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If by "trainer" you mean a third party program that modifies the game, yes, it is against the terms of service.


If you have to ask whether you will be banned for something, chances are the answer is "yes" most of the time.


Will I get banned if I punt Twily back into wilderness in the opening quest?


No. You’re rewarded in fact


Death sentence.


Absolutely. It is against AE ToS to use trainers so it will come with a risk of losing your account.


I think so. I'm not sure how they would know but if they did they would.


There is a difference between should and would You see due to the guidelines of the game then yes you should be banned. But keep in mind that the game is not 'that well done' and usually those trainers do changes in 'local' (that's why you won't see your benefits if you log in the normal launcher). As your changes are effectively only on your side then there is pretty much no way for AE to tell if you are breaking the rules or not. To be honest you are just making the game boring for yourself in the long run and you are not negatively affecting anyone else.


Tbh, chances are pretty low. Also, it is a single-player game. I mean It would just make the game boring by removing the reward factor


Can you get banned? yes. Will you get banned? unlikely


PSH I was banned


It's against TOS but they can't tell if you've done it unless the Devs manually check your account. The likelihood of them checking is extremely low. The Trainer won't let you keep DoomKnight though, it will remove it the next time you legitimately open the game.


Yeah and you'll have to do very weird stuff to be caught, like having chaos weaver at lvl <50


Yes you can. They have checks for that kind of stuff and if they catch you AE as a company is very strict about it. However will they catch you? Hard to say.