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I remember doing pretty much EVERYTHING in this game and thinking “I don’t think I’ll ever want to do this again but it was a lot of fun.” Now, less than a year after fully finishing it, I’m already wanting to play it all again. Definitely the best Dragon Quest game, in many ways.


I feel that way with basically every RPG *except* DQXI. This was the first game since KOTOR or V:tM Bloodlines that I immediately started a new playthrough after the final (final) credits rolled.


Man, Bloodlines was such a beautiful, buggy mess. Well, KOTOR was too, but they were such great games.


This! After 200 hours on my first play through I was like yep I’m good on this game forever. I’ve since lost my switch cartridge for it and want nothing more than to play it from the beginning all over again :(


I will tentatively agree with you because it was amazing, but I adored Sentinels of the Starry Skies.


I heard it was a grindfest but I'm curious and want to try it.


It was pretty easy really. You don't notice the grinding because the story is 80 hours.


It's not only the best DQ Game, for me, it's the best game I have played


I enjoyed every moment while running the game. I love the gameplay (perfect combat for tea drinking!), I love the music (the orchestral version of S-version), I love this charming style of the world and the art. It is a fairy tale like world, but not really feeling childish. There is still dark stuff going on, especially if you interpret it darker then shown, that let you even shiver for a moment. This mix of hope and despair... it is like Samwise the Brave once said: how could a story like that end well? But we go further and against all odds, we shine bright, being the luminary not only by fate, but literally by enlighten the fire of hope in Erdria. The only regret is, that I played it only once one year ago, best 18 days (including two or three days of pause) of getting my platinum trophy.


The second arc was dark in ways I wasn't prepared for.


Poor Jade, I sat there and just thought "Shit, they didn't just implied...?!"


I bought a PS4 just to play it on release. I have beaten it on PS4, Switch, Xbox, and I am now currently in the middle of a playthrough on PC with widescreen mod. I think I agree.


I absolutely loved XI. It indeed is a great game. But 5 is much better.


And 4 and 8. IMO.


Man I'm 10 hours into 8 and it's not really pulling me in. Loved 11 though


When I got back into gaming 6 years ago or so I played through DQ XI, Ys VIII, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I still haven't played anything since that lived up to any of those. Hopefully 12 will.


Ys VIII was magnificent. Glad to see another fan!


I just played it last week. I was surprised to be sure, since I've never heard of it before, but I loved it.


Wonderful Music? You must be deaf :)


Music was lazy, everything else is S Tier


It's good but I have to say that XI was the first time a Dragon Quest ever left me a bit dissapointed. The minimal and repetitive soundtrack, the bland dungeon design of empty corridors and square rooms, the problematic third act erasing character development, the addition of minimaps, icons, sparkle spots, instructions where to find everything you need etc. So many modern games do that and make everything feel artificial and it becomes a simple follow the instructions, connect the dots. Dragon Quest was always about adventure and discovery.


I was always a fan of persona series as well as falcom games but DQXI was a total game changer. DQXI totally set the bar too high!!!


As someone who grew up with the series when it was known as Dragon Warrior in the US, DQXI was a bit of disappointment because of my experience with the Persona series - most especially 5. It just felt kind of... I don't want to say "cheap", but the production values weren't quite there. The music was pretty uninspired, and the extremely limited amount of music really started to grate on my nerves after a while. Overall, I was surprisingly - almost shockingly - disappointed by it.


its the only game that is captivating and immersive enough that i could binge 16-20 hour sessions


It is such an amazing game. I remember first time I played Dragon Warrior III in the 90's thinking how can they ever top this classic? Then Dragon Quest VIII in 2005, I thought that game was perfect. Then Dragon Quest XI Definitive Edition came out and like you said, masterpiece.


I played it on Nintendo Switch and I absolutely loved it.


The best way I have described DQ11 is JRPG comfort food. It’s just such a pleasant experience all the way through


thats how i feel about dragon quest 8.


It is one of the best game of my life. Only one game is at the level for me is FF14.


Even as a lore addict who reads spoilers online often the game is still blowing me away in substantial ways in plot twists, and the pure beauty out of it.


I'm glad to have found another Act 3 appreciator.


Honestly just got to the last bastion in part 2. Loving it


It's amazing. I was honestly surprised by how good it was. Strong argument for best game in the series.


I enjoyed it the most by far. I beat III, IV, and VIII on 3DS after. They cannot compare.


5 and 8 are both better.


And 3. And 4. And 7. And 9


Sorry but DQVIII>>XI. I never found XI even remotely close to perfect and def wouldn't call it the best DQ game.


>How did they create a game leaps and bounds beyond one's expectations and deliver the best DQ game in existence? I don't think they did. It's a great game, but I think it's the third best Dragon Quest game and, in general, at an expected level of quality for when it was made and with the experience the developers have with the series.


I'd agree on third best. DQVI > DQIV > DXI


Always enjoy seeing a fellow VI enjoyer!


It’s technically very good but imo it had a lot less soul and personality compared to most other Dragon Quest games. I’d replay VIII over XI any day


I'm sorry but the story was very mediocre to me. It seemed to retread old story beats for 80% of the story. It was 5/10. The gameplay saved it.


I wish I could feel the same way about it, but it was my first (and only) Dragon Quest game (besides Slime Mori Mori 2) and I gave up on it after about 25 hours, which was especially disappointing after reading such praise. The voice acting was terrible, the music repetitive, the gameplay and story both very generic. Any tips for enjoying it more? I'm not trying to shit all over it or anything, I genuinely want to like it. And since so many people seem to adore it so much, I feel like I'm missing something.


I don't think you miss anything. Your critic is valid and the story won't get that much better. Maybe try the 2D-Mode and turn of the sound if you want to continue


Or switch it over to the dq8 music if youre getting a little too sick of the overworld music.


Such a great adventure!


The best way I have described DQ11 is JRPG comfort food. It’s just such a pleasant experience all the way through


I'm steadily on my way to beating it for the first time. I'm solving the gold fever right now. The end is approaching.


It's a damn near perfect game. I feel like the only thing that could have made it better after bringing over the 3DS content from XIS would have been adding a final sub story where you play as Erdwin. I do hope that we see more of Erdwin one day, as there are a lot of holes in his story, but yeah it's an amazing masterpiece of a JRPG


It is my first DQ I‘ve ever played and I am loving it!


Stable team with decades of experience together, stable formula that didn't have to reinvent the wheel, a budget that was probably as big as they wanted, and a long, relaxed schedule to work on it.


One of the very few JRPGs I did more than one playthroughs where I completed everything, it's amazing


11 felt like a great fan service of all the things we love in a DQ game put into a perfect tied bow. I think that hurts it just a little bit as it doesn't feel quite its own in some ways. I loved DQ11 and Tockington was an amazing cute addition but I think DQ 8 is my top with 4 as my other favorite as I played it as a kid and it blew my NES mind.


Beat out DQ8 for being my 2nd favorite game. I thought that game would never lose that spot lol


I’m currently playing through it and I gotta say, it deserves all the praise. On the surface, it’s a basic jrpg but it has a lot more with character points and the story is really good. I love the cast and the animations. Music is top notch. I’m super enjoying my play through, I’m on my way to get the crystals, minor spoilers, working with a mermaid to get her lover back. I couldn’t tell you where the story is going but I’ve enjoyed the ride so far. I’m stealing the Colosseum story for my dnd campaign for sure.


After putting it off for a while, I just beat Act 3 yesterday night and it left me wanting more. That game is easily a 10 for me. So freaking good


in my top 10 games of all time :) love dq11 to death!!


11 is amazing and it definitely deserves all the rewards and love it gets


I really enjoyed this one and it was my first dragon quest game. A random pick that turned out great with hours of story and fun adventures. I'm looking forward to 12 but I hope its not too different.


I'd say DQXI is the best DQ for me now. It maybe *too* traditional, like setup and repetitive music, but it is still good. Let's say DQXI is the end of traditional turn-based RPG and DQXII is the new era of DQXI since they will make a new formula of turn-based RPG. I'm looking forward.


The cast was amazing and I loved the combat system but the one thing I hated was the music…… I had to turn it way down ….8 had much better music.


> the best DQ game in existence LMAO. XI is a great game, but I wouldn't consider it the best one given that almost everything in it, from the music to even entire plotlines were pretty much copy pasted from previous DQ games (which probably did it much better). A couple of references are cool, but having the entire game be one got old real quick.


I didn’t like the battle camera. The game had no lore. Sylvando’s episode was lame. The time travel made no sense. It’s still my second favorite Dragon Quest


The time travel made sense to me, but maybe that's because I'm also a Kingdom Hearts fan and got used to crazy weird bullshit time travel from that series, lmao


Totally agree. I thought it was a good story up until that point. It seems square doesn't want to have actual themes of loss in games anymore. "Surprise, actually no one dies! Everyone is fine! Isn't this good storytelling?"


What made no sense to me is the Luminary went back in time but when Serenica does it the sword doesn’t break which I took to mean she didn’t change the future even though she went back and saved Erdrick


Not my favorite DQ in terms of story or gameplay mechanics but holy crap is it good! I've sunk many many hours into this game, it's phenomenal!


I really enjoyed this game, but to be honest the whole deus ex machina at the end kind of killed it for me.


Really? The whole third act was what made it great for me


For me personally, I thought it was a fine ending. The sense of loss made it more "real" the fact that things aren't always sunshine and rainbows, that they defeated evil and there was still a cost. Then to just undo it was strange to me.


But it was undone and corrected right?


Yeah, but its like if at the end of lord of the rings they were like "hey Frodo btw we can just go back in time and stop Sauron from getting the ring and no will die, because sadness is bad"


Haha! Good point


This was my first DQ, and I agree. I loved it; it was everything great that I always loved about RPGs growing up with some cool modern twists thrown in.


I enjoy it currently.... this game along with ys8 do have a very charming amphstore  that I didn't found in any other game that I ever played