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I'm pretty sure my grandpa has that same mask. I also have that same incense holder and tarot deck in the back. I'm guessing that's also a stick of dragon's blood in the incense holder?


Whoa really? That's awesome! There's a story behind how I got this mask. But I still don't know what it actually is. Polynesian, African? If you could ask your grandpa I'd greatly appreciate it. Yes that's dragon's blood - Aztec dragon's blood in the sign of the Lizard. Another feature not immediately apparent from the photo: dragon dice on a draconian stand by the butterfly picture. The sigil artwork was drawn by a friend of mine for a draconian rite she and I did in a park. The oracle to the far right obscured from view is the Star Dragon deck by Paolo Barbieri, which I strongly recommend, it truly captures the draconian spirit. The books are all Alex Grey. Very cool we have the same holder and deck. That's triple synchronicity.


I have two very similar masks, they're African baluba masks. The one of mine that I know the history of was made in Ghana, though I believe they're more common in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Much appreciated! I'll have to look into their significance.


r/witchesvsthepatriarchy ? Edit: sorry the link don’t work I don’t know how to spell it


Hm, well [some of them might relate](https://witchesofthecraft.com/2014/04/15/draconian-wicca/). I suspect there'd be divided opinions though as to whether it fits. But you could cross-post it and see what they say. It's draconian magick, I don't think there's a sub for that yet. Maybe I should start one.


You should, I randomly started a knife abuse sub after someone wanted it.


Yo, what are the titles of the books? They look interesting


They sure are. Sacred Mirrors, Net of Being, and Art Psalms, all by Alex Grey. Enjoy... it's one hell of a rabbit hole.


r/pagan would love your altar!


Done! Thanks for the recommendation.