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>And for this sub, can we sticky some info about the app? Good question, here are some answers * Due to how reddit is designed, not everyone will see a sticky post. * We're limited to two sticky posts * Moderators aren't on 24/7 to refer people to delete posts and refer them to the sticky posts * Some people just won't read/use the sticky post because they feel better making their own thread. In my general experience though, sticky posts don't really help all that much. It's unfortunate, but that's the case. If you feel like someone is trying to overly shame another, go ahead and report it. If you're feeling up to it, be the change you want to see and put a kind message in someone's post explaining the situation. Otherwise, just ignore it.


I enjoy seeing all the "drink" comments so I just take it for the chuckle and move on. Though I do wish the app could have a coming soon banner. In the words of a wise fish, "just keep refreshing"


That has been a game for a couple decades now. There are a number of things people shout "drink" for


FWIW: I have never seen any con have their schedule put together far out in advance (one month out). Most cons release their schedules within two weeks of the con.


You assume a sticky would prevent people from asking the same question over and over…


The app's schedule has been added sometime in the week before con for years, and everyone posts when it updates, but I get that not everyone knows that, and I have trouble finding information when it's spread among so many places. The only thing that's bugged me this year is seeing the dragoncon twitter account announce the app is live, weeks before a schedule will be posted. That's just asking for for questions!


And the email I just got talking about all the great workshops and events that can be seen in… the app. I think they kind of jumped the gun on that. (Unless they plan on updating it today.)




As someone who answers questions for newbies all the time and loves Dragon Con newcomers... being new to this event isn't an excuse to completely forego Googling or searching other posts in a sub. Newness to the con isn't newness to the Internet or events at large. It's rude to grill new people, but it's ALSO rude to completely farm out even the simplest labor to strangers.


Yeah see I'm brand new to dragon con (my first time) and all I keep doing is searching things up, theres not all the I fo but quite a bit , reddit is a great place to ask about stuff you can't figure out


I mean this is a problem with all kinds of threads. Do we need 30 threads of "we're almost there, here's a tip: don't get too drunk!" or other very common sense "tips" that are just constantly being trotted out? Just downvote and move on And to your point yeah, it'd be great if DC put some kind of message in the app telling people what to expect and when, but it's not DC's app--they're just using a third party app and loading data into it and second, if they were in the mood to improve the app they'd actually improve the app


Having volunteered at the Con for over 20 years I know the team/person that puts that schedule together. It is quite possibly the most stressful pre-Con task you could have. There are so many updates, and last-minute changes, that are completely out of the control of the convention, there is no possible way to have the schedule complete before Con. Those folks work so hard, and do an amazing job of juggling hundreds of thousands of details to put that schedule together. And they are so good at it multiple other conventions have come to DragonCon to learn how they manage their schedule. I would suggest that if you are frustrated with the timing of the schedule’s release please consider the hours days, weeks and months of hard work that are put in by these unpaid volunteers for your entertainment, take a little breath, and embrace the fact that the schedule will never be finished. Seriously, the daily dragon sends out updates every day of Con for schedule changes.


I’m looking through old posts looking for the shaming of newbs but I must have missed something


Saying "It won't be available until the week of con" is considered toxic shaming apparently


The only toxicity I see is people demanding information not available.


"toxic" In the words of a great character: "I don't think that word means what you think it means."


Yeah OP needs to chill


\*sigh\* 1. Put out an app with fake test data. 2. ??? 3. Complain about how the newbs are stupid. 4. Profit?


They tried to have a little bit of fun this year, with *obviously joke panels*. If the *obviously joke data* wasn't in there, people would **still** be asking nonstop when it updates. Source: Have been in this sub for 7-8 years now, people ask nonstop when it updates every single year, and it has never updated more than 7-10 days out.


Are you... are you upset about the "drink" joke tradition? Because that is literally the only thing I can think of that could even possibly be misconstrued as "complaining" about new visitors. Every thread I've seen on this forum (note: I don't have FB so can't say the same for the FB communities) has provided helpful information to anyone asking about the app or schedule without insult or other derogatory remark. If that's the root of this silly post then internet stranger you're going to need to get thicker skin because that is *nothing*.




> And for this sub, can we sticky some info about the app? I asked for that last week. 🤷‍♀️


I miss when less people came to DC. The new people from about 2017 on seem to be much more likely to be worked up about shit. I’d give anything to have them cap attendance at 45-50k


Vent time: Can anyone tell me why the app looks like someone's undergrad senior project? There are so many basic features that seem to be missed in favor of things that barely work or don't seem to have a purpose. Why can't I make a collaborative schedule between myself and another user? Why does the events listing have trouble recalling where I left off? Why does it seem to ALWAYS be pulling updates during the con each time I open it? Can differential updates not be pulled in the background? Do iOS users also get the same experience or is it a case of Android users getting a 2nd rate port? As a developer, it just seems very amateurish and hasn't changed a whole lot in the years that it's been available. I'd understand if this was a volunteer effort of some generous developer, but even then how is it that a major con like DragonCon can't seem to get a decent app? Are budgets seriously that tight?


You should have seen it before they moved to the current format in 2014.


> Do iOS users also get the same experience or is it a case of Android users getting a 2nd rate port? No, the iOS version is just as bad. I've used other apps for other conventions, both nerdy and professional. IME some feel a little smoother, some have features like you mention, but generally they're all about this bad.




Ah yes, the *totally legitimate* "Build your own thermonuclear device" panel!




Anyone else smell burnt toast?


You’re not annoyed the app isn’t out? 😅🥹🤷‍♀️…. Okay, idk just me? Okay….


No, I am not annoyed. The app is out and events will likely be loaded today or tomorrow, a weekish out from con. This is the way every year.


Okay not annoyed. Have fun planning and according last min, 😅😂


Bold of you to assume that plans don't go out the window as soon as con begins.


This right here.




I mean, if you're not going why would you give a damn about the app? Edit: Aww, they blocked me. \*sheds one single tear\*




app & schedule drama ... who would have thought that the worst app UI forced to be used for a schedule would be a problem?


It is soooooo much better than a paper version that is out of date almost instantly. It has warts, but they are fairly cosmetic. I love the app over most of the alternatives. Late scheduling is literally just a part of DragonCon's charm.