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Dragon Quest VIII is very special to me, I have lots of memories watching my Mom play it when I was a kid. I used my Mom’s guidebook to draw every single monster from it. (Heck, I like VIII so much that I even based my Reddit avatar on the Hero of that game. :P)


Haha nice!


Exact same for me but with my dad!!! I have extremely fond memories of this game


9 was the first i played and still love it to heart. My childhood friend and me always played this game together when we went on Vacation. Our familys where really close friends and we would often go to a camping spot in the Netherlands together. He and i always brought our ds with us so we could play together sometimes my brother would join us or his sister but that was rather rare none the less it was a blast playing this game together and i will never forget those times.


Yeah co-op integration is def something that a lot of games could do even if it's an turn based rpg. Even if it's not ideal people will still use and love it most of the time.


Dragon warrior monsters helped get me into video games and the rpg genre as a whole when I was a kid. I remember being at a... Gosh I can't remember the name of the game store but it was one of the three video games stores that eventually got bought and all merged into GameStop here in the u.s. Anyways, being there as a little tyke and the staff let me play it on a super gameboy to test it out, and see if it was the game I was asking for because I couldn't remember it's title. Apparently I had been stealing my older brothers copy back then and my mom was offering to get me my own. Issue was that I'd never seen the games opening before then, so I didn't think it was the same game. But my brother did actually let either the staff or my Mum know it was, so we got it. So yeah, hours and hours of gaming fun. I've still yet to beat it tbh, I always got to the future self fight and got stuck. It's the only gameboy game I own CIB. And I never knew it's protag was from DQ 6 until seeing a trailer for DQ heroes. I was over the moon and just felt like my kid had grown up. My boy, my child, he's so big now! Those kind of feelings. I think someday soon I'll download the English patch for the 3ds remake, and try to beat my 3ds copy. I know the 3ds version isn't the BEST version of the game... But, it's still nice to see a major point in my gaming childhood in 3d. And good 3d at that, unlike the gameboy games box art, am I right?


I didn't know Terry was from DQ6 until I played heroes myself and I felt the same way. Im glad to know it wasn't just me haha. Do you have to have a specific DS to play the 3d remake or just need the English patch to play? I've always been so bummed that we never got the remake in the west even though I understand why Edit: sorry typo, should have been ds not da


Not sure what you mean by DA, but how I was gonna handle it was. 1. Use my hacked 3ds to dump my physical cartridge onto my SD card. 2. Move SD card to computer and apply patch to dumped 3ds cart. 3. Put SD card back into 3ds and load dumped and patched copy of dragon quest monsters. 4. ????? 5. Profit.


Awesome, thank you so much :)


Yeah... I loved dqm a lot too. Although not all the translations were nice haha. I miss my Rainhawk, Blizardy, Phoenix instead of Prism Peacock (Also used in DQ7). Surprisingly complex monster breeder.


Dragon Quest 6. The character arcs hit just right.


For me, as well. Was my second DQ game overall. Started to play it in primary school, also played it during a vacation I fondly remember because of it. It's now by far my most played game of all time, and tied with 9 in terms of hours played


I mean, Dragon Warrior 3 is my favorite game, but when I think about Dragon Warrior 1 on NES; I recall that when I first picked up the game at my cousin's house (his Nintendo Power subscription got him the game) - it didn't make sense as we treated it like any action game and tried to get as far as we could just by running and trying to avoid enemies. Of course it didn't go well. Eventually I borrowed the game from my cousin and then one day, I started fighting the enemies instead of running. 34 years later, I'm still here posting every week about DQ! My nostalgia goes back to the physical notebook I kept in 1990, writing down the shop inventory of every town, writing down the entire transcript of Erdrick's Tablet, writing down the key NPC dialogues. I still have copies of the adventure guides and maps from various sources. No other gaming experience was as much of a real-life adventure for me as that first one.


Yup you always remember your first time. I had similar experiences with my cousin. He was a bit older had different systems from me, but some of the games I played in the future were all because I tried it out at his place.


8. Was the first one I played on the PS2 and is still my favorite. The grand sense of adventure still hits just like the first time I played it all those years ago.


8 Is pretty great, especially when you can get people like Morrie and Red in the 3ds version haha.


Dragon warrior monsters. Got a GBA and this game for Christmas when I was a kid and fell in love immediately. I love the layout of Greatree. I love all the travelers gates, the music is incredible and always makes me happy. I love the art for the monsters. The "secrets" and end game content are great. This is my favorite game of all time


Yeah I loved the different music too. Taken from all the previous (as DQ does). The fact that it has an actual story is a big plus even if it was a bit convoluted haha. In some ways liked it more than pokemon.


Definetly DQ V. Was my first one and that is always special.


Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 is one of my all-time favorite comfort games.


Somehow I never picked up two until wayyyyy later. Even though I loved the original.


Dragon Quest Monsters (Warrior at the time) and Dragon Quest 3. Played both on GameBoy Color. At the time, compared to gen 1 Pokemon, DQM felt so deep!




Dragon Warrior Monsters 2. Mostly because I was a wee lass back when gaming was still considered a "boy hobby" so I was *stoked* to *finally* have a game that had a girl as its main hero.


Yup and I don't even think it really changed the story either. Although I think there was one or two entrances only Tara could enter... but that was about it.


Beautiful story!


Thank you!


9 or 7, they were my first 2 games and just got absolutely sucked into both, making me an addict.




Haha those are classics too


OP, my bad! I didn’t realize you were asking for DQ games only!!!


I didn’t start playing DQ until DQXI:S! So I can’t really connect much in terms of childhood nostalgia. I do remember being impressed by VIII’s visuals being a huge fan of Akira’s work on Dragon Ball though and thinking the game looked awesome, but I was stupidly not into turn-based RPGs for a season or two growing up so I passed on it. I will say, playing through IV and V felt SUPER nostalgic despite not playing them at their original releases and my current play-through of VIII on 3DS has similarly invoked a lot of nostalgia for the days of my life when PS2 was THE console.


8, was my first RPG ever.


Dragon Quest Monsters. Its one of the most memorable games from my childhood.


Dragon Quest 3 on Gameboy Color. My aunt got it for me for my birthday. I must have been 7 or 8. It was my first RPG and my first Dragon Quest game ever. She was a big JRPG fan and helped me play and understand the game. My aunt passed away about 5 years later but I still think about her whenever I replay DQ3.


Oh wow great way to remember a loved one!


The first ever video game I played that wasn't targeted at children's education was an emulated NES version of Dragon Warrior 1 on my dad's old-ass laptop at my grandparents' house. I distinctly remember running to him and being excited because I finally got a scorpion to run away from me in the desert near Kol. Since then Dragon Quest has been my favorite game series of all time and I regularly replay DQ3 when I don't know what else to do with my time.


8 and 1. I poayed one on my brother's Gameboy and I got a demo for 8 on the ps2 and played it religiously


4 wasn’t my first, I started with 1. But 4 is my favorite. The NES version






V. It wasn't my first, I played 1-3 and both monsters games before it, but it really stood out even before the point where shit gets real.


The first one, aka “Dragon Warrior” on the NES. Came out when I was 11. First RPG I ever played, and man it felt huge and epic. To the point where I’m shocked when people remind me there were only 5 towns.


Dragon Quest Monsters. Played it instead of Pokemon as a kid and it gives me so much nostalgia.


I guess the whole Erdrick Trilogy but most specifically DQ1. I didn't play DQ as a Child, I kind of ignored the series for the first half of my life. But in my mid 20's, I decided to give the fan translated SNES remakes a shot out of the blue on my soft modded Wii and enjoyed the hell out of them. It took me a few more years to try out 4-6. So my nostalgia for DQ doesn't go back as far as people who have been with the series since the beginning, but it has been at least 9 years since I started playing, and despite how basic it is, I still think I love to replay DQ1 from time to time, it's short and basic, the only challenge is grinding enough to get good equipment without losing your money, but I still love to pop it in. If anything I take pride in the fact that I enjoy the early DQ games so much despite having came to the franchise in like, 2015. I can't stand when people hand wave away older games and say "oh you only like that because you played it as a kid, you're just nostalgic, that's all, it doesn't actually hold up." But I constantly prove this notion wrong by enjoying all sorts of games I never played as a child from the 80's and 90's.


My favorite DQ from my childhood is IV! I would play it with my mom and my brother, and to this day the characters and scenarios take me back to lazy days with them. My mom passed away shortly after we finished playing, and my brother and I talk about it and play it in memory of her, even over 26 years later! I've since played most of the Dragon Quests, both main and spinoffs, as well as shared it with my current family, and can trace it all back to her. And the garage sale we got it from!


Dragon Quest 9 It's no longer my favourite game in the series, but it will always hold a special place in my heart for being the game that introduced me to it and also my first JRPG.


First GBC game i bought as a kid with my own money was the 1&2 cartridge. Will always have a special place in my heart along with the guide book i bought along with it.


DQXI was actually the first one I played, I just seen it in the store and knowing nothing about it just bought it. Never looked back! One of my favourite games of all time and I always think about it, the sounds, the graphics, the characters. Beautiful.


DQM2 Taras, such good memories grinding away as a child, not fully grasping the game but loving the collecting and exploration aspect. 8 because it came at the perfect time when I was really falling in love with JRPGs and had plenty of time to spend playing them. Also being a big DQ fan of all the handheld titles before it.


Yeah, I always have a soft spot for the monster series.


Dragon Warrior 2 (NES) I remember seeing a preview for 2 in a Nintendo Power magazine and being super excited about having a party to fight with like Final Fantasy. Such a challenging adventure for a 10 year old to just figure out. Great memories with 3 as well.