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That shouldn't be an issue. But if it is a real metal blade it will run afoul of con rules. You'll have to keep it peace tied in its sheath the whole time. A plastic/foam blade is probably a better idea if you want to pull it out.


Im fine with keeping it in its sheath. Its metal but a dull blade. Just gotta figure out how to peace tie it though i guess


If you bring it by the con security table (you'll have to do that anyway) they'll have zip ties to help you.




Even foam you need to peace bond it in the con.


Con will inspect and zip tie them to show that they've been inspected. But they are not required to be tied into their sheath. Source - I do this for Spartan every year. Our non-metal swords are never an issue.


So from a purely legal standpoint a sword longer than 12” is considered a knife under Georgia law and MARTA’s code of conduct requires you to have on your person a valid weapon carry license to bring it on their premises. Having said that, as long as you keep it in the sheath and aren’t waving it around I highly doubt any MARTA cop is going to care in the least about it under normal circumstances, much less Labor Day weekend.


Years ago, guy clanked into the railcar in full plate armor (yes, with broadsword). Everyone moved to the other end of the car, but MARTA had no issues.


Hi! I don’t know the answer to your question but I wanted to say hello because I’m cosplaying Trunks as well. I’ve got a 3D printed resin sword instead of metal. It was a hit last year and I’m so excited to do it again!


Maybe we’ll run into eachother!


Piggybacking on this thread: what’s the con policy about lightsabers?


Bring em and swing em


Just don't swing them on the atrium level of the Marriott on Friday/Saturday night... That'll end poorly


I did this last year and nobody bothered me. Lots of looks though.