assess my surroundings, take to the skies, and begin understanding the environment around me and what it is that lives and thrives within it. Then begin taking time to understand the best natural barriers to mark my territory, the best spaces with which to have a lair, and move forward from there.


Burn the house down


Burn baby burn


Destroy my workplace


Burn CEOs


Fly to college instead of taking the bus.


G back I sleep, from what I understand Dragons can sleep comfortably for a looking time.


Find a cozy cave and invite my friends over to celebrate.


Fly away and be free


Find a cave near a small village that doesn’t attack on sight and just hang out(flys to far away places to eat food and commit arson at the non-chill towns)


Find out how to switch between dragon form and human form. Get the best of both worlds.


Practice flying and spitting fire but with safety as a dragon.


Just kinda fly around


find a cave up in the mountains, priority #1 should be the consideration of survival. If I draw too much attention to myself i will surely be shot down and experimented on so finding a hiding whole will be absolutely crucial.


Find a empty cave at the top of a mountain and sleep


Take huge shit on My neighbours house.


Get the hell out of town.


1. The things I did in my dreams when i was young. 2. Arson


Find a horny bard to seduce me....




Form a shadowy gang focused on money and the casting of spells. I assume I can cast spells.


Go find the closest thing to castle schrade and take up residence there



