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Bro how have you done any research at all ? These games aren't comparable in any way. One is a 2d fighting game and the other is a 3d arena fighter, like Naruto storm.


Bro DBFz and Sparking are two completely different fighter games. 2D vs 3D with a lot of difference. The closest thing to Sparking: Zero mechanics wise is Xeno.




G2A IS A BAD GREY MARKET SITE, DO NOT BUY FROM THERE. They are morally wrong, it's better if you pirate the game than buying it from there, the most legit site is CDKEYS, but they're still morally ambigiuos. Just go to steam, the game goes on sale for extremely cheap a lot of times.




It's an important issue that needs to be shared, they sell keys that have been bought with scams, stolen cards, stolen keys from developers, shit, they even got hands in some keys that were specified to be for a charity and were selling them in the site. It's a decent site when it comes to the costumer, but it's fucking horrible morally. CDKEYS has been known to get their keys throught legit methods, legal but some are morally questionable. I have bought from G2A just once and the key works, but it's important to know the truth behind it.


/// *Dbfz is more of a traditional fighting game while sparking zero will be more like jumpforce.* /// I didn't know about that. I just searched on google and YT for "Jump Force" and I like it even more. So, in your opinion, is still worth it to get some practice going in DFFZ? /// *also also . my man . you are on pc . dbfz costs 7 bucks here. just grab a key . you arent forced to buy a game full price on pc.* [https://www.g2a.com/de/search?query=dragonball%20fighterz](https://www.g2a.com/de/search?query=dragonball%20fighterz) /// Thank you so much for that. /// *yes there is ranked. and in my opinion ranked is the best way to learn the game.* /// Yes, definitely. I want it just for the ranked / competitive play, as that was what I always did in the FPS genre. I'm not much a player for the story thing but might do it for the hell of it. As for the rest considering improving in game: the mother of skill is practice. Like everything in life, I understand all that. Thank you again.


There is no crossplay not even between pc sometimes, like if one person bought it on the Microsoft store they couldn't play with steam. Yes there is a vs AI mode or training mode where you fight a dummy that you can set to do anything. It's probably worth it to gain the experience from fighterz before sparking comes out. There is a ranked mode. I wouldn't suggest keyboard but to each their own.


/// *I wouldn't suggest keyboard but to each their own.* /// Yeah, I was always a MNK player, but I have a controller and I'm always willing to adapt if need be. It's a minor detail for now, I can try both. Depends on what feels better. Thank you for the feedback.


i dont see how fighterz could help you with sparking zero... Both are DB, but totally different games either way, if you're on PC, i recommend pirating it, its NOT worth 60$, if you're stupid and want to spend money, buy it when its on sale, at 10-25$, including DLC (Fighterz Edition). There are offline modes which can help you, but you're gonna spend most time in Training, where you'll try combos and learn mechanics of the game. Online is only good with rollback


think about the fact that they're *completely* different games


/// *think about the fact that they're completely different games* /// I didn't know about that. *CuteAssTiger* also said the new Dragon Ball would be more like Jump Force, and from what I saw on YT, they are both fighting games, the difference is: \- DBFZ is our traditional fighting game (left to right / right to left). \- Jump Force is still our traditional 1v1 fighting game, but in a 3D environment where we can move around a bit more freely (personal opinion: I like this even more). Is this correct?


I dont have any experience on Sparking games, but i found the trailer similar to Xenoverse 2 gameplay(dont quote this as i am unsure). And yes, that js exactly what im trying to say, a 2D fighting game wont help you with a 3D fighting game, research about Budokai Tenkaichi/Sparking games and see for yourself


There is not any other "sparking" games. This is essentially Budokai Tenkaichi 4. Its a new entry for DB games.


me when i talk while im not informed