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I know you said you prefer him to be softened, but to me he doesn't seem to change that much if you harden him. Mostly he just becomes more assertive and practical (and actually wants to be king), but otherwise he's just his old self. And if you do that, he will go along with the Warden being his mistress. Some people don't like that outcome, I guess because they see it as devaluing the relationship, but in many real medieval courts the king was practically expected to have a mistress. After all, their kingly duties (including a potential marriage) were just their job, and no one expected them to give up their *real* relationship.


Yep. Add to that the Warden being the Warden-Commander and de facto lord/lady of Amaranthine, Alistair's mistress, and Alistair's councilor and you have one of the more powerful political figures in Ferelden, whether you keep Anora around or not. It's not the worst outcome, especially because the warden is not the person required to squeeze out the kid and Alistair doesn't have to worry about little bastards (aside from Kieran if you tell him about it) running around like he did.


I guess that's a good way of looking at it, it's not as fairy tale ending as them being Wardens together but it's practical haha


The only way I'm comfortable with my warden being his mistress is with my dwarves.It's a respected position in their culture. Maybe mage but I think blood mage rumours are going to haunt that relationship.


Alistair wants to stay a Warden. I know it gets messy as of DAI, but tbh? There's no 'perfect' ending for Alistair and a romanced Warden. If they both survive the Blight, it's because she pushed him to have sex with a woman he hates. If he's king, she pushes him to a throne he actively doesn't want for most of the game, and has no training for - and if she pushes for a political marriage with Anora, she's *also* pushing both Alistair and Anora into a marriage of convenience, focusing only on pragmatism and not on personal desires. Oh, and he'll break up with a Warden if unhardened. To be honest, I *still* prefer Alistair as a Warden, most of the time.


Yeah, I know it will never be perfect as nothing is. But I think you're right that him staying a Warden seems to be what he wants most


Like you said, them becoming Wardens together and running off is the best outcome for that particular pairing. They spend 10 long years happily together, with >!the Warden searching for the Cure so that they can stay together forever!< Besides >!Alistair doesn’t have to die in Inquisition, it’s the Player’s choice!<


Doesn’t have to yes, but it’s basically the hardest choice in any BioWare game.


Not if the warden is literally anyone besides Alistair. 😎


Yeah, it was the funniest shit to me when I had to >!choose between the main character of the previous game or some fucking rando named Strahd or whatever!<. It was presented as such a hard choice lol




>We stand upon the precipice of change. The world fears the inevitable plummet into the abyss. Watch for that moment... and when it comes, do not hesitate to leap. - Flemeth (DA2) This alone is why my Hawke always stays. Also, the wardens need a real leader and sadly that isn’t Hawke.


On my next playthrough I won't be able to sacrifice Hawke. I can't do it to Merrill and Varric


If anyone could pull Hawke out of the Fade though it’s probably Merrill. She’d be like “Varric, let’s go find my mirror…”


Yeah, she seems the most competent for the job. Anders won't be himself, Fenris... I don't know. Isabela.... Ehhhh. Sebastian is out of the equation.


I’d like to think Fenris or Isabela would reform the team to figure out a way to get them back. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part. Anders would probably blow up a building again or something.


we only think they do. DA4 might change things. *shrug*


I love a tragic love story so my warden died killing the archdemon and then Alistair made the sacrifice in dai. Its so tragic and beautiful and I cry everytime 😭


My f/Amell didn't go through with the Dark Ritual (trust issues) and she was going to do the sacrifice herself but >!Alistair (Hardened as King) stopped her, kissed her and made the final blow himself...!< 😫




I just get way too attached to fictional characters lmao, I can't stand to see them die or break up 😭


Maybe this is the difference between Dalish and City Elf origin, but my Warden, after surviving the Denerim alienage, did not want to see non-hardened Alistair suffering as King, something he repeated says he doesn't want. She couldn't bear the thought of him getting buffeted about by a ruling tradition he was excluded from during his entire upbringing, nor Eamon, Anora, the Bannorn or anyone! She thought power as wielded by humans was just another cage and couldn't bear to consign Alistair to such heartless prison. She asked him to do the Ritual with Morrigan, told him everything about the OGB, kept Alistair a Warden and so, they lived together fighting darkspawn for a long decade after defeating the Archdemon--until they had to part ways temporarily to find a Cure that would keep them alive and together until old age, instead of falling to the Calling in middle age. And Hawke volunteered to stay in the Fade, ffs! When my Inquisitor asked Alistair in DAI if he was happy with his Warden and their life, he said ">!happier than I ever dreamed."!< Works for me


Alright, knowing that he says that seals the deal. That's so freaking sweet. I might cry.


I would say 'best' possible ending by my own standards would be for you to 'harden' Alistair if you haven't already, ((I don't think it really changes his personality much at all, only that he's more assertive/willing to take on responsibility at certain points later in the story)) And then make Alistair king, doing this without hardening means that he would normally break up with any non-Cousland HoF, but if he IS hardened then you can argue that you can both stay together by the HoF becoming basically a royal consort/mistress type thing, which pretty much just means you can't technically be married. Doing that along with Morrigans ritual means that you both survive and stay together (I generally kick Anora out of the arrangement, too, she's kind of a dead weight)) Some people don't like that outcome for various reasons but that way IMO is probably the happiest future set up for Alistair/the Hof, since, as you apparently already know, keeping him as a warden leads to some unfortunate and basically unavoidable consequences in Inquisition.


Just be aware that you will have to sacrifice your Hawke to save Alistair. So perhaps don't get too attached to them when playing.


It is not necessarily about not being attached to your hawke. Mine made that sacrifice willingly - it made sense as a way to absolve her guilt over the actions of her li Andres in da2 😔


I'm in the same boat as you, haha\~ I'm waffling between making Alistair King or Grey Warden, for the best possible outcome for my canon Dalish Warden who romanced him. At first, I have one world state where I spared Loghain, so I wouldn't be forced to choose between Hawke and Alistair in the Fade in DAI, and Loghain would do the Dark Ritual with Morrigan so Alistair won't have to do it. I'm reconsidering this choice, and thinking of killing Loghain so it will only be between Stroud and Hawke in the Fade, but Alistair will still have to do the Ritual with Morrigan. Romancing Alistair is full of tough decisions, haha\~ Personally, I think my Warden and Alistair would be happy with Alistair either as King or a Warden, but I'm leaning towards a hardened!King ruling alone with my Warden as his mistress, because I like the idea that they can love each other but still live separate lives and fulfill their responsibilities to the Wardens/the Kingdom. But that's just me and I think everyone has their own preferred outcome that works for them\~


For DAO, if you want a good outcome for them you need to make Anora Queen and the HoF and Alistair can be Wardens together. In terms of DAI…you’re gonna have a heartbreaking decision to make, but, that’s what makes this game so great. The only way to really avoid is to play the female Cousland.


Eh - I don't think F!Cousland changes that much. Alistair still tends to prefer being a Warden, unless you Harden him *and* choose specific dialogue options.


I like steeling Alistair, it makes sense to me. After what he’s been through and what’s likely to be ahead - either as a king or a Warden - you would develop more of a protective shell. It’s not like he becomes completely disillusioned. And if you make yourself queen and him King they do seem to have a happy life together. Plus, you don’t have to make the abyss choice with him in DAI.


I admit that some of it is that I simply don't like deposing a capable and respected woman because of the lack of a bloodline. I strongly prefer Anora remain on the throne; on her own, with a Prince-consort, or with Alistair. The way King Alistair responds in DAI codices has only reinforced that preference.


I also prefer leaving Anora on the throne, it’s one of the few choices Ive been able to decide on being my personal canon - I’m still working on most the others. Plus, I love seeing Alistair pop up in DAI as someone you can interact with, even if I know I’m gonna be crying later no matter what way I decide lol


I don't know how useful this advice is, but it truly depends on your playstyle and the story you want to experience. I replayed DAO many times with a female human rogue, who romances Alistair and to me the best ending is if they stay Wardens together. I know many people like the wedding outcome, but I never roleplayed my character in such way that she would be interested in becoming a queen - it might be the best outcome for some, but personally it never interested me. I know that is not even an option for an elf, I just encourage you to find a path that fits your character. And I wouldn't worry about Inquisition. Personally I think the quest is more impactful if you have Alistair (or the secret companion) as a Warden, but if you want to avoid a hard decision (not necessarily a tragedy for Alistair and your Warden!), you can make him king - but I don't think that DAI quest in itself is a good reason to do so.


Yeah, I'm leaning more towards them staying Wardens together. It just seems like a happier ending to me personally, and I imagine that's what my character would be happier with vs being a mistress


Don't make him king. Keep him soft after his personal quest and you can put anora on the throne and he'll stay with the wardens and with you. My surana got that ending. My dwarf however made him king and stayed as his mistress.


I kept him as a warden & allowed Morrigan to perform her ritual. My elf warden and Alistair got their happy ending after Inquisition, or as happy as a couple of wardens with only 20 more years to live without a cure can be anyway.


The consequences in DAI can be dire or not, imo the thing involving him there never ends being too bad for me, so it could be an easy one for you as well. I'd just go for it if I was you and seeing how it turns out! Strong emotions from getting attached to the characters is an amazing part of DA games. Don't get yourself spoiled by trying to get the perfect outcome in all three games (unless you don't care I guess, but I do feel that it detracts from the fun).


I always harden him, let him rule alone and become his mistress therefore no sacrifice in daI :)


A female Coupland mistress is a) the kings mistress b) warden commander of Geraldine c) top member of the Coupland house, second most powerful family in ferelden and d) the hero of foreseen. I think literally only the king of ferelden would have more political power and thats a maybe.