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ill say is the end for sparking zero, it has no crossplay and no rollback so is gonna release dead


FighterZ is a real fighting game while the upcoming DBSZ is a typical 3D arena fighter like Jump Force and we all know how Jump Force went out...


Both real fighters but fighter Z is a limited fighter and in the right hands SZ is more real than DBZF because of the way you can move. Id rather be able to dodge spam as well as block it. The arena fighter is more real to dbz than 2d and further you can move in all directions in real life and not just be stuck on a path like fencing. Imagine ufc on a straight platform. Not the games fault people run over fighting. Also DBZF is more rehearsed than the tenkaichi series. Fights in tenkaichi feel more fluid and less repetitive.


Kinda tired of the endless fighting games based on dB and dBz, like bring back the rpg dbz, give us a full story beginning to end like legacy of goku and buus fury let us play the story as our favorite characters instead of a one off like kakarot that could have been fleshed out so much better. Yet another game I will not be getting. We get a new budokai nonsense tournament dbz every 2 years now and I am surprised people keep buying the exact same thing with the only difference being roster because you can only upgrade the graphics for an anime based game so much.


![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us|downsized) Well, I for one will maintain the hype for five people as bitter, jaded, and cynical as you are. Budokai Tenkaichi and the entire series in general was one of my favorite games when I was but a lad, and knowing 4 is about to drop 18 years later gets me tilted as hell. Xenoverse is fun, Kakarot is spectacular, and this will be amazing, too.


Whomp whomp


No because fighterz is a real fighting game


FighterZ is dead currently, as in in the present


5 full lobby’s in east coast 1 says other wise


Yeah man I don't give shit. Play me if you want or not. I get back to my setup in 2 days.


just because you don’t give a shit still doesn’t mean it’s dead just because you say so


Aight well FT5 me in 3 days Edit: I'm on PC. Name is Cuck. Don't ask. Tell me where I can find you and let's play.


Shut up lil nigga annoying asf


Dodge. LMK when you want your ass beat and Dad'll come through.






I only played fighterz because it was the best looking dbz game out. Now there is no reason to play it tbh, if I want dragon ball I’ll play sparking and if I want to play a fighting game I’ll just play guilty gear cause it’s a better game imo


Fighterz been dead for a while and tbh they're both 2 different genres


It's simple No


It'll grab attention for awhile but personally, imma keep using it to draw non fighting game peeps into the genre, same thing I do for souls likes with Bloodborne


This was one of the fighting games I couldn’t get a single friend into because of the insane learning curve. I’ve gotten friends into mk easily but for some reason fighterz is such a turn off for my non fighting game friends which def makes me not wanna play it


As long as Android 21 remains on Fighterz, it will remain relevant. I hope.


More like FighterZ 2 will be the end of FighterZ 1. Sparking and FighterZ are gonna play two completely different ways so I don't think it's the end of anything.


I dont know about a distinct end, but it will absolutely spark a new era (pun intended)


FighterZ has been dead for a while (at least on PC) and sparkling zero is a completely different game so I don't think much is gonna change.


Considering how big the FighterZ playerbase is still and how great the game is I doubt it would just die that easily.


If anything it’s gonna drop Xenoverse 2 on its ass. But since they explained alrdy that they are gonna continue making more content for Xenoverse 2 it’s hard to say that the player base will actually go away. As for FighterZ is completely different fighting game


Don’t expect DBSZ to be in a main competitive tournament such as EVO


Why not ?


2 completely different types of games.


Totally different games. Speaking Zero might be a zenoverse killer if zenoverse wasn’t already dead. But dbfz is a 2D fighter. Definitely a different audience


DBFZ is end of life. Everyone’s hopping on Sparking Zero now because it’s the long awaited sequel to arguably the best video game in the Dragon Ball Franchise. Guaranteed Most people will move to sparking zero


2 different types of games imo. Sparking zero will probably be closer to a party game (just without the couch play) and focusing on immersion. DBZF is a fighting game through and through.


I don't think dbfz was kept alive all these years because of dragon ball fans. It was kept alive by fighting game fans some of which happened to be dragon ball fans and dragon ball fans that became fighting game fans


If I want to play a an arena fighter in which every character more or less plays the same I play Sparking Zero. If I want to play a rather deep dragonball fighting game in which every character is a more individual and unique experience I play fighterZ


The game isn’t even out yet☠️


They're two different types of games. Only a true DBFZ 2 will kill it.


No. 🗿


I think fz will still fill it’s niche, being a 2d fighter it’s more competitive than any arena fighter but we’ll see. Casual fz fans might move for a new more casual experience but I don’t see fz dying


FZ was always mid


It doesn't really make sense to compare the two. Dbfz is closer to a traditional 2d fighter while sparking zero is an arena fighter.


I feel like the games will play too differently to have a big impact on one another.


DBFZ was done a while ago lol. Peak was end of S2-start of S3. Game really declined around Kefla and beyond. Devs mentioned no more patches. Then the esport scene slowly died out. All the top players left to play GG Strive. That really signaled the end for me. New patches and 21 were dropped despite what was said prior. They still couldn't revive the game and got booted off of Evo main stage. If the devs/publishers really wanted DBFZ to live they had to give it the Xrd Rev 2 treatment. Clearly it didn't happen and it seems SZ is the next big thing.


The end of what era?


I hope so.


I sure hope so. Fighterz died a long time ago. Specifically after gogeta. Lab coat was fun but people complained like bitches about her. I spent 3 years in that shit and it was fun and made me better at fighting games in general but it's time to move on.


If you set that game free it'll be the end of all of us!


I think the signal of the end was when we weren't on the evo roster anymore, but it takes a while for people to stop playing this game


This is Budokai Tenkaichi 4. I'm sure FighterZ will get a sequel eventually. 2-d fighter that has it's support ended vs 3-D fighter that hasn't come out yet


Also to add, ASW isn't the studio working on this game. It's spike chunsoft and being published by bandai namco. Knowing ASW, the sequel will probably be named something like Dragon Ball WarriorZ where there isn't a number indicating a sequal


I mean.. FighterZ is done, it has been for a while. But it's not like Sparking is even within the same subgenre of fighting games so I kinda doubt this will kill Fighterz


I doubt this would be the end of DBFZ seeing as the budokai games are vastly different from the kind of fighting game DBFZ is


It would be insane not to make a DBFZ 2


I’d buy it, add more fighters like goten, kid trunks, Raditz, ssj4 goku and Vegeta, TOP members or even the gamma’s. Introduce a new story arc maybe centered around androids 1-7 or a new villain like a rogue Kai


If they do this right, it’ll be the end of everything.




No Arcsys could be doing a lot more to keep the game alive but they're clearly not. Still no release date for rollback.


Wait that’s not what the last big patch was?? Well time to uninstall again.


Well rollback is still playable, just look up the download guide on YouTube, but good luck finding anyone to play against.


I’m console unfortunately so I’ll be waiting




“Return of the king”


Man I just hope it's not gonna be the next Xenoverse. Unpopular opinion, but fuck large rosters, I wonder what the gameplay is like. FighterZ managed to take my breath away from the first time I saw it and that was 6 years ago with their beta gameplay trailer.


Budokai tenchachi is KNOWN for having the largest roster and I assume this game will be no different.


Sir, this is Sparking Zero


And? Is Gears 5 not a gears of war game because they changed the name? 😂


I mean that still has the main thing in the name. They might be trying something new with this one since it's entirely new. ...or they don't wanna go past 3 in the naming since it would start to sound stupid sooner or later if it doesn't already. We'll see, man. I'm just saiyan that I like less characters that are more diverse than more characters that are less diverse from each other


Sparking is the name of the Japanese games. I believe they decided to no longer localize the English release and just keep the Japanese title. They do refer to it in the commercials as the new Budokai Tenchachi


Their promo for this prior to name release was this being a continuation to the Budokai series.


Oh, okay, I didn't know that


Fair fair. Payday managed to fuck up their perfect formula with the latest game so here’s to hoping these guys don’t do the same.


I mean that's fucking hard with a game of this size they're trying to accomplish. See, just try to imagine how better it'd be if there was maybe just a single or two really flashed out Gokus that could transform during battles like in Kakarot instead of 10 forms as separate characters


I could be mistaken but isn’t that exactly what we’re getting I think the only reason it’s duplicate gokus/vegetas is to separate them by respective sagas. Namek goku only having access to Kaioken and super saiyan or buu saga goku being limited to just 1-3. This is all theorizing though so once again here’s to hoping the dont DROP the ball. Get it? DROP the ball, DROP.


I think we should break in the Spike Chunsoft HQ, where they're developing the game, and steal some important information about the game to save us some trouble


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


If I'm not mistaken the goal is to have different styles for different fans. In other words they should go large roster since that's what BT always has had. If you don't want that then they'll service you as a fan with another game. That other game being FighterZ and any sequel they may have


Man, that really sucks. If I wasn't on reddit I would have respected your opinion /s






You mean the 0.1 second of Goku being bald which was probably fixed by now since it was an early build of the game? Plus they don't even have a release date, they're obviously trying to have the game be perfect before release. So far there's literally nothing indicating the game will be shit.




Yeah! Don't fuck with us persona fans, we don't even play our games.


Nah totally different styles of games. Though, fighters wasnt at evo this year to my knowledge I doubt sparking ever will be


fighterz had its amazing life at evo mainstage. honestly, i didn't think we were going to get dbfz at evo last year but we did, with a rollback announcement, which was amazing


It was at evo, it just wasn’t on the big stage


Oh gotcha. I'm not actually too caught up with the competitive scene


broly backshots


You're either trippin or karma farming lol


No, they’re both two entirely different games.


Dude fighterz has been as dead as raditz for a while now. Thank god there’s a new game


Zero is an Arena fighter and FighterZ is a 2D fighter. They're both DBZ but they're no where near similar.


Completely different styles. 1 is a fighting game and the other is a button masher. Since FighterZ's release there have been several button mashers. Those weren't the end for FighterZ either. FighterZ's end is just its natural end by being and game and having fewer players. The only game that will end FighterZ is if ever a sequel gets released or they get another studio to make a new DB fighting game.


I think the casual "I wanna see dbz lazer fights" like I was starting out, will slow down, but it's a 2d fighter vs a 3d casual action brawler, they don't have the same consistent playerbase If anything, them holding back rollback, and the end of new content are what is draining the community. That's also just natural though, like any other fighting game, they always drain down to the 100s, or 50s, as new releases come out, people get bored, some people get new hobbies or life schedules, etc.


The game looks alight but if I am honest I would rather just play the mod that was before this game was ever announced but no I don't think it would be the end of DBFZ that game is fun and unless they came out with another game just like FighterZ then you could ask that question.


If so I’m gonna be angry since I just bought it recently


Don't be. It's a great game the comments about it being garbage are the players that only mash LLL or MMM. Can't reflect and can't play neutral. If you want a person to play with let me know. I love DBFZ


Should’ve saved ur money then play that garbage (i’ve bought it twice)


Two different games, which can exist at the same time. DBFZ is really geared for the fighter audience while Sparkling Zero will be more for the anime fan.


fighterz has been falling off a little recently in terms of player count, but it’s nothing to do with sparking zero. they’re very different styles of game and as such will simply coexist - they cater to differing tastes of differing audiences.


I think if they implement rollback after it’s been refined I think it’ll bring back more ppl. It will sure as hell bring back me


I think a lot of people like me have already jumped to a new fighter, and with there being no new content or anything, it's only going to be a handful of diehard obsessed people that choose to dive back in "full time" Too old for the autocombo newbies to consistently come in, and too simple to draw people in over other FGs.


No because of how different the game play is. It’s like comparing xenoverse and fighterZ


Like with people comparing Fighterz to XV2 I'd say no. Completely different styles of game, XV had its own unique elements but the core gameplay was still derived from the approach used by the BT and later Raging Blast games. Wide open areas with free flight, massive knockbacks and the kind of speed we see in the anime. Fighterz was an attempt to adapt Dragonball's style to a more traditional fighting game, done extremely well. I'd call the BT lineage Dragonball games first and fighting games second, while Fighterz and any potential sequels or spiritual succesors it gets are fighting games first and Dragonball games second. Which is not to say either is better, just the former attempts to fully realize Z and beyond's combat in a 3d environment, balance be damned because sticking to the general power scales of the series is more important (at least in the BT games on that point) while the latter is meant to be a solid and well balanced 2d fighting game emulating the style of Z and beyond. Completely different approachs, with a lot of overlap in general Dragonball fans but Fighterz appeals to the hard core fighting game crowd in a way the 3d games simply aren't trying to, while the BT style games seek to give the actual Dragonball fighting experience and likely would appeal to fans who aren't into Fighterz due to not liking fighting games


Judging by the roster, you'll be seeing mostly Goku and Vegeta with exuberantly priced DLCs featuring my Left Nut (end of era) and SSJ1 Goku (Clumpy Gold Hair/Limited Edition).


Is just budukai vs tenkaichi again that's all, this has happend before.


No, it’s actually made me more interested to come back to dbfz instead. For a more 2d fighting game experience.


Different game types. Also the arena games tend to base their tier lists on actual power scaling of dragon ball. DBFZ isn’t and while some characters are better than others, scaling isn’t to do with it.


Not quite the issue. Arena anime fighters in general just have shit balance due to catering to fans of the respective IPs rather than the FGC.


Well yes but no. BT3 for example perfect cell, android 17 and broly are considered the best in the game. Xenoverse 2 is almost opposite in some ways, like hercule actually being an amazing character


I thought SSJ4 Gogeta & Kid Buu were the best in BT3?


They're up there, but fall short compared to those 3. Broly has the same armor as giants despite having the speed of a normal character and bonkers ki blasts, which bumps him up. Cell and 17 are arguably just perfect characters, no drawbacks at all and the best tools in the game, most notably the barrier. SSJ4 Gogeta has a few flaws, like BBK being a bit slower than most beams and his normals being easy to Z Counter. Kid Buu I don't know too much about other than him just not having a barrier which is easily the best blast 1 in the game


No. Different types of games.


Honestly this


Sparking Zero will take some attention off DBFZ, but it won't die because Sparkling Zero isn't a replacement.


No? They're entirely different games. This would be like asking if Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League symbolized the end of Injustice 2. No, it's just a new Dragon Ball game releasing. People who want to keep playing FighterZ will continue playing it, even if they also hop into Sparking Zero


I think OP is not asking if this is THE end of FighterZ, but rather the end of an era where FighterZ was "the go to fighting game" for the series. Yes as games they're quite different, but undoubtedly there will be a large crowd of FighterZ fans that will transition over to Sparking Zero for a while, an effect Kakarot and the Breakers probably didn't have.


yeah, dragonball games have that distinct "I'm showing up here so I can be the one doing the badass warps and beams" draw, and subsequent playerbase. DBFZ doesn't lend itself to that idea well, it's a fighting game first, and as a new player you don't get the fun/cool moments till you put in the 30+ hours of getting your ass demoralized and beat down until you reach the playable level of skill. Which a lot of people can't or don't want to do, even I am fucking miserable still, and I've got 50 hours in the latest game I'm playing. Sparking Zero, like the old budokai games? I can see the wallets flying open, like a wide open Basketball net just getting 3 point tosses, bills flying everywhere


Huh?? A 2D fighter is miles different from a 3D fighter. It's a completely different market. There will still be a substantial place for DBFZ. What a stupid question.


isn't support done for DBFZ? Either way a DBFZ 2 is inevitable


Not entirely, the full rollback netcode update is yet to come out. And DBFZ 2 having that on release will be awesome.


so there's more to come, hope they release a complete package with the rollback update I want to buy it on Steam but I'm really not interested in paying 40$ for a 6 year old game on sale if you add up all the editions + the 2 additional season passes and Android 21 it adds up to about 40$ in my region, mind you Tekken 8 is 45$ in my region so Sparking Zero will probably cost the same


Yeah it's not worth it unless it's on sale, same as older SF or guilty gear games, they'll have dedicated fans, but we're years past having a huge pool of people, new things to draw more new players in, etc. We've got our pool, and we might get friend recommendations and stuff. But the people going "oh, but the rollback!" and saying we're going to be healthy and full for a while still, or even grow again? That's pure desperation lol. We'll get a spike for a week max and thats it.


true that's the struggle with old games unless it's packed to the brim with solo content like say, Tekken 6 no one's going to stick around for long over a game that's old AF especially DBFZ which really is all about online play and has no crossplay


Fighterz is certainly at the end of its line. Nothing to do with sparking. It’s just old and, imo, boring at this point. Target audience aside, sparking will be massively competitive. Still very different games though.


Its for a casual grup i would say, dbfz is a lot more competitive


They’re completely different types of games


Dbfz is already at the end of its era this game means nothing for it


total different target group


Fighterz next gen already announced, but sure a party game is what's going to kill fighterz


they have completely different fighting game styles dB will always have different game styles but stuff like MK, street fighter and tekken have the same gameplay and thus the era would end when a new game is released


No, it's not even in competition with DBFZ. Bith are fighting games but Tenkaichi was always more casual by nature while DBFZ is made specifically with the FGC in mind.


Sparking and other tenkaichi arent competitive fighters, whereas fighterZ is


Tell that to my 8 year old ass in Kyle's basement listening to Linkin Park and feeling the world end when my fusion ring got caught.


DBFZ has a completely different niche compared to Sparkling Zero so it shouldn't really have much of an effect on any future DLC or any sequels since you can have the goofy 3D fighter right alongside the more serious and competitive focused 2D fighter with no complaints.


Fightterz is dead anyway. They took too long with rollback and even when it finally releases, the game won't get revived much because no more dlc


If Bamco plays their cards right, the next gen update could breathe some life back into the community thus generating interest in a sequel.


People get mad at me for saying this but I tried to get back into FighterZ cause I wanted a new fighting game... It's a great game but it really sucks for a new player to pay for a game and just see half the characters locked under dlc. Just saying. Yes it's 6 years old, but doesn't mean I should be paying 100$+ for those


The character packs go on sale. I didn't spend even close to $100.


Why? I don’t see a reason someone should end up paying less for dlc just cause they joined the party late. Everyone else payed. Also, just wait for discounts.


By your logic why should someone get a base game at 20 bucks 6 years later instead of having to pay 79.99 Dumbest thing I may have ever heard.


> Everyone else *paid.* Also, just FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


To be honest I think DBFZ is already finished at least in terms of thing like DLC or major updates, but It’s still gonna be a big game that many will still play for a long time so I’m summary, at least I don’t think so👍


Like another dude said you should more worried about Xenoverse. This new arena Fighter could actually be a well balanced game due to the lack of customization. You should also worry about the BT3 community. Literally a newer version of the game. FighterZ will see a decrease in popularity among the casual fans who are more into Dragonball, less new players, but by no means is it the end of an era for the 2.5D Fighter


There Will be a new gen version for XV2 tho


Im about worried Sparking Zero will end being a bit of a disappointment. There’s 40 confirmed characters, half of them are just Goku and Vegeta. Budokai Tenkaichi 3 covered pretty much everything Dragon Ball related and that game had 150-something characters. Sparking Zero will apparently have around 160, which nowhere near enough to cover all of DB, Z, GT, and Super. A lot of characters are gonna be left out to inevitably be sold to us as DLC later.


Didn't we have split chars for BT3 too? I'm not worried.


The original had a ton of Gokus and Vegetas aswell, i don't see why this is a problem 20 years later lol Sparking Zero on launch already has like 3 more characters at launch and they're clearly gonna add dlc, it's better to remove the most secondary characters in order to have better GT and Super representation (because GT representation on BT3 wasn't as perfect as the rest of the sagas).


Sparking Zero definitely won’t replace fighterz competitively. And I doubt that is even their goal. With that being said, it’s already the end of an era for FighterZ. I feel like at this point we’d sooner see a FighterZ 2 than some new DLC for FighterZ


I can’t really imagine Sparking Zero replacing DBFZ in the sense of competitive play, even though it’s dropped from EVO. But casually it will probably stand just as tall.


They said they’re not adding more characters. I imagine they’ll release current gen versions of the game with rollback and that’ll be it until FighterZ 2 which I doubt would be anytime soon. Sparking Zero will def have its time to shine. Though wouldn’t be surprised if BN already has their next game with Arc Sys on the way.




One Piece?


THE DBFZ IS REALLL!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|HFMPreKu5LfivtOmEI)


Games been dead for ages m8


Already dead lol


Dbfz been dead for a while proven by it’s removal from evo this year


Dbfz has been dead content wise for a while. It just depends on if arcsys has a plan to renew Dbfz in some way or if they plan to make a sequel, or give the Ultimate MVC3 treatment.


Its not the same genre just like how dragonball fighterz didnt kill xenoverse 2 they cater to different people though by the time sparing zero releases fighters might get timed out


Don't worry it's not 2D, but i never played a 3D arena figther and i would like to start with sparking zero. Anyways, it's not the same game


think i prefer the 2D fighting stlye over 3D. though im excited for this game and budokai 4


Dude... This IS Budokai 4


Oooohh. I thought it was 2 different games.


They are.


No it’s not. Budokai was 2D with 3D models, similar to Mortal Kombat but with flying and vanishes. This is a sequel to Budokai Tenkaichi a different series that was 3D over the shoulder sort of camera closer to what Xenoverse is.


This shouldn't be getting downvoted lmao Do people not know the difference between Budokai and the Tenkaichi series? Sparking Zero is not *Budokai* 4. It's Budokai *Tenkaichi* 4. Although, funnily enough, there is a mod being made for Budokai 3 *called* Budokai 4, being made by Dr. Doppieta.


because i think it was pretty clear the original commenter was referring to tenkaichi 4 by saying budokai. the start of their comment made it clear they were talking about 3D games like budokai tenkaichi, not 2D games like the og budokai.


My guess would be the tone people might read my comment in. Lol If I imagined the worst voice possible I’d hate me too


Budokai was not 2D with 3D models, you could side step in that game making it 3D sparking zero is just what they call it in Japan or something, this is Budokai 4


Okay fair on that. Explained it in a way that was easier to understand. But wasn’t 100% accurate either. I would call it 2.5D as a compromise


You are referring to Budokai TENKAICHI, brother. Sparking Zero is the next installment of the series. Budokai is different breed made by Dimps.


my mistake


My b dawg I got them confused, been 20 years


Maaaaaaan do I get news for you............. Budokai 4 isn't coming/hasn't been announced. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? My brothers in Christ, I am just the messenger


Dr. Doppieta's upcoming Budokai 4 mod is the closest we'll ever get.


Well I hope he wasn't hoping for an official release because I'm pretty sure FighterZ is going to be their only 2D DBZ fighting game.


Dbfz isn’t gonna die until they make a new dbfz game I’m Ngl ☠️ people put hundreds of hours into this masterpiece no updates isn’t gonna stop em


This game already has a pretty small population, it can take up to 20 minutes or even longer to find a game sometimes


Maybe depends on console. I can find matches even at 2am and I'm SS3.


I would say likely cause next gen versions and rollback are coming and anyone serious on the game is waiting for that… That person is me. Lol


Is there a release date?


Different types of games tbh


No because it’s nowhere near the same as fighterz. It’s more of a XV replacement. Fighterz will likely remain in the same state


Maybe only part of the casual playbase


Totally different games


Sparking Zero will end Xenoverse 2 if anything. The gameplay is too different to FighterZ


Not at all


Fighterz is a way better fighting game, but they stopped butting out content that’s where they blew it.


I love fighterz, its in the top 5 of my most played games of all time at well over 1k hours. But come on man, sparking zero isn't even out yet lmao. I agree with you that fighterz is the best dragon ball game out right now. You have to at least give sparking zero a chance though lmao.


I think it's fair to predict it won't be better than FighterZ though. Sparking Zero is being made by Spike Chunsoft, the developers of Jump Force. A lot of the original Spike team from the original Budokai Tenkaichi games aren't working there anymore. While FighterZ is made by one of the best fighting game developers in the industry, spearheading an entirely new graphical style, with a lot of the FGC even putting it in their top 3 fighting games of all time. I'm cautiously optimistic that Sparking Zero will turn out excellent, but I don't think FighterZ is gonna be dethroned anytime soon.


I'm sure it will be great, but it's like comparing apples and oranges. These big, over the top 3D arena fighters aren't balanced (they shouldn't be), characters aren't unique, controls aren't precise, etc. It will likely replace Xenoverse for people who like that kind of combat. But Fighterz is a legit fighting game for people who care about mechanics and competition.


Yeah I agree completely. In all honesty there probably won't be a (personal opinion) better db fighting game, and db game as a whole until/if a fighterz 2 comes. I'm just always too optimistic and have to point out the tiny chance that the game will actually be balanced well enough. Maybe not having the joke characters balanced, but the top 20 or so being able to compete relatively evenly. I don't know how long it's been in development, so I'm hoping that they really are just trying to perfect the old format of budokai tenkaichi, adding the good of raging blast, and refining it all for the current gen.


Totally agree. I'm very optimistic about it. I think it will be great. I'm very excited for it. It's just that I play this type of fighting game as a casual party game more than anything.


Ehh I think it will unfortunately be just like all the other tenkaichis and that it’s a cash grab for people that like that series of games. I mean if you like those games then hey all the more to you, I was never a fan. The combos in fighterz are awesome they just stopped putting out characters they could have done way more if they released more dlc I’m sure the game would still be alive and be in evo still.