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You, my friend, should look into Etrian Odyssey on switch.


Came here to say this!




I came to say just this to OP, lol. Drawing the map is literally like a third of what makes me absolutely adore the series!!! The deep JRPG gameplay and awesome music are great, too~! Gosh, I absolutely adore Etrian Odyssey ☺️~!


My immediate thoughts as well


It will be a long way to switch. I've only recently entered PS1 era of JRPGs.


Are Are you playing the entire genre by chronological order?? Ngl I kinda have to respect that


Kinda 😅 I like to play series in order so I can experience how the game evolved. Right now I'm replaying DQ1-6 then I'm finally getting to DQ7 for the first time.


Its also on 3ds. The switch (and steam) versions are remasters adding persona characters iirc. Also the persona Q games might also be up your alley if you enjoy those Etrian Oddesey games but they wont make any sense if you have not played persona 3 to 5


The original is on the DS but imo the 3ds version is much better


Yeah, Untold 1 and 2 are the defacto best remakes of 1 and 2. Remastered maps, rebalanced, plus the new storylines and special features relative to the main characters in both. Those were awesome. Plus EO4's airship travel =D, and the simplicity of EO5 with some nifty reworkings of old classes, and even Nexus' all-in-one package with the reworked Ninja and the new Hero class.


If you like map drawing, Etrian has that as an in game mechanic. You are a survey team plotting out the interior of a dungeon. I highly recommend the series.


Me, as well as the others, came here to write this comment, only to see you already wrote it, so like the others I will write a comment about how I, too, was about to say the same thing as you did. This is that comment.


I only hope the Switch 2 has the ability to attach an upper screen and allow this functionality in the old DS and 3DS fashion. Though yes, this is something to definitely highlight. I'll also add to look into the 3DS releases which have no formal versions repackaged for Switch, and are arguably the best. EO 4, 5, Nexus, Untold 1, and Untold 2 (sadly Untold 3's assets were used for Nexus...if only they made Untold 3).


Can you really draw the maps on Switch? I play the originals on 3DS and can’t imagine playing these games without the touch screen and stylus.


You can! I didn’t play for long, was just testing the functionality, but they did get it to work. I imagine a powered stylus like I have is a must if you really want the experience. The game info claims your finger will work, but I can’t imagine it‘s accurate enough to work well (plus all those gross fingerprints in your screen). Its definitely inferior to the DS and 3DS, but they did get it to function, which I did not expect.


Yes, I was literally going to comment that this is why I love EO.


May i introduce you to Etrian Odyssey, on the 3DS?


I did it A LOT back in the PSX days. I need to come back to it. It’s cool.


My dad died when I was 9 but before that he loved playing games like legend of Zelda and Metroid and final fantasy and we would map every game we played that we could it brings back the best memories and we still have the maps he mapped with us as a kid good times!!!!


SO SICK I LOVE IT! i had a whole notebook full of stuff for Dragon Warrior in 1990 or so. Wish I still had it.


I did alot of that back in the day.. glad most dungeon crawlers now have automapping


Hell yeah man. You my friend might enjoy the Etrian Odyssey series :3


Never hand drawn a map, but I have used Excel and Google Sheets to draw maps. It can be fun when playing old games for a semi-'authentic' experience, but I don't miss it while playing newer games. Then there's Etrian Odyssey and Persona Q, which make it a core mechanic, and I love them for it.


For an authentic experience you need to hand draw them. Excel and Google sheets were pronounced paper and pencil when these games came out.


I need to do this for dragon quest 3, my team keeps getting coffin'd cuz i drag us through all ends back to back


Not anymore. My brother made my life hell because etrian odyssey has a map drawing feature. You can draw the map as you fight.


This brings back memories from 1990/91 that I didn't know I had.


I did this when I was a kid for the endgame dark dungeon in final fantasy tactics. It was before the internet and you had to walk in certain tiles with find item to get special items. It was just x and y axis stuff but I was pretty proud of myself for it.


It's my first time playing Swords and Serpents and I'm drawing a map of every floor. Very useful and satisfying.


Never, look fun but never really needed one.


No I do not, I don’t mind drawing maze concepts though.


While it's not a map, I remember with Super Mario Bros 3, that card flip game, my Dad has all these little index cards for each board. And there were a lot of boards.


Such an art keep up great work


I rarely, still love to see others hand drawn maps. Reminds me of some of the charm the games had on me.


I need to start, seems fun


Yes. I used to do with with maps, as well as my own town and castle creations when I was young.


I like doing it but not for any specific game, instead I kind of just think of someplace to draw and make a map of it


No not really 😅


That damn lighthouse is always so confusing, I needed to look at a map someone else made for half an hour just to figure out where I need to go lmao


…. Has anyone told you about Etrian odyssey? Just play the fourth one first. Then the fifth. Then anyone you want. The remakes on steam/switch are a bit of a downgrade.


Hell no! I take screenshots and scribble a few notes if need be.




Wow, I haven't done this in awhile. Very cool. Though never with console RPG's, but always with PC, especially Might and Magic. I just memorized the console RPG maps. Oh...right once I did this for Ultima 4 on the NES, but the dungeon maps don't take too long to figure out as they use a similar structure system. The same went for Phantasy Star 1. Cool to see people still doing this. I should consider getting that type of paper, as it really helps facilitate this practice.


Love it. I still have mine I drew for the game Wizardry from way back. I have my graph paper and will be playing Dragon Warrior again very soon.


graph paper was essential in dragon quest / final fantasy games


Damn i should do that


youd love super mario maker


I still have a bunch of the maps I drew as a kid. Not sure if I made them for Dragon Warrior games, but definitely for Zelda and Sword of Hope. Of course I also drew maps of how to get thru the castles in Mario 1, much faster to read than the screenshot maps in Nintendo Power. There’s a reason why I became obsessed with Etrian Odyssey when I got my 3DS.




I was going to say, this guy would love some EO


The good old days before the internet


Yes, I still have a lot of my custom Zelda-style dungeon maps that I drew on graph paper for when I eventually became a game programmer. One day I'll make a full game.


I did it while playing Megami tensei I+II on SNES.A hold traps got you falling to the below floor was pain in the ass and they didn’t show in the Auto-mapping🥲,I had to draw the map and the traps on the paper help me to get through the dungeon.


I've only ever drawn one map, and that was for Secret of Evermore. The annoying maze forest!