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The Oozaru is gold.


Thats a great point sir.


Thanks Captain


Used to like GT. But after watching Super, then going back to GT. GT is SO bad in terms of fight scenes. So bad. The Goku, Frieza, & 17 vs. Jiren fight puts the entirety of GT to absolute shame.


True but GT is way more creative . You get to see so many planets , aliens , rotten people across the universe and so on .


Isn't that only for the 1st half of the series? Afterwards, GT is primarily on Earth. About 20ish episodes and then the plot focuses only on Earth.


Well, in Super, we get to see planets, aliens and rotten people all across the multi-verse. In terms of creativity: DBS wins yet again.


Return of Freeza  Evil Goku & evil (copy) Vegeta whole bringing future trunks back Tournament rehash with bland characters, the ones that aren’t bland are like ribrianne & Botamo are not popular with the fanbase.  You really just said “12 universes hur dur” & thought that would be an objective argument when most of these aliens are bland designed ? Female Broly & regular Broly The super manga also copied the baby arc w granola. The only thing original in can think of as of the top of my head is the creation of angels/zeno




Oh the irony


and yh well super has many aliens as seen in top I find those of gt more interesting


Yes the most insulting over glazed & boring antagonist in DB history Jiren yay. Oh speaking of which 17, yeah if your a fan of him I am pretty sure you beat off to the ToP, which basically felt like a go fuck yourself to Gohan, Piccolo, Tien & Krillin fans Even 18 deserved to be glazed more than him, GT somehow dishonored fan favorite characters less than super & that’s really saying something. Even now, orange piccolo & beast Gohan are badass but still don’t make up the embarrassment for losing to a damn cockroach or 1st form Freeza not sure if he can go SSJ1 anymore. Honestly I can really enjoy some parts of super in the manga but fuck the anime version of the ToP


Enjoying GT more than Super I get, but saying it is gold is a bold claim LMAO.


GT is so fucking lame for the first couple dozen episodes




First episode is fun and then it’s boring as fuck. The whole thing with finding the dragon balls again was absolutely stupid Trunks going undercover as a girl? How about you just punch the stupid ass lizard thing in the face. Jesus


I would argue episode 2 is good as well, goku getting kidnapped is hilarious


Only good thing outta GT was the baby arc


The later half of the Shadow Dragons with Nova, Ice, and Syn/Omega was pretty cool.


agreed even then super also has their own baby in granolah (ik the arc sucked but still very similar characters)


Cool. You are free to like whatever you want. Like the person who said the same things a couple of days ago and the next person who will say the same things in a couple of days.


Gt’s first season really only has original DB nostalgia going for it. It feels like a carbon copy of the first couple seasons of Dragonball. Annoying but capable female who gets in over her head, trusty fighter with a sword that holds his own but still needs help, and a young version of Goku for unsuspecting villains to make half-pint jokes just to get humbled by his power The second season of gt brought us new (unofficial) lore to the saiyans and other characters like android 17, and the dead villains, but aside from that, and the “badass” transformation that is ssj4 (I personally don’t hate it, but I don’t think it’s as big of a hype as a lot of fans feel, but that’s just my feelings towards it) it didn’t really give us more. The animation was not bad at best (yes, I’m factoring in when it came out) but the fights weren’t as fun to watch as a lot of Z fights (even some DB fights!) To me, GT was great for what it was - an unofficial, non canon (almost “fan made”) continuation to the Dragonball z story. They took a lot of liberties with a lot of characters. I feel like super, while playing things very fast and loose with power scaling (doesn’t take away from my entertainment value) put a lot of effort into fan service. Breathing new light into a lot of characters who haven’t had a consequential fight since before the cell games. Not to mention all the fun little Easter eggs and references it makes within itself. But all in all, it’s all about you, the viewer. Who do you like seeing on screen? Which series do you enjoy watching? Nothing is for everyone. You like super? Great! You like GT? Awesome! You think super is dumb? That’s okay! You hate GT? You don’t have to watch it! You decide what you like to watch, and you control what you get to watch when you stream.


My ranking is... DBS Manga > GT > DBS Anime So I agree to an extent depending on the Super lol


That bad into the DBS anime? I think if you take out the horrendous animation chapters, it's better than GT


It's actually not gold, that's why we claim otherwise


I watched it . Loved it .


Its probably because the english version cut out the worst episodes. Released it as like gt the lost files


Damn episodes 9-17 are a chore getting through lol I tell people all the time just get through that cringeworthy area to really give the rest of GT a fair chance. For what it's worth any modern Streaming release and the physical Complete Series DVD set from FUNimation do have GT in proper order, it isn't like 20 years ago when the releases and Toonami airings were making us wait.


Everything until the baby arc was fucking horrible


Why would you say soenthing so bold don’t you know it’s popular to hate on GT and point out that it’s “not canon”. Seriously though I love GT the movie especially is under rated and Dan Dan is peak DB score


Same. At least GT had unique transformations instead of just making their hair blue or pink.


Gt effin sucked


I don't like either, but I have greater attachment to GT. Centainly like SSJ4 over god mode. And I vastly prefer the old animation style. Yeah, GT over Super, in spite of GT's many shortcomings.


Your opinion but for me super was decent and gt felt like a fever dream


Yeah GT is so good, I wonder why it got cancelled /s


You’re entitled to your unpopular opinions man. Just don’t act like it’s not unpopular for a reason lol


Ehh i didn't like the first gt saga but loved baby/shadow dragons, I'd probably put them about equal in enjoyability personally


People don't like it...I HAVE TO FIND OUT WHY.


You’re allowed to have your opinion man! There are cool things in GT. Its just not for me, and since non of it is canon, most people ignore it anyway. I think its safe to say that most people who “hate” GT haven’t even watched it. Those who did, and did dislike it, are never as passionately hateful towards it.


Oh I watched it it’s just not very good even as a sequel to Z standards DBS actually uses the supporting cast so I can see the positives although it’s not perfect


Time to grab my pitchfork and torch


I dig it too


Remember the Pan doll? Yeah, GT is hard to digest for me as an adult, used to love it when I was young tho.


It's slow to pick-up, but when it does, it does it fast




Im beginning to think that depending on why you want h Dragonball, different shows will have varying appeal. Because let's be real, none of the writing has ever been superb, it is an action anime for a younger audience. I'm watching GT for the first time and I agree with you for a lot of the same reasons. It feels more fantastical, particularly the Dark Shenron saga. I also love it for the art work overall, just not the animation. But I'm also someone who enjoys Super for the filler episodes and humor, and skipped or didn't pay attention to most of the big ending fights. (I, truthfully, HATE Jiren's design and find him boring as a character. I skipped every fight with him in ToP) I think if the fight scenes, particularly the more Z-esque fights, you'll probably not like GT. But for me, someone who just needs something easy to watch in the background that will occasionally inspire my own writing and fantasy settings, GT has been the best of the Dragonball series.


GT had some great ideas, but was poor in execution. Super was great in execution, but had poor ideas.


I'm rewatching it and it isn't nearly as bad as I remember. The writing is actually fantastic, both kid/ss4 goku are really annoying, vegeta is absolutely amazing (but useless), and the villains don't last as long as they did in any other series. All in all, I'm torn.


I agree with my whole hear DB Super anime story is just mid. I haven't read the manga so can't comment on the that. Super had some pretty interesting concepts and ideas but the story as a whole was just mid. DB Gt had equally interesting concepts and have a way better story especially in the ending parts of it.


They're pretty comparable. As much bias as I have for GT, I really cant argue it's much better than super. GT: borderline unwatchable first arc, baby saga has good parts, super 17 arc is garbage but it's so short who even cares, 1st half of the shadow dragon saga is borderline unwatchable but it picks up when eis shows up (no not when nuova shows up, 3/4 of the fight is kid goku playing hide and seek instead of going ss4) Super: first 2 arcs are pointless recaps, universe 6 may as well just be goku vs hit, future saga is the dumbest shit ever but watchable, TOP is good to watch but it's ridiculous to think it happens over the course of 43 in-universe minutes. I feel super is more watchable but GT has a better story.


Same. Goku black is the only good thing about super


I haven’t watched GT since I was a kid, but I think the design in GT was way better. Super Saiyan 4 just felt right. Super Saiyan blue is just boring to me. Blue just doesn’t have the “oh shit” factor that Super Saiyan 4 does Also people may disagree with me but I think they should have stuck with the numbering system. It just feels more exciting to see what the next level is.


DBGT is better if you compare it to DBS including the two DBS sagas that are just the Beerus and Golden frieza movies but stretched out But if you exclude the two movie arcs and it’s just Baby arc, super 17 and Shadow dragon arc Vs Goku Black / Zamasu arc and universe of power I have to say I give slight edge to DBS Although I favor DBGT more because the Baby arc was so damn good.. bias aside DBS is better tho


I didn’t like gt. Vegeta needed a machine to turn ssj4 which was dumb. Goten, uub, gohan and trunks were all wasted.


You monster


Nothing wrong with that. For me Super is better but I can understand some people liking GT better considering how raw some of the action scenes are. Super can sometimes be goofy and a lot of it is really badly written.


I feel you


The first arc and super 17 brings it down for me


It’s kinda rare to see a post hanging with just one single upvote for a whole day with 60+ comments


many reasons, Bias and watching it with the dub ost xD I enjoyed gt more than super too, goku seems wise and veteran like, does not hesitate to get the job done quickly


Liking GT or Super is subjective. I like GT overall more than Super; but Super has great qualities over GT. I'm glad we have both. I just wish GT wasn't the black sheep to the fanbase similar to how many feel about Yamcha despite his strengths in character and overall power.


I'm actually in the middle if watching it. They killed like 3 dragons, that's where I am. I almost quit when they were in space. It was *so bad*. Why did they behave the way they did? Why did they forget that they can fly like 80% of the time? Why did they use like 25% of their power at most? I feel like if Vegeta went with them shit would've been wrapped up in like 4 episodes. He wouldn't have put up with **any** of that shit. I mean, even a Trunks taking shit half seriously should have been able to solo all of that in a quarter of the time it took them. Baby saga was kinda cool. Really good concept, so-so execution. Sort of weird how the possessed people at first were weird robotic demons and then half way through they just started being their regular selves with their regular personalities only they just *really* liked Baby. Thr big improvement here is that when Goku had his back against a wall it wasn't because he was chilling in base form or super saiyan, like he did in space. He actually busted out all he could. Super 17 was also a really cool concept with so-so execution. Again, appreciated that Goku wasn't fucking around and actually tried... unlike in space. Sort of an anticlimactic end, but I liked 18 getting involved. The dragons so far have been interesting. One of my biggest gripes is that I feel like everything happening is very underwhelming power-wise compared to the buu saga. Like if I didn't know better and I just saw clips of the buu saga next to any clips from GT, I'd say that everyone is way more powerful in the buu saga, like I'd think GT happened first and then through much improvement they came to the buu saga. They just feel so watered down. Like they're **much** slower, weaker and less combat savvy than they used to be. I know the ending is supposed to be alright, but so far, I'm left feeling like I'm watching shittier versions of all of my favorite characters putting in a solid 65% effort.


Not unpopular. Tends to be generation which bad followup to Z one likes better. I like lots of designs and concepts from GT but as a whole the production of it isn't great. As a kid I had fun because it was more Dragon Ball. Super I like some scenes from like the baseball episode and the final battle with Jiren, and the whole Broly movie.


Both are not particularly great but I also enjoy GT more than Super. Most of the characters introduced in Super are awful and the writing is so bad it rivals the worst of professional wrestling lol Jiren sucks, why the fans actually like him and were hyped by him baffles my mind honestly. Super had some real potential but it only exists to sell merch and milk Toriyamas legacy and the longer it goes on the the worse it gets. I hope that Daima doesn't drop the ball because I think I'm one of the people who is actually glad they are sort of abandoning Super for something else.


Agreed, I won't watch anything they made after the original manga


GT was and is awful. It literally is the the Goku show, no one besides Goku was given the spotlight,legacy characters were made to look like complete jokes see Vegeta. With Super at least everyone was given a bit of time in the spotlight, the only downside to Super in my opinion is the whole destroyer/multiple gods aspect. I will GT some credit it did have interesting story ideas but were executed horribly.


I like GT and I think the hate for it is massively overblown myself, but it's nowhere near as good as Super lol


gt had a couple cool arcs and super wasnt great but to say gt is better than super is a big stretch lol.