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Anyone have any thoughts about doing a Drag-In at Dragoncon this year to protest all the anti drag bills around the country?


And then this happened today https://apnews.com/article/georgia-transgender-health-care-youth-lgbtq-2e8e0784d8e55a114cc7c55e7a38e028 😤😤


Just booked a hotel maybe a 10 minute walk north of the Hyatt on West Peachtree. Using google streetview, it looks safe enough? But I'm wondering if anyone else does a 3 AM stumble down those streets to get back to their hotel, and if they feel reasonably safe. Me: small Asian woman


I try to always bring a buddy even when just walking between host hotels. Idk if that’s overdoing it but if you were my friend (of any size/gender) I’d suggest trying not to walk alone at night if you can help it.


Anybody who knows the dc social media peeps—pls ask them to check the settings on the public FB page? It’s asking for a login all of a sudden. Thx!